When Sue Kirin added this feature, the girl frowned a little sleepily and thought about it.

“Single point forcible breakthrough.”

Finally, she asserted so.

“There is nothing in the world that no stronghold one cannot overcome. No matter how high the defensive power is, there is a limit. As long as the power is centralized in one point, the water younger sister’s opponent may still break through the defense of the water wall. “

“Also, don’t forget–” Xia Xue added slowly, “There is also Anjin.”

Anjin is also called Helixjin.

Its principle is to directly inject power into the object through a special technique, so that the impact directly erupts within the body, thereby generating huge destructive power. It is a very mysterious way of luck, and also very Pay attention to the strength control of True Qi. The martial artist who can play the dark energy to the extreme can even hit the Cow Behind the Mountain, ignoring the defense that is only on the surface.

It is said that there are no more than 20 people who master the dark energy in Heavenly Jade Palace, and Xia Xue is one of them.

“──Beggars’ Sect is good at fist and kick.”

Qi Qiqi, who accompanied Gong Tianqing back to the shed to rest, turned back at this time and took Xia Xue’s words. Explain in a clear but slightly stagnant voice:

“Fist and foot kung fu has no weapon advantage. The study of’jin’ is much deeper than other martial arts, and Fulongzhang is more powerful. The ultimate sturdy palm.”

“In other words, the opponent still has a chance to break the defense?” Sue Kirin raised his eyebrows.

Yes, concentrate attention completely. Qi Qiqi on the ring is quietly nodded. Xia Xue lowered her eyes and smiled and said:

“There is no defense that cannot be broken in the world.”

“Well, this kind of confrontation will not last long. .”

The brilliance in Qi Qiqi’s eyes swirled and entangled into a whirlpool, as if there were real flames in it, swaying and burning.

“The watershed lies in…”

“The moment the curtain of blue water was broken…?”

Sue Kirin murmured the interface .

At this time, the battle on the ring is still deadlocked.

Under the attack of spell calling for successor, Beitong can only turn offense to defense.

As long as you get close, you will be intensively attacked by water, but once you drive a long distance, although the attack will slow down, your own attack will not reach the girl who is protected by the curtain of blue water. Shelley can only run around on the circle of war.

However, even though the shellfish’s physical strength is being consumed bit by bit and gradually showing exhaustion, it seems to have adapted to Shui Yun’er’s attacking law, and it gradually becomes easy to deal with the water arrow and water blade. .

The real problem is that even with such a large-scale attack, Shui Yun’er still does not blush or breathe, and there is no trace of fatigue.

──If you continue this way, you will definitely lose.

Betrayal must also understand this. After all, “even though he is not long”, “self-elimination” is true.

He should seize the opportunity to launch a fierce attack in a short time. Just when Shui Yuner made this judgment, she caught──

After dodge a water blade sideways, Bei Tray silently glanced at Bei Xiaolu who was watching the game under the stage, and Bei Xiaolu was only gently nodded.

Shui Yuner did not miss this omen and so on eye contact.

Sure enough, the confrontation was broken in the next instant.

Suddenly, Shelley did not dodge or dodge, swiped his fist twice, and then rushed out.

“The tiger breaks the prison!”

He rushed straight towards Shui Yun’er, and True Qi spread out and wrapped around his body, transforming into a solid tiger form.


Shui Yun’er opened his eyes wide in disbelief, almost screaming when he saw the tiger leaping towards him and opening his blood plate.

In the form of gas condensation.

It is different from simply putting True Qi out of the body in a loose form, except for some special cultivation techniques ─ ─ such as Heavenly Void sword world of Heavenly Jade Palace Qi Sect. Only the terrain can show this technique .

The shell tray is definitely the human condition. Xianyizhuang will not make such a low-level mistake, and even if he succeeds in deceiving Xianyizhuang, he will not show the situation in the ring. Out the skills.

In this case, there are only two probability that can explain this situation.

The shell tray is infinitely close to the ground on the cultivation base, or Beggars’ Sect also has a cultivation technique similar to the Heavenly Void sword world.

Beggars’ Sect’s Fulong Palm was originally a cultivation technique combining two sects of sword energy. It has both characteristics. The other fist is the same, but it’s closer to the former. Qi Sect style.

Pei tray should now be using Jianghuquan.

Sure enough, she hid her hand, Shui Yun’er drove Cangshui Curtain to continuously shoot out attacks to contain the opponent while erecting a thick water wall in front of her.

──It’s like moth flies into the flame.

All the water bolts that were shot hit the tiger, and turned into water droplets to fly and fall to the ground, but not at all played a big role.

And the next thing is almost as it should be by rights.

“Flying tiger!”

Bei Pallet stepped on the ground with his left foot and stopped quickly. The right half of the body turned forward by castration, while his right foot was swept out. As if he was suddenly frozen, his momentum stopped in an instant, and his whole body was concentrated along his body, exploding just when he hit the water wall on his right shoulder.


A deep voice sounded.

The Copper Wall Iron Bastion composed of flowing water was completely still for an instant, and then a wave of fluctuations spread out around the hitting point. As soon as the ripples reached the edge of the water wall, the entire wall exploded like explosives.


Shui Yun’er exclaimed and stepped back quickly.

──But the opponent is faster.

“Tiger Cannon!”

The right fist covered by the tiger shadow on the shell tray has passed through the water drops in the sky, and suddenly pressed against Shui Yun’er’s belly. He planned to beat Shui Yun’er out of the ring with one blow.

Shui Yun’er immediately resisted with the knife, touched the blade in the palm of the opponent, grasping the impact before fully penetrating, and lightly pushed forward, unloading most of the opponent’s sword strength.

In spite of this, the remaining strength still knocked her off, making her fly out of the ring like a rag.

“Little Cloud!”

Sue Kirin under the stage called out.

However, just when the audience thought that the outcome was determined, Shui Yun’er turned around in the air and quickly sealed his hands.

“Count one to eight, and give all the images of the ridge! The water of the earth veins turns into a dragon shape. Come upon the call, the dragon of the water veins!”

The atmosphere The air in the space was mobilized and condensed into a huge stream of water under Shui Yun’er’s feet. As if given life, the water flow transformed into a dragon shape, biting to the edge of the ring.


When Shui Yun’er clapped his hands, the diamond star dust drifted away. The water dragon biting on the edge of the ring froze in a breath, reflecting a dazzling brilliance under the sun, and its cold air blurred the silhouette of the water cloud standing at the dragon tail.

While the cold air entangled, she finally was not as calm as before, her breathing started to be a little messy.

It is conceivable that the summoning of the water dragon has caused a heavy burden on her, but at least it can barely avoid the fate of falling out of the ring and touching the ground.

“Wonderful lady!”

To witness such a high level of momentary offense and defense, the audience in the audience burst out shouts that resounded across the sky and clapped hard. At the same time, I just thought that Shui Yun’er would be defeated, and Sue Kirin, who once put his heart on his throat, was finally relaxed.

Sue Kirin noticed Bei Xiaolu’s gaze from the opposite side, and immediately looked back, and said, “It’s not that easy!” Bei Xiaolu understood what she meant, and he stunned. Turn your face away.

“Shui Junior Sister deserves to be a high student of Xue Senior. I was fully confident of my full power attack just now, but I didn’t expect it to be turned into a disaster.”

Scratching his head utterly, Shui Yun’er only smiled.

He was talking with a little gasp, obviously he hasn’t recovered from the full attack just now, but Shui Yun’er is the same. She saw her chest undulate violently, and even her cheeks were flushed from the exhaustion of physical strength.

However, the speed of Shui Yuner’s air return blessed by heaven.

After only five inhales, her breathing has gradually calmed down.

See this, the shellfish tray is extremely solemn. He urgently needs to seek to defeat Shui Yun’er in a very short time, otherwise he will be defeated sooner or later.

Perceiving his predicament, Shui Yuner took the initiative to propose:

“Senior Brother Bei, if we decide the outcome of the next move.”

The girl chuckled, looking around all around in a slightly troubled manner.

“The winners and losers of the other arenas have been decided, and we are left.”

“Hey, Shui Junior Sister means, are we getting in the way of others? ……?”

Looking at Shui Yun’er facing the sun, Bei Pan expressed helplessness. Shui Yuner covered her mouth with her sleeve and snickered a few times.

“What does Senior Brother Bei mean?”

“My physical strength has bottomed out. The proposal of Shui Junior Sister is really generous, I naturally have to agree!”

Sure enough, there is Beggars’ Sect.

Changed to a martial artist of other faction, she may have raised her sword angrily to ask Shui Yun’er if she is insulting herself, and she will definitely not agree to Shui Yun’er’s suggestion as brazenly as Bei Tah.

“Then, just take my all-out move!”

Pei Tah kicked out a horse step, put his left fist in his waist, and his right palm was bent with five fingers and pushed forward. He breathed out softly, his eyes clenching Shui Yun’er’s silhouette.

Shui Yuner knew that he would definitely not take the initiative to step on Ice Dragon’s body and attack himself.

Because – there is her realm.

Beijing will definitely try his best to interrupt Ice Dragon, forcing Shui Yun’er to lose her footing, let her touch the ground and be sentenced to defeat. Shui Yun’er wants to see everything above this prediction. Slightly lifted his right foot, and concealed by the cold, quickly drew a base circle on the dragon tail with his toes.

In the next moment, the ground is expected──

“Tiger hits the ground!”

The shell tray is filled with True Qi’s punches and hit the ground. And Shui Yuner was waiting for this moment.

“Look up!”

Shui Yuner tenderly shouted, slamming her right foot on the ground. The base circle painted on the dragon tail should radiate light and spread the entire Ice Dragon in the blink of an eye.

The Ice Dragon, who was in the light, came back to life. The head biting on the edge of the ring shrank back, lifted it, and swallowed the shell tray.


At the crucial moment, Shelley used all his strength to change the castration of his moves.

──The fist collided with the dragon’s head.

Ice Dragon was smashed by the powerful True Qi’s fist, turned into icy debris, and swept the ring. The silhouette of the shell tray disappeared without a doubt.

At this moment, Shui Yuner has already jumped high.

Dragging the aqua-colored sleeves, she plunged like a big eagle into the cold mist, leaving her only prey in her eyes.


Land on the ground and swing the knife.

“──Reverse Star!”

The edgeless blade broke through the mist, bounced up like a flowing meteor, and the tip of the blade kissed the neck of the shell tray.

In the face of such a swift blow, the unavoidable shell tray can only be exhausted to hit Shui Yun’er’s chest with all his might.

──This is the final blow that determines the outcome.

As the palm hit something, a shock blows away the fog, and the original blurry scene becomes clear. The audience all followed the stage with bated breath.

The knife stopped by the neck of the shell tray, and the cold air wrapped around the knife had already touched the shell tray.

However, his fist also hit the target, hitting Shui Yuner’s stomach.

Is it a tie? At the moment when the audience came up with this idea, someone suddenly shouted “No”, and everyone saw that Bei Pal’s fist was not directly hitting Shui Yun’er.

In front of his fist, there is a vortex of water.

──That’s a short distance from his victory.

“The winner—Heavenly Jade Gong Shui Yuner!”

The referee announced that the winner’s voice went through the sky, but was soon overshadowed by the applause of the audience .

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