Listening to Beiming Youyu’s past, Sue Kirin put his cheek on the table, clicking one’s tongue in wonder a few times.

“Hey, this old man Qi was already such an idiot when he was young?”

In her impression, Qi Return to Origin is not respectful of the old A role model, although he often assumes a calm look, his inside has nothing to do with seriousness, but from the past dictated by Beiming Youyu, he lacked even the only desirable calmness when he was young, Shenshen A new realm is rare, which is really ridiculous.

Sue Kirin’s question caused Beiming Youyu to sigh, and the pair of furry fox ears on her head immediately moved.

“Yes, he is like this.”

Here is a small Inn in a remote corner of the official road leading to the Kunlun Mountains.

The cafeteria space that occupies the entire ground-floor lobby is not too spacious. It can barely put down about ten tables, but it is unexpectedly lively.

The communication of the passengers is noisy, and a large part of the people gather by the fires which are located in several places to keep warm while communicating with people they have never met.

The nearby Inn is almost full, and this one is no exception. The entire group of Lingyue Valley and Heavenly Jade Palace lived in several Inns in batches before they finally settled down.

And the reason for the explosion of Inn, such as this fire, is probably due to the inclement weather outside the mountains with heavy snow. When several people opened the door and came in, the wind and snow that took the opportunity to blow in even fell to the deepest part of the canteen.

The wind and snow are like a giant beast with teeth and claws, scaring this Inn shiver coldly.

The winter is not deep enough.

But maybe it is mourning the tragedy of Imperial Capital. The north of the Hua Dynasty was covered by heavy snow, and the Kunlun Mountains in the northwest was raged by wind and snow, about fifty miles away from it. The road is basically completely blocked, and the deep and thick snow not only prohibits the carriage from moving forward.

Some people have said that people can walk to the ends of the earth and sea corners on their legs, but the environment here is so bad that even hikers have to stay away. Therefore, regardless of whether they are driving or riding on foot, they end up staying in the vicinity.

“Yo yo yo, this is the so-called’the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change’!”

Sue Kirin pretended to shook the head, and then picked up the bowl with chopsticks His noodles were sucked into his mouth awkwardly and swallowed into his stomach without much chewing. Beiming Youyu drank the hot tea, squinting his eyes with enjoyment.

They are in the cold corner of the canteen. On the table are a pot of hot tea and two bowls of expensive “beef strips.”

The maintenance seen at Inn is not excellent. There is no shortage of air leakage problems. People try their best to get inside ─ ─ especially near the stove, only they stand out from the crowd, which is very eye-catching .

They are already eye-catching.

In order to better recuperate and speed up the recovery speed of the injury ── from the injury suffered at Imperial Capital─, Beiming Youyu has shown people in a “half full” posture in recent days.

A short skirt with big sleeves that explains “Autumn” wraps a body smaller than Sue Kirin. The melon seeds have an elegant and lovely face with a classic charm, and the brows reveal a clear and dusty temperament. The long pure white hair is tied into a ponytail, and the sides of the hair go around the ears and tied together, like two tributaries that merge into the mainstream. Purple’s faint eyes are full of time deposits, deep, as if hiding the entire world.

The half-full form of “Yuehua Vientiane” looks only in the early ten years.

But it is entangled with a calm and indifferent aura, unbelievably completely unrelated to childishness and tenderness, as if living in that small body is a soul that has experienced years of vicissitudes. People have an impression of illusory not interested in mundane affairs.

Sue Kirin, who sits opposite her, is close to the dilapidated Inn window, and the cold wind leaking in through the cracks occasionally messes up a few strands of black hair.

“Hey, but leaving aside the character, I am tentatively kind-hearted.” Sue Kirin curled his mouth and said, lifting his cheeks again.

The unilateral dimples that were revealed thus set off the cherry-colored lips, and the slightly wrinkled nose is also very cute.

A small face of melon seeds is too delicate, Spiritual Qi is overflowing and compelling, the outline is natural, without a trace of craftsmanship, like a natural unpolished that is crystal clear and near-transparent without carving. jade, and the bright yellow beads inlaid on it are also floating with a faint brilliance, agile and deep, like a ten thousand li cloudless clear blue sky.

At first glance, she was only twelve or thirteen years old.

But that petite body is well-proportioned and curvy, not childish, and it is difficult to judge her true age. For a while, she looks like a young girl, but when she looks again, she feels She is a seventeen or eighteen year old girl.

Her hair is equally distinctive.

That long hair of amazing number and length, like silk dyed with good black dye, contrasts sharply with the pure white hair color of Beiming Youyu, with outstanding texture. Bright and moist.

The back part of this beautiful hair is divided into upper and lower layers. The shorter layer underneath is naturally scattered, while the upper layer that grows to the ankle is wrapped in two dumplings. The head is left and right, but there is still something left. The remaining part is wrapped around the middle of the junction of the two layers in the form of a double ponytail and fixed with a blue and white Chinese knot hair ornament.

The whole hair shape looks like a Chinese knot full of ancient meaning from a distance.

In the Chinese tradition, each stage of life is matched by a brand-new image, just like the traditional corset in adulthood, and Sue Kirin’s new hair shape more or less has this meaning , Used to match her new Grandmaster realm.

By the way, the hair shape is designed by Qi Qiqi.

The only drawback is that she does not have a new set of clothes.

Her Ancestor Master suit was scattered ashes and dispersed smoke during the Imperial Capital World War I, and now she can only wear the spare Heavenly Jade court ladies’ dress. A long-sleeved off-the-shoulder blouse with a short skirt with moiré patterns. The small feet are wrapped in blue and white embroidered shoes. The slender and well-proportioned snow-white legs are almost exposed, and the outer cover is blue. She has a long dress with long sleeves, but she specially folded up the collar of the coat, revealing the round and exquisite shoulders, which is distinctive and has a slightly naughty taste.

──Autumn and Spring.

The girls sitting opposite each other seem to be two extremes, setting off each other and becoming the focus of people’s attention. Nowadays, there are still many people looking at them from time to time. However, in addition to the appearance of the two people coming out and the gap caused by the lack of harmony with this place, their behavior under the table is also one of the factors that seduce the sight of others.

Under the table, Sue Kirin’s bare legs half-stretched the tail of Beiming Youyu.

The tail covered with soft and smooth hair seems to be the best natural heater, and it feels very comfortable to the touch, especially the slight itching of the skin when it is rubbed slightly, which makes Sue Kirin enjoy it.

“Kind-hearted…?” Beiming has fish indifferent expression.

Looking forward to the distant past, the gaze fell on the slightly dangling warm tea, and the rising heat once blurred the two pearls of purple.

Probably because she was addicted to reminiscing about the past, she hadn’t touched the bowl of hot noodles in front of her.

By the way, Sue Kirin was overjoyed for Beiming Youyu’s initiative to tell the past. She didn’t expect Beiming Youyu to suddenly say “Sue Kirin, do you want to listen to the story. My story.” This sentence, but also didn’t expect to reply after thinking about it, she really started to tell that A piece of history that is enough to become a legend.

“Noodles, if you don’t eat it, it will be cold.”

Pointing the noodles with fish in Beiming with chopsticks, Sue Kirin tentatively reminded me.

Well, Beiming Youyu responded softly.

After that, she picked up the chopsticks she hadn’t moved, picked up the noodles and put them in her mouth gracefully.

“At that time, you were the way you are now?” Sue Kirin asked vaguely while chewing on the pieces of meat.

“Almost.” Beiming Youyu thought for a while, and then added, “It’s been too long, I don’t remember.”

“Hey, but I met Qi Return to Origin I remember the details of Sue Kirin clearly.”

Faced with Sue Kirin’s weird voice, Bei Ming Yuyu’s eyebrows were slightly raised.

“It’s hard not to remember. In all meanings, the impression is very deep.”

paused, Beiming Youyu emphasized:

“It should be the same if you change it to you.”

“Yes.” Sue Kirin sneered, spread out both hands, “After all, idiots are rare, and idiots at this level are even rarer!”

“Like someone.”

Beijing Youyu took a sip of tea quietly, not watching Sue Kirin lightly put it forward.


When I heard Sue Kirin’s question, Bei Ming had a fish and looked at Sue Kirin. Sue Kirin didn’t understand it at first, but after seeing the ridicule in the girl’s eyes, he immediately realized it.

“Hey, Xiaoyu, you can wait for me! How do I look like him.”

Sue Kirin protested solemnly, and Beiming Youyu replied briefly:


“The gesture of spreading his hands just now.”

“Uh…” Sue Kirin’s expression was stagnant.

“You actually resemble him in many ways.”

“Informal character, and…”

Bei Ming has a fish out The unspeakable gaze, mixed with helplessness and appreciation, has several points of unable to relieve himself.

“Especially for…not discriminating against the martial monster.”

There was an unnatural pause in the words, and Beiming Youyu seemed to suddenly change his mouth.

“Will it? Xiaoqi and Xiaoyun don’t discriminate.”

“Well, so you are special.”

With happiness A sentence.

“Hey, if you like me like this, I’m going to be ashamed.”

Sue Kirin touched the back of his head, looking like he wanted to be proud, but embarrassed.

Beijing Youyu sighed first, “You are now a Grandmaster, why can’t you be a little more calm?” He asked, partly blamed and partly helpless, and then he raised his mouth and smiled in relief. .

Beiming has a fish is actually very suitable for laughter, it looks beautiful.

Despite thinking so from the bottom of my heart, Sue Kirin did not say this feeling. A large part of the beauty of Beiming Youyu’s smile comes from the rareness, and Sue Kirin is not so superficial that people with permanent smiles are happy people.

“Ask you a question.”

Beijing Yuyu put his chopsticks on the bowl and threw this sentence abruptly.

“Say it!”

“Your title. Grandmaster’s title.” Beiming Youyu asked very seriously, “Have you decided?”

“Oh, this…”

Sue Kirin clasped his chest in trouble, tilted his head and groaned for a long while “Um…”.

“Xiaoqi and Xiaoyun have thought about a few for me. I still think the’Yin Yang Carp’ is the best!”

Yin Yang Carp.

That is a “gift” from Jialan.

“Even if it’s Jialan’s proposal?” Beiming Youyu browses slightly wrinkle, and it seems that he can’t let go.

This is understandable. She has always had a bad relationship with Jialan. Even if she is dissatisfied with Sue Kirin’s plan to follow Jialan’s kindness, it is not surprising.

be that as it may, Sue Kirin was still a little surprised at this time. No, not so much surprise, it’s not overjoyed.

Beiming has a fishy indifferent nature and a little cold and arrogant. It is destined to not be the type that will impose his own feelings and opinions on others, and he will not interfere with the decisions or opinions of others.

However, in the final analysis, this is the attitude towards people who do not value.

She will show dissatisfaction at this time, probably because Sue Kirin has been classified as important, and this is what really surprised Sue Kirin.

As this important response, Sue Kirin should naturally also ask for Beiming Youyu’s response and take into account her feelings.

“Do you feel bad?”

“Appropriate.” Beiming Youyu said, “But after all, it was a gift from Asura.”

Sure enough It’s because of Xiaolan! Suddenly, Sue Kirin felt embarrassed, and he blurted out:

“Isn’t it the most important thing to do?” She also meant to maintain Jialan somewhat.

I don’t know if I noticed Sue Kirin’s feelings, or if I was totally speechless. Now Beiming has a fish in silence, and there is no sign of stretching his brows. Instead, he wrinkles a little bit tighter. Feeling too happy, he withdrew the tail between Sue Kirin’s legs.

The atmosphere suddenly became a bit awkward.

Should you be so angry? Sue Kirin almost fell out of his eyes. She could not imagine that she would still see the awkward side of Beiming Youyu in her lifetime, blinking her big eyes in a daze.

“Uh…are you angry?”

After a long silence, Sue Kirin hesitated to test in a timid tone.

“What did you say?”

Beijing Youyu didn’t seem to hear clearly, so Sue Kirin courageously asked again.

“…You said I was angry?” As if hearing something unbelievable, Beiming Youyu was dumbfounded, with a little sullen state as if he had just woke up. Not only was she unconscious, but she was at a loss as to whether she was really angry, looking straight at Sue Kirin’s eyes shaking.

Such an expression is very rare on her face, and the rarity is no less than that of expensive gems.

Sue Kirin was uncomfortable looking at her, her eyes seeking answers made her not know how to deal with it, and she froze for a long time without squeezing out a word.

Fortunately, there are fish in Beiming not at all for too long.


After regaining consciousness, Beiming has a fish faintly sighed, not knowing that purple eyes are floating with uneasy ripples. Do you feel helpless because you don’t understand why you are angry? Sue Kirin caught the faint emotion and made such a deduction.

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