It was a tribe surrounded by a wall of giant trees. Youkai patrol the side. Fu Xi has decided to make a gate, this is the cement door, Fu Xi has an idea, this gate is hung with a rope, when opened, it is often hung by several ropes,

At the same time, Fuxi also used cement to build houses, of course, the wooden houses were not demolished, the wooden houses in the summer, compared to the two, and the stone houses are lived in winter, every winter, there are many people in the human race who die of cold, even if they are dressed in hunting animal skins are useless,

Looking at Fu Xi, Hua Xu and others, who were building the stone gate and the stone house, looked at each other, but they couldn't understand what Fu Xi was doing.

The cement hasn't dried yet, it looks soft,

So in the eyes of Hua Xu and others, is such a gate and such a house useful?

Fu Xi didn't explain much, and when the cement dried, everything would naturally be clear.

Then at noon, the hunters in the tribe came back, bringing the wild tigers that had been killed, etc., and those that could be kept in captivity were captive using the captive method of Professor Fuxi, and the wild and untamable ones were slaughtered and used for food at noon.

The fishermen also came back, and when they saw Fuxi, they said hello again and again, if it wasn't for Fuxi's invention of fishing rods and fishing nets, where would they have caught so many fish?

Gathered together, and ate meat by the fire,

Hua Xu said with some concern: "Fuxi, your reputation among the human race is no longer comparable, but the human tribes have never been separated, each has its own government, and it has not been unified, this is the first time since Nuwa Niangniang created a human, are you sure?"

If so, Hua Xu can also imagine how Fuxi's status will be improved. But what if the chiefs of those tribes don't agree? After all, no one wants to divide power, and at that time, won't tribes fight with each other?

Fu Xi smiled faintly: "Don't worry, they can't disagree,"

The Suiren clan said: "You want to use force?"

When the Suiren clan was in the Heavenly Palace, he had already seen Fu Xi's ability, but he didn't expect Fu Xi to hide so deeply, playing a piece of the piano can shock the void, this is really not something that ordinary people can do.

"I'm not going to just use force. Fu Xi said with a smile, conquering by force is only temporary, only by combining grace and power can a person really surrender to you.

Fu Xi's hand moved at this moment, Fu Xiqin's lattice opened, and under the surprised gaze of Hua Xu and others, several pills jumped out and fell into Fu Xi's hands.


Looking at Fu Xiqin, Hua Xu and the others didn't expect it to have this ability. There seems to be a lot of space in the small cubicle.

Hua Xu thought that this qin was a magic weapon associated with Fuxi, and he was even more stunned.

This kid is not simple, even the old lady was surprised,

Did I really give birth to it?

"Fu Xi, what is this?" Looking at the round thing in Fu Xi's hand, Hua Xu and Suiren asked suspiciously. If it had been in the past, they would have thought it was a strange fruit from some tree. You must know that in the desolate land at this moment, there are too many strange trees, and there are many strange-growing fruits.

Fu Xi opened his mouth and said, "This is the elixir. "


Everyone was puzzled.

Really, fakely, Hua Xu and the others don't believe it, when it comes to pills, everyone thinks of Taishang Laojun, after all, when Haotian was in charge, he liked fame, so he spread all over the world, showing what kind of ability Heavenly Court is capable of, and Taishang Laojun is naturally among the people he spreads.

Haotian once said to the four seas and eight wildernesses that Hongjun preached three times, that is, there was a talk of pills, and the people who listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace also wrote it down, but there are too few people who are talented in pills.

Of course, the deity Taishang Laozi is also one,

Other than that, it seems that Hong Huang has never heard of anyone who has successfully refined the elixir.

The elixir of the flood is very good13! But the sword has it, and there are few that can pull it out!

The pill system did not open up in the flood wilderness. Pills have a price but no market.

"Eat, eat, see. Fu Xi said.

Now he, anyway, in the world opened up by Emperor Firmament, one of the three thousand demon gods, he is already a fourth-grade alchemist. It rained last night, and he took the time to refine the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill! It can be called a mortal, and he suddenly has mana, of course, he only has a trace of mana. The Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill was bounced by Fu Xi with mana into the hands of every Fenggon tribe.

A few of them couldn't help but eat it, and they were dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Hua Xu was puzzled, this pill was real, she also took it, and then she felt that there was mana in her body being generated, and then, she also opened her mouth wide.

Fu Xi looked at the expressions of Hua Xu and the others, and said with a light smile: "This elixir is more advanced than the elixir in the hands of the land princess, with it, even if those tribal patriarchs don't want the unification of the human race, the people of their tribe will not agree." "

Tsing Yi and Mei Xueyan are all amazed.

And everyone in the Fenggon tribe was stunned, especially the Suiren clan and the Huaxu clan, who opened their mouths wide and formed an "O" shape, looking at Fuxi with wide eyes.

The pill is really the pill.

Hua Xu thought of a lot of things, looked at Fu Xi with a surprised face, and asked suspiciously: "Where are you this pill... Where did it come from? Could it be that at the end, Hua Xu's heart beat suddenly, and he looked at Fu Xi with an incredulous expression.

The Suiren clan and others, and even the monsters, also looked at Fuxi.

"Yes, I refined this elixir. Fu Xi smiled lightly and said slowly.

In an instant, everyone only felt that the world was spinning, and there was a feeling of dizziness. This news is even more shocking than Fuxi's havoc in the Heavenly Palace. Fu Xi would actually succeed in refining the elixir?

Hua Xu covered his heart, a little unable to bear this "blow!", but fortunately, the female yin on the side was quick and helped her.

Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, that's a little watery. Fuxi is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, with vertical and horizontal talents, but it is higher than the realm of Fuxi, and it is also everywhere above the flood and wilderness, especially the congenital beings, some innate powers are born as Da Luo Jin Immortals,

But the alchemist and the alchemist are different. Except for Taishang Laozi, I have never heard of anyone who has successfully refined the elixir. The female yin is the same, looking at Fu Xi in surprise, the former Fu Xi came back from Zixiao Palace, and also tried alchemy, but unfortunately failed.

How did you succeed in this life?

Hua Xu looked at Fu Xi with a complicated face! Is this really her birth? Suddenly, she felt that this son was a little "unfamiliar."

She thought of the scene before Fu Xi was born, the land of Razor, the gods of Razor appeared, worshipped, and blessed!

And the scene before Fu Xi was born, the purple qi came 30,000 miles from the east!

Looking at Fu Xi after he was born, he created many novelties and merits!

Many "memories" flashed through Hua Xu's mind

She looked at Fu Xi and said solemnly: "Promise me, you must become the emperor, and you will definitely become the emperor." "

Fu Xi nodded.

At this moment, Kong Long and Kong Xuan came back, but Kong Long came back with Kong Xuan behind his back. At this moment, Kong Xuan has become a stone statue.

Apparently, something happened!

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