The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 152 [Dragon in the Abyss]

In the private room of the teahouse, Lin Zhichao didn't take it seriously when he learned that Dafei of "Dongfuhe" was sunk under the sea.

He is now a justice of the peace. Before the 1980s, there was a high probability that no one would dare to offend him and his family. Even if the society wanted to kidnap rich people, they would not seek someone with great social prestige like Lin Zhichao, because the consequences would be serious.

When Po Leung Kuk and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals in Hong Kong were first established, their promoters may not have had this kind of thought. Through such social donations and public welfare, they gained social fame and further won the canonization of the Hong Kong government and the British court.

Of course, no matter what purpose everyone has, at least real money has been donated, and many people have actually benefited.

Moreover, the charity teams in Hong Kong are all legally registered, and their financial supervision is independent and very transparent, so there are no problems.

"By the way, do you know a colleague named Airship Tai who also does the same thing as you?" Lin Zhichao suddenly asked curiously.

Li Gaofu nodded and said: "Yes, this airship Tai is very powerful. There are almost a hundred people under him, and there are several scout boats, which are usually transported towards the opposite side. In terms of overall scale, it is almost on par with our Fuhexing. They Maybe a little bigger.”

At this time, Li Gaofu and Huang Tinggui also started to transport towards the opposite side, because they made more money. In fact, Airship Tai has many partners, and Li Gaofu and Huang Tinggui give more to the partners. Of course, there is also a smuggling boat in partnership with Ge Mulian.

Lin Zhichao asked curiously: "Are there many teams like yours?"

Li Gaofu saw that it was the first time that Lin Zhichao cared about these things, so he said:

"There are indeed many, but large and small teams, in fact, everyone did not take the initiative to seek smuggling, but a company came to us and 'supported' us. Behind this company is the opposite person, and they have supported dozens of large and small Small smuggling team.”

"Why is there so much support?"

"It's very simple. There are many teams that have been destroyed in this line of work. If they are hit by a warship, the ship is basically destroyed; if they are caught by the Hong Kong Marine Police and the Industrial and Commercial Administration, they can be sentenced to three years and fined 100,000 Hong Kong dollars. . Therefore, not every team will succeed, and many small groups have disappeared before they have made any money."

Lin Zhichao understood that in the final analysis, it depends on who has strong risk resistance and who has good luck.

For example, the descendants of Airship Tai said that he had encountered two major risks: Da Tian Er held a gun against him and robbed him of all the goods, this was one time; the Hong Kong government marine police ship rammed and sank his "Black Cat" , two guys died, and all the others were arrested. This was the second time.

If these two risks are replaced by other small teams, either one can completely destroy the small team.

In addition, teams like Airship Tai and Li Gaofu have small scout boats and various intricate on-shore relationships, so they are much safer.

After chatting for a while, Lin Zhichao was not tempted at all, even though it was thrilling and profitable. He was just purely curious.

Even the original idea—to pull a group of wives to support Li Gaofu, Lin Zhichao also went out accordingly, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles; no matter what, he survived the remaining two years, and it was bright, why bother to participate in these What's going on!

The governor's wife Ge Mulian participated in the matter on her own initiative, and neither of them had any reason in the world. Lin Zhichao also handed over the money to Li Gaofu without any written evidence; Li Gaofu also took a stack of cash every time, and then he handed over To Ge Mulian.

Wang Liang, general manager of Yangtze River Zipper, and Bao Chunlai, deputy general manager, came to Lin Zhichao’s office together.

After the two sat down, Bao Chunlai reported: "Boss, the United States supports Japan's economy, so Japan can obtain cheap raw materials from the United States, including aluminum alloy and copper. Affected by this reason, Japan's YKK zipper has recently developed momentum. It’s so good that many American zipper merchants have turned to them, probably with the instruction of the U.S. government.”

After Lin Zhichao heard the words, he sighed: "The Americans may not be doing this because they want to contain Hong Kong; after all, as an important place for smuggling, Americans have a bad impression of Hong Kong."

Things that seem to have no relationship actually contain a great relationship. When Americans learn that Hong Kong's zipper industry actually outperforms Japan's zipper industry, they will naturally cause trouble.

It is impossible for the U.S. Department of Commerce to directly ban the zippers produced by Xingdao. After all, this offends its ally, the United Kingdom. And London's reasons are also very good. If you paralyze my colonial economy, it will easily become a force. This is what no one wants to see. Therefore, the United States is currently providing the minimum necessary supplies for Hong Kong citizens.

Since last year's Peninsular War, the Americans have supported Japan in dumping goods around the world, with textiles, garments and other light industries bearing the brunt. Therefore, Japan developed rapidly through light industry in the 1950s, which was Hong Kong's predecessor.

It was not until the mid-1950s that Japan's light industrial products accounted for a large share of the world, and Europe and the United States began to restrict Japanese products, and Hong Kong took advantage of the opportunity to develop.

And the Japanese are also very smart. Since the mid-1950s, they have also started to develop heavy industries, such as shipbuilding, car building, electrical appliances, etc., and once again have a success that has amazed the world.

Wang Liang said: "Fortunately, the global zipper market is expanding, and our annual profit will still exceed HK$6 million this year."

Lin Zhichao said: "Having said that, the zipper industry will retreat if it does not advance. Japan has a complete industrial base. They can produce their own equipment, aluminum alloys, copper, textiles, etc. I am afraid they will surpass us in two or three years. And our Yangtze River The raw materials for zippers are all imported from overseas, as are the equipment, so it will be difficult to compete in the future.”

At this moment, Lin Zhichao also recognized the reality that time travel is not a panacea. It doesn't matter if you capture the market first, in the end it's the industrial chain that matters.

Wang Liang and Bao Chunlai looked at each other. This was the first time they saw their boss's lack of confidence, and of course they recognized the reality.

"We still have a great chance!"

Later, Lin Zhichao regained his confidence and said: "In the short term, the Yangtze zipper will not be stretched very far by the YKK zipper. As time goes by, Japan's labor costs will rise rapidly. Within three years, our cheap labor will play a role A big advantage.”

Wang Liang nodded quickly and said: "That's right! Not only that, we have also invested heavily in technology research and development, and the zipper technology and quality will gradually improve. At the same time, we can also seek to smelt aluminum alloy and copper in the later stage."

These are the boss’s previous ideas, and they feel they can definitely be realized in the future.

Later, Lin Zhichao ignored this problem. Although YKK developed by leaps and bounds, Yangtze Zipper could maintain stable development and would not collapse. The main reason is that it is still in the early stages, and the competition is on price and sales network. Yangtze River Zipper is not lagging behind in these two points.

Japanese zippers have priority in the US market, while Hong Kong zippers also have a market in the Commonwealth. In the Southeast Asian market, everyone has a tacit understanding not to engage in a price war because they are evenly matched. Of course, it can eventually evolve into a situation where Yangtze Zipper and YKK Zipper coexist, and both become the world's zipper giants.

Lin Zhichao has decided that after withdrawing HKD 5 million from Yangtze Zipper this year, starting next year, he will not use the entire Yangtze River Industrial funds and plans to continue investing.

Even, in 1953, they still had to borrow money to invest.

After Wang Liang and Bao Chunlai left, Lin Zhichao began to think deeply.

Before 1953, Yangtze Industries had better not act rashly. After all, it was impossible to develop due to the embargo. Therefore, Yangtze Zipper and Yangtze Plastic still need to develop steadily and do not rush to invest.

By the beginning of 1953, Yangtze River Industry was able to make large-scale preparations, because Lin Zhichao remembered that in the second half of that year, the United States allowed Hong Kong products to enter the United States and reduced the items prohibited from being exported to Hong Kong by 35%, which immediately relaxed the situation.

In fact, as soon as the war ended, the United Kingdom and Japan no longer 'ignored' the United States' trade measures against the mainland, and openly traded with the mainland. As a result, other countries soon joined in, and in the end the United States had no choice but to acquiesce. After all, they There is no reason to restrict allies' trade practices.

In addition, Lin Zhichao intends to incorporate 'Uniqlo Clothing Company' into 'Cheung Kong Industrial', after all, Cheung Kong Industrial will be a one-stop group of 'clothing, food, housing and transportation'.

Cheung Kong Industries will have a hand in creating industries that can be developed in Hong Kong.

Lin Zhichao visited Ho Tung in Ho Tung's office.

At the age of 89, Ho Tung is still working diligently, and he still decides on major issues in the company. In his words to reporters: "I am very busy from morning to night. I don't know when I can retire, and my life cannot be separated from work. As long as I can still see and think, I will work Go down."

In fact, He Dong has no business successor, which is also the main reason why he is still working. He has three biological sons. The eldest son died early, the second son was disabled by the Japanese bombing, and the third son is still a high-ranking official on Taiwan Island.

Therefore, it is a reality that there is no successor. Otherwise, with He Dong's wealth and status, if his children have business acumen, it is estimated that only Lin Zhichao can catch up with the wealth of the He Dong family, and no one in future generations can be compared.

Lin Zhichao's current wealth is around 50 million Hong Kong dollars, while the Ho Tung family's wealth is at least hundreds of millions. The wealth of these old families is distributed all over the world, not just in Hong Kong.

"How is Sir Ho?"

"Lin Sheng is here, please sit down!"

He Dong didn't put on a show, and accompanied Lin Zhichao to sit on the sofa very formally. He knew that if Lin Zhichao came to his office, there was a high probability that it was a business matter, so the business had to be done publicly.

The assistant made tea for the two of them and then left the office.

"You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, do you have any business cooperation projects?" He Dong asked proactively.

Lin Zhichao put down his teacup, and said briskly, "This time, I came to see Sir Ho Tung's two properties, so I wanted to ask you what you mean."

He Dong said unexpectedly: "Oh? Just tell me, I'll see if I can sell it!"

He has not yet reached the point where he must sell the property, not to mention that the property price cannot be sold now. But since Lin Zhichao took the initiative to ask, as long as the property is not a good rental property and the price is reasonable, it can also be sold.

Lin Zhichao nodded and said: "The first property is a commercial land of about 16,000 square meters on Des Voeux Road. My global shipping business has grown up, but I don't have a decent headquarters, so I want to build a building. "

This piece of land is very valuable, and the commercial land in Central has not fallen much. In 1947, a commercial land of 14,000 square feet in the Central District was finally won by the Bank of China at HK$251.44 per square foot, totaling more than HK$3.5 million.

Des Voeux Road is also a traditional banking district, and the location is also very good, so the price of this land will not be less than HK$4 million. (PS: In its previous life, in 1959, it was acquired by Hang Seng Bank for HK$5.5 million)

He Dong heard this, and immediately said: "This piece of land has been vacant, and the price is reasonable, so it can be considered for sale. I am old, and I don't want to build any more. And you have said that I hope to build a building for Global Shipping, Of course this will help you!"

He bought the land with the intention of flipping it, and this was the same idea even when bidding against the Bank of China in 1947.

Lin Zhichao said happily: "Thank you Sir He, will you let the lawyer negotiate the price with your subordinates later?"

Of course, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing between two friends who have a good relationship, so as not to hurt the harmony.

He Dong nodded, and then asked: "Where is the other place?"

Lin Zhichao immediately said: "Located at No. 16-20 Kimberley Road and No. 40-46 Carnarvon Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. I want to buy these properties for my friend. He has some money, so I want to buy them for long-term rent collection. Later it will be used for reconstruction.”

He Dong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, because the property in this place was already dilapidated, and there were all kinds of tenants, so it was not considered a good property in his hands.

"This one is also for sale!"

"In that case, I will go back and prepare for the staff and lawyers to contact your company."

He Dong nodded, and then said with a rare joke: "After the sale of the property this time, don't pay attention to my property anymore. My family's wealth is so small. How can I stand up to the prying eyes of you, a ship tycoon? Save it for future generations to collect rent!"

Your descendants are indeed only good at collecting rent, and none of them have business acumen! The son has no business acumen, while the grandson is the second generation ancestor and only knows how to sell off his property. Fortunately, the wealth you left behind is huge enough that they can't even spend it all.

Lin Zhichao thought as above.

In fact, one of Ho Tung's descendants also has business acumen, and that is Ho Tung's illegitimate son with a nurse. But before Ho Tung died, He Zuozhi was only allowed to inherit the wealth of HK$50,000. Although He Zuozhi failed in the media, he was very successful in other careers and later became a millionaire.

"Don't worry! In fact, I'm short of a beautiful piece of land in Central this time. The Tsim Sha Tsui house is just a question to you. If you don't sell it, it's okay."

"Haha, I know. But since you mentioned it, let's talk about it together!"


After bidding farewell to Ho Tung, Lin Zhichao began to think on the road.

To purchase the land on Des Voeux Road, one can raise HK$3 million from the Yangtze River Zipper, and the remainder will be drawn from Global Shipping Lines. Commercial real estate in Hong Kong is naturally owned by Changjiang Real Estate and will not be listed in the future.

Global Shipping will not be listed because there is no need, but it can take out some ships to form a company for listing, or it can be listed on the backdoor. In short, in the future of global shipping, there are joint venture shipping companies (and HSBC), separate shipping companies (sole proprietorship, with a large proportion of ships), and listed shipping companies (a small number of ships).

Yangtze River Industrial is not listed on the market. It may have listed industrial stocks, but only for some businesses.

Cheung Kong Holdings (developing real estate as its core business) is going to be listed, but Cheung Kong Properties (commercial real estate, that is, rent-collecting properties) is not.

Returning to Global Shipping, Lin Zhichao reviewed the company's financial statements.

All the rent for October has been paid. If normal conditions are followed, the profit this month could reach 1 million to 1.1 million US dollars. If calculated according to the net debt of 5.2 million U.S. dollars, this month's profit is repaid, which is equivalent to a net debt of only 4.1 million U.S. dollars. By the end of February next year, the debt can be fully repaid (not including the interest of 300,000 U.S. dollars).

Of course, these are theoretical calculations, and it is actually impossible to repay debts in advance. The first wave of HSBC loans will be repaid in June next year, the second wave of shipping companies' installments will be paid off at the end of the year, and the third wave of HSBC loans will be repaid in September next year.

From this year to next year, Lin Zhichao will withdraw at least US$1 million (HK$5.6 million) from Global Shipping to buy low-priced properties. This little money will not affect the development of global shipping.

Based on the current monthly profit of US$1 million (approximately), from March to the end of next year, the profit will be US$10 million. With this amount of funds alone, it is possible to purchase second-hand ships of about 150,000 tons.

This is roughly similar to Lin Zhichao’s plan for global shipping next year.

Considering the capacity of the Japanese market and the risk estimates, it is quite reasonable to increase the load capacity by 150,000 tons in 1952. After all, if the development is too rapid, Lin Zhichao is also worried that changes will fall short of success.

Of course, we may borrow some funds in March next year to complete the purchase of some ships in advance. In this way, the ships purchased first can naturally create a lot of profits that year.

And these profits can be used to invest in other industries, so that the distribution appears reasonable.

"Dong dong"

"Come in"

Deputy General Manager Feng Yongfa walked into Lin Zhichao's office. It was obvious at a glance that his working condition was very good.

Lin Zhichao was deeply satisfied with the working conditions of the employees and said: "We are going to recruit 80 senior seamen for a half-year training. Remember, they must all be Chinese."

Feng Yongfa nodded and said: "I understand, I must choose carefully."

What does it mean to be carefully selected? People with a community background are definitely not needed. Of course, if the other party doesn't speak out, it is possible to get in. But after the training of Global Maritime Academy and the corporate culture of Global Shipping, in fact, no one will work for the club in the end.

After the sailors of Global Shipping go ashore, they will occasionally hold some team building activities, and the company will organize them and provide a big meal. In short, under the management of the modern enterprise model, the seafarers' sense of belonging to the company has been greatly increased. What is important is that global shipping does not squeeze seafarers.

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