Chapter 218 So Tired So Tired

"A substitute for the gods." Xiuyan took out the set of flickering black: "You can understand us this way. We travel through various worlds. Your country is just a passer-by for us."

This sentence silenced Esther.

However, at this moment, Xiu Yan's team channel rang: "Boss! Help!"

Xiu Yan was shocked. He looked at Esders beside him, and he didn't dare to reply at this time. He knew what his teammates were doing now.

"General?" Xiu Yan could only say this way.

"General?" Meng Hao's voice immediately came: "Boss, we are all going to die soon, why are you general!"

Esdes returned to his senses: "Well, here it is."

"I know you need time to accept this." Xiu Yan said slowly: "If you have any questions, you are welcome to come to me at any time. We will not be out for a short time. I am afraid that my sister will cause something in the palace. , You also know her danger, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Esthers was still digesting what Xiu Yan said, and at this moment he could only wave his hand and said, "Go."

Xiu Yan hurriedly left, walked towards the hall just now, and asked as he walked, "Meng Hao, what happened?"

"We were chased and killed the boss!" Meng Hao quickly responded: "Two R-zones! One of them is from Dax, that Tapor!"

"Didn't I just ask you to bring back only the former minister and his daughter!" Xiuyan said quickly: "Why did you provoke the people in Zone R?"

"Emperor!" Xueyin said breathlessly: "There is a lone ranger in Zone R. He is now in Dax's team, and he and Opel are here to grab the emperor."

"Where are Chuyu and Skynet?" Xiuyan asked quickly.

"I'm chasing Dax!" Xueyin replied, "That guy doesn't know what's going on. It took a lot of effort for everyone to know where the two beasts and the former minister were fighting, but Dax's It seems that they have known for a long time, where they are in ambush, and they ran away after grabbing the emperor."

Xiu Yan was startled, and the guy who could possess the character of the plot suddenly appeared in front of him.

"I can't make it now!" Xiu Yan said: "Open the team permissions to Roger, I want to talk to him."


Xiuyan had already rushed to the palace at this time. He pulled a soldier over and asked eagerly, "Where is Your Majesty?"

"It should be in the bedroom." The soldier quickly replied.

Xiu Yan directly put him aside, and even started to strengthen his physical fitness.

In the communication, Roger's voice rang: "Xiu Yan."

"Tell me, how can I help you." Xiuyan asked without procrastination. He knew that he was too far away from them. When he rushed over, everything would be done. So, at this time, he asked Roger to ask for a solution. Is the best choice.

"We need location information." Roger said: "Skynet people are calling their reconnaissance planes to pursue Dax. They won't help us, but fortunately, the thing is high enough to see us. We need to run wholeheartedly, you are our eyes."

"Understood." Xiu Yan said: "Hold for five minutes, let Xueyin wear the Emperor's equipment behind his head."

"We try our best."

Xiuyan had no time to say anything. He pushed open the door of the little emperor's bedroom and saw Haruko pat a girl with a cell phone.

Xiuyan paused, and his head was blindfolded: "Your Majesty actually has a younger sister?"

However, he didn't have the mind to pay attention to these things at this time. Xiuyan pulled Haruko out and said: "Offended Her Royal Highness, but I am a bit urgent here. I will let Haruko come to accompany you again if I have a chance."

The little emperor was stupid when he saw Xiu Yan coming in, but at this moment when he heard Xiu Yan say this, he didn't know why, he felt relieved, his head heated up, and his hands were slightly tipped on his skirts. A salute.

Holding Haruko in his arms, Xiuyan rushed out of the palace. After leaving the palace, he no longer had any scruples, and walked through the roof of the imperial capital in the shortest way between the two points.

Fortunately, the imperial palace was built on the heights of the imperial capital. All Xiuyan had to do was to jump down and don't fall to death.

Simple things... right?

After returning home, Xiuyan only took three minutes, and the backup system left by Skynet was activated 24/7.

"I'm back!" Xiuyan shouted: "Haruko, start the second unit, Roger, give me your coordinates!"

"Southwest of the imperial capital, about sixty kilometers to the west, there is a small town here. Skynet's reconnaissance plane should also be nearby. There is no need to deliberately locate it. There is a cathedral near us. Try to find it."

Xiu Yan shook the joystick, and the split-screen picture appeared. Soon, Xueyin's figures appeared in Xiu Yan's picture: "I see you!"

In the picture, Liu Hong is carrying an old man and Xueyin is holding a girl. Each of these two fainted, Meng Haozai opened the way in front, and Roger broke behind.

Behind their foreheads, two surrogates followed closely, one of them was Tapor and the other was a small surrogate.

"What is the ability of that newcomer, tell me about it!" Xiuyan said.

"A mechanic." Roger replied, "That's why I let you be an eye. That guy's self-destructing robot is always fascinating. You can help us look at it. I mean, if you can see it. "

"This place is too high and the zoom distance is limited." Xiu Yan replied anxiously, "I want to see what's going on with that thing first!"

"Left front, you can see it right away!" Xueyin suddenly yelled, "Run to the right!"

As if it was not the first time they encountered this situation, a few people turned in an instant, and on the left, Xiu Yan blurred to an outline, and the next moment a flame rose!

"Xiu Yan, give us a place." Xueyin said anxiously: "We need a cliff!"

"East!" Xiuyan searched in the air, "Go east, there is a waterfall, I can't see the drop."

"Understand." Xueyin replied: "Xiuyan, can you direct?"

"What?" Xiu Yan was taken aback for a moment.

"Command what we want next." Xueyin's voice said in a low voice: "Or, tell us what to do every step. You are like a God’s perspective. You can see clearly than we are. You should be better than us. Know what we should do."

"I..." Xiu Yan paused: "I'm fine, but...Roger and Liu Hong."

Xueyin's voice suddenly high: "I'll ask if you can do it!"

"If you believe me." Xiu Yan gritted his teeth.

Then, Xiu Yan heard Xueyin's shout: "Roger, Liu Hong applied to join the team!"

The Garden of Eden reminder sounded.

[Liu Hong, the substitute, Roger, the substitute, applies to join the vanity team]

Xiu Yan's heart trembled, and when he chose to agree, he already said in the team channel: "Xueyin, what are you hiding from me, right? Your trouble is not just two substitutes?"

"Of course." Xueyin's voice was a little helpless: "Five Visions has brought me bad news. It is not these two people who are chasing us. There are two more, both of whom are old friends. Later, you can take a look."

"Haruko." Xiuyan hurriedly shouted.

He has no time to care about the screen over there now.

"It's a member of the circus." Haruko's crisp voice appeared: "Lizards and poisonous snakes."

Hearing this message, Xiu Yan's face tightened, and he already said: "Xueyin, if it doesn't work, hand over Ren and Digu. We don't have to fight them."

"No!" Xueyin immediately denied Xiuyan's suggestion: "In the Garden of Eden, if we don't even have the courage to fight, then what kind of substitutes do we have! How can we still earn survival points! Every mission only thinks about how to live. Wouldn’t it be fine if you go down? Xiuyan, do you not believe in yourself, or do I not believe in us?"


"If you believe in yourself and us, tell us what to do!" Xueyin's voice was unquestionable: "Or, you tell us to surrender now and hand over things, and I will do it too!"

"Huh~" Xiu Yan let out a sigh, his eyes gradually narrowed, and he said coldly: "I understand, we don't have much time now, Liu Hong, Luo Jie, you are also in the team, I am now Just one question, do you believe me?"

"Fucking, I don't have many people in the Garden of Eden clothes, Xiuyan, you count one! Do what you say! You saved me once, so why don't you believe me!"

"I have no other choice." Roger's reply was much calmer than Liu Hong's: "Otherwise I won't join the team, at least this action, I will listen to you."

"Thank you for believing in me!" Xiu Yan took a deep breath, his voice calmed down, and he stepped back a few steps to activate his natural ability.

"Turn left ahead and Liu Hong hits the door faster. This is a warehouse. There is a door behind. The second door Meng Hao banged open. But don't rush away."

In the picture, Liu Hong speeds up abruptly, and several people filed at the moment he smashed into a door.

Xiu Yan stared at the screen tightly, and suddenly said: "Xueyin c4, Roger's smoke bomb, throw it away!"

"Boom!" In the picture, the factory building suddenly collapsed, and along with a large amount of smoke rising, the surrogate and Tapor were completely buried by the explosion just as they got in.

But Xiu Yan saw that the mechanic jumped out, and a strangely shaped sniper rifle appeared in his hand.

"Meng Hao, help target Xueyin."

Meng Hao's body slammed and appeared behind Xueyin, and a bullet hit him directly, and the huge impact made him fly upside down before landing!

"Roger, bring Liu Hong to the front. Xueyin is treated."

A flying knight sword caught Liu Hong, and Xueyin's treatment fell.

"Turn right and pass the stone uphill. Roger cut down the three trees. Xueyin created an ice road."

The knight sword that Roger floated by his side lit up with a burst of light, and then the sword light flashed, and three big trees fell in response, Xueyin's hand raised, and the uphill land instantly became an ice crystal slide!

Tapur and the mechanic who came after had just used displacement skills to avoid the explosion. At this moment, watching the three giant trees that fell, they could only rely on speed to avoid them.

It was also at this time that Xiu Yan's voice appeared again: "Liu Hong, slam into Tapor, Meng Hao put on a good talisman, Xueyin Roger set fire to the mechanic!"

Obviously he was being pursued, but at this moment Xiu Yan unexpectedly let his teammates choose to fight back!

But... it depends on whether Roger and Liu Hong will listen to him.

ps: So tired... today is another nine thousand words... I don’t know why, but I forgot the people of Polybia just as I wrote it, and... from Netease Dad. It seems that I have to submit the manuscript, but I have been addicted to the anti-drug lords for the past two days, and then updated this book and forgot about it.....Mom, the previous headache outline, now I have a headache...

ps: I hope I can write it under the pressure when I go to the company editor to remind me tomorrow. By the way, let’s share a welfare software that I use, the keyword ‘beep’, ios system can also be used, but it requires a bit of technology to become software. But given that this is ps, I still don't want to talk about the things that make your body malnourished. However, it seems that the helper notebook above can meet the needs of a certain jam, and there is no need for this guy to help her notebook. (Don’t ask how I knew it)

ps: Also, I recently found a very interesting book "Directing the Two Dimensions for a Beautiful Different World" I found it very interesting.

ps: Finally.... Push the new book "I didn't expect you to be this kind of Naiazi" Wu Meow, by the way, how many pitfalls is this guy?

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