“Mother lays eggs!” Sue Kirin, who was the first to come back to his senses, yelled aloud, “My old lady fights with you!”

“Kirin, come on!”

Tian Ji excitedly cheered Sue Kirin.

Next, Sue Kirin spilled a stack of magic charms, which filled the air in an instant.

The talisman soon fell behind with Sue Kirin’s forward impact, attached to the boulder as if sucked in by a whirlwind, and covered the entire surface of the stone within a few seconds.

“Count one to nine, and use nine as the sign of oneself in the middle palace──”

The chanting is as clear and ethereal as a song.

Sue Kirin kept making various seals with both hands. The magic talisman responds to the call of the surgeon, and the rune drawn on it and the pattern composed of complicated circles and lines are lit one after another.

“──Take the four and five to the standard, the green wind blowing from the east, the elephant of the yan tree!”

With Sue Kirin’s actions and words Gradually constructed, the line striped road formed by the convergence of Spiritual Qi extends from the magic talisman, interlacing and weaving to form a huge pattern.

So far, the procedure has been completed.

“Large vine binding technique!”

Sue Kirin called out the names of spell, and spell was activated immediately.

At that moment, endless vines gushed from the surface of the charm, entangled and bound the boulders. In just a moment, the boulder lost its original appearance and turned into a sphere as if the roots of trees were intertwined with each other.

Then, Vine is still dissatisfied with the status quo.

They stretch out, climb up the wall tightly, and spread along the wall surface.

The original high-speed rolling boulder finally showed signs of slowing down after tearing off countless vines. After a while, the boulder stopped.

Sue Kirin stopped the fleeing footsteps after avoiding the big knife slashed from half the height of the wall and turned around approached angrily.

“Move! I made you move!”

Sue Kirin kicked the boulder violently and yelled.

“You are not very arrogant, you don’t want to squash my bleat──! Ha, why stop? Squash me bleat!”

“Yes, yes Ah, let you chase us! Bastard!”

The pocket girl floating in the air also followed Sue Kirin, kicking the boulder with her poor miniature feet.

“Little Ancestor Master, you calm down!”

Li Wanting, who couldn’t stand it, ran over and lifted Sue Kirin from under her armpit, dragging her elder away from the boulder.

Sue Kirin, who couldn’t reach the ground, kept kicking his feet, struggling to escape Li Wanting’s control, and continued to vent his full stomach of depression.

“Xiaoting, what are you doing! Let me go! Let me go! I want to kick this irritating stone!”

“Stop it, little Ancestor Master , Can you kick it like this?”

Li Wanting’s almost vomiting speech made Sue Kirin’s mind suddenly calm down. Sue Kirin relaxes his body as if he wakes up from a dream, and spit out the words “Yes” in a daze.

Seeing that Sue Kirin finally stopped struggling, Li Wanting relaxed.

“You can understand.”

Li Wanting put Sue Kirin down, then frowned, staring at the boulder.

The boulder completely blocked the passage, and the vines wrapped around the surface further narrowed the gap between it and the inner wall of the passage. Not to mention Li Wanting and Sue Kirin. Even Tianji’s current pocket-sized form cannot escape. Go through the slit to reach the other side.

They are completely unable to determine the situation behind the boulder, but the sound of hong long long continues to come from there, indicating that the channel on the other side seems to be resetting the mechanism.

“It seems we can only move on.” Li Wanting closed with a sigh.

However, Sue Kirin does not agree with this conclusion. I saw her bend her lips slightly with harboring malicious intentions, rubbing her chin while making a tsk tsk sound.

“This is not necessarily the case.”


Li Wanting turned to Sue Kirin and asked if she had any other opinions. Sue Kirin immediately Explained gesticulatingly:

“If you think about it, the designer should also consider the situation of the stone being broken, so no matter how you think about it, even if the stone is broken, it should be It won’t affect the whole of the Mo Family’s Secret Hall!”

“Then little Ancestor Master, what are you going to do?”

I don’t seem to understand why Sue Kirin suddenly mentioned the trap. Li Wanting asked perplexedly about the design concept.

“So baa, I mean, I can blow it up without any worries!”

Sue Kirin waved his arm impossibly.

Different from when at first was in the lobby, at that time, she considered that random interference with the art in the wall might affect the whole of the secret hall, so not at all wanted to implement her own ideas.

It’s different now.

Organization trap is a kind of fortification, which is used to resist foreign enemies.

In this case, the design should take into account the situation of damage. If the damage of one organ trap will implicate the other organ traps and even the guarding object, then it will be putting the cart before the horse.

Sue Kirin does not think that the once brilliant Mohist school will make such a low-level mistake.

“Ha…” Li Wanting still looked confused, “But, why do you want to beat it up? Does it make any sense?”


Sue Kirin is stiff, unable to answer questions. In fact, she just made the proposal based on the depression in her stomach.

When Li Wanting saw this, she looked at Sue Kirin with suspicion.

“Little Ancestor Master, don’t you just want to vent your anger, right?”

“Ha ha ha…how can it be bleat?”

Sue Kirin Sticking out his tongue, the eyes that had fallen on Li Wanting began to wander around.

Only based on this reaction, Li Wanting must have known that her guess is not far away.

“Little Ancestor Master, you have to be more mature…”

“What, I just want to test its hardness–“

“Kirin, it’s kind of weird!”

Crawling up and down the vines on the surface of the boulder, Tian Ji, who had been having fun, unexpectedly interrupted Sue Kirin’s excuse.

Thinking that Tianji was just wondering about something boring, Sue Kirin asked rather perfunctorily without looking back:

“What’s the matter?”

“This stone is glowing!”


Sue Kirin raised his brow when he heard the words he cared about.

Next, she twisted her neck and refocused her gaze on the boulder.

The boulder is really glowing.

The faint white light is revealed between the vine slits tightly entangled on its surface. The light tends to become stronger and stronger in Sue Kirin’s eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Sue Kirin furrowed his brows, knowing that this was a sign of some kind of reaction in the operation. As for what the reaction was, she didn’t know.

Could it be that another set of techniques was launched? Sue Kirin had a picture of the surface of the boulder in his mind, and finally realized a detail that he had overlooked.

The spirituality loop on the surface of the stone just now is not all lit up.

In other words, the surface of the stone is likely to have more than one set of techniques, but also another set of techniques—the techniques that have not yet been activated.

However, this group of surgical techniques does not know when it will be triggered and has entered the stage of activation. It seems that it is about to reach the threshold of intervening in the phenomenon of things.

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