Moving today, I have dealt with a lot of things, so less and more, please forgive me.


“──I have something to discuss with Liang Sect Master.”

Waiting for Liang Bozhong to welcome Bei Xiaolu and Sue Kirin into the main hall In the hall, when asked about her coming, she answered like this.

The key members of Heavenly Sword Gate present were all astonished after hearing Bei Xiaolu’s request.

Is there anything so important that you can only discuss with Liang Sect Master? This question was revealed in their eyes, but Liang Bozhong didn’t think about it for long, so he told them to withdraw.

Since the sect master has orders, they can no longer be relieved, they can only obey and retreat quietly.

“Bei Senior, there is a side hall over there, please.”

Liang Bozhong pointed to the small hall in the corner of the main hall, and Bei Xiaolu and Sue Kirin moved behind him Go there and take a seat at the other side’s arrangement.

“Senior is willing to come to Heavenly Sword Gate as a guest. I am really flattered by the old man, and the whole Heavenly Sword Gate is splendid!”

Said politely, Liang Bozhong Pour the tea made from Longjing into the tea cup. Sue Kirin, whose face was hidden under his hood, kept his eyes fixed on Elderly’s face.

In just two years that’s all, he looks a lot older.

It seems that after he succeeded sect master, the situation of Heavenly Sword Gate is not optimistic.

“Senior, what on earth did you come here for this time? Is it about Xia Family?”

Liang Bozhong filled two cups of tea with tea Put them in front of the two girls, and asked straight to the point rather pragmatically.

It seems that he has received relevant news, and his guess is basically correct.

“It’s really about Xia Family, how did Liang Sect master know?”

“The Xia Family warehouse has always been guarded by Beggars’ Sect. Pirates, Beggars’ Sect has a contract with Xia Family, how can you not be in a hurry?”

Liang Bozhong said with a smile as it should be by rights.

“My old lady has always heard that Liang Sect Master is not as hypocritical as other Sect Masters. Of course the name is not in vain.”

Bei Xiaolu has always been straightforward, and she should be honest. I thought so.

Next, she glanced at Sue Kirin, who was silent next to her, and skipped the topic for now.

“Before talking about our Beggars’ Sect request, the old lady wants Liang Sect master to meet an old person first.”

“Old person?”

Sent While questioning, Liang Bozhong’s gaze fell involuntarily on the girl hiding under the white cloak. He made it clear that he realized that the old person at Bei Xiaolukou was referring to her.

However, his dazed expression also expresses that he can’t think of the old man who is you for a while.

And Sue Kirin just sighed.

The tone of clear spirit echoed in the small hall, she slowly took off her hood, and she pours out a black beauty, and her bright yellow eyes were reflected in Liang Bozhong’s eyes. .

“Elder Liang, we haven’t seen it in a long time.” Sue Kirin smiled wryly.

Elderly’s eyes widened, their eyes widened in surprise and complexity.

In there, does Sue Kirin show and so on? Hatred, or anger? Not at all, there is only melancholy.

“Where is it, Xue…Snow Senior, we have not seen each other for almost two years that day, you are still the same as before, and Heavenly Sword Gate ──”

” No, it’s not the same.”

Sue Kirin shook the head slowly, and muttered like a loss:

“You and I are different.”

Yes, it’s all different.

In just two years, too many things have happened and they have caught up with the life of an ordinary person.

Liang Bozhong was taken aback, and then he smiled bitterly: “Which is it, it’s different.”

“Bozhong first congratulates Xue Senior on becoming a Grandmaster.”

“How about Grandmaster? Isn’t it the same as Xiaolu, sitting here and drinking the tea you brought?”

Liang Bozhong stayed for a while, then said with a wry smile:


Sue Kirin drank the tea in one breath, and Liang Bozhong took the initiative to fill her up.

If others don’t know, they think they are friends whom they haven’t seen for many years, or even a pair of grandparents, but Bei Xiaolu knows that Sue Kirin strictly speaking can be regarded as the enemy of Heavenly Sword Gate.

“Liang sect master, don’t you hate the little one?”

Beijing Xiaolu couldn’t help asking, it seemed that he was more curious than Sue Kirin.


“Oh oh, my old lady means Sue Kirin.”

“Call the snow elder sister.”

Sue Kirin first corrected the sentence leisurely, causing Bei Xiaolu’s gnashing teeth, and then turned his head to look at Liang Bozhong:

“This is what I want to ask.”

The girl looks like Playing with the tea cup indifferently, however, the pair of bright yellow eyes reflected in the tea water aimed at Liang Bozhong at an angle extremely close to the upper eyelid.

Liang Bozhong shook his head and laughed a few times, took a sip of tea, and shook his fingers as he put down the tea cup.

“When is the injustice reported?”

“…You have a bad relationship with Hua Tianji?”

Sue Kirin can only think of this reason.

It’s her. If one day someone important to her is killed, even if she catches up to the ends of the earth, she will still kill her enemies.


This group of words exists in her dictionary, but it does not apply to the killing of important people. If the enemy is forgiven, then who will redeem her? There is more than destruction in hatred. Sometimes it can also be a person’s salvation.

By the way, I’m quite hypocritical.

Sue Kirin thought, raising a wry smile.

She doesn’t want Shui Yun’er to embark on the road of revenge, but she has this kind of thought that blood feud has to be repaid. Well, she is not at all qualified to ask Shui Yuner.

But, she just doesn’t want to.

The most important thing is often his own thoughts, so Sue Kirin hopes that Sue Yun’er can let go of his hatred and live happily.

Flying thoughts flashed by, reality is only a moment away, and Liang Bozhong’s answer sounded at the same time.

“The old man has been treating him like a close relative…and he has known each other for several decades.”

That means a very close relationship.

However, he doesn’t hate an enemy who killed his “close relative”. Sue Kirin doesn’t quite understand. As if to perceive this, Liang Bozhong quietly explained:

“If the celestial pole is killed normally for no reason, the old man may not be able to think about it, and he will be stuck in the mud of hatred. The problem is, he is not. His death is the price paid for his own ambition. Just as he was seeking the Heavenly Jade Palace, hoping to achieve success by some means, he also killed the people of Heavenly Jade Palace in the matter. . In that case, he will definitely lose his life here one day, and he should be so.”

His tone seemed to be telling a truth.

That is a truth that everyone understands, but only a few people can follow. “So you think this is as it should be by rights, there is nothing to care about…?” Sue Kirin asked hesitantly.

Frankly, she actually has doubts. Can someone really see so clearly? She asked herself that she couldn’t do it, so she suspected that the other party was just talking about it.

Perhaps it is despicable and narrow-minded, but she can’t stop this idea.

“Times change, what is endless is always cause and effect…”

Liang Bozhong’s sigh was full of melancholy, and it also revealed a question.

He was asking why it is so simple, but many people don’t understand or disagree.

“More importantly, Xue Senior also responded to the old man’s request and did not kill the innocent. The old man has always been grateful and grateful for this, thanking and rejoicing that Xue Senior is a reasonable person.”

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