To dispel the slightly long silence, what forced Sue Kirin to come back to his senses was──

A high and short scream.

That obviously has traces of deliberate suppression.

It’s Xiaoting’s voice! Sue Kirin bounced up and glanced at Bei Xiaolu.

“Xiao Ji, I’m leaving now!” Sue Kirin kicked Tian Ji.

The frightened Tianji immediately opened her eyes and asked what’s wrong in a panic.

At this moment, the big sleeves are flying, Sue Kirin has already galloped out, running towards the source of the sound.

The mechanical weapons placed in the temple became a barrier like a maze wall, blocking the way. Sue Kirin turned left and right in the direction of the sound in his impression, and could not reach it in the shortest time. destination.

Although she was very anxious, she did not dare to use spell, so as not to accidentally trigger the organs stacked here.

The road is winding and winding, and the space is not limitless no matter how big the space is. The two of them moved forward at full speed, and it didn’t take long for them to see the dark green and red silhouettes of Lin Yu and Li Wanting in the depths of the temple.

Their eyes fell on a coffin, and Sue Kirin could not see what was in the coffin from where he was now. She didn’t care where anything was placed, all her attention was on Li Wanting.

Probably hearing the footsteps of the two people approaching quickly, Lin Yu, who is a heavenly realm, turned his head first.

“Snow Maiden…”

He, who has always been elegant and calm, now looks shocked.

Lin Yu’s voice caused a chain reaction, and Li Wanting also turned around. Her slightly sharp face was pale and bloodless, and she looked particularly dazzling against the bronze skin.

Sue Kirin speeds up and approaches, and stops in front of Li Wanting, sticking one’s head around to look for Li Wanting’s body.

“Xiaoting, what’s the matter with you? Are you injured? Didn’t you fall off?”

She asked nervously, groping around Li Wanting’s The body makes the other party’s clothes messy.

Lin Yu saw that the situation was not good, so he turned his head away, while Li Wanting, the person involved, had red cheeks, and both hands resisted Sue Kirin’s indecent action.

“Don’t, Little Ancestor Master! There are outsiders here, don’t do this…wait, there is no injury there, don’t throw away, it’s really bad…”


Sue Kirin was suddenly pulled by Bei Xiaolu, but the latter ignored it.

“Xiaoting, are you really okay? Really? Then you just──”

I was dragged again, and Sue Kirin was pushed harder this time. Pulled unsteady.

“Hey, Bei Xiaolu, what are you doing!”

Sue Kirin scolded loudly, staring at Bei Xiaolu, only to see a round face that was frightened ──No blood, scary pale, as if he had seen a ghost.

“Xue, you should see…” Bei Xiaolu murmured.

What the hell… Sue Kirin brows knit, following Bei Xiaolu’s sight, fell towards the coffin.

Then she saw it.


The shocking and weird picture blocked Sue Kirin’s nose and prevented her breathing.

The coffin is carved from a good white jade, parked in the secret hall of the Mo family, which is full of black paint, should be quite eye-catching, but Sue Kirin’s attention just now Putting it on Li Wanting caused her not to notice the contents of the jade coffin until then.

──A coquettish and strange and ominous thing.

Is Xiao Wan’s scream just because of her? Sue Kirin suddenly.

There is a corpse in a jade coffin. The corpse of the young girl.

That is a beautiful girl, her delicate face is too neat and extremely unnatural, as if it has been artificially modified, so beautiful that she is even better than Qi Qiqi and Beiming Youyu──Two is located The most beautiful person in the impression of Sue Kirin-Kind of.

Like Heavenly Immortal.

Sue Kirin can only use these four words to describe the beauty of a girl.

Black’s long hair spread out under her body, and the girl quietly floats on the pile of petals that have long been withered and can’t tell what kind of petals she is. She wears an inky black dress, it doesn’t seem to be dead. , The long and slightly curled eyelashes quivered slightly due to the airflow, and the blush on the cheeks was also lingering, extremely dazzling against the white jade coffin and skin.

It seems that I just fell asleep.

Is she really dead? Although the girl had no life, Sue Kirin still had doubts. He stretched out his hand involuntarily, rubbing her skin with trembling fingertips.

Wonderful touch.

The girl’s skin is full of elasticity and too slippery. It is perfect for the best explanation. If it weren’t for losing the temperature, just this condensed skin would be enough to dump countless men.


The girl is too perfect, Sue Kirin can only think so.

Of course, she may have been a living person, but what is the difference between a girl who has died and is so well maintained and a doll? In essence, there is not at all difference between the two.

At this moment──

“How is it possible!”

Sue Kirin retracted his fingers in amazement and exclaimed sound. Bei Xiaolu was frightened by this sudden scream and also screamed.

“It’s going to die, Sue Kirin, what are you screaming!”

“No…she seems…”

This thing itself is too difficult Believe it, Sue Kirin doesn’t know where to start.

Just now, she did feel the pulsation under the girl’s skin. There is only one, but it is very clear, the touch still remains on the fingertips, lingering.

Alive? Holding her hand that had just touched the girl, Sue Kirin felt that the scalp on the back of his head seemed to be numb, and at the same time a chill surged along his back.

“Snow Girl, have you noticed something?” Lin Yu asked anxiously.


Sue Kirin ignored the answer, eager to determine whether the girl was alive or dead, and looked up inch by inch.

The ink-colored long skirt undulates just right, the chest curve is white and the neck is moist, and then the chin, lips and nose… All this is reflected in Sue Kirin’s eyes in order, and then passed away.

A peaceful sleeping face.

The girl is still asleep, and maybe she will not wake up again in the future.

“What…it turned out to be an illusion…”

Sue Kirin closed his eyes and felt a lightness in his heart. Something heavy followed her voice. Can’t find it anymore.

“Snow, what are you doing?”

Watching Sue Kirin’s startled behavior, Bei Xiaolu, who had long been puzzled, finally found an opportunity to ask questions. . Sue Kirin turned to her and replied vaguely:

“It’s nothing, but I’m a little suspicious.” Sue Kirin didn’t intend to explain in detail, so as not to disturb others.

Bei Xiaolu raised his eyebrows:

“Hey, it seems that you are still a little self-aware…”

Sue Kirin didn’t intend to answer the conversation, instead he was patched Hand, greet everyone. After everyone’s eyes turned to this side, she started to say:

“Okay, okay, let’s not stay here…as the saying goes, it’s safe to go into the earth, let’s not disturb her Now, do whatever you need to do.”

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