The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 359 The initial awakening, the battle of wills (the secret ends)

In Source Castle.

Klein felt the murmur in his mind, and he couldn't isolate it even with the Source Castle. Originally, he was still watching the regular weekly meeting.

I was going to show off, but suddenly all kinds of noises came into my mind.

When Audrey saw Fool holding his forehead, she couldn't help but ask: Mr. Fool, are you worried about anything?

When the others heard this, they also looked at 'Mr. Fool'. Only Alger. Alger had already received the news of returning to his origin. Seeing that the leader of the group did not take action, he immediately swallowed up the Sea of ​​Chaos and the Brood Nest. In other words, the only thing left now is Source Castle.

Klein took a deep breath and tried to calm the turmoil in his heart. He opened his eyes and scanned the people present, finally settling on Audrey's concerned face.

He smiled slightly and tried to sound calm: It's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly.

However, his heart was in turmoil.

That murmur came from the depths of Origin Castle.

It seemed to be warning, but also seemed to want to tell him something.

Klein fell on Alger's calm face.

The meeting is over for now. I have some things to deal with. Klein's voice was filled with unquestionable determination.

Although the others were confused, they still stood up and left.

Before Audrey left, she couldn't help but look back at Klein. She could feel that something big was about to happen.

You should know that Tarot Club meetings are rarely terminated early.

In the end, only Alger and Klein were left in Source Castle.

Zhou Mingrui.

Alger's words made Klein explode instantly. He swallowed and could no longer maintain the mysterious veil, Why do you know me!

You'll know after reading this.

Alger gave Klein all the information he had prepared for a long time.

Klein took the book that Alger threw to him and quickly flipped through it. It contained the origin of the Lord of Mysteries, the secrets of everything, and the existence of the chat group.

And who was the person behind Alger.

Klein was silent. The person he thought was a time traveler turned out to be a remnant of prehistoric times.

So it was the whole world that fell into doomsday, not me who traveled through time!

The earth is gone...

Klein murmured to himself. Many slippery, evil tentacles suddenly appeared on his body, the moment he knew the truth.

He collapsed.

It's called heartbreak.

at this time.

A vast force descended, firmly locking Klein's continued loss of control, and the tentacles that grew out began to wither.

Klein's figure reappeared, his face pale.

Klein. Alger's voice broke the silence, Now you know, the group leader said he would give you a choice.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Klein's eyes, Do I still have a choice?

Resist or obey. Alger said bluntly.

The leader of the group has mastered the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos and the Brood, and he will reshape the entire mysterious world. If you choose to obey, he promises to give you a path to the Great Luo Golden Immortal in the new world.

That is to say, the True God level. Although the speed of promotion may be slower than before, compared with the potion system, there will definitely be no pollution.

Klein fell silent.

I don't seem to have a choice.

Klein finally said, exhaustion evident in his voice.

Alger said softly: If there is no group leader, when the first one wakes up, everything will return to nothingness. If the group leader bans the first one, he becomes the real owner of this world.

The system of this world will be improved, and any out-of-control factors will be eliminated.


Klein took a deep breath. After reading the information given by Alger, his dream was shattered. The person he thought was his time traveler turned out to be just old bacon.

And what this mysterious group leader is doing is for the whole world.

As Klein made his choice, the vast force instantly pulled him and Alger out of the Source Castle, and they saw a figure emerging above the spiritual world.

Swallow it!

Guiyuan looked at the mysterious corpse. The three corpses were reunited, except for the last one.

The mysterious corpse nodded and entered the Source Castle in an instant. Countless horrors suddenly appeared in the Source Castle, making people fall into madness, lose control, and lose their self-control.

Source Castle was once under the control of Tianzun. This guy's ability to survive is stronger than God. Now the remaining consciousness in Source Castle is more than the remaining consciousness of God in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

But in the end, that's all.

The Source Castle was shrinking crazily, until it finally disappeared into the eyebrows of the mysterious corpse.

The eyes of the mysterious corpse flickered, and a new consciousness seemed to emerge from them. Guiyuan felt the consciousness emerging from the mysterious corpse.

‘Gou Sanjia, even if it’s crispy, it’s hard to kill them! ’

With the three paths derived from Source Castle, even if he masters extraordinary power in the early stage, it is very likely that a stronger ordinary person can kill him.

But there are really many ways to save life.

But that’s it.

The Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit belonging to the Guiyuan True Spirit was shaking, and the Hunyuan essence hidden in the deepest place instantly suppressed the remaining consciousness of Tianzun.

There is only one existence that cannot be erased even by his Hunyuan essence.

The mysterious beginning.

here we go.

The corpse of God stepped out, like the god who created the world, and said quietly: I am God, the Creator, the Creator, the Omniscient and Almighty, and the Lord of the Star Realm! I symbolize the Star Realm.

The mysterious corpse revealed the form of a mythical creature, and layers of voices told his true name, Lord of Mysteries, Lord of Time and Space, Beacon of Destiny, Incarnation of Source Castle, Ruler of the Spiritual World. I symbolize the spiritual world!

The corpse of the Brood turned into a red figure, which actually looked a bit like Nuwa. The God of Roots, the Mother of All Things, the Filthy Brood. I symbolize the real world!

In an instant.

There seemed to be an extremely terrifying attraction between the three, and they instantly transformed into a figure, and the vast will emerged from this figure.


The entire mysterious world fell into stillness, except for Guiyuan and Alger. When Alger saw this figure, his whole body trembled, but because he had already changed his mind.

A lot of the pollution in the body has been tempered.

Follow the Tao with your body!

Guiyuan did not waste time. In an instant, when he did not occupy the body of the three corpses in one, the 'Three Corpses Dao Fruit' fell into Guiyuan's body.

In an instant.

With Guiyuan's incarnation as the battlefield, two vast wills collided crazily and stood in a stalemate, both seeming to want to obliterate the other.

In the incarnation.

Guiyuan's will looked at the beginning, which was like an indescribable cloud condensed together. In just a moment, they had fought countless times.

One billionth of a moment.

Guiyuan's will turned into a sky and earth, instantly covering the initially condensed clouds.

Although he had the upper hand, it could be said that he had plundered almost all the initial Dao Fruits, but it seemed that the Hunyuan Dao he took initially was a bit special.

Although it also has an origin and an end, there is order and chaos in His ‘existence’.

A bit indelible.

But there was no rush, he had plenty of time.

[You have analyzed the Tao of 'Order and Chaos'. Everything has Yin and Yang. Even the Tao has Yin and Yang, and its existence naturally has Yin and Yang. It is consolidated in order and rises in chaos. 】

[You integrate the power of ‘order’ into the tranquility of heaven and earth...]

[You integrate the power of 'chaos' into three disasters and nine disasters...]

Guiyuan frantically analyzed this initial avenue in the battle of wills.

The mysterious world is over

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