“──Goddamn guy, you burned me!”

That stern roar echoed in a corner of Luoyang City that was already shrouded in the setting sun.

The evening in spring is not warm. People returning home are hurrying with their collars, wanting to get back to their homes before the night falls, but when they hear the shouts from there When it came out from the tea shop, I couldn’t help but cast a surprised look.

This tea house in the Western District can be said to be well-known.

Environment and service are both good, and the shopkeeper known as Huang Fatty is also very harmonious and amiable. The guests inside are all literati, so generally speaking shouldn’t be said to be shocking Scream.

The situation is quite rare.

Some people who are curious about this temporarily stopped to observe the situation on the street outside the teahouse gate.

“Look at what you did!”

The raping sound of Fatty Wang, who has always been kind, came out immediately.

There seems to be some conflict inside. People who join in the fun can hear the collision of chaos, the girl’s crisp and crisp protest, and the cat’s hostile hiss.

There is another messy noise.

The voice gradually approached the room.

First a baggage was thrown out of the door, then a black cat, and finally the girl was thrown out of it, and she fell to the ground with her ass on the ground.

Is a girl who came out.

Onlookers were surprised at the beauty of her Spiritual Qi appearance.

“Would you like this? It was just an accident!”

With some painful tears in the corners of her eyes, the girl jumped up and protested at the door with dissatisfaction. Rubbing his butt.


Fatty Wang also walked out the door

He stood on the stairs in front of the door and looked down and looked away from the petite girl Confrontation.

“Break more than ten bowls a day, lose focus while pouring tea, and burn the guests. The cat still eats everywhere! These all are accidents? I think you are sincere to mess up! Come on! , Who did you send it? Is it Chen Dong at the end of the street?”

Fatty Wang, who usually smiles and greets people, made it clear that he was so angry that he had a big mouth and was swearing His chest rose and fell, and his face flushed.

“Dong, you big head, Dong! Who knows him? I’m just not careful!”

“I don’t care!”

The girl’s retort Make Fatty Wang even more angry.

He raised his fat, round hand and pointed his hand to the street.

“Fuck me, how far you go! The destruction is more than construction, our shop does not need it!”

The teahouse boss roared angrily. The words went out of tune with excitement.

He hasn’t been so angry for a long time, and he feels his chest is a little heavy. Originally thought she would be a lucky star, didn’t expect just one afternoon’s work, she made mistakes and omissions again and again, incurred a lot of fine but real losses, and also caused dissatisfaction with the guests.

The girl side cat tensed her body and screamed threateningly at Fatty Wang.

“hmph, don’t regret it when you arrive! Don’t look at me, I just did it all afternoon, and your shop has that many customers!”

The dust on the girl’s patted skirt , He looked very disdainful when he curled his mouth.


Fatty Wang was speechless for a moment when the facts and entanglements were revealed.

As the girl said, the business this afternoon was indeed a lot better, all because of the agility and cuteness of this new girl that aroused the admiration of the scholars. In a short period of time, many customers have tactfully confessed to this girl.

It’s just that she is full of errors and omissions.

If the other party apologizes to herself, there may be room for change, but what is her attitude? Fatty Wang couldn’t swallow this breath, shaking his arms again pointing in a completely different direction from before and shouting loudly:

“I won’t make this money. Don’t worry about the money! Get out of me!”


“Get out of here! Let’s wait and see, don’t regret it when you arrive!”

The girl who was not to be outdone panting with rage grinned, choked and choked Fatty. Wang blushed.

His round face is scary red like a ripe apple.

But before he had time to fight back, the girl picked up the baggage, picked up the black cat and put it on top of her head, and turned away neatly.

She went a little bit too simply.

I don’t care about this job at all! Her words and deeds conveyed such meanings, making Fatty Wang even more unsatisfied, and the other party even more unsatisfied after walking a few steps, turned around and made a grimace at him.

“I’m so angry!”

So the scene of Fatty Wang roaring loudly like a madman was also reflected in the eyes of the onlookers.


Although Fatty Wang is allowed to watch, it’s just an angry talk that’s all.

Sue Kirin naturally has no plan to retaliate. She is more concerned about where she should sleep tonight.

She thought she had found a good job, but was fired within half a day. It’s not that she didn’t do her best, but that group of literati poosers “Zhuzheye” really bored her. If people are bored, they will make mistakes. If there are too many mistakes, they will become as it should be by rights.

Knowing that the responsibility lies more with himself, Sue Kirin will not be so cheeky that the wicked will sue first, and really retaliate against Fatty Wang, and the reason why giving tit for tat with the other party just now is purely incapable .

Is it really not suitable for work?

In the past, she was clearly doing a good job, but since she became such a body, she seemed to be a little different…not only in character, but also in many aspects. Although she doesn’t care too much, sometimes when she is frustrated by this, she always unconsciously wonders if something is wrong.

Sue Kirin hugged the black cat and sighed again and again, aimless walking along the street.

Her petite silhouette drew a lonely and depressed shadow in the setting sun.

Several passers-by noticed the melancholy girl, and some of them came forward to take care of them, but all were ignored by Sue Kirin.

“Kirin, how are you?”

The black cat in his arms seems to be a thief looking around, caring about his owner.

It has not forgotten Sue Kirin’s instructions, fearing that others will hear its own voice, and the volume of the sound is very small.

“I’m wondering…Is it really going to disturb the disciplines tonight.”

She meant spending a night in the Heavenly Jade Palace property.

“Woo…If we don’t go, we’ll be on the streets.” Tianji said weakly.

“I know!” Sue Kirin wrinkled his nose in annoyance, “I just told Xiaoqi I will do a good job, but on the first day I went to live in the place she arranged and passed it back In her ears, how can you save my face!”

The noise of the street hawks. Many roadside stalls sell all kinds of coveted food, but Sue Kirin, who has been feeling a little hungry after working all afternoon, has no appetite.

However, the Tianji in her arms kept sticking one’s head around to look for those food stalls, looking hungry.

Sue Kirin sighed, in line with the idea that he can’t let Tianji not eat, he bought a few big buns from the street vendor.

a man and a cat eat while walking.

The cat is only holding the big bag while eating, and Sue Kirin sighs with every bite.

Muddleheaded another section of the road, one side of the street suddenly burst into a series of tight screams, among them someone anxiously calling.

What’s the matter? It seems to be yelling “mother”?

Sue Kirin looked to the other end, there was a stall surrounded by a large number of passers-by, and there was no clue for the time being.

She changed to approached the commotion.

Although I don’t like to be nosy, but joining in the fun can always relieve the depressed mood.

“What happened?”

Sue Kirin was standing outside the densely packed wall and couldn’t get in. He could not see it even if he raised his feet, so he had to look for it. People asked about the situation.

“It seems that there is a street vendor–it’s an aunty–she seems to be offended by officials.”

“There is such a thing?”

Sue Kirin stared Big eyes, pretending to be curious.

The passerby who answered the question saw the girl look like this, so he politely let her go, and even scolded the others to make way.

There was an empty circle in the human wall, as if strangers should stay away.

The auntie in the road population is about 40 or 50 years old, wearing a coarse linen skirt. Although she is getting older, her brow still has the beauty of her youth. At this moment, she sat down in the middle of the circle, leaning against a young teenager, clutching her chest and shouting in pain.

Two men dressed as officials stood beside her.

They are indifferent to the women’s suffering, and even a little disgusting. Some passersby are whispering such as “bully intolerably!” “Even women bully, what a good guy!” Zhiyu was obviously dissatisfied with the actions of the two officials.

However, as the saying goes, “good people do not fight against officials” they dare not speak out loudly.

Only the teenager who held the middle-aged woman in his arms glared at them.

When Sue Kirin saw the teenager’s face clearly, he immediately said “Huh?”, didn’t expect him to be someone he knew.

The other party was the honest young man she met just now in Yahang.

Although from the reaction of others, the two officials seem to have “bullyed” the middle-aged woman who set up the stall, but the turmoil is not necessarily based on right or wrong, but can often be based on sympathy , So Sue Kirin cannot tell who is right and who is wrong.

The problem is that the woman looks very painful.

I don’t know if she suffers from a hidden illness, or if she was pushed and fell into a problem, she looked pale, and her breathing was quite irregular and rapid.

In this regard, the two officials still have an aloof and remote attitude, without any sympathy.

“Don’t pretend to be garlic, you are breaking the emperor’s law by setting up a stall here without permission! You have not been punished, and you don’t have to hurry up and collect the stall. Go where you should go? Don’t be an eyesore here!”

An older official scolded, quite unkind. He also shook the stick in his hand threateningly, as if the woman would no longer get up, the stick was about to hit her hard.

Sue Kirin can’t stand it anymore.

However, the officer said that he was not fined, and Sue Kirin thought he was not as hard-hearted as he could.

“My mother is like this! How can I take it off? Do you have any humanity?”

The young man shouted anxiously and excitedly, accusing the officials of cold blooded and emotionless, the people who surrounded the wall followed suit.

“What did you say!” The younger official stared suddenly, and took a step forward. “I didn’t punish you anymore. You don’t need to be deeply grateful. Right?”

As he said, he raised the stick in his hand and swung it down at the mother and son.

The older officials hurriedly called out “Stop!” Unfortunately, it was already overwhelming. The boy raised his arm to block the percussion, and an unpleasant, crisp voice came out.

The club was hit very hard, and the boy cried out in pain.

His arms immediately became red and swollen, and his hand bones seemed to have been damaged to some extent. Everyone was immediately in an uproar.

The woman was shocked to see her son being beaten.

Unexpectedly, she was frightened, so her eyes turned upside down and passed out. The teenager didn’t care about his injury, and he called the woman in a panic, but he didn’t get a response.

“The officials are beating people! Come and see!”

“It’s too unkind!”

“Oh my god, my lady is dizzy It’s over!

When people saw it, they no longer worried about whether they would offend the officials, and they all accused them, but they didn’t dare to step forward to stop them. Once the sticks in the hands of the two officials fell on them, they would still Pain.

“You still pretend! “

The young official became even more angry, as if he had been wronged by some great grievance.

He raised the stick in his hand again, and his companion suddenly I fainted and got caught in surprise. I didn’t react and stopped.

Seeing that the stick was about to fall, the crowd onlookers exclaimed again, and even the unbearable girls closed subconsciously. Eyes.

However, what they expected did not happen in the end.

In a flash, that petite silhouette intervened between the two sides, blocked the boy, and took it empty-handed. The sticks whizzing down.

With the sticks that are not lightly strong, there is no ripple in the small white palm of the hand.

The young official stared wide-eyed, the petite girl in front of him His strength was so terrifying that he not only easily took over a stick he had used 70% of his strength, but also firmly grasped it. No matter how much he twitched the stick, the stick would not move.

“You…! “

Subconsciously understanding that he might have provoke the martial artist, he swallowed in embarrassment.

His companion was also shocked.

“Hey, are you too much? “

Sue Kirin’s entire face wrinkled, very dissatisfied.

She looked back towards the young man behind her and asked: “Are you okay?” “The young man who planned to eat a stick again didn’t expect someone to help, and this person was a girl who seemed to be in love at first sight. She was stunned and did not respond.

” Stupid wood. “Sue Kirin rolled the eyes unhappily.

She once again faced the domineering officials in front of her. “Even if the aunt has committed a crime, but she is like this, don’t you know how to accompany you?” Humph, hit people, you can too! “

“You want to control? “

The young official doesn’t repent, but the imposing manner is much weaker. He still can’t move the stick in his hand.

“Yo, I just want to take care of it. ? There is a kind of you try to beat me, see you great aunt, I will beat you to scared witless? “

This officer can be said to be a bit young and energetic.

He couldn’t stand Sue Kirin’s provocation, loosened his club and punched out, no matter what the opponent looked like. little girl, ruthless.

“Huh? “

The officer’s fist did not fall on Sue Kirin.

Everything happened in a flash. The stick that Sue Kirin snatched quickly swept the officer’s right foot and left palm at the same time. It rested on his chin.

He didn’t realize what was going on. He only felt a sudden pain in his chin. His vision turned around, and he flipped back in the air and fell heavily to the ground.

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