The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 790: Expected failure

Sometimes, the success or failure of a film in the market is often not directly proportional to the quality of the film itself. Hollywood has had too many such cases in the past ten years.


  There is nothing more typical than "Blair the Witch".


Many first-line big production companies like to use the combination of big directors and stars. This is not because the two together will definitely bring a good film. After all, the ratio of big directors and big stars to bad films Not low.


   But the combination of the two brings extraordinary commercial appeal.


   This is especially true when the names of these two people are Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise.


   The reputation of "World War" is very unsatisfactory, and even a lot of criticism, especially the slightly hasty ending.


   Even so, under the appeal of Spielberg and Tom Cruise, there are still a large number of movie fans entering the theater to watch this film.


   There is another point that cannot be ignored. The global distribution of "World War" is done by DreamWorks itself, with a lot less messy involvement, and various resources can be allocated more reasonably.


  Opening the weekend, this big-produced science fiction movie with an imdb audience rating of only 6.5 and Rotten Tomatoes freshness only 60%, has won $77.16 million in more than 4,100 theaters in North America.


   This also created the highest weekend box office record for Tom Cruise to appear in a movie since the movie.


   There is no doubt that this film has achieved commercial success.


   "World War" opened in North America and sold at the box office weekend, which also relieved DreamWorks, which was under heavy pressure after "Escape from the Island".


   The fiasco of "Escape from the Island of Clone" will not cause DreamWorks to sink. But if "World War" fails again, the pressure and difficulties that DreamWorks will face can be imagined.


   DreamWorks also survived the most difficult month.


   After this weekend, among several films released in May, "Kingdom of the Heavens" followed in the footsteps of "Escape from the Clone Island" and was completely off-stage from North American theaters. The final North American box office was only $37.58 million.


   Including the current overseas box office, the current global box office is only more than 80 million US dollars.


   This 20th Century Fox project will inevitably lead to serious losses in the short term. In the future, it may take five or more years of offline operations to recover its costs.


   In contrast, the two films of Relativity Entertainment played triumphantly all the way.


   The North American box office of "The Bournemouth 3" is infinitely close to 300 million US dollars. It is an established fact that it has exceeded 300 million. The global box office is also approaching the 600 million US dollar line.


   Shahai Entertainment Animation Studio shines through "Despicable Me" and has become a well-known animation studio in Hollywood.


   The North American box office of this animated feature film reached US$211.27 million.


   Even if you don’t count back and overseas income, "Despicable Me" has been a success.


   From the eve of June 1st, "Despicable Me" has been released in more than 50 overseas countries and regions. In the face of the cute characters and minions, overseas audiences have no resistance.


   The overseas box office of the film has also exceeded 100 million US dollars.


From the summer to the present, Relativity Entertainment is the biggest winner, and the "Smiths" to be released this month, because of the triangle relationship between Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston, it can be described as a piece of cake. It's hot, and many people are full of curiosity about this film that triggered the biggest gossip in Hollywood in the new century.


   Just like "World War", in many cases, it is not the film itself that determines the success or failure of a film market.


   Although "Smiths" has not been released yet, the sensation it caused is absolutely phenomenal.


   Under the scandal hype about the triangle relationship, the "Fantastic Four", which will be released this weekend, seems a bit silent, and the promotion and promotion efforts seem to be insufficient.


   Affected by the villainous effect of the comics that have been fermenting for more than a year, audiences and media are full of doubts about this "Fantastic Four" movie.


   If Marvel Entertainment only confronted Twentieth Century Fox on its own, and temporarily embarked on the "Fantastic Four" comics, it would definitely not be the current situation.


With the vigorous promotion of Relativity Entertainment, this plan has been started more than a year ago, and related comics and propaganda have been continuously launched. Even though 20th Century Fox has done a lot of work, it is still in Marvel Entertainment, which has absolute initiative With continuous efforts, the Fantastic Four has finally become a kind of villain on Smelly Street in the eyes of audiences in the new era.


Even after Marvel Entertainment investigated the market’s response to the Fantastic Four, it has a preliminary plan. In the future, the copyright of the Fantastic Four can really be taken back, and it can be used as a certain "Avengers" or The super villain of a film where multiple heroes appear.


  The justice team is facing the villain team, which seems to be very interesting.


For Twentieth Century Fox, Jim Prolos knew that "Fantastic Four" was out of control and faced various unfavorable situations. After consulting James Murdoch, he made a decisive decision to stop the loss and restricted the "Fantastic Four." The publicity and distribution scale of the Four Heroes.


   The situation is very obvious. The more you invest, the more losses you will lose on this project in the 20th Century Fox.


   No one in the industry is optimistic about the prospects of "Fantastic Four".


   Even the actors who appeared in "Fantastic Four" began to fall apart before the movie was released.


The first is Jessica Alba, who plays the role of the Invisible Girl. Since he is assisting James Cameron in the modeling work of the Nabe at the Weta Studio in Wellington, New Zealand, it is very hopeful to get the position of the heroine of this film, Jesse In an interview with the media, Ka Alba directly announced that he would withdraw from other work with Twentieth Century Fox in order to devote all his energy to the cooperation with James Cameron.


   Regardless of the success or failure of "Fantastic Four", Jessica Alba will play the role of the invisible woman again.


   The actress made a very wise decision.


Frankly speaking, Jessica Alba’s acting skills are average and may not be as good as Milla Jovovich and Kate Beckinsale, but the last time Ronan went to the Weta studio in Wellington, he found that Under the tutelage of James Cameron, she has great experience in shooting motion capture.


James Cameron can choose Jessica Alba to assist in the modeling work of Nubuat. On the one hand, he has confidence in Jessica Alba. On the other hand, Jessica Alba’s tall and slender figure is also very suitable. Motion capture of the heroine of Namie.


   It can be said that Jessica Alba's natural appearance plays a very important role.


   There have been field observations, if James Cameron chooses Jessica Alba as the heroine, Ronan will not object.


   And he also thinks that an actress who participated in field modeling work is more suitable for a heroine than others.


   Besides, when the film is released, there may be a wave of James Cameron and Jessica Alba scandal in the gossip tabloids.


   This kind of film will also have more promotional points.


   After Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, who played the flame man, also announced that "Fantastic Four" will be his last superhero movie, and he will not play any superhero roles in the future.


   This remark did not attract too many people's attention. After all, Chris Evans is just a small actor. In terms of fame and status, he is far inferior to Jessica Alba.


   Even though the latter can barely be called a second-tier now.


   Ronan just smiled when he saw it. Many of the actor's remarks about the role were as unreliable as the director always said that this was my last movie.


  I remember the former Captain America, what I love most is that I will not play Captain America anymore. I have other plans, what should I do...


   It smells good in the end.


  By the way, many Marvel stars, after jumping out of the Marvel series, how many viewers are willing to buy their accounts like Marvel movies?


   Marvel made them, and Marvel will also limit them.


   Twentieth Century Fox’s "Fantastic Four", under the influence of numerous negative effects, has not really been released yet, and the crew has completely dispersed.


   What kind of commercial results can be achieved with a film like this is completely predictable.


   North America’s opening weekend, "Fantastic Four" is only available in 3241 theaters that are only available in ordinary second-tier commercial films or r-rated movies.


   In this era, commercial productions with an investment of 100 million US dollars, as long as they are not R-class, the scale of North American paintings can generally reach about 4,000.


   The limited distribution investment of Twentieth Century Fox is one aspect, and the other is that theater operators are not optimistic about the prospects of "Fantastic Four".


   The facts are as expected.


   On the day of its release in North America, "Fantastic Four" only got $12.64 million at the box office. Compared with the $100 million production cost, it can only be said to have failed.


   After "The Kingdom of Heaven", the second film produced and released by Fox in the summer of the 20th century also ended in failure.


  Perhaps, the release of "Star Wars: Prequel 3: Revenge of the Sith" was a big hit at the box office, and it became the biggest harvest of the 20th century Fox from the summer to the present.


  Most viewers have a very bad impression of "Fantastic Four" because of the operation of Marvel Entertainment for more than a year


   "It's hard for me to imagine that four notorious villains are so boring to save the world fakely in the movie. This movie brings the four most hypocritical characters."


   "When I saw the four people in the movie, I thought of the disgusting things they had done, and then I thought the movie was too fake."


  More passersby said: "Apart from Jessica Alba, what else to watch in this movie?"


   "A big beauty like Jessica Alba can't save this brain fragment at all."


   "This is the worst Marvel movie I've ever seen, worse than "The Hulk"."


   "Fantastic Four" failed not only at the box office, but also by word of mouth.


   With the "Civil War" comics released by Marvel Entertainment, it is still stepping on the top of the Fantastic Four. There is no possibility of filming the sequel to the "Fantastic Four".

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