“Hmm…” Li Wanting looked melancholy all around.

The place they are in is very dim. The temple was destroyed, and the lighting technique used in the wall naturally did not survive.

“It’s a pity these things, I originally wanted to study and study, look at the structure inside and learn…”

Sue Kirin was already moved by Li Wanting’s words. She was about to cry, but Li Wanting added such a sentence without observing words, destroying the little touch.

Fortunately, she is not a man, otherwise, how can this stupid mouth please the girl? Sue Kirin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh thinking about it.

“Little Ancestor Master, can you dig them out and let me take them back to study it?”

Li Wanting made this request quite sincerely. When Sue Kirin heard it, his eyes were about to protrude.

“What? Dig things out?”

Sue Kirin is a veteran of sabotage, but it is really difficult for her to dig things. After all, she is not good at it. The spell of the local line can only use very primordial means to remove the rubble.

“Don’t, if the crazy woman just now hasn’t died completely, it will be troublesome to dig her out later.”

Bei Xiaolu, who finally broke free, immediately said that. .

hearing this, Li Wanting looked up at her a little dullly, but didn’t say anything. She seems to be still worried about Bei Xiaolu saying that she was relying on Sue Kirin.

“Hey, Bei Xiaolu, don’t talk about moldy things! Later that girl really crawls out of the rubble, I will only ask you.”

For Sue Kirin In the speech, Bei Xiaolu snorted from the nose.

“Talk nonsense, is it so easy? Do you think that guy is immortal? You were not sure to take the blow you just now. The monster was hit directly, and it didn’t turn into ashes. It’s good.”

Beijing Xiaolu suddenly became confused.

“Even more how, she doesn’t seem to have Spiritual Qi body protection.”

In fact, although the ink-haired girl was strong in the battle just now, she once showed rivals and even surpassed heaven. Basic battle strength, but I have never used True Qi. It seems that I only rely on “physical energy” to fight the three heavenly realms.

“She just forgot how to use that’s all.”

Sue Kirin don’t cock the corners of her mouth intentionally. She felt from the battle just now that the black-haired girl is incomplete.

“Snow Maiden, what do you say?”

Lin Yu seemed to be a little curious about this matter, breaking the until now and watching the changes.

“Uh, what should I say…” Sue Kirin thought hard for a moment. “In short, she is the soul incomplete within the body.”

“Speaking .”

Bei Xiaolu didn’t understand what Sue Kirin meant.

“Do you remember how Xiaoyu spoke to her just now, do you remember her reaction? It’s like a newborn child who is ignorant.”

People nodded said that they remember, only I don’t know what to do, just look left and right.

“Do you know the theory of three immortal souls and seven mortal souls?”

Sue Kirin then asked, everyone nodded.

“There are three souls and seven souls. She may only have one soul or one soul. Anyway, most of the souls have disappeared!”

Looking at it, Sue Kirin lowered her voice, and concluded with a light and deliberate tone:

“It is not a sense of self-concept that drives her to act, but a pure will closer to obsession. .”

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t know what to say. Perhaps what Sue Kirin said was beyond imagination. They have their own understandings, and they all quieted down, thinking about certain things.

In silence, Sue Kirin’s thoughts began to drift away again.

What kind of will made her attack herself? Do you want to protect the organ weapons kept in the temple from being destroyed by Bei Xiaolu, or do you want to prevent others from contacting them?

The answer is unknown, but it is true that the girl attacked them. It can prove that their presence here is against her will, so they will be driven out by military force.

Sue Kirin regretted it when he thought of this. If they chose to leave at that time, they might not have a conflict with the ink-haired girl.

Unfortunately, there are not so many ifs in the world, and what has happened is irreversible. Moreover, the situation was critical at the time, and she didn’t think much about it. She also held a grudge because of that sword, and finally killed the black-haired girl in anger.

Perhaps, it is all destined.

Just when Sue Kirin swept all these things into the corner of consciousness and planned to put an end to this matter──


A deep sound echoed.

No way? Sue Kirin’s eyes widened suddenly and looked back.

There is a hand.

White jade-like arms stretched out from a pile of rubble not far from Sue Kirin and the others, with five fingers bent into claws as if they wanted to grasp and so on.

“Kirin Kirin, that wouldn’t be…”

Tenji covered his mouth, and the others were stern.

That is the hand of a girl with black hair.

Without the protection of Spiritual Qi, has suffered the full power attack of the Great Heaven Realm. Is Yi still “surviving”? Sue Kirin stared at the wrist, surprised and suspicious.

But then, she felt as it should be by rights again. The body composed of organs is meant to be used for permanent “spirituality”, and its strength is definitely no less than that of a Great Heaven Realm. Even without Spiritual Qi protection, it may not be able to resist the full power of the Great Heaven Realm by its own strength. attack.

Should we make the best move first? Bei Xiaolu’s eyes clearly had this question.

Before Sue Kirin answered, the butterfly had broken its cocoon.

The beautiful figure of the girl with black hair emerged from the ground, her long black hair rippling and scattered in the air, like a flower in full bloom.

However, when Sue Kirin and the others looked at each other clearly, they all showed horror.

Is this still that beautiful girl like a doll? Sue Kirin had this suspicion.

The black-haired girl’s clothes are already incomplete, and the tops have been loosely torn into strips, which are reluctantly hung on the girl’s body, and the skirts on the lower body are missing, not even a piece of cloth is left.

The girl was naked, her perfectly curvy body was completely exposed.

However, neither Lin Yu nor Sue Kirin were interested in appreciating the situation in front of them.

That is simply not what a person should be, Sue Kirin thought.

Part of the girl’s skin was torn and exploded, and the edges were rolled up, revealing what was underneath.

Not flesh and blood. It is a mixture of fascia, muscle, fat, viscera and metal structure. Instead of blood, it is a blue liquid flowing in transparent ducts all over the body.

Half-human, semi-mechanical, this term is probably the best description of the figure of a girl.

This look is really disgusting, Sue Kirin can still see the gears in the mechanism structure are biting and rotating, and the heart is beating under the drive of the mechanism structure.

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