“What is it?”

Sue Kirin stared down blankly and found his right foot on a brick recessed in the floor. Obviously, the brick was not originally sunken, but it sunk because it couldn’t bear the girl’s weight.

There is a bad feeling.

No way! So classic? Sue Kirin sweats on his forehead. She lifts the head stiffly, meeting Li Wanting’s puzzled gaze.

“Little Ancestor Master, what’s wrong with you? How did you stop it?”

“I seem to have stepped on…er, it’s a mechanism-I seem to have stepped on it.”

Li Wanting was stunned for a while, and then exclaimed: “What!”

“Hey hey, should I lift my feet now? Will I be caught by Myriad Arrows as soon as I lift it up? Piercing Heart?”

Sue Kirin curled up the corners of his mouth with difficulty, drawing a smile that was about to cry.

“No, don’t move, wait for me to study it!”

The unexpectedly calm Li Wanting squatted down and carefully examined the trigger that Sue Kirin stepped on. Brick:

“As long as I understand the principle, I can help the little Ancestor Master get out of your troubles.”

“Yes, then thank you──”

Suddenly, a strange noise interrupted Sue Kirin’s speech. The walls on both sides gurgled, like the sound of gears turning and biting each other.

There was a gap in the walls on both sides without warning. In the gap, there are countless cold glow embellishments, stinging Sue Kirin’s eyes.

It is a crossbow arrow.

Countless crossbow arrows.

Sue Kirin stared wide-eyed in an instant.

“Xiaoting, hurry up!”

While she yelled to remind Li Wanting, she rushed forward quickly. Almost at the same time, there was a dense tremor of machine strings.

Hundreds of crossbow arrows shot out.


Faced with the sudden hug, Li Wanting let out a short cry.

“Protect the world! Stand the world!”

After pressing Li Wanting’s elastic body to the ground, Sue Kirin shouted incantion loudly. The magic talisman hidden in the sleeve immediately responded, condensing and hardening the surrounding Spiritual Qi, and constructed a transparent semicircular Formation with two people as the center.


Even though all the flying arrows cannot cross the boundary, they seem to hit a wall, but they still shoot forward and backward like a rainstorm on the Formation, ringing a continuous and crisp bell.

“Damn it!”

In the darkness, the light from the crossbow bolt hitting Formation kept flickering, and Sue Kirin moaned.

“Kirin, what’s the matter!”

Falling to the ground and waking up, Dumbstruck Tianji, still did not understand the current situation. Immediately afterwards, Li Wanting reacted.

“This…Little Ancestor Master, are you okay?”

“Uh, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal…?”

Arrow The strength is actually not strong, similar to the common military crossbow arrows in the Hua Dynasty. Realizing this, Sue Kirin felt that he was too fussy.

An attack of this level can be easily blocked even without using the Talisman. However, you also need to use your full strength to fight the rabbit. It is better to spare no effort before the moment is delayed, so as not to have a game in the game and another organization in the agency.

The arrow rain does not last long.

In less than five seconds, the mechanism ran out of crossbow arrows, and everything returned to peace.

Sue Kirin did not immediately dismiss the Formation out of caution. She observed for a period of time, until she was completely sure that there was no movement in the mechanism, and then the Formation was lifted and the lighting flame was re-ignited above the two persons.

The two stood up one after another.

“Woo… just so dangerous.”

Tenji floated back to her exclusive position lightly, throwing such feelings.

Sue Kirin patted the dirt on his body while observing the remains after the mechanism was activated.

There are a large number of crossbow arrows lying on the ground in a mess, piled into small hills, there are at least hundreds of them, most of which are broken because they can’t withstand the recoil force generated by hitting Formation, some Even the arrow shattered.

Li Wanting bent over and picked up one of the arrows to look at it carefully, and Sue Kirin also moved her head over.

“Nothing special…”

Wooden arrow shafts, metal arrows, feathers made of bird feathers–the arrow just looks like Ordinary crossbow arrows are not much different.

The arrow has obvious signs of time, but Sue Kirin picked up an arrow casually to try to break it, and found that the wood still has considerable toughness. The arrow is not rusted either, keeping a certain degree of smoothness.

Well, Arrow’s performance is still good.

However, how did it survive for hundreds of years? Sue Kirin was deeply puzzled. Although I know the most solid and reliable existence in the world, it can’t beat the ravages and devastation of time.

“Xiaoting, these arrows…do you know what material they are made of?”


Li Wanting narrowed her eyes, Groaning. She was holding the front half of an arrow and gently rubbed the uneven section of the arrow shaft with her index finger.

“The wood…should be a common mulberry, coated with some kind of oil for preservative.”

“Mulberry? Is it common?”

Sue Kirin has no relevant knowledge.

“Most of the arrows in the Hua Dynasty and the North Kingdom are made of mulberry, which is a common material.”


Li Wanting made it hard. Fold the arrow down.

“Triangular arrows…stable and capable of penetrating armor and penetrating people…Sure enough, as Junior Sister Xia said, these mechanisms all want to kill people!”

The arrow followed Li Wanting’s speech and was constantly being manipulated in her hands.

“Is it steel?”

“The weight and color are not the same.”

Li Wanting gently tossed the arrow, and then took it back. She should want to use this to impulse the weight of the arrow.

“It’s not like bronze, it should be just ordinary iron.”

Li Wanting answered very confidently.

She is as keen as a beast for casting related things, almost as easy as blowing off dust, the material of the arrow is clearly understood.

“But, can iron not rust for so long?”

Sue Kirin asked, Li Wanting shook the head.

“No, it has been rusted.” Li Wanting pointed to a part of the arrow, “Little Ancestor Master, look at it.”

“No way, rusting in the blink of an eye? “

Sue Kirin, who was suspicious, took a closer look at Yiyan, then his eyes widened.

“Yi! It’s really rusty.”

Sue Kirin moved his eyes up and down, back and forth between the arrow and Li Wanting’s face. The arrow at this time has turned brown and yellow, with a powdery attachment on it.

At first, she clearly saw the arrow as smooth as new. Why did it rust in a while?

I don’t know if Li Wanting sees through Sue Kirin’s doubts, or just wants to explain, she said to herself: “It is estimated that the agency is a closed environment.”

Li Wanting turned around and walked towards The baggage that was thrown back when Sue Kirin threw him down. She untied the baggage and checked the integrity of the contents, and then explained:

“Although I don’t know the principle, the metal is in a closed environment and will not be in contact with the outside world for many years. When they see the sun again It will rust soon.”

So, is the principle the same? Sue Kirin, who immediately thought of examples of the rapid oxidation of unearthed cultural relics, suddenly realized.

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