The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 292 [The movement is a bit loud]

It’s Spring Again (1962).

Lin Zhichao returned from overseas. During this trip, he received two clear messages - world shipping has recovered and the demand for oil tankers has increased; the U.S. stock market has begun to fall since the end of last year, and the S\u0026P 500 has fallen by 16% in less than three months. Still continuing to fall.

Both of these pieces of information were within his expectations, but Lin Zhichao still spends three or four months overseas every year, collecting all kinds of information and dealing with interpersonal relationships.

Shipping has recovered and the demand for oil tankers has increased. This means that the 10 large oil tankers of over 100,000 tons built last year can be leased without pressure; after all, the advantages of Hong Kong shipping have been revealed, that is, low prices and seafarers can endure hardships.

The S\u0026P fell 16%, indicating that Lin Zhichao was betting on a 'stock market turning point'. Although Chris and others suggested that he buy a small amount of funds at the bottom, Lin Zhichao rejected it without hesitation; the real time to buy the bottom must be the 'missile crisis' in October period.

This morning.

Anderson Daya Minerals held a mining ceremony, and Lin Zhichao invited many real estate business friends to attend. The meaning is of course self-evident, that is, I hope everyone will take care of the business.

Lin Zhichao's style has a very good reputation in the industry.

First of all, the prosperity of the real estate industry is closely related to Lin Zhichao's innovative methods, such as stratification, installment, public housing, and private housing.

Secondly, Yangtze Real Estate is huge, but it does not bully the weak. As for the competition with the Zhang Yuliang family, it is within a reasonable range and does not use any malicious means.

Finally, Lin Zhichao has repeatedly helped and guided the home buyers who were on the verge of bankruptcy - He Xian and Liao Baoshan, and is highly respected in the industry.

Because of this, whether it is Zhongtian Steel Plant or the current Anderson Daya Quarry, these two building materials will naturally open up the market more easily in the industry.

With the sound of cannons, Anderson Daya Quarry officially started production.

Airship Tai said with a smile: "Lin Sheng, once the cannon fires, money will flow in!"

Lin Zhichao cupped his hands and replied: "I heard that you are increasing investment in sand excavation. From now on, Hong Kong's construction industry will rely on your sand, haha!"

Airship Tai smiled bitterly and said: "My sea sand business can make a profit of more than one million a year, or a few hundred thousand. If I build any building, I can make several times the profit."

Lin Zhichao asked curiously: "No way! Sand is a construction material in short supply in Hong Kong. Do you guys believe that you can make this money?" After speaking, he pointed at the people around him and smiled.

Participating today include established real estate developers such as Ma Jincan, Liao Liewen, Li Gaofu, and Peng Guozhen, as well as new real estate developers Guo Desheng, Lee Shau Kee, and Chen Zengxi.

"I don't really believe it!" Everyone laughed and shook their heads.

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Airship Tai could only explain.

It turns out that the government conducts bidding for "sand dredging points". If you win the bid, you can only dig at designated points, and the dug sand must be purchased by the government at a unified price.

The reason for this is that sea sand is a mineral, and secondly, sea sand may contain gold. Therefore, after the government liberalized grain and coal, it did not release sea sand and implemented monopoly operations.

Airship Tai dredged sand. In the past, it hired hundreds of temporary barges to dredge sand. It cost more than three Hong Kong dollars to dig one cubic meter. These barges were all manually dredged and could not meet the one-year target because these barges would still go out. To transport coal, we have to contract with them the following year, and the advance payment cannot always be replaced - that is, a certain fee is paid, but the mining quota is insufficient.

In short, Airship Tai, the ‘King of Sea Sand’, only sounds good and does not make any money at all. Recently, he has begun investing in sand dredgers and cooperating to search for sea sand in the mainland, hoping to improve things.

As for Feipingtai's entry into the sand dredging industry, it was actually because his cousin used to engage in sand mining and got involved after business difficulties.

Now he can't even leave the hotel. He needs this industry to ease the relationship with the Hong Kong government, but in fact he has his heart set on that, so the life of working as a chuck will definitely be uncomfortable, and he will eventually suffer a serious setback.

In fact, Changjiang Industries will not be able to make a profit in the short term by investing in the Anderson Daya quarry. The initial investment in equipment, construction facilities, labor, etc. has already cost nearly 40 million Hong Kong dollars. After production is put into operation, an annual mining fee of 10 million will have to be paid.

The important thing is that the Hong Kong government will often inspect. You can't mine casually, you can't mine too much, you can't affect the surrounding environment, etc. In short, Lin Zhichao felt that there was little hope of making a profit in the 1960s.

But if we reach the 1970s, we will definitely make a lot of money. There is no problem with annual profits of more than 10 million.

After the groundbreaking ceremony, everyone dispersed, and Lin Zhichao also returned to Hong Kong Central.

When the car drove to Central, there were already many high-rise buildings on both sides, covering the sky and the moon. This is a symbol of prosperity. The glass curtain wall of the Xinxing Building and the light that shines through give it a feeling of New York, USA.

However, the pedestrians on both sides of the street broke this illusion. There were destitute rickshaw drivers, restaurant staff with plates on their heads, and a child worker behind them, carrying food. The pace of everyone was very fast, which seemed to confirm the entire second generation of Hong Kong. Same from the 10th to the 21st century.

Back in the office building, Lin Zhichao listened to Liang Guangchang's work report.

"Boss, the occupancy rate of Xintiandi has reached 85%, foreign brands account for 50%, and the clothing of foreign brands accounts for 60%. There are still more than three months until the opening. The problem of satisfaction is not big anymore!" After the report, Liang Guangchang breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Xintiandi Shopping Center is not as large as Miramar Shopping Center, it has almost half the area. In addition, many people are skeptical about shops on the 4th to 7th floors, so it is difficult to attract investment.

However, with the opening of Daimaru Department Store in November last year, taking advantage of the synergy effect, Xintiandi Shopping Center finally entered a good environment for investment.

Coupled with Yangtze River Industrial's successful experience in this area, it is only natural that it has achieved today's achievements.

Lin Zhichao nodded and said: "Learn more experience. In the future, retail real estate will account for a large proportion of the group's investment. Cultivate more talents and strengthen our strength in this area."

Liang Guangchang is currently responsible for all commercial projects, ranging from rent collection for first-floor shops to shopping malls, department stores, and hotels. Even at the Miramar Hotel, he usually communicates and supervises Jason.

Of course, the one at the top is Huang Changhong, who is the group’s ‘executive leader’ and Lin Zhichao’s first assistant.

"Yes, I know."

Liang Guangchang has no doubts about his boss's words. After all, Cheung Kong Holdings (including Cheung Kong Real Estate) has only been established for 15 years. Now it has surpassed Land (privately believes), and its future prospects are naturally unlimited.

Sakurai Hinaiko took her sister Sakurai Marina to the top floor of Huaxin Building in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

Sakurai Marina sat on the sofa, tested the comfort with her hands, and said: "Sister, no! You said you found a very rich boyfriend, but you only live in this kind of apartment in Hong Kong? Also, The villa you bought in Tokyo actually has to be paid in installments. By the way, you must have been deceived by a bad old man, right?"

Sakurai Hinaiko felt nervous for a while before he came, and then said: "Don't talk nonsense, especially don't talk nonsense in front of him, otherwise I won't be able to forgive you!"

She brought her sister to Hong Kong this time out of sheer vanity, because she had become extremely rich in the past year, so naturally she couldn't help but show off in front of her sister who was also in Tokyo.

But my sister always thought that she had found a rich man who was a bad old man, and even suspected that he was a fake rich man. This made her very angry, and she decided to let her sister learn a lot. She would never fall in love with those old and rich people, let alone fake rich people.

Sakurai Marina said nonchalantly: "Sister, can you not be so nervous! He is just a rich man who is a bad old man. With your beauty, he still doesn't surrender obediently. It doesn't matter! I want to take a look. , does he really spoil you!"

Sakurai Hinako said angrily: "You said you are not an old man. If you say anything again, I will send you back to Japan!"

She had a vague feeling that her sister wore glasses and looked like a quiet girl, but in fact she was a "too young girl" who was very trouble-making. If he offends Lin Zhichao, he will suffer.

Seeing that her sister was nervous and really angry, Sakurai Marina immediately said with a smile: "I won't talk nonsense, my sister! You have promised to buy me beautiful jewelry."

Sakurai Hinako snorted and said, "Then shut up!"

She dared to guarantee it because it was difficult for Lin Zhichao to have time to accompany her, and the most he could do was go out for dinner. In this way, Lin Zhichao would give her a sum of money every time and let her buy things in Hong Kong to pass the time.

Sakurai Marina didn't care how bad her sister's attitude was, but instead visited the apartment carelessly. The area was only a little over 1,000 square feet, which was not very big. Standing in front of the window and looking at Causeway Bay, it is not very developed.

She guessed in her heart: "Sister must have found a fake rich man, at most an old man with some money."

But no matter what, she still envies her sister's current life. She has an apartment, a villa, a sports car, and a very easy job in Tokyo. Although the villa is paid in installments, it is far from her who just graduated less than a year ago. What the new working-class people can aspire to, even an apartment, is already something that is considerable but not available to her.

The reason why she doubted her sister was because her sister told her how rich and handsome the man was, which made her a little unbelievable, that's all. Moreover, buying the villa in installments also made her doubt the other party's strength.

The other side.

After getting off work, Lin Zhichao went straight to Huaxin Building in Causeway Bay, preparing to spend the night with Sakurai Hinako today. As for his family, he simply said that he needed to go to Haojiang to discuss business and covered it up. Anyway, his two wives would not pursue too much.

When he opened the door, Lin Zhichao was a little surprised. There was actually a beautiful girl wearing glasses and looking very quiet. She was somewhat similar to Sakurai Hinaiko, but the difference was that one was quiet and the other gentle.

"Mr. Lin, this is my sister Sakurai Marina. She wanted to travel to Hong Kong, so she followed me!" Sakurai Hinaiko quickly explained.

While explaining, she did not forget to squat down and change Lin Zhichao's shoes.

While Lin Zhichao was enjoying Sakurai Hinako's shoe-changing service as a matter of course, he said in an easy-going manner: "Hello, welcome to Hong Kong. The biggest feature here is the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures and the free port, so it is very interesting here and the prices are very cheap."

Sakurai Mariina looked at Lin Zhichao's young and elegant face, and her face suddenly turned red. Then she returned to her true nature and said boldly: "Then Mr. Lin, can you take me to play with you!"

While talking, he got closer, it was very fierce! More fierce than her sister!

"I can arrange for someone to go shopping with you. If I have time, I will accompany you!"

Sakurai Hinako quickly stood up and gave her sister a warning.

Afterwards, Lin Zhichao sat on the sofa with the two sisters and chatted for a while, getting acquainted with each other. Jin Nai is more familiar, and after a while, Lin Zhichao didn't refute his brother-in-law and brother-in-law, he didn't care about these details.

Anyway, he and Sakurai Hinako are just lovers, each getting what he needs.

After a while, the female bodyguard knocked on the door, and soon a table of delicious food was set up.

Lin Zhichao said: "I didn't know you were coming. I originally wanted to have a meal with your sister at home, so I ordered takeout. It doesn't matter, we will eat first, and we will go out for a late-night snack later."

Sakurai Mariina immediately said cheerfully: "Okay!" Then asked curiously: "Who was that person just now?"

"My driver and assistant!"

Actually, it's male and female bodyguards.

"That's it!"

Immediately, everyone chatted while eating. The big fierce girl was indeed very talkative, lively and courageous. This was in great contrast to her quiet and intellectual face.

"Brother-in-law, what's your business?"


"Shipping? Then our Japanese shipbuilding industry is very powerful. Have you ever built ships in Japan?"

"Well, several shipyards in Japan have built ships."

"So awesome! Then you must be familiar with many Japanese political and business leaders?"

"Not bad, I met your Prime Minister two or three times!"

Sakurai Mariina was stunned, and she was even more shocked when she saw that Lin Zhichao didn't seem to be a talker.

After three rounds of drinking, Lin Zhichao gave Sakurai Hinako a look.

"Sister, take a rest for a while, we have something to talk about."

Later, Lin Zhichao took Sakurai Hinako into the bedroom. This scene happened so suddenly that Sakurai Hinako didn't know how to deal with it.

However, her face soon turned red, and under the influence of alcohol, she moved closer to the bedroom door.

Sakurai Mariina blushed suddenly, but couldn't help but continue listening.

It wasn't until a little over an hour later that the room calmed down. Sakurai Shina, who was listening to the sound in the corner, couldn't bear it anymore and went to clean up in the bathroom.

When it was almost eleven o'clock, the three of them finally packed up, and Lin Zhichao was going to take them to the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter for a late-night snack.

"Brother-in-law, you guys made a lot of noise just now!" Sakurai Jinna joked before going out.

Lin Zhichao shrugged and refused to discuss such topics.

As for making a lot of noise, that's normal. If you taste something fresh two or three times a month, there's no reason why it shouldn't be violent.

Sakurai Hinako warned: "Don't tell everything, why are you so thick-skinned!"

She was a little weak and trembling at this time, but she still mustered up the energy to warn this bold sister. She could see that Lin Zhichao didn't like "improper" and was not very cold to her sister's words.

If this man hadn't been such a gentleman, I'd probably have blamed her.

Sakurai Marina stuck out her tongue and didn't seem to take it to heart, but she didn't continue to pester. She could finally tell that her sister was probably just a lover raised by someone else, her status was not high at all, and she was very afraid of Lin Zhichao.

When the three people walked out of the building, a Rolls-Royce and a Ford were already ready. What Sakurai Marina didn't expect was that Lin Zhichao walked straight to the Ford.

She was very puzzled. She knew the difference between a Rolls-Royce and a Ford. She couldn't understand why Lin Zhichao liked to ride in a Ford and regarded the Rolls-Royce as a follower.

In fact, Lin Zhichao rarely makes Rolls-Royces. This car is mainly used to accompany guests when he receives guests; more often, he sits in a Ford car.

It's not that he's considering safety issues, after all, it's completely unnecessary, but he just likes this approach and doesn't care what others think.

Two cars, two male drivers and bodyguards, a pair of male and female bodyguards, just four subordinates. He brings a bodyguard now, not necessarily because he is worried about being hijacked, but more because he feels that having a bodyguard can reduce a lot of troubles, such as being able to arrange to run errands at any time.

Of course, if I take two Japanese women for a late-night snack tonight, I still have to take four people with me.

When we arrived at the typhoon shelter, there were probably dozens of ships here, not as many as in the future. At its peak, there were hundreds of ships doing business at the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter.

"A Dong, A Ben, find four boats. One boat should have a better seating environment, one boat should have a singer, one boat should be able to stir-fry crabs, and one boat should be able to stir-fry ducks. Hurry up!"

"Okay, boss!"

It was rare to come out to relax, so naturally he had to improve the conditions. Lin Zhichao asked the two bodyguards to prepare first, while he chatted with the Sakurai sisters.

The breeze blew, and Sakurai Hinako felt a little cold. In addition, she was a little weak due to being tortured by Lin Zhichao for an hour just now. After all, the weather is at the end of March, which is not a good season.

Generally speaking, typhoon shelter business is best from May to October.

Lin Zhichao still took off his suit in a gentlemanly manner, put it on Sakurai Hinako, and said: "If it's still cold, let's go back!"

"No, I'm not cold at all! Mr. Lin, are you feeling cold?" Sakurai Hinako was so moved that she wanted to cry. She didn't expect that such a big man as Lin Zhichao would take care of her and act like a gentleman.

Lin Zhichao said with a smile: "I swim every winter and I don't feel cold! This suit is more of a seasonal habit."

Sakurai Marina was also secretly envious when she saw it, and couldn't help but said softly: "Brother-in-law, what if I'm cold too!"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "Let the bodyguard take off one piece for you, do you want it?"

"Then forget it! It's too much trouble for them!"

Lin Zhichao ignored her and felt that this Zhenna was a bit too familiar, or that he was overdoing it, even blatantly teasing his sister's man?

Although Lin Zhichao likes his older sisters, he is not a very 'casual' person. What's more, he still has to give Rinaiko some face, even though he is just a tool.

After waiting for a while, Lin Zhichao and others walked towards the dock and found two bodyguards arguing with four men. One of the men was very arrogant, but also very handsome, no worse than Lin Zhichao.

When Lin Zhichao saw this, he ignored it and prepared to board the ship with the two women.

"Which ship is seated?"

"Boss, we were just talking about my ship. But at first Mr. Long and the others contracted all the ships here and were not allowed to receive guests, so now there is some conflict."

When Lin Zhichao heard this, he said with a smile: "There are only four of them. There are so many boats there. They are obviously trying to destroy your sign. If you do this for two or three days, will there be people in Hong Kong coming to your place for late-night snacks? What are you doing? What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, several boat owners in the surrounding area quickly echoed: "Yes, what the boss said is that our four boats are doing your business today! Please come on board quickly and we will entertain you and the ladies right away."

Lin Zhichao smiled and prepared to board the ship. It was not easy for him to do this once. Whoever came tonight would have to experience it.

What a bullshit Mr. Long, acting like an emperor!

"You are not allowed to get on the boat. I rented it first. I have contracted all the boats here tonight." Young Master Long shouted at Lin Zhichao.

Lin Zhichao frowned and looked very unhappy. The three male bodyguards could see this scene clearly.

Then, conflict broke out.

Lin Zhichao, minding his own business, took the two women on board the ship and sat on a larger ship.

"Arrange fried crabs and fried ducks on the river, and let's sing! Don't worry about things on the shore. You haven't seen big winds and waves, right?"


The boss of the boat was just agreeing, and then "plop", "plop", and four sounds of entering the water were heard.

It turned out that a group of young men were no match for Lin Zhichao's bodyguards. They were knocked down in just a few moments and thrown into the river to wake up.

The four boats rented by Lin Zhichao stopped at a certain distance from the shore.

"Sir, the arrangements have been made!" The boss of the ship came over and said respectfully.

He had witnessed the scene just now. Four people were fighting against three people. Within a few seconds, the four people fell down and were thrown into the river.

What does this mean? The person in front of me is a noble man. He wears three male bodyguards and a female assistant when he goes out.

"Yeah" Lin Zhichao nodded gently, and then listened to the clear singing voice of the singer.

The Sakurai sisters were a little frightened and some didn't dare to say a word.

"Sir, the one who took the lead just now was the fifth son of the King of Yunnan, 'Long Wu'. I don't know where his brain went wrong tonight. He ran to the typhoon shelter and said that he would rent out all the boats and give us 1,000 yuan a day. We I didn’t want to offend him, so I didn’t say anything.”

Long Wu?

Dragon Five in the movie?

"That's the husband of movie star Lin Dai, Long Wu!" Seeing Lin Zhichao's confused look, the boatman explained again.

"Oh, I seem to have an impression! Regardless of him, it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with me. If a lawyer or police comes later, just tell the truth."

The boatman asked: "What's your surname, sir?"


The boatman was confused for a moment, looking left and right.

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "Boatman, stop looking, what does this have to do with my identity!"

"Yes, yes, don't disturb Boss Lin's enjoyment!"

Afterwards, Lin Zhichao and the Sakurai sisters quickly ate midnight snacks, enjoyed the singing and the night view, and he did not take the matter to heart at all. Even if his bodyguard kills someone, he will not be implicated because his bodyguards are all 'external hires' and belong to a security company that is not owned by him.

This security company is under Xue Junshan's name, and now Xue Junshan trains bodyguards, servants, etc. for him full-time. Of course, he still pays the salary, which is just a cover-up. As for Xue Junshan's unreliability, Lin Zhichao fully trusted him. Not only did he save his life back then, but the subsequent arrangements for his wife and children were enough to make him loyal.

After all, he was almost caught and sold his wife, and later his children received a good education, especially his son who went abroad to study, which was enough for him to work hard for Lin Zhichao.

While enjoying the food and singing, Jinna couldn't help but whispered: "Will we be in trouble later?"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "Don't worry, Hong Kong's security is super safe!"

It is indeed safe, but that is for Lin Zhichao. As for him bringing bodyguards, it was to solve troubles like today.

When Lin Zhichao took the people ashore, the police, lawyers, helpers, etc. all arrived and waited on the shore together. The police had been here for about 15 minutes, but they did not allow Lin Zhichao and others' boat to land in advance. I believe it was Lin Zhichao's lawyer friend Hu Baoxing who could control the situation.

Hu Baoxing stepped forward and said first: "Lin Sheng"

Lin Zhichao asked curiously: "Lawyer Hu, why are you here? What happened here?" After saying that, he looked at the four young people who were frozen into dogs. Long Wu, who was very handsome just now, was already It's trembling.

Hu Baoxing immediately understood and said: "Lin Sheng may not know that after you just boarded the ship to have a midnight snack, there were four people here who intended to commit illegal harm on you. Fortunately, your bodyguard stopped them and the two sides fought."

Lin Zhichao nodded, and then said to the police who came over: "Thank you for your hard work. You still do these things all night long."

He spoke calmly and did not reveal his identity at all.

A leading police officer said quickly: "Hello Lin Sheng, I used to work as a police officer on duty for you and the Hong Kong Governor."

Lin Zhichao was stunned. He didn't expect anyone to know him, but it was possible that Hu Baoxing had told the bodyguard or something.

"Thank you for your hard work. I trouble you every time! I don't know much about this matter today. You can investigate slowly and I won't bother you!"

"Yes, yes, we will investigate thoroughly and clear your bodyguard's name."

"Lawyer Hu, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Lin Sheng, who told me to be your personal lawyer!"

"Haha, let's have dinner together another day."

Lin Zhichao has a very good relationship with many barristers. Hu Baoxing is the eldest son of Hu Zhaochi, Jian Yueqiang is the eldest son of Jian Dongpu, and they are all from Shunde. Jian Yueqiang is still a lawyer even though he holds public office now.

Later, Lin Zhichao drove away with his two daughters in a Ford car.

The next morning.

As a result, the three bodyguards had already come out of the police station, while Long Wu and other four young masters were locked up. The reason couldn't be simpler. The three bodyguards were only responsible for protecting Lin Zhichao, while the four intended to attack Lin Zhichao. It was as simple as that.

In the morning, Lin Dai packed his clothes tightly and came to the police station to see her husband who hadn't come home all night.

"What's wrong with you? You've made such a big incident, and you're letting people live!" When they met, Lin Dai only complained and dissatisfied.

At this time, Long Wu also woke up, knowing who had the conflict with last night, he was already frightened. Hong Kong is not what Yun N was back then. The people he offended had a really high status.

"Adai, I know a superintendent. Please ask Detective Hua here to help and pass the news on! What happened yesterday was that I suffered a loss but they didn't." Long Yun said anxiously.

He is also a police superintendent who knows Hong Kong Island, so he naturally has connections in Hong Kong.

"It may not be useful to know the Superintendent, Mr. Long Wu. Others are Justices of the Peace and CBEs awarded by the Queen of England. The people I know are all Governors and Members of Parliament. At least they must be the Chief Superintendent." He has a discerning eye. If you remove the superintendent, it may not work!" Lu Le walked in with a smile and said politely.

His most intuitive impression of Lin Zhichao was that it was said that Inspector Liu Fu and Hua were punished by Lin Zhichao to catch the murderer himself, and of course Lin Zhichao's status in Hong Kong.

Long Wu immediately said: "Inspector Lu, it was me who suffered the loss last night. There was no direct conflict with Lin Zhichao, just a few bodyguards. You have no right to lock me up, do you? I want to find a lawyer!"

Lu Le said with a smile: "Okay, find a lawyer to vouch for you, and you can go out. But your lawsuit will always be there. Someone else's lawyer is now accusing you of intending to attack their employer, and the ship owner's confession is not good for you, so I If it’s you, find someone to come to your door and explain it clearly. Is this matter a big deal or a small matter? The other party doesn’t want to make the matter bigger, after all, the identity of others is there!”

When Long Wu heard this, he immediately knew that Lu Le was giving him guidance and quickly thanked him.

The other side.

Lin Zhichao didn't take what happened last night to heart. In the morning, he gave Sakurai Hinako a sum of money and asked her to take her sister to have a good trip in Hong Kong. He also sent a driver to the two of them.

Of course he has to go to work, and something like that happened last night when he had a late-night snack; if he took two Japanese women shopping, I don’t know what would happen!

But that Dragon Five is really not a thing!

Charter all the boats, just don’t let others have midnight snacks, that’s all!

Such a prank, what a mindless bastard.

Such a person actually married Lin Dai.

Of course, Lin Dai is not a 'good woman' either. The eldest lady has a bad temper, and it is a terrible thing to force a woman like others to marry someone at every turn.

Therefore, it is destined to be a tragedy.

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