In the southern part of the country of fire, in an other courtyard in Nanban City, Ken Shimura sat on the main seat with his eyes closed.

On both sides, there are three seats on each side, prepared for the coming patriarchs.

This time, he invited all the first-class families in the south to discuss the union of Uchiha and Senju.

The reason for choosing Nanban City is very simple. Since the last incident of the Yin and Yang family, it has been controlled by the five major clans in the south and is the safest place.

After all, people don’t worry about going to any other clan. The most taboo ninja is to go to the center of other people’s forces.


"Yeah." Shimura Ken opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was his personal guard Shimura Company, an elite Shinnin.

"The oil matriarch is here."

"Oh, please come in." Shimura took his eyebrows slightly and thought a little.

Soon after, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe arrived with two oily female tribesmen. Ken Shimura quickly got up, and after a simple handshake between the two, the middle-aged man took his seat.

The person here is the new patriarch of the Younv clan, the former deputy clan of the Younv clan, Younv Tianye.

About half a year ago, Uchiha’s southern battlefield was in full swing. Under the instigation of Hyuga Tamamoso, the former patriarch of Yunome united the four shadow masters, including Patriarch Fengmo, Chief Chiba, Great Elder Uzumaki, and Great Elder Hyuga. Uchihagen launched an ambush.

Everyone already knew the result of that ambush, except for the elder Maelstrom who ran away at that time, no one survived.

However, at that time, the patriarch of the oil girl escaped briefly with mystery and will, and passed the news back to the clan in advance. It was also because of this that the oil girl was able to escape at that time.

After Younv Tianye took over as the head of the patriarch, she directly led her tribe to the south, all the way to the southernmost, seized the territory of several middle-class families, and took root here.

But their lives are not as good as they want. To put it bluntly, they fled all the way. For the local strong clan in the south, they are foreigners and are naturally excluded.

Coupled with the rush to escape, they can't even get a lot of things in the clan field, and the clan life is very difficult.

Fortunately, they fled decisively at that time. Except for the death of the former patriarch, the clan was basically intact. They were still a heavyweight clan, coupled with their unique insect secret technique, and were powerful in combat.

Because of this, the five ethnic groups in the south were somewhat jealous and did not choose to expel them by force. But marginalization is inevitable.

In this situation, the new patriarch of Younv suddenly received an invitation from the patriarch of Zhicun. How could he not be ecstatic, but now he was so sad that he wanted to squeeze into the circle of the southern clans, and naturally he went to the appointment with pleasure.

The new patriarch of Younv sat down and asked aloud: "I wonder what happened to the patriarch of Zhicun this time?"

In fact, he was very curious that the Shimura clan looked like them seriously, and they were also driven from the north by Uchiha, but that was a hundred years ago, and now Shimura has completely become a big clan in the south.

In addition, Shimura is strong and acts low-key, even if he has the strength to squeeze into the first-class family, he will not make public. Had it not been for a conflict with Sarutobi because of a resource competition ten years ago, and defeating Sarutobi in a local war, everyone would have forgotten that there was a powerful ninja.

Shimura Ken lightly sighed, "This matter is of great importance, so let's wait for the other patriarchs to come and discuss it together."

The new patriarch of Younv raised his eyes and quickly asked before learning that he had also invited the patriarchs of the other five clans. He didn't know in advance that other patriarchs were also invited.

I couldn't help being surprised, I don't know what was going to bring all the patriarchs of the southern tribes together.

Before long, the other patriarchs arrived one after another.

"Clan Inuzuka is here."

"The Nara patriarch is here."

"The patriarch in the mountains is here."

"The chief Qiu Dao is here."

After the arrival of the four patriarchs, they shook hands with Shimura Taken one after another. Patriarch Inuzuka said impatiently: "Shimura Takeshi, what is the matter with you in inviting us to come, tell me, there are still a lot of troubles waiting in my clan Deal with it."

Before Shimura took a word, another voice sounded.

"Sarufly clan is here."

A middle-aged man in a gray robe stepped in and scanned the audience, nodding to the four patriarchs of Inuzuka, Nara, Nakayama, and Qiudao respectively, and then took a seat on their own.

The new patriarch and Shimura Ken who were present here were completely ignored.

In his view, You Nu is an outsider who can't be a local family at all. Zhicun has an enmity with herself. He wants to find a place in the battle ten years ago.

Seeing the arrogant look of the Sarutobi patriarch, Ken Shimura gritted his teeth secretly and cursed in his heart: "Sooner or later, kill you old fellow."

Just as Patriarch Sarufly saw him not pleasing to his eyes, so how could he look at him pleasing to his eyes.

"Ahem, ahem, Patriarch Zhicun, now that everyone is here, what can I say? What kind of thing can be said to be related to our survival."

Patriarch Nara coughed, breaking the somewhat depressed atmosphere at the scene.

Ken Shimura took a deep breath, knowing that this is not a good time to conflict with the Sarutobi clan, and said: "The day before yesterday, an intelligence elite team of our clan found a secret base in Uchiha and paid a painful price to obtain it. Please look at the two pieces of information, every patriarch."

As he said, he handed the prepared information in his arms, and the patriarchs began to pass it on as a result.

"How is this possible?" The new patriarch of the oil girl who had just received the information exclaimed, her tone full of disbelief.

Then Patriarch Inuzuka took it curiously, his pupils suddenly contracted, and cried out, "Is this impossible?"

Patriarch Sarutobi was curious in his heart.

Later the information was passed to the hands of the Warring States Pig Deer Butterfly.

"Huh?" Patriarch Nara took it, and when he saw the information, he let out a suspicion, his eyes were extremely solemn, and he began to watch the two pieces of information repeatedly.

He watched the two short pieces of information for ten minutes. No one urged him. Instead, the other patriarchs looked at him with hope.

Ten minutes later, he sighed lightly, handed the information in his hand to the patriarchs of the mountain and Qiu Dao beside him, and closed his eyes and thought.

"Uchiha and Senju joined forces, is this...?"

"I am not dreaming, am I?"

After reading the information, the two patriarchs issued different exclamations. ..

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