Qi Jun took out the waterfall he had photographed and showed it to everyone. Even the three professors were jealous. He also deliberately recorded the forms of different plants and photographed many details, which became the information shared by everyone.

The school thing heard a follow-up this morning as they were about to set off to visit the fair. Zhao Chengan and the embassy received an official letter of apology from Imperial University and the male's department. Even if this is the end of the matter, the big guy was praised by the professor after the first fight, and asked the other party to make such a formal apology, and the awkwardness in his heart was gone.

The group had a special car to pick them up to the exhibition, and Dongfang Rong and Zhao Chengan became full-time bodyguards. The area of ​​the Huaguo exhibition area is the largest every year, so in addition to the 12-person beast-shaped battle brigade led by Dongfang Rong, there are 20 people who are specially responsible for protecting the exhibits. Dongfang Rong and Zhao Chengan also arranged for six team members to inspect the Huaguo exhibition area. The remaining six people were assigned to protect the planting masters and scholars who participated in the seminar. Basically, after the personnel were fully arranged, Dongfang Rong was dedicated to protecting Qi Jun and his teachers and students.

This is Qi Jun's first visit to a plant-based exhibition, which is quite different from the book exhibitions, housing exhibitions, etc. in his previous life. It can be said that as soon as they enter the door, what they see most is the protective isolation device. All the plants are installed in large and small isolation nets. Of course, this kind of net is completely transparent, you can only feel it if you touch it. The security measures are quite in place. Entering from the main entrance of the exhibition, there is a tree in the middle of the hall. The tree is about five meters tall, and it grows luxuriantly, with an occasional tinge of bright yellow between the leaves, proving that it is in the fruiting period. Qi Jun knew this plant, which is a special product of country M. It was originally supposed to live in the climate of tropical rain forest, but it was domesticated by orcs and transplanted into the breeding room. Because the trees are also tall, the cultivation buildings for planting wading trees are specially constructed, so the value of each waving tree is very high.

The fruit of the wat tree is the raw material for the extraction of anesthetics. There is a trace amount of pure energy in the leaves, although the number is not large, but when the washu was discovered, there were very few pure energy plants found in the world, so it was regarded as a national treasure tree of M country. Especially among the cultivated wood plants after domestication, the washu has a very long lifespan. If there is no accident, the longest-lived tree can grow to 473 years. But the bigger the tree is, the less the building can afford its growing environment, so the wading tree is usually cut down in seventy years, and the trunk is used as a pure wood raw material and a colloidal object that can be used as a waterproof coat is extracted.

The reason why Qi Jun knew this was that the professors taught them about the characteristic plants of M country before departure. If you don't even know basic common sense when you go to another country, it's too embarrassing for a college student who is also a plantation major.

Everyone gathered around the Washu tree and were very interested in the plants unique to the M country. Several viewers from other countries said that it was a big deal for country M to put such a large wading tree in the exhibition hall this time. The growth conditions of Washu trees are strict, so adjusting a whole set of environmental equipment and transplanting them together with the roots obviously wastes a lot of money.

Qi Jun nodded silently after hearing this. I especially agree with the words of those foreigners. Such a big tree is not something that can be moved around in a pot. I really haven't considered the feelings of the tree!

Around the Washu, there are ten kinds of plants represented by each country this year. Next to each plant is the entrance to the exhibition hall of the corresponding country.

The representative plant selected by Huaguo this year is a colorful phoenix grass. It is said to be grass, but it is actually more than one meter high. The leaves of this grass look like bird feathers, and there are as many as seven colors. The gradient transition color makes the leaves look like the tail of a colorful phoenix, hence the name.

Plants that look good in the beast world have no identity. This phoenix grass is a valuable cultivated plant. They themselves are a poisonous weed that grows near swamps and was discovered as early as five hundred years ago. There is a very precious element in this grass that can delay the aging period of the orcs. It's just that this element is quite difficult to separate from toxins, and it was not until the previous year that a research team in Huaguo completely separated the various elements of its species. Anti-aging drugs are still in the research and development stage, but this grass is undoubtedly the most precious. Even though the life of the orcs is very long, the old age of most people is seventy or eighty years, which is not a very enjoyable thing.

Qi Jun stood on the edge of Lanfengcao and stared at it for a long time. When they were doing the experiment, the professors showed themselves the information on the phoenix grass. He also knew that the place where this grass grows is usually a dangerous area, and that it is not allowed to pick after collecting samples that can be cultivated and reproduced. He used to look at the information, but now he sees the real thing, and he really thinks that this is also very good to look at as a potted plant!

"Like it?" Dongfang Rong lowered his head and whispered in Qi Jun's ear.

Qi Jun answered honestly: "Of course. Things are of high value, and they look good. But it's useless if we come." Maybe more useful elements can be detected from ginseng and deer antlers. Just haven't sent it out yet.

"I think rice is better." Dongfang Rong confessed.

"You are thinking of a foodie. But I like to listen to it. Let's go, keep up with the team, there are many explanations that I have to listen carefully."

No matter which country you enter from the entrance of the exhibition hall, you will come out from the original entrance after shopping. This is a quite ingenious design. Few people will find that there is a hidden door behind the welcome sign at the door. But this is also because they came early, and no one came out first, so they were not noticed. However, this means that you can visit an entrance without any obstacles without wasting time turning back and looking for another exhibition hall.

Huaguo's exhibition hall is full of displays, among which he also has several exhibits in the research and development of ancient medicine. Because the resurrected ancient plants are especially precious, there is even an extra layer of protection net. Although some of the exhibits were resurrected by people from the R&D center and three professors, ten students in the department were also honored. When they heard the admiration of people from other countries, they straightened their waists one by one. Qi Jun even had a sly smile on his face. Because there are several of them that he participated in the experiment.

While walking, I listened to the three professors taking turns to explain. They even took pictures and videotaped, and the ten people made it quite busy. From morning until noon, Huaguo's exhibition hall is only roughly finished. Because some of them were taught in class, otherwise the time would be longer. Obviously it is not realistic to visit all the exhibitions in one or two days, so they decided to go to the exhibition hall in country A in the afternoon. The most important thing now is to eat. After slipping away all morning, some elderly planting masters and female sub-orcs and pure humans couldn't stand their legs.

There is free food for them at the exhibition, which is located in the small building diagonally opposite the exhibition hall.

A group of more than a dozen people rushed into the small building to find a few tables by the window, and An Jia got up first. "It's been a long time since I walked so much. Why do I feel more tired than shopping."

Zhao Jing couldn't help but interrupt: "You don't feel tired when you go shopping."

An Jia glared: "Are you talking too much? Hurry up and turn on the ordering machine to see what you can eat. Well, I can predict that it is not the food that surprises me."

No surprises, but no surprises either. Mediocre grilled meat, vegetable and fruit soup and nutritious food, as well as a hard-boiled egg per person.

Qi Jun is really hungry. I ordered set A, which is salty barbecue with sour vegetable and fruit soup and tasteless nutritious food. Qi Jun ordered the same order for more than a dozen people. Everyone looked at him blankly, and he took out a jar of meat sauce, a bottle of sauce, a box of vegetarian meat floss, and a special small hole bottle of flamingo powder from the space. "With them, ordering is the same."

Everyone almost cheered, and even Zhao Chengan showed a grateful expression. This made Qi Jun once again subvert his impression of his **** wolf boss. I thought he would dislike Dongfang Rong for the sake of his dominance, but he didn't expect that he would really worry too much. Also, it's not worth it for such a little thing. "Be evenly. I don't prepare a lot, and I can't last a few meals."

They are expected to visit the ten exhibition halls for five days, and they can rest for two days in the middle to relax their spirits, and then they can relax for about a week.

However, when they still had three exhibition halls to watch, a major event occurred at the exhibition. It was directly announced that the air circulation system had malfunctioned.

Qi Jun and the others only found out about this situation after eating in the small building at noon. And they were not able to leave the exhibition immediately, but were taken to another building. Dongfang Rong and Zhao Chengan were called away. This lifted everyone else's hearts. It doesn't look like any air circulation system is faulty at all. And how could M country, which has always prided itself on being the most technologically advanced, allow such a thing to happen at a world-class exhibition.

Fortunately, they were sent back to the hotel after about an hour and a half. But without seeing Dongfang Rong and the others, Qi Jun's heart was still uneasy. And when they went back, they also heard people from several other countries complaining. All seem to be treated similarly.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Dongfang Rong returned to the hotel. When Qi Jun heard the door slam, he stood up immediately. "How are you? What happened?"

Dongfang Rong locked the door, took Qi Jun's hand and brought him to the edge of the sofa. "The exhibition was stolen, and the investigation could not find any problems with the monitoring, so in the afternoon, the police of M country conducted an investigation, and all the people who showed up at the exhibition were suspected. However, it has now been confirmed that these delegations participating in the exhibition have no problems."

Qi Jun opened his mouth wide: "Stolen? How could it be possible! Isn't there a protection net? How do you open that thing?"

"There are passwords or other means. We don't yet know the result of the police investigation, whether the protection net was damaged or some other reason. We can only ask later."

Qi Jun frowned: "Then what did our country lose?"

Dongfang Rong nodded: "Ten countries have lost. Our country lost one Astragalus and two Rongguan. They didn't tell us what the other countries lost."

After listening to Qi Jun, he stood up: "What? Lost Astragalus? How is it possible! Don't we have someone guarding?"

Dongfang Rong sat down Qi Jun again: "Don't get excited. All the lost things in the country are guarded. And although most people went to eat at noon, there are still guards, and there are other things to watch. But that's how it happened."

"What's the situation? Can you still be invisible? This is not scientific! Even if people can be invisible, how can so many plants be invisible? This is not something that one person does, right?"

"It's really difficult for one person to do this. But this time, country M is in big trouble. All countries will not let it go. I estimate that the cause will not be found within two days."

As Dongfang Rong said. For two days, the police in country M increased their manpower to investigate the surveillance in a 100-mile radius around the exhibition, but they found nothing. The plants on display seemed to disappear out of thin air, making the whole event weird and tricky.

The top commander of the country M was furious, put a lot of pressure on the police, and sent two military investigation teams to conduct investigations. The exhibition really failed to re-enter as scheduled.

Things like an apology aren't that important anymore. The important thing is that the military and police of M country know that these lost plants are very precious pure energy carriers. Apparently the person who stole the plants was on target. In this case, steal these things, and then in such a bizarre way. This is like a provocation. On the seventh day of the investigation, the results were still in vain.

The failure of the exhibition to open as scheduled has already annoyed the Plantation Federation. The seminar still has to go on. The question is, under this kind of mood, who can have a long speech in that mood. Don't tell the people who listen to it, it's even more awkward. Which of those lost things is not the product of their hard work. Although the things that can be brought are not unique, but one less plant means that the stolen person has the possibility of copying. This made many people think that the inside story might have something to do with the country of M. It's not the first time they've engaged in intrigue.

The content of the seminar was confusing, but the video material was recorded. Qi Jun is very depressed now. He didn't feel bad about a plant of Astragalus, he wanted as much as he wanted, but after all, he did not use his abilities and personally participated in the experiment and resurrected a little bit. In order to revive Astragalus, both the partner and the child were neglected for a long time. If you lose it like this, who can't be bothered.

As one of the representatives of the Chinese military, Dongfang Rong is also a person who shines in the international power exchange competition. If there is anything that needs to be contacted and negotiated, he will be called out just like Zhao Chengan. This shortened the personal time between Qi Jun and him. For two days, Dongfang Rong was even left at the investigation bureau to assist in the investigation and failed to return to the hotel.

Seeing Qi Jun's anger, Tian Han found him alone. The master and the apprentice were sitting by the window, and Professor Tian sighed: "Xiaojun, I know you are uncomfortable. We all feel bad for the loss of Astragalus. But you have to adjust your emotions."

Qi Jun handed a cup of rose honey water to Professor Tian, ​​and he took a sip himself. These fragrant sweet foods can properly soothe his mood. "Of course I understand what you're saying. I'm just holding my breath. It's not just because the astragalus is missing. It feels weird, but I'm in a bad mood."

"Because Dongfang Rong is always handed over to assist in the investigation?" The drink put to his mouth had a special aroma, Tian Han took a sip, and his eyes suddenly lit up. But this is not the time to ask these questions.

Qi Jun took another sip: "Well. It's as if we are too suspicious. It's obvious that their security is too bad and their investigation capabilities are weak, so they always ask us for help!"

Tian Han shook his head: "It's not all about this. Now it's about the loss of important property in ten countries. We have to let us know if there is any movement on the M country side. The so-called assistance in the investigation is that they explain to us and let us know. We know what they're trying to say."

Qi Jun smashed his taste and nodded. I really felt a little better. "Professor, do you think these plants can still be found?"

Tian Han sighed: "I'm afraid it is impossible. Since it was stolen, it must be tested."

"It's abominable. This kind of thing happens in a good exhibition. Why didn't something good happen in country M!"

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