The Big Boss System Behind the Scenes of Naruto

Chapter 496: Ambush Uchiha Madara

After deciding to capture Nanban Castle, Uchiha and Senju both received the assembly order and assembled in a quick way.

Soon after, Uchiha Madara arrived and led the two-ethnic coalition toward Nanban Castle.

In addition to Uchiha Madara, there is also Qianju Xiangyang as the deputy commander of this coalition force. This is the general rule when uniting.

After all, the Senjue tribe in the coalition forces accounted for half of the number. Even if the relationship with Uchiha has been greatly eased in the past two months, there are some ideas in their minds to make them suddenly accept Uchiha Madara’s leadership.

At this time, it is necessary to arrange a high-level leader of the clan to act as the deputy commander. On the one hand, it can stabilize the situation, and on the other hand, it can ensure the interests of one's own family and avoid being framed by the opponent as a death squad.

This rule was common during the Sengoku alliance, not limited to Uchiha and Senju.

It stands to reason that the most suitable position for this position should be Senshou Jianma, but considering Senna's relationship, Senju Zhuma wisely let Senshou Xiangyang replace this position.

For Yuma and Uchiha Madara, Zhuma has always been very concerned, and even rarely allows them to have a chance to meet each other.

In this way, the coalition forces of the two races, under the leadership of Madara, marched mightily towards Nanbancheng.

For this kind of large-scale transfer, the various ethnic groups in the south naturally received the news at the first time. Several of them did not care. They wanted to come. Now there is no one of their own in Nanban City, and they are occupied by Uchiha and Qianshou. What can I do, I still beat myself.

But quickly, they received an invitation from the Nara clan to hold an emergency combat meeting.

At the meeting, Nara Shakaze's expression was heavy, and he directly explained the importance of Nanban Castle and said that this city must not be lost.

Because the Patriarch Yu is a foreigner, he didn't understand the importance of Nanban Castle at first, but under Nara's explanation, he finally realized the seriousness of the matter and made up his mind to keep Nanban Castle.

"But Uchiha Madara has integrated all the ninjas of Uchiha and Senju. He is so powerful that he might suffer a loss if we hit us head-on." Shimura Ken frowned. After seeing Senju's strength, he has been in fear.

Nara Shakaze solemnly said: "Even if we suffer a loss, we have to fight. Nanban Castle is like a nail, firmly nailed to our hearts. If Uchiha and Senju take the initiative, they will completely take the initiative.

Fortunately, this time only Uchiha Madara led the coalition forces. Neither Uchiha Gen nor Senjuzuma followed, which gave us a chance.

I’ve heard about Uchiha Madara’s character. He is a man of pride. If we plan properly, we may not be able to make a perfect ambush. You must know that this time they lead most of the two clans. If we Victory, Uchiha and Senju will not be able to assemble so many ninjas for a long time, and we will be temporarily safe. "

He said, pointing to a canyon dozens of miles away from Nanban City, and said, "Here, Shanghualing is an excellent ambush spot. In front of Nanban City is a plain, where it is head-to-head with the two-ethnic coalition forces. It's not wise, and it's not wise to be trapped in Nanban Castle. The best way is to hit Uchiha head-on here and beat him back severely."

In Nara Shefeng’s impassioned words, the chiefs of the southern clans were persuaded, so they secretly mobilized their clans to ambush in Shanghualing.

Not only that, they also dispatched elite teams to bury countless detonating charms along the way, and from time to time night attacks and harassment, in short, they used all available means to reduce the fighting power of the two races even by a small amount.

These things were of limited use and could only slightly delay the speed of the two clans. Soon after, Ban led the two clans to reach the boundary of Shanghualing.

"Patriarch, Shanghualing is in front of you. As long as you get over there, the road to Nanban City is a plain, no obstacle." A Uchiha's pinnacle whispered beside Ma.

"Is there any news from the southern tribes?" Uchiha Madara asked softly.

"Not yet, they seem to have disappeared from the world. Except for those who attacked us along the way, no traces of them were found in large numbers of ninjas." An intelligence ninja stepped forward quickly and replied quickly.

Madara pondered for a moment, staring at Shanghualing not far in front of him, and suddenly smiled: "I heard that Nara Shefeng likes to ambush, and even our second elder suffered a loss when chasing."

Qianshou Xiangyang, who had been silent for a long time, turned his head and said, "What does Chief Uchiha mean?"

Madara glanced at him, a sneer hung on the corner of his mouth, and did not reply. He had always ignored the people of the Thousand Hands Clan other than the Thousand Hands Zhuma.

"Everyone is moving forward at full speed and rushed to Nanban Castle before dark." Uchiha Madara gave a cold voice and ordered loudly.

The order was communicated layer by layer, and the mighty two-ethnic coalition forces headed up Hualing, the leader of the team.

"Notify everyone, ready to fight at any time, the Southern Alliance is very likely to ambush here." Uchiha Madara ordered in a low voice, did not deliberately conceal the Senjuzu people, although he does not like the other Qianjuzu people except Senju Zhuma , But his pride does not allow him to engage in some small actions in private. Since they are in an alliance, even if they can’t be treated equally, they must be treated equally.

Uchiha, who followed him, was shocked in his heart, "Patriarch, since we know that there may be an ambush, why should we enter? We should not enter their encirclement."

Madara Uchiha glanced at him, and a sneer smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "Even if they lie in wait, what can I do, a group of clowns, I just want to defeat them head-on and let them understand how weak they are. They are the best. Choose to lie in wait here, and save me to attack the city."

The order was quickly communicated, and all the ninjas of the two clans suddenly became cautious.

Just as they completely entered Shanghualing, a bright signal flare suddenly rose in the distance, which was clearly visible even in the daytime.

There were shouts of killing from all sides at the same time, and countless ninjas from all ethnic groups in the south appeared at the same time, densely packed.

The overwhelming suffering is falling like a torrential rain.


Little tail: 228418492..

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