However, Sue Kirin not at all took advantage of the victory.

“Are you finally here!-Xiaoji, sword!”

“Got it!”

Tianji then chanted a eulogy, White Dragon His body turned into light fragments and dissipated in the air.

What emerged from it was a murky heavy sword.

Sue Kirin grasped the hilt of the sword tightly, and while turning around quickly, injected True Qi into the heavy sword ── the universe of heaven. The sword body of Heavenly Universe immediately expanded to the left and right, turning into a huge shield.

Bumping──Spiritual Qi that whizzed from a distance hit the universe of heaven.

This Spiritual Qi bullet is different as heaven and earth from the previous one. The Spiritual Qi contained in it transcends the ground, and the exploded Spiritual Qi instantly engulfed Sue Kirin’s petite silhouette.

Heavenly Realm──It must be Xihe! Sue Kirin swung his great sword and swept away the dense Spiritual Qi fragments that blocked his vision.

Suddenly, a chill came from behind.


Sue Kirin turned his body, and his pupils immediately met the two purple beads.

The girl recognizes the master of these eyes.


Dragging nine slender tails, Xihe suddenly appeared and threw himself in front of Sue Kirin. The Spiritual Qi bomb just now was just a blind technique to confuse Sue Kirin’s eyes and ears. At the same time, the Spiritual Qi turbulence generated during the explosion interfered with her perception.

“Sure enough, it is you!”

“I said I didn’t want to see you in the realm of Martial Demon!”

The atmosphere was turbulent.

Like a lake hit by a stone, ripples of air appear in the void. Xihe’s fist penetrated the sound barrier and hit Sue Kirin’s chest.

A blow without hesitation.

Spell strictly speaking can be classified into the Qi Sect system. Compared with Sword Sect, Qi Sect has a weakness that cannot be ignored, that is, the body is more fragile. If Sue Kirin is hit by Xi and this fist, it will definitely not be enough to break a few ribs.

Asshole, she didn’t take into account the feeling of suffering together! Sue Kirin stared at the fists that were getting closer and closer, cursing Xihe for being unkind.

However, she is not slow to respond.

Sue Kirin hurriedly put the big sword across his chest, blocking the punch from the mountain gravel.


The great sword screamed. The vigor penetrated the heavy sword and touched the clothes on Sue Kirin’s chest.


Sue Kirin snorted and backed away a long way. Xi He deceived his body, and kept hitting his fists in a flash.

“Hey, are you serious about wanting my life?”

With the excellent dynamic vision brought by the Fire Eye, Sue Kirin dodges from left to right and avoids sudden changes. A rainy Iron Fist combo.

“I should have said that I don’t want to see you in the realm of Martial Demon.”

While guarding against Sue Kirin’s counterattack, Xi He replied expressionlessly.

“It’s so ruthless! Obviously we just joined forces against’Asura’ the day before yesterday.”

“Whether it’s the day before yesterday or Luotian Town, I also Thank you very much.”

Xihe’s tone was very sincere, but his fist did not slow down.

“Thank a ghost! You are doing your best now to take my life, right! You are requite kindness with enmity!”

“One size is one size. I can’t Tolerate you infringing upon my fellow citizens.”

“Yo, we haven’t done anything yet.”

“But we will do it soon, won’t we?”

Sue Kirin gave a light spit.

It’s not that they are unable to communicate, but from the very beginning. The position of the two foresaw an inevitable conflict.

Because one of them is a human martial artist, and the other is a martial demon in the realm of martial demon.

──That’s all.


Sue Kirin’s detonation spell.

The Spiritual Qi between the two was compressed in an instant, and then exploded, pushing them apart.

Sue Kirin took the opportunity to stretch the distance while looking down.

The sword light and fire light flashing from time to time indicate that Heavenly Jade Palace is also in battle.

Among them, there is a fiery red silhouette traveling through the forest, and the long sword in his hand is wrapped in flames and constantly collides with a Heaven’s Halberd.

It was the martial demon who fought Qi Qiqi.

Apart from this, there are fierce metal collisions and people shouting nearby. It is estimated that the two fighting parties were the iron bull armor and the disciplines of Heavenly Jade Palace once blocked by Sue Kirin.

“You still have time to get distracted?”

Nine tails cut the dust away.


Sue Kirin yelled and moved the heavy sword.

In the next moment, Xihe’s tail violently collided with the universe of heaven, and sparks burst out of friction.

It’s just made of metal, and the tail full of True Qi is incredibly hard, and the universe of heaven can’t even cut into it.

Sue Kirin tilted the big sword, trying to remove the opponent’s tail.

But the other party didn’t let her get her wish.

Five of the tails suddenly wrapped around the sword like a rope, and attempted to pull the sword away. The remaining tail was wrapped around Sue Kirin’s limbs and restrained her movement.

“Kirin, she wants to separate us!”

The universe of heaven sounded the voice of Tianji’s anger. From the control of Shui Yun’er alone, we can know that Tian Ji extremely hates being forced to separate her from her master.

“I know! I won’t let her succeed, please calm me down!”

The girl’s forehead dripped with cold sweat, holding the sword firmly to prevent the heavens from being Xihe took away.

The physique of Wu Yao is completely superior to human beings. Sue Kirin’s strength as it should be by rights is slightly inferior to Xihe. She struggled with Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to barely maintain her balance, not allowing Nine Bulls to move towards each other.

As for the constraints on her limbs, she has no more energy to try to break free.

The situation is in a deadlock.

Next, Xi He appeared in silhouette from the dust.

Sue Kirin narrowed his eyes as soon as he saw what was on Xihe’s hand.

The True Qi bomb is brewing in Xihe’s hands. The True Qi bomb is a high-density compressed True Qi with the purest destructive power. Therefore, its formidable power is not low. If Sue Kirin is hit directly, maybe a big hole will be dug out of his body and it will end up with a stomachache.

“Are you forcing me?”

“I don’t think you still have room for show mercy, do you?”

Indeed, Sue Kirin hasn’t tried his best yet.

Although she seems to have been suppressed and beaten by Xihe, she has never been hit. The True Qi within the body is still full. She did not extend the cycle of True Qi to the universe of heaven, nor did she activate the array carved on the universe of heaven.

“If you show mercy because of our affection…I can tell you that since the moment you stepped into the realm of Martial Demon, we are enemies.”

Xi He is serious-understanding this almost intuitively, Sue Kirin closed his eyes and sighed.

After all, there is still a different position, so that the two must be opposed? “Then don’t blame me…”

Sue Kirin can’t be dragged here by Xihe.

Everyone in Heavenly Jade Palace is still fighting the martial monster under her.

The people she cares about are in a hard fight.

Gradually, Sue Kirin’s face became ugly.

The lips are twisted into an incredible arc, giving the feeling of splitting to the cheeks.

“There is a stupid cat in front of my eyes.”

Sakura lips weave unfathomable mystery.

“It stretched out the sharp claw in an attempt to scratch me. How should I respond to this?”

Xihe listened to Sue Kirin’s words in silence. She knew that the stupid cat in the other’s mouth was referring to her.

Sue Kirin eyes opened.

The golden eyes are filled with turbulent fighting intents.

“Naturally caught up and spanked!”

The girl smiled strangely.

And then──

What’s the difference.

It is an imposing manner.

Sue Kirin’s imposing manner is rising steadily, and the complex lines on the large sword in his hand begin to shine.


The sound of cracking silk exploded.

A burst of shock mixed with lightning glow came out from Sue Kirin within the body. Xihe’s tail couldn’t bear the strength of the blow, and it made a tight sound about to be broken.


Xi He Chi let go of his tail painfully, and was pushed a distance away by the impact.

This moment──

The bondage imposed on Sue Kirin was violently untied.

──The deadlock was broken.

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