Chapter 344 Mr. Jing

  M Zhou Dance Theater

  Ruan Qianxi came off the stage just after the performance, and received a bouquet of roses when she got backstage.

  The people next to him joked when they saw the bouquet of roses: "Qianxi, is your boyfriend sending flowers again?"

  Ruan Qianxi was holding roses in her hand, she was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm not a boyfriend."

   "It's not that my boyfriend sends flowers every time I perform, and I also send roses every time." The little girl next to me laughed.

   "It's definitely a suitor even if it's not a boyfriend. Our Qianxi is very attractive, how long have we been chasing after him. As long as we go to M state, there will be flowers after the performance."

  Ruan Qianxi smiled, her eyes flickered slightly.

   That person is neither my boyfriend, nor does he show that he wants to chase me.

   He was just being nice to himself.

   "If you are excellent and you are a good person, you can consider it. At this age, you can fall in love."

  Ruan Qianxi pursed her lips, her heart beating a little faster.

   After joking with them, Ruan Qianxi went to change clothes.

  Going back to the dressing room, Ruan Qianxi smelled the roses, and then took out the greeting card in the flowers to have a look.

  [The performance ends successfully. Do you have time? I'm at the door - scene. ]

   When Ruan Qianxi saw the greeting card, the smile on his face deepened. She changed her clothes faster, took off the stage makeup, and put on a light makeup as quickly as possible.

   Before going out, I looked in the full-length mirror again, and smiled slightly at the mirror. After I was satisfied, I quickly went to the door.

  A Rolls-Royce parked at the door.

   As soon as she saw the car, the rear window fell down.

  Jing Yanbai was wearing a black mask, smiled when he saw her, and said, "Qianxi, this way."

  Ruan Qianxi laughed and ran towards him: "Mr. Jing."

  Jing Yan's white and light blue eyes were stained with a smile: "Take you to eat delicious food."

  Qianye was driving ahead, and his eyes drooped when he heard these words. These words are what Jing Yanbai often said to Yinghuo.


  Ruan Qianxi got into the car, and Jing Yanbai took off his mask.

  His facial features are very three-dimensional, except for those light blue eyes, it is completely impossible to tell that he is a mixed race.

  The lip color is very light, very cool and handsome.

  Every time Ruan Qianxi saw him, he was always wearing a three-piece suit.

  She always felt that he was like a rich man.

  She also rarely saw him show his face, except for the first time and this time, when she saw him other times, he was either wearing sunglasses or a mask.

   "Mr. Jing, when did you come?" Ruan Qianxi asked.

  Jing Yanbai hooked the corners of her lips, and gave her an expected answer: "The dance is great, and the repertoire is also great."

  Ruan Qianxi laughed: "I followed what you said and made some changes to my dance moves. After seeing it, the master also recognized it and was very happy."

   "Your talent is very good." Jing Yanbai was also very satisfied with her dance this time.

  As soon as he finished these words, Ruan Qianxi's cell phone rang.

   It was Xia Luoqing who called.

   Routine inquiries.

  After each performance, Xia Luoqing would call her to ask. When she has time, Xia Luoqing will also accompany her to perform in various places.

  Ruan Qianxi chatted with Xia Luoqing for a few words, then hung up the phone.

  Seeing that she hung up the phone, Jing Yanbai said: "Your master is very kind to you."

   "Well, she treats me like a daughter." Ruan Qianxi said, the phone that was turned off was accidentally turned on again.

  Jing Yanbai looked at her, and when she saw that her phone was on, she subconsciously glanced at it.

   Then he looked at the phone, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   "This is." Jing Yanbai asked softly.

  Ruan Qianxi looked down at her phone screen, looked at the screen saver and said, "Is this?"

   "Yeah." Jing Yanbai looked at the screen and said.

   "She's Jiuxi." Ruan Qianxi said, "It's what I told you, the screenwriter of the movie I acted in."

   "Jiuxi?" Jing Yanbai looked at the photo similar to a still photo and asked, "Do screenwriters have to take this kind of photo now?"

   "No. Her real name is Tang Zhixi, and she's an actress." Ruan Qianxi looked at the screensaver and said, "It's amazing. She even acted in two dramas. She's also a very famous screenwriter, and I like her very much."

  Hearing the word "Tang Zhixi", Qianye immediately looked back at Jing Yanbai from the rearview mirror.

  Jing Yanbai looked as usual, but kept looking at the screensaver, then twitched the corner of his mouth, and repeated: "Tang Zhixi."

   "Well. She is really amazing. Although her family background is not good, she is very talented." Ruan Qianxi really likes her, otherwise she would not set her stills as a screen saver.

   "A bad family background?" Jing Yanbai asked curiously.

Ruan Qianxi also talked a lot about Tang Zhixi: "Her father is from the Song family in Yancheng, and the family conditions are very good. But her father cheated on her, and her mother committed suicide when she was not full moon. She lived with her grandmother since childhood He grew up in the village. Hanqing Village is a particularly poor place in China."

   "Do you know what her grandmother's name is?" Jing Yanbai asked.

  Ruan Qianxi blinked, not knowing why he asked this suddenly. But she still answered: "I heard that her name is Tang Peihua. My mother's name is Tang Xueche."

   "Tang Zhixi", "Tang Peihua", "Tang Xueche", and "Hanqing Village" all match up.

   Exactly the person they were looking for.

  Qianye glanced at Jing Yanbai several times in the rearview mirror.

  The person who has always been calm and silent seems to be a little restless now.

  But Jing Yanbai kept looking at that photo.

  He hasn't seen his little Yinghuo for too long.

  Jing Yanbai spends almost all of his time in the laboratory, only having very little time for himself.

  He never surfs the Internet either, because he thinks it is unnecessary. The second is that it feels unsafe, it is easy to be tracked, and only occasionally asks Qianye to check something on the Internet.

   Even knowing that Ye Hanzhi was by her side, Qianye ran into him in Chiya Village.

   It's not that he hasn't checked her.

  But in the few years since she left continent A, she couldn't find this person at all.

  He knows Yinghuo's hacking ability, if he wants to hide himself, it's too easy.

  Besides, he was tracked down a lot in those years, so the investigation of her was temporarily delayed.

  After Qianye met her in Chiya Village, he didn't check her again.

  What he needs is to quickly rebuild his forces.

  His power was rebuilt, and he exposed his whereabouts. Yinghuo will definitely come to him. What he needs is the power to trap her.

   Besides that, even if they found out where she was and what she was doing, it would be useless not to bring her back.

  So he didn't know that Yinghuo was an actor in China, so he naturally didn't pay attention to the domestic entertainment industry.

  The phone call during the Chinese New Year was found by Qianye through the tracker stuck to her hair in Chiya Village.

   But that number was registered with a name called Nan Chu.

  I can find the mobile phone number along the tracker, but I can't find other news, and I can't even determine the location of the mobile phone.

  He thought at the time that this might be deliberately seduced by Xiao Yingzhuo. So when Qianye started to check, he didn't check on his own territory. Even during the investigation, just in case, they changed several locations.

   After finding out the phone number, he hurriedly finished the call and quickly changed places, but he was still almost tracked down.

  Jing Yanbai never expected that she would dare to make such a big noise in the country.

   completely put themselves under the public eye.

   Except for Qianye, the people around him who had seen Yinghuo are gone now.

  So even if his people saw it on the Internet, or people in China saw the real face, they would not know that Tang Zhixi was what he called Yinghuo.

  But many people have met Jing Rui.

   This caused people in the country to touch the residences of Jingrui and Jing Heng, and even almost snatched Jing Heng. He didn't bring any news of Yinghuo to him.

  If he knew. If he knew that Xiao Yinghuo had become an actor, why bother to watch those previous videos every day and watch them over and over again.

   I originally wanted to add an extra chapter.

   But this chapter was changed back and forth three or four times.

   I'm numb.

   Just these two chapters.

Goodnight everybody.

   I went to bed too.



  (end of this chapter)

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