The Ascension of the Evil Path: Starting with Gu Refining

Chapter 347 Bone Island in the Sea of ​​Blood

The little nun sits high on the lotus platform, with gold pendants hanging from her ears, a gold ring on her head, a gold-red monk's robe, and glittering golden bracelets and bells on her hands and ankles.

Without looking closely, you can guess that this little nun, who is only seven or eight years old, is covered with Buddha treasures.

Three hundred red-robed demon monks worshiped him, and his high status was self-evident.

Separated by a space barrier, more than a thousand Buddhist cultivators on the island could not take their eyes away. They did not look at the demon monk and little nun opposite. Everyone was staring at the Buddhist sutra atlas.

There are three golden characters above each line of scripture in the diagram, The Sutra of Wheels.

The method of the movement of Buddha's power described in the scriptures is a guidance method, and the method path is far more complicated than the Buddhist methods they practice.

When Huiyuan landed on the island, there were already Buddhist practitioners on the island practicing the Samurai Sutra, and some were even using this method to attack the realm of Buddhahood.

After waiting quietly for a while, the Buddhist practice of the wheel-turning sutra was not only fine, but also the Buddha's power became more refined.

That being said, what is really exciting is that those who practice this method, such as seals, forbidden methods, Buddha's fire, Buddha's mantras, all the original Buddhist methods become readily available, eliminating the need to form seals.

Huiyuan was moved when he saw some of the Buddhist monks who got off the boat started to practice.

He was taught the Tuosheng Sutra by Liu Feng, and the guidance method was equally complex, and the two techniques seemed to be comparable.

However, he could not complete the Tuosheng Sutra because of insufficient qualifications and understanding. However, he only had to copy the Tuosheng Sutra and complete the path for conveying the Buddha's power.

With the space barrier, it is impossible to impose cross-border restrictions, let alone seize the opportunity.

They can practice this method, and I, Huiyuan, can also practice it.

Facing the great calamity of demons, Huiyuan was worried about his lack of strength and worried that he would not be able to reach the end of the world. He would not let go of the rare opportunity to strengthen himself.

Sitting on the edge of the island, Huiyuan placed three protective Buddha treasures around his body, and began to gather the Buddha's power according to the diagrams and scriptures, and operate the guidance method.

Half a moment later, before the Daoyin method had been running for a whole day, he felt an itching sensation coming from his bones, and impurities in his bones were being squeezed out of his body.

Not only his bones were tempered, but the Buddha's power was also becoming pure.

The benefits were almost immediate, and Huiyuan couldn't help but be ecstatic. If he continued to practice according to this method, his roots of the three Buddhas would definitely be perfected, and there was no chance that he would have the opportunity to attack the roots of the four Buddhas.

In the past, he would not have dared to think about the four Buddha roots. He knew that his qualifications could only reach the three Buddha roots. He did not expect to encounter such a great opportunity here.

Most of the Buddhist cultivators were trying to practice the Reincarnation Sutra, but behind the monks, the fiery color on Wu Ti's face dissipated and returned to normal.

As the inheritor of Cangtuo Temple, he knew better than other Buddhist cultivators present that the exercises taught in the Buddhist sutra map opposite were definitely no worse than Tuosheng Sutra, or even better.

Just a guidance method can be used by a Buddhist cultivator to hand it out with just a flip of his hand, which can be used to control people instantly.

It's just that he has always looked down on the human heart in this world. Currently, the five Buddha roots have just entered the middle stage, and he is not in a hurry to change to other techniques, so he is unwilling to try it easily.

After looking around, there were more than a hundred people like him who had not practiced this method.

The last paragraph of this scripture... Reincarnation does not destroy spirituality, and the Buddha nature lives forever in destiny...

What a loud tone. Is the person who teaches this method more powerful than the master of Cangtuo Temple?

Wu Ti didn't believe it in his heart, so he only temporarily wrote down the skills and diagrams.

He moved back to the Dharma boat and stood on the side of the boat to look at the red-robed Buddhist cultivator opposite.

The Jiao-shaped Dharma boat stayed for half an hour and continued to circle to the right without waiting for the passengers stranded on the island.

The disciples of Bailong Mansion shook their heads and sighed. They knew that talking was useless, so of course they would not bother to persuade these bald donkeys.

The Dharma boat went further and further away, and after a while, a dragon boat that arrived later also stopped at the island.

When Wu Ti returned to the guest room, he silently unfolded a stone temple painting, and the stone tablet in the painting shook slightly.

He knew in his heart that other inheritors of Cangtuo Temple were nearby. There were not many inheritors of Cangtuo Temple in this world, and the one rushing to the Tianmeng sea area was most likely the donor Liu.

When I came to the window and took a closer look, I saw that the Buddhist cultivators on the dragon boat were like the first batch of Buddhas who arrived, and hundreds of Buddhist cultivators rushed to the island.

Here Wu Ti went away with the boat, but on the dragon boat that had just arrived, the Qiding sect members opened a gap in the formation and allowed the bald donkeys on the boat to disembark.

On the side of the ship, Yu Zhenzi looked indifferently at the demon monk opposite. He was not interested in the unfolded Buddhist and Taoist skills. He only felt that the little nun had many treasures on her body, which made him a little greedy.

In the guest room on the fourth floor of the cabin, three women and one tiger demon were guarding the four sides of the room.

The tiger demon Wu Chen's fifth-level demon body is stable, and his demon power has increased a lot compared to two months ago.

In her haste, Yu Qianqian failed to successfully advance to the five realms of Taoism and the seven-star realm. Instead, she perfected the four realms to the limit and waited for some time to cultivate before attacking the five realms.

Ji Qiu and Lu Yao were successfully reborn, one became the fifth incarnation, and the other became the fourth incarnation.

The three women and one demon all looked at Liu Feng in the middle. Four lotuses bloomed on its back, and the fifth Buddha root took root smoothly.

Waves of power flow along the bone body, the root of the fifth Buddha stretches, and an illusory spiritual platform is about to take shape.

Only when the spiritual platform is completed and the fifth Buddha root is connected to the Niwan Palace, and the Yin Shen is cultivated, can we truly enter the realm of the five Buddha roots.

At this time, there was a dense buzzing sound outside the window, as if thousands of people were exerting their Buddhist power.

What happened outside? Liu Feng opened his eyes, and two golden lights flashed across his eyes.

He has already completed the Five Buddha Roots in half a step. All he needs to do next is to dissolve the relics and guide the Buddha's power to the spiritual platform between the Shinto and Xinshu points.

With the Buddha lamp protecting him in the Niwan Palace, there will be no accidents in his final step of cultivating Yin Shen. He should enter the Five Buddha Roots within the next day or two.

Ji Qiu came to the window first, opened the window and looked around, and saw more than a thousand Buddhist cultivators seventy feet away from the ship's hull, looking obsessed, practicing Buddhist and Taoist techniques.

Look at those monks taking action, their movements are smooth and flowing, and the seal is done by raising their hands.

This scene shocked Ji Qiu. Looking across the space barrier, a large group of red-robed monks were worshiping a little nun in the forest.

Fellow Daoist Liu, he is a Buddhist cultivator in the whole world who spreads the Dharma across borders.

Yu Qianqian had stayed at Zhongli's house for more than ten years and had a wider experience. She stepped forward and looked at the scene within the barrier for more than ten miles to the left and right. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her expression showed a vigilant look.

That is a forbidden area outside Qingxia County of the Yin Yue Dynasty. It is called the Forest of No Return. It is said that an immortal Buddha once died there.

Liu Feng stood up after hearing this, and he sensed that Hui Yuan was outside.

The compound eyes on his face opened, and under the expanded field of vision, the figure on the island seventy feet away was clearly visible.

At the edge of the island, Huiyuan was in a state of intoxication. Except for the half-baked Wu Sheng Seal, he practiced various Buddhist and Taoist techniques, such as Zen finger, Buddhist mantra, and six-arm boxing technique one by one.

His training comes from multiple Buddhist and Taoist sects, and with Huiyuan's qualifications, he can actually integrate all the methods into one.

As a result, Buddha's power has not improved much, but his strength will undoubtedly increase.

His Buddha power and bone body have become a little purer, and Buddha patterns have appeared in the Buddha bones, which are similar to the Taoist formation patterns.

This method creates Buddha patterns in the bone body for the flow of Buddha power, and the action is much faster than ordinary Buddhist practices.

Liu Feng looked at it again and again, and the more he looked at it, the more mysterious it became.

It seems that Huiyuan has only been cultivating recently, but he has only been around for a few days. Other Buddhist cultivators have Buddha patterns deeply imprinted into their bones. It is obvious that they have been here for many days.

His eyes turned to the opposite side of the space barrier. Behind the little nun, there was a scroll of Buddhist scriptures hanging in the air.

The wheel-turning sutra, don't lose your spirituality, the Buddha-nature will live forever! Liu Feng murmured and repeated the three words wheel-turning sutra, feeling that they sounded familiar.

While thinking, he suddenly moved his eyes and looked at the little nun on the lotus platform.

The seven or eight-year-old girl was covered in treasures, her eyes were wide open, and she was looking here blankly.

Is she looking at the other boat passengers on the fourth floor, or is she looking at me?

When Liu Feng was confused, the island in his sight was suddenly covered in golden light.

Without any warning, a big hand of Dharma appeared, and with a buzzing sound, golden palm prints pressed down from the air.


Rocks collapsed on the island, corpses shattered by Tiangang were thrown away, and hundreds of Buddhist cultivators died.

The rolling spiritual pressure surged in all directions to the west, causing ripples to form on the dragon boat formation.

Above the big hand of the Dharma, there is a complete Arhat Dharma in the sky. The person who takes the hand is the Seven Buddha Roots Buddha.

When the second palm of the Arhat's Dharma was pressed, several angry shouts were heard on the island. Six Dharma's, either the Three Hundred Zhang Arhat or the Hundred Zhang Vajra, each resisted the pressing Tiangang.

Two have seven Buddha roots, four have perfect six Buddha roots, six to one.

The two sides exchanged bombardments, and the sky over the island exploded like gold and stone, filling the sky with golden light.

The island, which was as big as Li Xu, seemed to have become a stepping stone under the feet of the Arhat. It fell apart in a blink of an eye, and the seawater filled the broken island.

The surviving Buddhist cultivators fled frantically. When they looked up, they saw someone else and his accomplices above the Arhat who had taken action.

The dragon boat formation continued to stir, and the elders of Qiding Sect quickly drove the boat back Qianzhang.

When the distance was far away, we could see only a hundred feet of Buddha altar in the sky. Although it did not break into the high altitude, there was already turbulence in space, but it could not break through the Buddha altar.

Another family with royal blood, coming from the Qiu family, a Buddhist and Taoist family.

There are three famous blood bodies of Buddhist and Taoist kings, the three marrow, the Brahma, and the Great Sun. This Qiu family seems to have the three marrow bloodline.

We are both Buddhists, why do they kill people when they come up?

Not only the monks in this small world on the dragon boat were puzzled, but most of the people from the Yin Yue Dynasty also didn't know the reason.

However, someone soon guessed the key point and suspected that the group of people had practiced the method passed down from the other side, which led to the death.

Sure enough, the next moment, the man's dull voice came from the Arhat Dharma.

Those who practice the evil method of reincarnation will be killed without mercy.

Those who have been circulating for more than six weeks, if they do not want to die, should destroy their Buddha roots.

After the words fell, the altar-like Buddha's light spread out in all directions, covering an area of ​​three miles to the island.

There are over a thousand people on the island, and if the Buddha's power is not activated, it is really impossible to tell who has practiced the Buddha's teachings on the other side.

Just when the people on the boat were wondering how the Qiu family could tell the difference, a shadow of an eye pupil slowly enlarged above the altar.

As the dragon boat was still far away from the island, Liu Feng stepped out of the window and discovered that the shadow of the eye pupil was actually a dry eyeball, which looked like a human eye.

Another part of the body of the ancestors sacrificed in blood? No good...could it be a blind eye! Liu Feng felt something in his heart, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he returned to the guest room.

On the island three miles away, some of the monks who had not fled far away, and those who had practiced the Chakra Sutra, were all covered by the Buddha's light without falling to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, 90% of the hundreds of people turned into blood mist and were sucked up by the altar.

The four Vajra Dharmas were destroyed, and the roots of the four six Buddhas within them were torn apart by the Buddha's light. It seemed that the Buddha's light was common in ordinary Buddhist practices, but even the Dharma signs of the six Buddha's roots could not withstand it.

Only the Arhat's Dharma with Seven Buddha Roots could barely block a few breaths, but the golden body of the Dharma's connection belt was broken, and the foundations were damaged when he escaped.

The Buddha's light vibrated, falling on the sea like a torrential rain, and blood appeared on the sea.

According to this killing method, except for the two Seven Buddha Roots, the rest of the Buddhist cultivators who escaped into the sea would die or not. It all depended on their luck. In the end, not many of them survived.

In the cabin room, Liu Feng exited the sight of the phantom eyes above the altar.

He could not be sure whether that eye had the ability to use the piercing eye, but it definitely had the piercing eye of the Buddha, and the Buddha's eye that could see through the breath and see the Buddha's pattern directly into the bone body was probably the piercing eye.

The broken island was covered in blood mist, and all the crushed Buddhist cultivators became sacrifices, including Huiyuan.

If that eye can use piercing eyes, its ancestors may have transcended the Nine Realms, and the body may have long been separated from the outside world.

With Tongyan, it won't be difficult for this king-blood clan to find the ends of the earth when they reach the Tianmeng sea area. Liu Feng was filled with surprise and uncertainty.

At this moment, the water-moon illusion he had arranged at the door of the room, as well as the Taoist formation set up by Yu Qianqian, all dissipated.

Two figures, one behind the other, flashed into the room. They were Mr. Xing and Cao Tianshi.

Let's go, we can't stay here any longer. Let's leave the ship and go on our own, bypassing this space barrier, and heading thousands of miles to the Tianmeng sea area. Mr. Xing's face was as solemn as ever.

Liu Feng didn't have time to ask any more, he raised his hand and swept out a burst of Buddhist power, drawing the three women and one demon into the space in his heart.

Then he felt his body being lifted up by a cloud of poisonous mist, and his eyesight blurred.

When the scene became clear again, he and the Great Elder had been taken out of the dragon ship and appeared two miles away from the hull.

Looking back at the dragon boat, there were several other figures escaping just like them, but those figures were slightly slower than Mr. Xing.

In the blink of an eye, dense black spots broke through the sea surface, swarmed up, and covered the one and a half mile long dragon-shaped Dharma boat. The few people who had just escaped from the dragon boat were also covered.

Gu swarm? There's so much zombie evil energy! Liu Feng subconsciously felt that something was not good.

At this moment, seven miles to the left is the Blood Family of the King of Buddhism and Taoism performing a blood sacrifice to the Buddha, and two miles in front is a group of Gu that explodes, which is very similar to the method of raising Gu from the Evil Gu Sect of the Immortal Sect, but the two are not the same at all. level.

Buzzing... The layers of Gu swarms covered the dragon boat in black.

Mr. Xing, why don't we retreat further?

The Great Elder also felt that something was not good. He saw that there were strange Gus roaming among the Gu group, like those of the sixth grade, and even some beyond the sixth grade.

Mr. Xing's figure was already growing taller, his body was covered with golden scales, and hundreds of thousands of blood snails were spinning outside the three people's bodies.


With a sigh, the rolling waves below turned into the color of blood. In the next moment, not only the waves, but also the entire sea area as far as the eye could see within a radius of more than a hundred miles turned into the color of blood.

Looking around, a gloomy mist suddenly appeared on the sea that turned into a sea of ​​blood.


Liu Feng was about to peek through his eyes when suddenly there was a loud noise.

The three of them all looked sideways. Seven miles away to the left, the sea exploded, and the water poured into the Buddha altar in the sky.

In the surging blood-colored sea water, a monster with a size of more than 500 feet, half a soldier's poison and half an evil spirit, rushed out, smashed the Arhat's Dharma, and swallowed the Qiu family's Seven Buddha Roots in one gulp.

And beneath the insect legs of the evil soldier Gu, a huge island of corpses climbed up, and every bone and piece of dried meat on it was squirming like a living thing. (End of chapter)

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