The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 443: War and Peace

Each Oscar award ceremony is not only a Hollywood event, but also a hot spot all over the world. In terms of TV ratings alone, the Oscar awards ceremony has been ranked second in the United States for several consecutive years, which can be described as the focus of everyone.

Therefore, things like Oscar fever happen every time. Organizations such as environmental protection, feminist rights, weather, land, and children's rights often appear near the Oscar red carpet.

It is no exaggeration to say that every Oscars ceremony has a theme off the court.

The seventy-fifth session has only one theme-anti-war.

Just a week before the award ceremony, the United States-led NATO organization launched the Iraq War. The white leftists across the United States exploded in an instant, and the white leftists from Hollywood surged forward. They not only strongly criticized the Washington authorities, but also called on the college. Cancel the Oscars ceremony as a protest!

The college chanted the slogan "Love peace, oppose war", and the preparations for the award ceremony did not slow down at all. Anyway, including the college organization, most of the white leftists in Hollywood are actually similar to Ronan. The sky is shaking, but there are very few actual actions.

Shouting slogans is for political correctness and keeping up with the general situation of mainstream society.

For a group of people tens of thousands of miles away to do something stupid, the Hollywood stars are not so stupid.

To put it bluntly, everyone is the same kind of people, and it is not profitable and early.

Let’s just talk about the academy. If you really want to stop this year’s Oscars in accordance with those extreme demands, how much will you lose? If nothing else, the penalty for advertising alone is an astronomical figure.

Oscar's copyright income is one of the most important sources of expenses for the college. Without the receipt of this year's Oscar awards ceremony, would all institutions of the college go to the northwestern wind in the next year?

Most of the white leftists now are fairly rational, and the future will be terrible.

Not only will they fool the lame European allies, but even a large part of Bai Zuo himself will be brainwashed by his many years of remarks.

In fact, after careful analysis, it is not difficult to find that behind these Bai Zuo's remarks, there is a faint taste of conspiracy.

The 75th Oscar Awards Ceremony has become a mecca for the white leftists. Two days before the award ceremony, at the intersection of Highland Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard, a large number of demonstrators who support and oppose the Iraq War gathered at the same time. Under the separation of the Los Angeles police, it was a reasonable slogan, and there was no overly intense conflict.

Under the shadow of war, the style of Hollywood's annual movie event is obviously a bit solemn.

By the afternoon of the awards ceremony, the anti-war team had nearly tripled and flocked to a place not far from the Kodak Theater. They held up the words'Bush betrayed the United States','Bush is a dangerous element' and'Oscars demand peace' The anti-war placards waiting for the content made a loud noise.

And about half a block from the entrance of the Kodak Theater, the number of Americans who supported the war against Iraq far exceeded the anti-war crowd. They sang the praises of "America, America" ​​with the words "God Bless America" ​​in their hands. The brand of solidarity, with greater momentum to suppress the wave of anti-war.

Due to the special situation faced by this awards ceremony, although the organizers of this awards ceremony set up a red carpet, they cancelled the red carpet and other admission ceremonies. Some stars who opposed the war also wore anti-war slogans. brooch.

Although individual stars and film directors refused to attend this Oscars ceremony to protest against the ongoing Iraq war between the United States and Britain, they are only a few of the few. Most of those who received the invitation from the academy showed up at the Kodak Theater on time.

Even a considerable number of Hollywood stars openly supported the Washington authorities in launching the Iraq war in interviews.

Representatives in this regard include first-line stars such as Bruce Willis and Harrison Ford.

Almost all the activities before the awards ceremony were cancelled. Ronan walked quickly past the entrance where the reporters gathered, greeted people, and walked into the theater.

Media reporters focused their eyes on the stars in front of the scene, questioning them about their views on the Iraq War. Producers like Ronan who hid behind the scenes naturally avoided racking their brains to tell lies.

Ronan hadn't even walked to the theater and met Will Smith and his wife. Will Smith came over and chatted with him.

"Tom didn't come?" Will Smith asked.

Ronan said as he walked, "I received an invitation, but didn't come."

Will Smith shrugged and said: "Nicole Kidman's voice is very loud. I have been looking forward to it. What will Tom look like when Nicole Kidman gets the best actress?"

Ronan couldn't help but laughed: "Poor Tom, you have a friend like you."

"I'm kidding." Will Smith put his smile away and said seriously: "Can you get the best foreign language film this time?"

Ronan told the truth: "It's unlikely."

Will Smith asked again: "I've seen what you said about Chris Gardner's life, which is very inspiring and very good subject."

Ronan echoed: "The realistic American dream."

"When will it start?" Will Smith asked: "I want to adjust the schedule in advance."

Ronan thought for a moment and said, "My screenwriting department is writing the script, and it will definitely start shooting this year. The film will be released during the awards season next year."

Will Smith said: "The awards season is the best! Oscar likes biopics the most."

Ronan patted Will Smith's arm: "Be calm, I will notify you when the project is ready."

The film is estimated to have a budget of US$40 million to US$50 million. One of the biggest support is Will Smith’s remuneration.

The relationship between the two is unusual, and there is no need to entangle too much on the pay. The $20 million pay for Will Smith is a must.

Ronan's seat is not in the same area as Will Smith. After entering the main hall of the theater, he separated. He came to the left side, not too far forward, and found the area where the "Hero" crew was located.

The organizing committee gave ten spots to the "Hero" crew, from the producer to the director to the main actors.

Ronan greeted the crew and sat alone on the outside. After a while, Yu Jiaolong came over and sat beside him.

"Good evening, Ronan." Yu Jiaolong said hello politely.

Ronan nodded politely in response: "Good evening."

Yu Jiaolong is obviously looking for a topic: "When will you go to the East again?"

"There is no plan for the time being." Ronan said with a smile: "Wait later, you have to treat.

Yu Jiaolong felt that Ronan had a good impression of her, and said quickly: "No problem." She deliberately lowered her voice: "You go over there again, I can be a tour guide for you, and we will visit the world-famous scenic spots together."

Ronan said, "Yes."

This reminded him, and it seemed that he still left the contact information of a volunteer guide there. What's his name?

It seems that the business card and phone are in Connie's hand, let her look it up another day.

As for Yu Jiaolong, Ronan saw it very thoroughly. The actress wanted to stay in Hollywood, but for a Chinese actor, it was not easy.

Throughout Hollywood, there are really too few Chinese and even Asian roles in every year.

The Jaina-Miss Jeon, who had a relationship with him for a few nights, did not have a good movie role to choose, but "Grey the Intern" was still very popular on TV, and she had returned to South Korea to pick up the role. More than doubled directly.

Jaina-Almighty saw the benefits of Hollywood. Although she temporarily returned to South Korea to film, she expressed her willingness to become a resident actor in TV series early.

To a certain extent, Yu Jiaolong is also a bit untimely. If she has the current popularity after more than ten years, it will be easy to get a heavyweight Chinese role.

There will even be Hollywood film companies that use her as one of the main roles to create movies.

During the chat between Ronan and Yu Jiaolong, the award ceremony kicked off.

Entertainment and movies can never exist without social reality, so no matter how the host Steve Martin gags and works hard to enliven the atmosphere, every guest on the stage is talking about the heavy "war and peace" theme.

When it comes to shouting slogans, all Hollywood stars are super masters with IMAX skills.

There must be demeanor and demeanor, emotion and emotion, and position and position. Each of them has demonstrated Oscar-level acting skills.

As the opening highlight, the best supporting actor and best supporting actress fell to Chris Cooper and Catherine Zeta Jones as expected.

Compared to the role in "Chicago", Mrs. Douglas has a big belly.

From then on, she never seemed to regain her previous figure.

Subsequently, Michael Moore took over the Golden Man of the best documentary from Diane Lane, but the acceptance speech caused a wave of applause and greater boos than We live in a falsehood In an era when a false president is elected, we live in an era where people let us go to war for false reasons. "

His spearhead was directed at the Bush administration and the Iraq war. Other people in the theater reacted differently. Some applauded, some stood up to pay tribute, and most of them booed.

Ronan was vaguely impressed with the image of this fat director with glasses. After reminiscing about it, he immediately thought of a documentary-"Fahrenheit 911".

If I remember correctly, Michael Moore is the director of Fahrenheit 911.

This documentary once caused a sensation and was later introduced into theaters by Lionsgate.

As a documentary, "Fahrenheit 911" reflects some real situations, but the film is essentially the same as Hollywood and Washington authorities-to achieve their own goals, they don't mind using lies.

After the film was released, Lionsgate, as the distributor, was nothing. Michael Moore gradually disappeared, and few works came out.

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