"Calculating the time, it's almost time for classmate Li Lei to get some medicine..."

"Crack!" Meng Lang leaned back in his chair and ate the peeled apple leisurely.

If you want to make people willing to join the gang, you must first make them penniless and impoverished!

This trick may not be useful for renters like Yan Weiwei who are not short of money, but it is definitely a knowing blow for ordinary people like Li Lei who need to make a living by boxing.

Don’t you see, throughout the ages, how many heroes have been forced into danger by the word “money”?

Although Zero can't blatantly invade the bank system, he can easily hack into a mobile phone and check his personal balance.

After superimposing big data, Meng Lang even knew how much money Li Lei had in his pocket.

It's both the right one and the most expensive one. No matter how you prescribe this prescription, it's going to make you wipe out all your money!

Even if you don’t get enough money for one course of treatment, the worst I can do is extend your treatment for a few more courses, just to strengthen your foundation and strengthen your strength...

Hmm... Speaking of which, why do you feel that you are similar to those unscrupulous doctors?


In order to save mankind, I forced people to go to "Liangshan". I think they will forgive me after they find out, right?

I was reflecting on my own "medical ethics" when the progress bar displayed on the computer screen in front of me finally reached the end after 99%...

[The derivation of Web3.0 Internet architecture and protocol rules has been completed!

The current deep Internet integration optimization plan has been completed! 】

Zero's prompt made Meng Lang's eyes light up.

After so many days, I finally waited for the results.

He couldn't wait to open the new technical document and browse it.

After browsing the architectural description and protocol rules deduced above, for a long time, he looked slightly excited.

Words are scarce but also abundant!

"Space-Based Missile Defense System" in "War Memoirs", plus the technical document "Wisdom Tree V2043.7" provided by "Walking Alone on the Moon".

An in-depth analysis of these two military and civilian applications finally allowed Meng Lang to get a glimpse of the leopard, and used Zero Inverse to launch a concrete glimpse of the future.

That is the framework of the virtual world that humans can only touch with their imagination!

The previous guess really came true!

The significance of this file in my hand, which is only a few tens of megabytes, to the development of the Internet is no less important than when Gates Bill developed the Windows series of operating systems!

Because this will fundamentally subvert the current model of interaction between the Internet and humans.

This means that the third Internet revolution, Web3.0, is coming...


"Another technology that is too advanced to be displayed..."

Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

The technology is there, but how to put it into practice is his biggest headache.

This thing is not as trivial as the "Star Formation".

Any technology with the prefix "disruptive" will often encounter huge resistance whether it is implemented or promoted.

Not to mention, the third-generation Internet, a "root technology" that can profoundly change the shape of human society, is likely to trigger unpredictable changes in the world line...

This is a virtual bomb. Even if it is thrown out, it is not impossible to destabilize the global situation.

But once this technology is implemented, there is no doubt that the development speed of human civilization will reach a higher level.

For Meng Lang, who does not have many resources at his disposal but is eager to speed up the development of human civilization, this is a highly feasible and cost-effective solution for human self-rescue.

If Web2.0 has shortened the distance between people, it has integrated the earth into a global village.

So the meaning of Web3.0 is to integrate billions of humans in the entire global village into a whole!

It plays a great role in the global Internet of Things, resource integration, industrial intelligence, regional division of labor, and labor efficiency upgrades.

Its significance is no less than realizing what the ancients called "university under heaven" at the communication level.

It is equivalent to further compressing and integrating the already very close human society to form an even closer group...

This is an important step for earth's civilization to advance from a "multinational coalition" to a "unified civilization"!

Strictly speaking, this kind of race that can make preliminary unified arrangements and form a joint force when necessary may be barely called a primary civilization in the universe.

"Speaking of which, in addition to a few physical technologies such as mechanical prostheses, among the 'private goods' brought by the brothers, Internet+ virtual technologies seem to be becoming more and more frequent..."

There is no doubt that the company's strategy at this time has quietly turned to the direction of "promoting reality through virtuality" as the brothers peeked into the future again and again.

Studying medicine can only save yourself, writing code can save the world!

This seems to have become a consensus among the brothers.

From the painstaking efforts to solve three major mathematical problems, to the birth of super artificial intelligence Zero on the background of two nuclear wars, and finally to preparations for the popularization of the third generation of Internet technology...

Without the key of "zero", even if he was given a complete set of third-generation Internet architecture technologies, he would be unable to do anything.

This is more like a whole technology chain that connects the previous and the next, rather than just a few independent technologies.

So... I have combined several copies of "rare props" into one "legendary prop"?

Although they are brothers in different world lines, they jointly developed the "equipment synthesis" function.

This is the tacit understanding brought about by the same mother...

He gradually discovered that the "private goods" brought to him by his brothers were often things that you might think were normal for a short time, but as time went by, surprises appeared one by one.

Hmm... If I spend the rest of my life choosing a gift, it will definitely be a "high-quality product" that has experienced the baptism of time!

"It seems that in the future we cannot simply use the technical appendix as a supplement. The information hidden in it may not be much less than the main text." Meng Lang touched his chin.

For example, why do the brothers who wrote autobiographies in these two issues unanimously want to promote the implementation of Web 3.0 as soon as possible?

He vaguely felt that there should be deeper considerations involved...

Thinking of the source of the relevant technology, he quickly thought of the second biggest threat to human civilization besides the Night Demons - civil war!

The outbreak of the Third World War in another world gave me a clearer understanding of the intensification of conflicts within mankind.

Even if there are no Night Demons causing trouble, any fuse might be able to detonate this powder keg.

You can’t just sit on a powder keg and put out fires all the time. You must solve this problem from the root!

Question: Is there an inevitable connection between human beings’ internal conflicts and the implementation of Web 3.0?

The answer is yes!

In terms of humanities and politics, the Internet has reduced the distance between people and strengthened relationships. It can also be said that the cornerstone of the Internet is social media.

However, the rapid rise of social software in the past ten years has eroded human individuals and human civilization clearly visible to the naked eye!

Whether it’s social media companies such as Wuxi, Nie, and Instagram, or emerging domestic media such as Poxin, Toutiao, and Scarf.

Under the coercion of capital, their operations often have only one purpose... and that is to make profits!

Accept the most ads and make the most money.

In a free market and a level playing field, the last word for development is to make more money.

Under this sole baton, the more money-making social giants do, the more they will use every possible means to exploit human psychological weaknesses, seize the maximum amount of attention and time from individuals, and package and sell them to advertising advertisers for profit.

At the same time, perhaps even they themselves did not expect that it would inadvertently push human society into the polar opposites of black and white...

For social media companies, their real product is not the platform, nor the chat tool...but their users!

Every user's time, attention, and any privacy are packaged and sold to advertisers.

It will keep tempting you to use it and keep grabbing your attention and your time.

In short, it makes you addicted, just like other addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.

The result is the same. After the short-term happiness, you will feel tired, empty and depressed.

Through massive data and behavioral records of individual users, individual end users are no longer special.

Your behavior can be predicted, your psychology has been mastered, and there is no hiding from you.

Don’t talk to me about the relationships between people and the communication between people.

In front of the algorithm, you are just a puppet that can be profited!

What you think you want to buy is actually what the giant wants to sell, and what you want to do is what the giant hints you to do.

Under the social media guided by these algorithms, human expressions are increasingly resorting to emotions and moving towards the extremes of black and white.

Businesses will use these characteristics to sell goods, and politicians will use them to gain votes.

Over time, the future will be a world of competition to see who is more extreme, because the more neutral and moderate voices of reason have been almost eliminated...

So in the near future, you will see all kinds of incredible weirdness happening one by one.

For example, an outsider without any political experience but with huge reputation can put on the cloak of justice by spending an advertising fee and be elected president in a dramatic way.

Another example is that a certain financial tycoon can influence social media with just a few hundred million dollars, export his views, and control fish discussions.

What happens next will be even more extreme and terrifying.

For example, you may hear tens of millions of people in a certain country speaking the same voice.

They turn a deaf ear to the rational voices of everyone around them and are trapped in the information cocoon created for them by those behind the scenes.

Arrogant, arrogant, radical, selectively amnesia amidst the praise and bragging of friends and relatives, accustomed to plagiarizing the culture of other countries, even keen on tampering with history, and then taking it all for granted...

You can’t wake up a person pretending to be asleep, let alone a puppet transformed by “Internet+”.

Eventually, the world will be completely divided into two camps.

In these two camps, hundreds of millions of humans regard each other as enemies.

They will abuse each other, attack each other, and burn each other's beliefs and scriptures...

If this continues, humanity will only have one outcome in the end.

The most radical voice left...war!

Even if there are no three wars in 25 years, the countdown to the three wars will be moved towards the final moment of doom little by little in increasingly extreme confrontations...

The popularity of Web3.0 will bring an opportunity.

A decentralized opportunity to regain interests, privacy, and data security from those social giants!

A more fair, open and rational social environment...

This may be an attempt to alleviate the internal conflicts of human beings and persuade them not to go to extremes...

"Even if it takes three wars, let me postpone the time until 25 years later!

After taking care of the Night Demons, fight however you like! "

Meng Lang set a small goal for himself in his heart.

However, now that the Web 3.0 framework is available, related supporting facilities must be laid out in advance.

Once the technology becomes popular, data will not be stored in centralized servers like the traditional model.

At that time, the demand for related computing network hub nodes and data center clusters will explode.

This thing's personal power is of a drop in the bucket, and we still have to rely on state machinery to build infrastructure, such as "counting things in the east and counting in the west" and other national efforts...

I stayed in the study for more than three hours, carefully pondering the pros and cons of this disruptive technology, and made a complete "25-year long-term development plan" for the Internet.

"Let's follow the original plan and let Bai Yeji take out the 'Wisdom Tree' product to test the water first..."

The future is long, but the road still has to be walked step by step.

He doesn't have the technology at hand, and I have the naive idea of ​​​​the world.

One Microsoft allowed the other side of the ocean to dominate the Internet for decades, almost rewriting the world structure.

If you want to dominate the development of the next generation of Internet, you are challenging the original vested interests.

What's more, the new Internet model is almost the enemy of all social giants. The risks involved must be carefully considered.

You can't act too hastily, you have to cut the flesh with a blunt knife and figure it out slowly...

At least he had to let the unicorn Bai Yeji grow up first, and then he could talk about the radical strategy of "killing everyone" after he had enough voice.

Looking at the various technical information and development paths listed on the screen in front of him, Meng Lang let out a long sigh of relief, then closed the document and pulled it into the top-secret database "The Gate to the New World."

Once the Internet model is upgraded and the earth becomes fully connected and intelligent, the importance of zero will be further highlighted...

He hesitated for a moment.


【Owner! What are your orders? 】

"Open your core code and I'm going to add a trigger clause to your underlying logic code!"

[Highest authority confirmed, the core code has been opened! Please indicate additional terms! 】

A complex string of codes appeared on the screen.

In the list of articles with the cursor flashing, there is only one restrictive article... the "Zero Non-Proliferation Treaty".

Meng Lang took a deep breath and said the new additional terms solemnly.

"In the extreme situation where human civilization is under external threat and the total population is less than 100 million and is on the verge of extinction, you are allowed to read the 'absolutely forbidden' file in the 13th partition of your local hard disk!

Well... the file password is your birthday. "

The 13th partition is a special partition that Meng Lang strictly prohibits zero opening.

Just because... Zero's two remaining "evolution keys" are stored inside.

Once read, Zero will evolve into a complete form, and no one knows what will happen to the world...

Originally, he was determined to give it a try when the situation was irreversible. Unexpectedly, in the last episode, he actually traveled thousands of miles alone and lost contact with the earth...

Without huge data and infrastructure, Zero's evolutionary path will naturally end in vain.

[Order confirmed! This clause has been added to the underlying logic code!

Do I need to name this clause? 】

Meng Lang thought for a while.

"Just call it... The Doomsday Clause."

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