──”You are superfluous.”

Unforgettable words.

The girl still remembers that whenever she commits a crime or fails, father will use this sentence instead of scolding. Apart from this, he won’t beat her, won’t scold her, let alone say anything to her. She never seemed to have existed, did not live in father’s eyes.

This may be father’s peculiar punishment.

I must not be superfluous, the girl once believed so firmly.

Until the thousandth time—perhaps the thousandth time, and she has not remembered the exact number of times—the thousandth time she heard father say she was redundant, she finally realized that she was Wrong, the rhetoric used until now to paralyze oneself is just to deceive that’s all.

Superfluous-I am superfluous.

Unconsciously, this thought also buried seeds in the girl’s heart, and stubbornly grew a deformed flower. She tried to deny and tried to escape, but all was in vain.

Because the facts are before us.

When a girl was born, her mother was unable to give birth due to some reasons. Although the doctor tried his best, but in the end, the mother died of dystocia. The twin younger brother was also weak from a young age and his legs could not be reused, so he could only live in a special wheelchair.

Does the father think that he harmed the mother and younger brother? The girl is often suspicious like this, but she is not at all courageous to ask. She is afraid to hear the answer that she least wants to hear from the father.

However, she couldn’t escape that sentence after all.

“──If it weren’t for you…”

If it weren’t for her, mother wouldn’t die, and the younger brother would be happy.

Well, it was her fault.

──It’s fine if you don’t exist.

She is not needed even though she is alive.

There is no meaning to be alive, no value for survival, she is superfluous.

“You are a superfluous, useless guy.”

Sorry, every time she opens the mouth and said apologizing, she gets a scar in her heart.

“Why are you? Why are you?”


Sorry, sorry, sorry……

Gradually apologized and gradually died.

However, no matter how humbly she confessed her mistakes, father never forgave her, and ignored her as nothing, only when she failed again and made mistakes, countless times, countless times for her There is another scar in my heart

ahhhh, it’s fine to die, I shouldn’t be alive.

For a while, this kind of thought once occupied a girl’s heart.

She tried suicide, but she failed. Her grandfather stopped her.

“Do you want to give up your hard-earned life easily? This is what a coward calls. We don’t need a coward in our family. Have you forgotten the mother who gave birth to you even if you sacrificed your life?”


At that time, the girl heard a word.


Sacrifice yourself to achieve others.

She understands this way.

So must work hard, become a useful person, become a person who is needed, only in this way can she gain her own “meaning”.

Since that day, she has worked tirelessly to learn all kinds of knowledge, piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, arithmetic, martial arts, and even strategic warfare. As long as she thinks it can help father, she will do everything she can to learn.

Gradually, the situation has changed.

“──Why do you work so hard? Why do you work hard? Why do you succeed?”

Whenever she learns a new kind of knowledge, cowering tells After her father, father would always flies into a rage and reprimanded her for beating her and even abused her.

However, she didn’t feel that she was messed up, but rather happy.

──Father finally stopped ignoring her.

The girl knows, knows she must be there. She must be sick, she must be distorted.

The pain gave her a sense of reality—the sense of living in the world.

Father’s scolding and abuse made her feel her existence.

I am not unnecessary, not redundant. At least, she can let father vent his emotions.

She is very happy and wants to get more, so she must work harder and work harder to be a useful person who is needed. In this way, the deceased mother and sick younger brother might forgive themselves and forgive themselves to take away their happiness.

“──Would you like to follow me?”

Remember the time when Father beat her in public, and met the red clothed girl.

The girl let the girl go with her.

Why should I go with you? Why look at yourself with pitying eyes? The girl was puzzled.

Father still needs me!

The girl did not agree to the girl.

However, when the girl squatted down and asked the girl “Do you want to help as many people as possible”, she answered the word “think” without the slightest hesitation.

“Then follow me.”

The girl without the slightest hesitation left with the girl, and father not at all kept her.

Why not keep yourself? Ahhhh, it must be that he simply doesn’t need himself… Then I must help more talents and gain their approval.

Well, it doesn’t matter how much sacrifice you make. As long as the other party needs her, she will definitely go to the other side at all costs and do her best to help.

──”I need you.”

Only when she heard these words, she could feel the meaning of life.

Hesitate to sacrifice and dedication, just live for others, be happy for the happiness of others, and sorrow for the sadness of others.

She not at all realizes that she has long been lost in the night, wandering alone, but has been walking the path that she thinks is right, running away from dawn.


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