Leaving the side hall, Jialan held his hands and walked towards the door of Xianyizhuang with strides.

She was very happy, shaking her head and humming a melody full of western flavor, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, like a child who had encountered something good.

Along the way, there are not a few martial artists who have witnessed her passing by.

Part of the martial artist who recognizes her is naturally a horrified look, but those who do not recognize her regard her as a Sect Disciple. Some of the men saw that she was born. Cute and sweet, even staring at her explicitly, the picture is quite interesting.

I wonder what kind of expression they will show when they know that they are actually a Grandmaster? It will be fun!

Jialan was nodded with satisfaction, and wanted to release her breath to scare those who did not know Mount Tai.

But, before then, she dismissed the idea.

The reason is──


Jia Lan suddenly stopped and sighed faintly.

“Fox, when do you want to follow until you are willing to give up?”

Her tone is not without disgust.

“Do you think I just want to follow you? Asura.”

The cold answer sounded in the empty place.

Then, behind Jialan’s oblique angle, a thin blue smoke rose out of thin air. The green smoke spreads into a cloud of mist more and more quickly, drawing a beautiful female silhouette.

In less than a few seconds, as if melting into the void, the smoke disappeared in an instant.

A snow hair with pure white light shavings swayed in the wind.

There is a fish standing there in Beiming.

At this time, the “Moon White Demon” is no longer in the form of a girl, but in the form of a young girl, obviously based on the changing body shape of the battle that will be carried out at any time.

The reason is that the girl form has a stronger output ability than the girl form.

“Gui’an, the fox.”

Jialan, facing Beiming Youyu, took the lead in curtsy.

A big flower like a shower of morning dew, with a bit of elegance, cheerfulness and childlike purity, Jia Lan has a bright and cheerful expression. She can always show this bright and graceful expression so easily.

However, just like the impermanent weather in the Western Regions──

“Although I am very happy to meet you, I really hate someone being my’little tail’.”

Originally sunny is covered by dark clouds, and that sweet smile can easily cast a distorted shadow. Changeable expressions, extremely changing expressions.

In contrast, Beiming Yuyu is a cold and proud flower isolated on the cliff.

No matter how Jialan’s expression changes, she is still spotless in pure white, without the fireworks of the world.

“You have more little tails.”

The voice of a fish in Beiming is both ethereal and authentic, faint, like a light smoke.

Oh, you said Zhen Guowei. Jialan understandably nodded.

“In fact, can that be regarded as a tail? Ants are just ants. They don’t even have the qualifications to be a’little tail’, do they?”

Jia Lan smiled brightly, no With a hint of malice, but every word that struck his throat and tongue was full of blood and cruelty.

──Poisonous fresh fruit.

For an instant, this metaphor popped up in Beiming Youyu’s mind.

“Yes at first, but you just told Sue Kirin that you are leaving Imperial Capital.”

“en?” Jia Lan raised her index finger to her lips, “Don’t worry. Don’t you? Don’t worry, I will leave peacefully?”

Hey, a fish in Beiming made a disdainful noise from his nose.

“Asura, I only believe in what I see with my own eyes.”

“Yeah, I know, I understand.” Jia Lanwu nodded to herself, then spit out dejectedly A slender sigh, “To make it clear, the fox just doesn’t believe me.”

“You are a little self-knowledge.”


Jialan giggled cutely, leaning forward and backward, her golden hair swayed like light, shaking off star-like shavings.

She smiled happily.

Tears came from the corner of his eyes.

“What are you laughing at?” Beiming has a knotted eyebrow.

She doesn’t like Asura. Her preconceived notions make her feel that the other party is laughing at herself. In fact, Jialan does have that meaning.

“Fox, it’s because you don’t know people.”

The thick smile on Jialan’s face has not completely subsided, making this sentence intriguing. .

“As for me, I never lie.”

Beijing Youyu raised his eyebrows, “Oh──” he doubted it.

“Ai, world is not what one wants…”

Jialan’s expression turned dark, adding a gloomy color.

There is something thick and thick springing out of the pupils of his eyes, like something muddy.

However, she suddenly remembered something, the mud that was about to come out of her eyes instantly retreated to the depths of her eyes, and finally disappeared.

“Thank you.”

In the end, this sentence came out of my lips.

“Thank me for what?”

Bei Ming Youyu expression was surprised, as if he did not believe what he heard.

“I didn’t disturb the meeting with Sue Kirin just now.” Jialan’s mouth was filled with a smile, “I am grateful for this alone.”

Bei Ming There is fish silence. She can only be silent.

──That girl is always influencing all kinds of people all the time.

──That is already a kind of “predation”.

Beijing Youyu’s thoughts have turned back and forth, but in the end he could only sigh. She was thinking that if this continues, one day the girl will be caught in a certain center.

Perhaps, the center of chaos.

“Asura, what are you looking for in her–in Sue Kirin?”

What are you looking for? Jialan was very confused about this question.

However, what she doubts is not the problem itself, but why Beiming Youyu would ask such a simple question.

“Moonwhite demon, you should be very clear about this.”

Hearing the other party’s voice and understanding the meaning of the other party’s words, Beiming has a fish in his heart. Tremble.

She trembled, she couldn’t speak a word, and she couldn’t even shake her sight.

She actually knew the answer early in the morning.

They all seek one thing in Sue Kirin.

──Proof of being regarded as a “person”.

As “Grandmasters”, they were all Demi-Godized, and they are all seeking evidence of themselves as “people”.

Yes, it’s all the same.

The moment Beiming Youyu understood this, the guilt couldn’t stop pouring from the bottom of her heart, tightly entangled in her heart.

And, things happened at this moment. “Excuse me, you are the Western Region Secret Sect Grandmaster’Asura’──Master Jialan?”

The voice originated from a girl.

Probably approached during the period when there was a fish in Beiming, the girl suddenly rushed to Jia Lan from the martial artists who had been watching for a long time, with a voice that was half excited and half cowering. Ask this question.

It’s like an expression that I can finally talk to someone I admire.

Not surprising.

Jia Lan is a Grandmaster anyway, and people respect and fear her. Even if someone admires her, it is not surprising that she is regarded as an idol.

However, Beiming Youyu still frowned.

The girl’s breath is strange.

Her breath is not stable enough, with very slight fluctuations.

To be honest, that trace of anomaly is extremely subtle. If there is a fish in Beiming that is not from “Qi Sect”, it may not be noticed. As for Jialan──

“It’s me.”

She obviously didn’t notice, and she answered the girl’s question gracefully.

“Really Master Jialan!”

The girl was very excited, her face flushed, and she was panicked.

“Very good, very good! Although I have always thought about it, I was surprised at the martial arts conference. I am very happy, very happy…so happy!”

Girl because Extremely happy and gibberish, like Little Squirrel who just rampaged.

Then, expectantly, the girl clasped her hands in front of her chest, as if praying to the gods for something.

“Master Jialan, although it is a bit abrupt, can I hug you?”

Jialan stayed at once.

In her more than a hundred years of life, no one has ever asked her like this. So when she heard this request, she unexpectedly lost one’s head out of fear a little, and looked very embarrassed.

Who is this little girl who has the courage to make such a request that is almost considered offensive? Beiming was surprised that there was a fish.

However, it is even more surprising-even a shocking situation immediately followed.

As if she couldn’t wait any longer, and like a sudden kiss when she confessed to the other party, the girl who hadn’t gotten a reply even jumped up slightly, opened her hands and hugged Jialan.

Jia Lan, who was still in a daze, did not escape, and was finally embraced.

If the next anomaly not at all appears, it will surely be a smiley picture──


It was Beiming Youyu who first made the sound of doubt.

She saw the girl’s back bulge unnaturally irregularly, and Jia Lan’s perspective did not seem to notice this.

There seems to be something…something is going to emerge from the girl’s body.

“Asura ──!”

That must be a bad thing! When I realized it, the voice had blurted out.

However, Beiming Youyu’s words hadn’t completely left their mouths, and they were overwhelmed by the sound of explosions that were clear and then heavy. It was like the result of the sound of charcoal exploding when heated by amplifying dozens of hundreds of times, shaking the tympanic membrane.

In the next instant, the mud was shot.

The girl actually exploded in public, and she was pinched and exploded–no, it was more like being broken from within by some kind of force. Beiming Youyu was suspected to be the killer of Jialan’s pain, until he saw the twisted rhizomes that broke through the girl’s body and entangled Jialan’s body.

“What is this?!” Jialan said strangely.

The sound of the roots tightening and tightening, and the Secret Sect Grandmaster’s painful moan.

The Beiming Yuyu, who was stunned by this mutation in the same place, could only watch Jialan slowly being swallowed by twisted and intertwined tree roots, and slowly disappearing from his field of vision.

An ancient flower stem is now in the world with Grandmaster as a nutrient.


Something fell in front of a fish in Beiming. She looked down subconsciously, only to find that it was a broken arm–a girl’s broken arm.

No blood, no meat, broken arm made of mud.

That is definitely not the posture that a part of the human body should have.

──Not at all!

The girl is simply not a human being, but a clay doll made in an “outer way” way. “It” came for Jialan, a trap set for Jialan.

Is the secret mastermind the one who set up the so-called Formation? Beiming Youyu suspected that unknown surgeon.

At the same time, she hesitated.

She was hesitating to extend a helping hand to Jialan.

If the current situation is really the masterpiece of the surgeon, then the most likely thing that drives him behind is “Son of Heaven”.

In other words, this is the will of “Son of Heaven”.

With this speculation, if Beiming has a fish to help, it means violating the meaning of “Son of Heaven” and trying to oppose him, which she tried to avoid until now thing.

Just when the fish was indecisive in Beiming, the rhizomes that had completely swallowed the silhouette of Jialan suddenly revealed golden brilliance like flowing water.

The light is getting brighter.

The rhizomes are constantly twisting and pulling and rubbing like being corroded by radiance, making a disgusting sound.

“Go away!”

Being Ming Youyu realized that it was not good, and loudly warned the people who were still onlookers.

She raised her right hand outward, and a burst of green smoke escaped from her palm. After the smoke dissipated, Lingyue Valley’s Supreme Treasure ─ ─ Spirit Bow “Qiong Yue” appeared in her hands.

Just when the golden brilliance was so dazzling that it was comparable to the blazing sun in the sky──

“This kind of trick!”

People burst from inside.

The majestic golden True Qi turned into a gust of wind, and the onlookers swayed from side to side, and some of them with lower realm even fluttered back.

Beijing Youyu still stands awe-inspiring, erecting a longbow and firing countless arrows in one breath. The pure white arrow composed of True Qi drew a precise trajectory, and the roots and wood fragments that exploded with a strong force were all shot down.

At the center of everything, a golden giant silhouette gradually melted into the air and disappeared without a trace. Just now it was the giant with the golden light that had torn the rhizome.

“Emperor Ming Dynasty…”

A fish in Beiming squinted his eyes and muttered to himself.

“Fox, you Hua Chao still hides a person?”

Jia Lan appeared again unscathed.

The brightness and elegance just now were lost, her face was expressionless, her deep red eyes flashed with a fierce red glow, and the anger of being suddenly attacked was evident.

“I don’t know who he is.” Beiming has fish shook the head.

The girl focused her eyes on the mud and sawdust rhizomes that were re-melting into the earth. Lightly added: “But I guess Cang Rin should be the one who caused trouble.”

“Okay, very good, very good, really good.”

Jia Lan’s face was twisted, and one sentence was repeated. However, the matter is far from over.

This is just the beginning that’s all.

Almost at the same time, two strong and majestic auras swept from different places in the city of Imperial Capital in the distance of Xianyizhuang.

It is the breath of Grandmaster.

Who is it? There are fishes in Beiming looking out, one is from Tianjuan Street, and the other is─

“It’s in the plan!”

Qin Yu, you coward! Jialan loudly roared.

“Wait, that’s a trap!”

Ignoring Beiming Youyu’s advice, Jia Lan jumped up.

The strong force crushed the ground, and the girl flew high like a bird, and after a turn in the air, she rushed to another source of breath.

──There is exactly where the Secret Sect exchange group is located.

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