The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 1064: 3 view all ruined

  The audience of dark-style movies is not particularly wide, and not every dark-wind movie can become "The Dark Knight."

   The differences in the subject matter cannot be ignored.

   How does a theme like "Sunshine Girl" compare with "The Dark Knight"?

   Frankly speaking, the success of "The Dark Knight" even ignores the various later factors, and the great appeal of Bruce Wayne.

   David Fincher's style is so dark that it is not even hopeful.

   The same goes for this "Sunshine Girl".

The heroine is named Sarah, who has a common name and life experience for American women. The family conditions are not good or bad, but when she was admitted to a second-rate private university in the United States, because of the usual early consumption, the family could not afford the expensive For tuition fees, you can only apply for student loans.

   This can be said to be a situation faced by many girls in the United States, even some girls from ordinary middle-class families are no exception.

   The concept of early consumption is deeply rooted in this society, and most people have no habit of saving at all, or even the concept of saving.

  To a large extent, families on the other side of the Pacific are generally far more resistant to risks than Americans.

   Therefore, whenever there is economic turmoil, popular scenic spots such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building will be filled with dumplings.

   This film is not only black on the inside of the bones, but also black on the outside. From the first minute of the opening, the picture is a gloomy and gloomy style, and the transformation of the characters is expressed through color and light.

   Sarah, who first entered the university campus, is still an ordinary college student in a broad sense, always wearing gray-black clothes, which looks quite consistent with the surrounding environment in the same style.

   But her envious gaze, from time to time, will fall on the female classmates in the campus who are dressed in bright, bright colors, like a girl in the sky.

   And her tuition fee comes from self-study loans, and part of her living expenses also needs to be solved by herself. If you follow the normal path, you can't have such a life during college.

   Even under the huge pressure of student loans, it is impossible to have such a life long after graduation.

   Faced with the pressure of a mountain, a person often makes choices.

   A female classmate I met accidentally helped Sarah to go that way.

   Of course, the female classmate did not appear by accident. She had already noticed Sarah who was outstanding in appearance and ordinary life. As a special campus group that could be drawn from it, she decisively pulled Sarah into the water.

   Sarah has changed, not only what she did, but also her image and color on the screen.

   In a dark and gloomy environment, Sarah became a touch of bright color, not only the clothes became gorgeous, the lens also strengthened her light.

   is placed in this gloomy society and becomes a bright afternoon sun.

   This is David Fincher, a director who always keeps his eyes on the dark side of America, a director whose lens and light are mocking.

   The spicy content and stylized movie language have always been what David Fincher is good at.

   To paraphrase, the dark image style shows the dark side of humanity and society.

   In this gloomy and dark society, Sarah has become a bright spot.

In the era of equal rights, in the era when women’s rights are chanted, like the previous film "The Lost Lovers", mainstream values ​​all talk about the importance of family and marriage and protect the rights of pregnant women, but David Fincher Borrowing the heroine's mouth, said: Is it difficult to lie down and split your legs?

   The theme, content and script of "Sunshine Girl" come from Lindsay Bill, but it is David Fincher that really determines the style of the film.

   Therefore, it is not difficult for a young and beautiful girl to lie down and split her legs. Sarah has the first time, and then has the second time, and then countless times.

   She became the bright spot on campus.

   Sarah led an enviable life when most of her classmates had to count the money to calculate the cost of living.

  The ordinary life is not enough to match the charm of money, and there are other female students like Sarah who have successively entered the water.

   This is a very smart girl. After being led into the door on this road, she quickly noticed a lot. She knows how to borrow the advantages of her students, learn to pack herself, and take the high-end route to make a lot of money.

   The girl who led her in for the first time became her agent, because that girl has a network that Sarah doesn't have and can contact clients.

   But Sarah gradually turned around and taught him how to make her more valuable.

   As long as the basic conditions are met, in many cases, the price is raised, but it can attract customers more.

   In a way, this film is simply a teaching guide on how to become a high-end girl.

  In colleges and even high schools in the United States, girls like this have gradually become a common phenomenon, and David Fincher relentlessly revealed it to everyone.

   For this film, in terms of shooting alone, David Fincher took more than 500 hours of footage, and finally edited the film for less than two hours.

   is a typical example of slow work and careful work.

David Fincher has a very high creative talent in black-style movies. This "Sunshine Girl" even has a doomsday plot, and the society is dark and desperate, as if it can only be achieved by breaking the social system, laws and regulations, and moral bottom line. vitality.

   After graduation, Sarah came to New York, joined a company as an intern employee, ready to get rid of the past and start a new life.

  The bright colors of the movie disappeared, and the girl in dark professional attire shuttled between the high-rise buildings in New York City.

   A whiplash called society began.

   The unspoken rules of the workplace, low salary, heavy work, inadvertent bullying by old employees, and harassment by middle-aged male bosses...

  These can be seen everywhere in society, and many girls with a slightly better appearance will almost meet some of them when they step out of school and enter the workplace.

  All the unsatisfactory new life made Sarah gradually intolerable. Finally, after seeing the chic and free life of female classmates who had been in the same industry during school, Sarah decided to abandon the flogging of society, and once again chose to liberate her free soul.

   A glamorous and radiant girl is back again, and she soon put herself under the banner of a New York agent, using her talent and capital to start a new life.

  Although she encountered some difficulties at the beginning in the new city, Sarah has a very strong talent and comprehension ability in this area, just like when she was in college, and it didn't take long to become a celebrity in the New York business circle.

   Sarah became a senior girlfriend on call, charging up to $1,500 per hour. Her clients include real estate dads, lawyers, rich handsome men, and so on.

   Even a middle-aged man did not hesitate to sell a shop to raise money in order to make an appointment with her.

  Sarah becomes a money slave, and some clients are fascinated by her.

   In the movie, Sarah gradually became the only light, and the people surrounding her, and even the whole society, were sick.

   This film is like David Fincher's once "The Lost Lovers", not only is the three wrong views, the theme and values ​​of the whole film are simply crooked to Mars.

   The female protagonist, those female classmates who are seriously tolerating social and workplace scourges, run around for basic survival all day, live in small apartments, eat cheap fast food, and go to the subway where sardines are packed every day.

   In sharp contrast, the heroine Sarah, with the "finance" of countless middle-aged and elderly men, not only lived comfortably, but even bought a small apartment near the central garden.

   This young girl has cleverly mastered extremely clever skills, not only professional skills, but also psychological factors.

  Because her clients are mostly successful middle-aged and elderly men, she can always face them with a smile and listen carefully. In fact, these are all occasions, but they do make those men happy.

  Sarah is a call girl with a very professional attitude, she has her own professionalism...

   Compared with the hard beating that had no reciprocal return in the workplace, she got a return that exceeded her effort. An elderly real estate father directly gave her half a million dollars.

   This is also the main source of housing payment.

   At the same time, Sarah broke up with her agent. The agent's 30% rake made her very dissatisfied.

   Sarah started contacting the customer to do it alone.

   But the good times didn't last long. The original agent found someone to hack Sarah's mailbox and released the video that Sarah secretly recorded. Sarah became famous on the Internet, and her family's questioning followed.

And it’s illegal to engage in this industry in New York. Sarah is very likely to face has money and hires a lawyer to help herself. First, she uses her talents to negotiate with the top of the website that posted the video: She knew she was recording the video. She was only playing role-playing games with her ex-boyfriend. It was originally a private thing with her ex-boyfriend and could not be used as a public “pasture entertainment”.

   She negotiated with the prosecutor again with the help of a lawyer: there was no other evidence, emphasizing that she was only playing role-playing games with her ex-boyfriend. She will not pursue anyone who hacks her mailbox and sends videos. To protect the privacy of her ex-boyfriend, she is also unwilling to say who her ex-boyfriend is.

  This kind of thing, no direct witness can be found. Those successful men who had a deal with Sarah, who would be so stupid to stand up to testify?

   Sarah managed to get rid of the trouble, and got a private detective to get down with the former broker, and then while working alone, she also used the client resources in her hands to become a commission broker.

   At the end of the film, Sarah became a successful figure in a dark society full of losers and busy for the most basic survival.

   She bought a mansion on Long Island, and after some beauty salons, she sat in the mansion and started a new life.

   In the final shot, against a dark background, Sarah sits in the large living room of the mansion, shining like the sun.

  The film ended, and there was a brief silence in the theater.

   The theme and three views of "Sunshine Girl" are not ordinary distortions!

   The heroine Sarah has no so-called reflection from beginning to end, nor sorrows of regret, let alone think that she has made a mistake...

   It can be said that the inner world of the heroine is very powerful.



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