The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 479: The rhythm of takeoff

In the subtitles, "He is a Pirate" composed by Hans Zimmer sounded again, unlike when Jack Sparrow appeared on the scene, Shakira's singing accompanied the music.

The Latin-style singing further mobilized the atmosphere of the scene.

At the moment when the subtitles were over, thunderous applause echoed in the Kodak Theater like a storm, violently making people have no other thoughts, just want to applaud with everyone, because the "Pirates of the Caribbean" just screened, It deserves such applause.

The two security personnel in the front hall of the theater heard prolonged applause and looked at the entrance of the hall curiously, but their vision was blocked by the closed door.

"Is it five minutes?" The black security guard asked the companion next to him: "The applause lasted so long?"

The white security guard was slightly surprised and said: "I was here at the Oscars ceremony this year. The audience stood up and applauded during the tribute session. The applause was not so enthusiastic, and the duration was not so long."

The black security guard echoed: "I was in the background, and the results of the best actor and actress, best director, best picture and other awards were announced. The applause was not so enthusiastic."

The applause continued, and it did not abate. It seems that the audience's emotions need to be vented through this channel.

"This "Pirates of the Caribbean" is really so good?" White Security couldn't help asking.

I, a black man, has been working at the Kodak Theater for several years, and he is well-informed, saying: "A good movie can always stir emotions."

In the lobby of the Kodak Theater, Ronan saw that the applause did not stop, and hurriedly greeted: "Everyone in the crew, come on stage and call for a curtain call!"

These applauses are all spontaneous, not arranged in advance.

Ronan led the team, including director Gore Wibinski and the four main characters, and the main creative staff walked onto the stage together and bowed to the audience.

Listening to the thunderous applause and seeing everyone cheering for himself, Christian Bale was very emotional. This was a treatment he could not enjoy in the past when he appeared in artistic films.

Only by standing at the center of this storm spontaneously formed by the audience can you know that this feeling is crazy!

Keira Knightley bowed while covering her mouth with her hands, and two lines of tears flowed slowly.

As for whether she was really moved or she was born with her acting skills, it didn't matter at all, because she was enjoying this moment.

Gore Wibinski was standing on Ronan's left hand, and he was also very excited. The premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was obviously a huge success!

All doubts! All the ridicule of his pirate film! What counts under the applause of the audience? These thousands of viewers on the opposite side are the best representatives of the market, and they represent the basis for a commercial film to survive!

Gore Wibinski turned his head and glanced at Ronan. Some time ago, an old classmate ridiculed him for taking the pirate movie as "when he saw Ronan miss his life", it was pure fart! Ronan is clearly his goddess of luck!

No, it is the **** of luck!

On the right hand side of Ronan, Jessica Felton, like the rest of the crew, once again bowed to the tide of applause and thanked her, but she held her neckline tightly with one hand to prevent it from passing out.

It is too big and has many inconveniences. For example, if you bow as you do now, without doing some precautions, the two large groups will hang down and can directly break the neckline.

The applause finally faded, and the curtain call came to an end. Jessica Felton turned and hugged Ronan, and said, "We made it!"

Ronan smiled and said, "Yes, Jesse, we made it!"

Everyone on the crew is embracing each other, as if the film has been a big success.

In the auditorium, Michael Eisner did not say a word, turned and walked towards the exit of the hall.

He has many years of experience in live-action movies. Although as a straight man of steel, he still can't understand the twisted pirate captain, he has his own judgment that this "Pirates of the Caribbean" may be a great success.

The next thing to consider is not whether Johnny Depp and Jack Sparrow are **** at all, but what kind of benefits Disney can get from this very likely pirate whirlwind?

There are Pirates of the Caribbean in Disneyland!

Ron Meyer also left the hall with some envy. Fate is sometimes so unfair, such as him and Ronan Anderson now.

The "Hulk" initiated by him is itself a top-notch comic character and has a broad audience base. It carries the successful wave of the Marvel superhero movies "X-Men" and "Spider-Man", and has won the best Oscars. Ang Lee of the foreign language film was in charge of the tube, but the box office failed miserably.

Look at "Pirates of the Caribbean" again.

It is a long-lost movie type. The script comes from the original and has no fan base. The actor's appeal is similar to that of "The Hulk". The director is the previously unknown Gore Wibinski.

The results of it?

Although the film has just premiered, Ron Meyer has years of experience in the industry and it is not difficult to judge that this is very likely to reverse the declining trend of pirate movies.

Not to mention anything else, it is also a top-tier production. Looking at the reaction of the audience at the premiere, it is not difficult to guess how big the gap between the final market response of the two films is.

Perhaps when we talk about the North American film market in 2003, "Hulk" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" will become annual models.

Hmm...a typical failure and success.

At the end of the premiere, because Jessica Felton did not have a car, Ronan invited her to get in his car and sent her home.

It just so happened that Jessica Felton moved to a new home this year, located in Beverly Hills.

"I thought you would stay in that apartment forever."

Sitting in the car, Ronan said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you also bought a mansion."

Jessica Felton shrugged slightly, this movement was small, but it was enough to cause the mountain to shake: "Technical madmen also have the right to pursue a high-quality life."

Ronan nodded: "Your new home is good."

Jessica Felton said: "I bought it with a loan, or I can't afford such a big house." She sighed: "The mortgage is on my head, and I suddenly found that I have more motivation to work."

Ronan couldn't help laughing: "You should buy a bigger house."

"So you can squeeze the labor force further?" Jessica Felton and Ronan have a very good friendship, and there is no need to look forward and backward when speaking: "Next week, I will enter the "Mean Girl" crew for post production.

Ronan said, "Jesse, your work in post-production is very good. The success of this "Pirates of the Caribbean" is inseparable from your editing. I want to control the company as a whole. It cannot be too specific. Participated in the specific production of a certain film project."

He glanced at Jessica Felton and said: "You will be the post-production producer. I can rest assured of many projects. This also ensures that I have enough energy to do other tasks."

The two began to cooperate in the first film "Human Elimination Project" after Ronan came to Los Angeles. They are trusting partners and good friends.

Jessica Felton was also not polite with Ronan, saying: "I have lost ten pounds this year. Ronan, I am about to be regarded as a robot by you."

Ronan laughed and said, "Jesse, it's more work for the capable."

Jessica Felton put away the joke and said with a serious face: "In fact, I really like this rhythm of work and life. It makes me feel very fulfilling."

Ronan spread his hands: "So, Jesse, you are the real feminist."

After sending Jessica Felton, Ronan returned to the Future World Manor alone.

At the Kodak Theater, Greymane had just walked to the front hall when he was stopped by a person with a "CinemaScore" badge.

"Hello." The other party first gave a signature pen: "Can you ask a question?"

Greymane took the signature pen and said, "Of course."

The man asked, "Can you rate the "Pirates of the Caribbean" you just watched?"

"A+!" Greymane said without hesitation: "This film is definitely worth A+!"

There was an older person next to him who seemed to hear the conversation between the two and suddenly interjected: "Is there a better score than A+?"

The investigator and consultant looked over there in surprise.

Varian smiled and scratched his head, and said, "This film is great, it deserves a better rating than A+!"

"Yes!" echoed again: "I have seen more than a dozen pirate movies, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is the best!"

Others yelled: "A+! A+! It must be A+! If this film does not give the highest score, what other film is worth such a score this year?"

Then there was a big beard intoxicated: "Captain Jack Sparrow is so beautiful! I don't know who selected Depp, and there is no one in this vision! It feels like he knows what kind of role is better than Tim Burton. Suitable for Johnny Depp!"

The people in the front hall of the Kodak Theater gradually dispersed. The investigative consultant did not finish his work, and stopped the last audience who walked out of the main hall, and asked the same question after giving out a small gift.

"Captain Jack Sparrow alone is worth an A+!"

This is a female audience but also indulges in the charm of the pirate captain and can't extricate herself: "This pirate captain is so handsome! Bohemian! Domineering! Exuding pride! The ultimate man!"

Seeing this young female audience leave with a bit of idiot, the survey consultant finished his work tonight and looked down at his statistics. The goal was all "A+!"

Among them, the lowest score is also A!

The survey consultant brought together several colleagues, briefly asked about their statistics, and found that it was basically the same as his.

The audience at the premiere had an average score of "A+"!

What does it mean? The investigating consultant was a little taken aback, because he knew very well that the reputation of the premiere audience was so full that "Pirates of the Caribbean" is about to take off!

Is this pirate movie going to completely break the reality of this type of movie's constant decline, and then soar into the sky?

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