By the way, the “rat” in Huaque’s mouth should refer to the intelligence agency under “Son of Heaven.” In this way, it seems that Qin Yu didn’t mean to take it lightly even as the King Wen, who is his own parent and child.

Sue Kirin is thinking, although he is in the highest position, but paid the price of “trusting the abilities of others”, is it really worth it?

The girl is thinking, Wen Wang will have the action.

“Everyone, Xiao Wang has a presumptuous request.”

Qin Rui played the card out of common sense, and looked around everyone before turning around, sincerely cupped his hands and said .

His words were a bit strange, and people’s reactions were a little slow. In the end, Qi Qiqi, the palace lord, got up and said:

“His Royal Highness has You might as well say it straight.”

“The palace lord of Qi is not only beautiful, but also so considerate. He really lives up to the name of Luoyang number one beauty.”

“His Royal Highness is overpraised.”

“It’s really not the same, Xiao Wang has something to talk to Snow Maiden, so I hope you can move to the banquet hall and watch the pre-banquet program that Xiao Wang carefully arranged.”

As soon as this statement was made, everyone present showed unexpected expressions.

If you have something to call me? Sue Kirin was even more surprised.

She never met with King Wen, and felt a little bit unreasonable for him to have something to talk with herself alone. Of course, if her Grandmaster realm is taken into consideration, the other party might not have found their own objective reasons and necessity.

But, shouldn’t he just like himself? Sue Kirin glanced at Zi Xuanzi, unfathomable mystery thinking about it. It’s no wonder that there is a model beside her, and she has to consider that her charm might capture the hearts of others.

“His Royal Highness, the little girl took the liberty to ask, does Your Highness want to send the little Ancestor Master to be alone with me?”

Qi Qiqi hesitatingly inquired, her bright red eyes filled with anxiety color.


“…Can you ask, what is it about?”

Qi Qiqi asked carefully, this It is already a little offensive. Hua Que looked at it a little unhappy, but she and Wen Wang were actually in a weaker position than Heavenly Jade Palace, so they did not arrogantly criticize Qi Qiqi.

“Sorry, the little girl is just worried about whether the Ancestor Master has offended His Royal Highness.”

Qi Qiqi also noticed the inappropriate words and deeds, and then Yingying apologized. . She dressed up today is like a red lotus, even though she is only a little apologetic, she is very pitiful, and there is no way to blame.

As the saying goes, beauty is also a weapon, and this is especially deadly on Qi Qiqi.

“Palace Master Qi must be very polite.”

However, Qin Rui not at all looked straight, but hurriedly walked over to help Qi Qiqi, and said with a gentle smile:

“As just said, Xiao Wang hopes to make friends with you all. Can Miss Qi forget the scene of laughing and laughing with Xiao Wang just now?”

Qin Rui almost arrived To show his sincerity and strengthen persuasiveness, he deliberately called Qi Qiqi “girl”. Compared with Palace Master Qi, Miss Qi seems much closer.

Is this guy like Xiaoqi? Sue Kirin shrugged his nose, but Qin Rui turned around and looked over like an eye from behind.

Between four eyes intersect, Sue Kirin saw a bit of bitterness drifting from Qin Rui’s body, and opened his mouth slightly in surprise.

“Xiao Wang likes to make friends with all kinds of heroes, it’s just that’s all.” His Royal Highness declared seriously.

Some suspicions of deceiving others.

If you just want to make friends with yourself, there is simply no need to be alone with yourself. Sue Kirin knows that things are a little more complicated.

However, questioning a prince is a sin of disrespect, so even though the people present know that it is just an excuse, they cannot directly blame it.

Maybe the other party has any unspeakable difficulties and needs to ask yourself for help?

No, it can not be ruled out that he has a picture of himself, Sue Kirin warned him not to take it lightly.

Speaking of which, even if Wang Wen is applying for the 3rd-layer application, he will regard everyone in Heavenly Jade Palace as friends, but there is still a huge gap between them that cannot be easily crossed. Now the situation is slightly embarrassing and depressing. The best proof.

So, does Qin Rui feel helpless and bitter about this?

Sue Kirin suddenly thought of it, but felt that he was thinking too much, so he shook the head quietly, just to catch Qi Qiqi’s eyes with the corner of his eyes.

The bright red eyes convey the meaning of helplessness.

Frankly speaking, Sue Kirin consciously has nothing to do with Wang Wen alone for a while. Even if you leave out the many experts of your own, Sue Kirin, the key to King Wen, is not easy.

The only thing to be careful about is that there is no reason to sin.

“In that case, it’s up to the meaning of the little Ancestor Master.”

Ye Zhen, who has been silent until now, hands the decision to Sue Kirin, and everyone else’s eyes are also watching. Come here.

“Let’s do it.”

His eyes rolled around, and Sue Kirin agreed.

She lifted her chest, raised her chin, and said a little arrogantly:

“Just talk, but first declare that if the time is too long, I will charge you. .”

When facing different people, you should have different attitudes.

In the face of a man of noble origin like King Wen, a little arrogance can make the two sides equal. This is also what Sue Kirin rarely uses as the “Secondary 2” of “this seat”. the reason.

Qi Qiqi, who originally cast her to scold her, realized this with a slower time, so she put on a warning stare of “Be careful of yourself”. Sue Kirin blinked her left eye to tell her not to worry.

“His Royal Highness Wen has always had a good reputation, so you shouldn’t worry too much.”

Side Zi Xuanzi quietly gave reliable information, and Sue Kirin responded with a soft hush.

“Kirin, just now he only talked to us about some innocuous things, and also talked about some imperial court trends, but it was very one-sided. I don’t know what happened to your Royal Highness, but you Be careful.”

At this time, Qi Qiqi, who led the Heavenly Jade palace people to take the first step, walked around Sue Kirin, and whispered information in her ear like a purple fairy.

Sue Kirin also gave Tianji to Qi Qiqi to take care of her.

This black cat seems to be hungry, and hangs on Sue Kirin’s shoulder with a half-dead look.

“Don’t worry, at worst, slap him to death.” She then answered.

Knowing that Sue Kirin was joking, Qi Qiqi gave her a roll of eyes. This little action looks very cute, and Sue Kirin almost couldn’t help pinching the opponent’s dimples. “In short, it’s not a big mistake to pay more attention.”

After reminding again, Qi Qiqi took the Heavenly Jade Palace entire group and moved to the banquet hall first. When Xia Xue passed Sue Kirin, she inexplicably rubbed her shoulder with her chest.

“Hey, I heard that a cheeky guy took a lot of things for nothing in the store I manage today.”

Sue Kirin said that there are so many threads. thing.

It hasn’t been a long time before Xia Xue in Heavenly Jade Palace has heard the wind and made a mockery of her. She felt that it was indeed a wise choice for her not to gamble, and she decided to go to a farther place next time and act recklessly.

After they left, the guard closed the door again.

Sue Kirin can feel that they are also far away after closing the door.

“Snow Maiden, I hope to understand Xiao Wang’s abruptness.”

Qin Rui apologizes as soon as he opens his mouth. Sue Kirin sighed, you are welcome, each minding their own business. Just now, Qi Qiqi sat down and shook her feet. The girl was originally acting informally, so she wanted to confirm whether the Wen Wang did not like to put on airs, as Hua Que said.

“Hey, the abrupt is a little bit abrupt. So what? Let’s talk about it.”

Qin Rui really didn’t care about Sue Kirin’s impolite behavior.

“Snow Maiden is really fast talk.”

“I’m not’fast’, it should be a more durable type. Well, a more durable type.”

Wang Wen didn’t quite understand Sue Kirin’s ridiculous jokes, he was awkwardly silent for a while, and then said:

“It is true that Xiao Wang wants Snow Girl to make friends with him.”


“But, it’s not the most important purpose.”

Sue Kirin squinted his eyes to complete Qin Rui’s unfinished meaning, and asked: “Right?”

Qin Rui looked at Hua Que helplessly, the latter shrugged. Immediately afterwards, he laughed inexplicably.

“It’s true.”

“Then, what is your purpose?” Sue Kirin raised an eyebrow suspiciously, “Is there anything you want me to help? First explain, I The charge is not cheap. If there is a guy who wants me to help teach, it depends on the other person’s ability and identity.”

“Natural and natural.” Qin Rui nodded indifferent expression and sighed again: “Snow Maiden is as funny and humorous as the rumors, Xiao Wang is really late to see each other…”

Does Scholar like to make rounds? Sue Kirin shook his eyebrows and knocked on the armrest.

“Just click. You just said that I’m quick to talk, why are you upset here?”

The girl’s series of words and deeds can be said to be very rude.

Hua Que squinted at Sue Kirin, seeming to warn her to correct her identity, but Sue Kirin ignored her and continued to shake her feet, almost humming.

“There really is such a rude little kitty.”

Hua Que was so angry that her chest was surging, but Qin Rui sidestepped her to stop her further words and actions.

“It’s okay.”

“Didn’t your Royal Highness say you want to be with my friends? I treat my friends like this.”

Sue Kirin followed Xia Xue, scratching the end of her hair with disapproval. Some split ends, it seems that they need to be maintained, and she is still thinking about trivial things.

I met, but Qin Rui laughed.

“Snow Maiden said so much.”

It seems that she is really unassuming and not polite…Sue Kirin secretly nodded, this put away his cynical attitude , Asked seriously:

“His Royal Highness is looking for…Uh, what is the main thing in this seat?”

She is still not accustomed to calling herself this seat, and she doesn’t speak It feels too smooth.

“Xiao Wang just threaded a needle that’s all.”

Holding his hands, Qin Rui spit out the truth intriguingly.

“Thread a needle?”

Sue Kirin blinked, picked up Qi Qiqi and drank it, and drank half of the tea in one breath. While pursing her mouth, she asked curiously:

“In other words, is someone else who wants to see me?”

“That’s it.”

Wen Wang must have been the girl’s guess, and Sue Kirin snorted to the left.

“Oh, it’s the one in the back room.”


Qin Rui showed an expression of “How do you know?” Indirectly confirmed Sue Kirin’s guess.

Sure enough, when Sue Kirin stepped into the hall, his perception had covered the entire yard. Not to mention the people in the back hall, she even knew where the guards were in the yard. This is naturally a measure that can be quickly responded to when certain “accidents” occur.

However, there seems to be more than one person in the back room.

There may be another person. The breath is very weak, it should be because of intention to hold his breath, Sue Kirin is not sure whether there is a second person.

If there is, it should also be an expert.

“It’s a little Wang that is rare.” Qin Rui wiped the surprised look on his face.

After spending a few seconds, he must have realized that Sue Kirin is not an ordinary person, but a dignified Grandmaster. Even if he can find the person in the back hall, it is not surprising.

“It is indeed the person in the back room who asked Xiao Wang to make the meeting at this time.”

Qin Rui who said this is like an elder who can’t help the younger generation. With a little helplessness.

Who is the other party to make him show such an expression? Sue Kirin was suddenly curious, and the answer was announced after she let Qin Rui lead the way and stepped into the back room.

The standing screen obscured the view of the hall, but the person who wanted to see Sue Kirin was there behind.

Qin Rui, who brought Sue Kirin here, showed an expression of “avoidance” for some reason, and said with a bitter face:

“Snow Maiden, Xiao Wang first Goodbye. Leave the guests alone, but there is a demeanor.”


Sue Kirin, who was about to bypass the screen, stopped in surprise.

“Snow Girl, take care.”

After saying that, Qin Rui walked away quickly without looking back, as if there was something dangerous inside. Sue Kirin was also a little uneasy.

“Little Ancestor Master, you are here.”

A voice suddenly came from behind the screen, while Sue Kirin was still guessing who are you inside.

The person who walked around the screen and appeared has had several connections with Sue Kirin, so the girl recognized him at a glance.

“It’s you!” Sue Kirin exclaimed.

It was a tall and plump woman in a maid’s costume.

She is about twenty years old, but she unexpectedly gives people the feeling of twilight and dead, and the reason is her long hair. The hair color is a rare gray black. At first glance, it looks like a person’s hair color changes in middle age, and it looks like the color of death in the cold winter. The eyes are also gray, but not stale, and the bottom is dotted with vibrant glow.

“Dísciple has seen the little Ancestor Master.”

The female salutes respectfully, and the long sword follow closely in her hand.

“Exempt gifts and exempt gifts.”

Sue Kirin suppressed the surprise in his heart and shook his palms in an angry response.

“I’m still thinking about who is hiding here in concealed aura. Didn’t expect it to be you-Xiaoping.”

Next, she tried her best to peek into the screen. , But still did not see the scene inside.

“Since you are here, the person who wants to see me is’Ding Guo Ji’?”

Although Yin Ping was born in Heavenly Jade Palace, she has already become a member of the sword guards. She has been guarded by Ninth Princess for a long time, and she has a synonym of “Ding Guo Ji” and is next to the emperor of Ranked 9th.

Speaking of which, a while ago Ninth Princess went there because of the unevenness in the north? Did you come back? But why does she want to see me? Sue Kirin had a few questions in his mind, and he asked the silver screen with his eyes.

“As the little Ancestor Master said.”

The breeze was blowing from the window, and the hair of the two of them was swayed.

While the hair is fluttering, the silver screen made a gesture of please, bowed slightly and respectfully invited:

“──Her Highness the Princess has been waiting for a long time.”

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