The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 299 [Bit hunting on U.S. stocks]

Apartment in Manhattan, New York.

Lin Zhichao sat in the spacious office, contented. This is one of his two residences in New York. It is a high-rise duplex apartment located in Central Garden. A private office is specially opened up to enjoy the fun of working from home.

A large desk is in front of Lin Zhichao, with only a pen, a notebook and a phone on it. Lin Zhichao is sitting on a leather seat, he can twist his body at will.

In the office, there is a large bookcase with some books and some Chinese antique porcelain; the whole office is covered with imported Persian carpets, which is very warm, which is different from a formal office.

The most different thing is that there are two beauties in the room wearing office OL clothes-Xu Caiying and Audrey, which are very exciting.

Holding a newspaper in her hand, Audrey Hepburn was wearing a hip-wrapping skirt and a white shirt, with high heels on her feet, walking swayingly, and slowly came to Lin Zhichao's desk, then bent over and lay on it, gently red lips.

She handed the newspaper to Lin Zhichao and said: "Last night (10.22), Kennedy made a radio speech to the United States and the whole world, announcing the fact that the Soviet Union had deployed nuclear missiles in Cuba, and announced an armed blockade of Cuba, demanding that the Soviet Union monitor it in the United Nations. Withdraw the offensive weapons that have been deployed in Cuba. So, the U.S. stock market is going to start a plunge today, right?”

Lin Zhichao said with a smile: "You can just make a phone call and ask to know the situation of today's opening?"

Audrey Hepburn immediately called her investment company and began to inquire about the market situation.

On the other side, Xu Caiying was dressed in the same outfit, except that the hip-wrapped skirt was replaced with black trousers. Her slender figure was not suppressed at all, but stood out even more. She also came to Lin Zhichao's desk and sat directly on it.

Lin Zhichao sat upright on the office chair and leaned forward, lifting up Xu Caiying's trousers. A pair of long black silk legs were already visible, which was full of temptation.

Today was destined to be a day of role-playing. He had to stay calm. After all, business was more important and making money was more important.

"Does it look good?" Xu Caiying showed a "bad smile" at the corner of her mouth, and then got down on her waist.

How majestic!

Among the three women, she has the best figure and the most beautiful face. She is indeed a perfect 'vase'.

"It's beautiful! But watch it later!"

Lin Zhichao withdrew his gaze, then leaned on the leather seat, crossed his feet and lifted it to the desk, enjoying the fun of the money empire.

After Audrey Hepburn hung up the phone, she said: "The stock market has plummeted. The S\u0026P 500 has dropped almost 2 points, which is 25% lower than the beginning of the year!"

Lin Zhichao nodded and said, "In this way, this week's index may drop by 28% to 30%, which is about the end of June. In fact, June is also an opportunity to buy bottom."

Audrey Hepburn said: "If you were buying the bottom at that time, you wouldn't be in such a relaxed mood at this time. Hee hee, of course I was talking about me, you are always full of confidence!" Seeing Lin Zhichao's eyes glanced over, she immediately changed her words, without any doubts. Don't dare challenge authority.

"Press it for me!"

After Lin Zhichao finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and soon his thighs and shoulders were being pinched by two pairs of jade hands. The faint feminine flavor stimulated people's taste buds.


Then, he said decisively: "This Thursday, I will start buying at the bottom and try to buy them all in 2 weeks. This is equivalent to your investment company buying about 8 million US dollars every day."

Audrey Hepburn is the chairman of the board of directors of an American listed company and is also a white British-American, so she doesn't need to worry too much. Faster, although IBM's market value this year has been nearly halved, with a market value of less than 30 billion US dollars, it is still a giant; it is only 80 million US dollars, accounting for only 0.27% of the market value, and it has been bought for ten days, which is stable enough.

Moreover, Audrey Investment Company has several accounts, which is more diversified.

"Isn't it too risky? What if World War III breaks out?" As an American, she is well aware of the seriousness of the situation.

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "What are you afraid of when we fight? Let's move to another place and continue to enjoy life!" After saying that, he stretched his big hand back and placed it on her thigh.

Of course, Audrey's legs are not perfect. After all, she has practiced ballet before and has a petite figure. On the contrary, Xu Caiying's long legs are unique and she is a perfect woman.

Xu Caiying said at this time: "You can tell from his expression that the Third World War cannot be fought. His analysis of the situation in this regard is very accurate. Audrey, don't worry!"

In this era, Europeans and Americans are still very afraid of the Soviet Union.

Audrey Hepburn then smiled and said: "That makes sense!"

At this time, Lin Zhichao was also thinking about whether his layout was accurate?

Logically speaking, the Cuban crisis cannot drag on for too long, because the American navy is almost in full force. As long as the Soviet Union returns ships carrying weapons, it will compromise on behalf of the Soviet Union.

Therefore, it is very reasonable to complete the process in one week.

At this time, IBM's stock price was less than US$350, compared with US$733 at the beginning of the year, which was directly cut in half. If this were the case, by 1968, the value would have increased by more than 6 times, turning 80 million into US$500 million.

It's terrible!

On the other hand, if Yangtze River Fund invests 40 million, it may become 200 million US dollars!

After all, stocks such as Texas Instruments, Pan American, Delta, and Coca-Cola are all blue-chip stocks that pay dividends every year.

"Audrey, Ruidong, and Ruinan must cultivate their awareness of making money since they were young, so that they can become qualified businessmen when they grow up." Lin Zhichao said suddenly.

It turned out that he felt that Audrey's wealth was growing so fast that when his two sons grew up, they could buy well-known companies in the United States. There was no need to start a business from scratch and buy them directly.

"What if a child's dream is to be a scientist or politician?" Audrey Hepburn said.

"No, my children should only be businessmen. As for scientists and so on, that's the business of the grandchildren. Besides, the children are young and can be guided." Lin Zhichao said firmly.

"They listen to you!" Audrey Hepburn said with a smile.

"Well, I will guide them when we meet later." Lin Zhichao said.

Then, Lin Zhichao opened his eyes and said: "Go pour some red wine and make some fruit snacks, we are going to have a party!"

He has been on vacation in the United States for more than a week in the past week.

It’s true that Lin Zhichao also has two vacations every year. Of course, this so-called vacation is just not to socialize or do business, but every morning he will listen to reports from several company leaders or Tang Caiyun who is stationed in Hong Kong by phone.

"Yes, sir!"

The two women went to prepare everything with a smile. Needless to say, today was destined to be a hot day.

"Boss, the red wine snacks are ready!"

Soon, the role-playing will begin!

"Well, today we are going to celebrate. The company has made $100 million in the stock market, so everyone can enjoy it!"

Lin Zhichao stood up, raised his red wine glass with the two women, and started drinking.

Next, the drama unfolds - a wonderful fight scene in the office.

The desk, the sofa, the windows are all sitcoms.

On Friday, in the office building of Cheung Kong Fund.

In the afternoon, after the stock market closed, Chris came to Lin Zhichao's office.

In the past two days, Lin Zhichao will come here to sit and personally supervise the bargain hunting. The number of stocks purchased was five, and the time was two weeks, that is, 4 million yuan of capital was purchased every day, but the stocks purchased were scattered.

Including Audrey's investment, it is equivalent to buying 12 million every day. However, the daily trading volume of the U.S. stock market is about 10 million shares, and U.S. stocks are generally high-priced stocks, so the trading volume is in the range of 700 to 1 billion US dollars.

The trading volume in one day is much greater than that of the Hong Kong stock market in a year. After all, Hong Kong’s financial city has yet to emerge.

"Boss, this is today's transaction details. Everything went smoothly!" Chris took out a list and handed it to Lin Zhichao.

He didn't dare to spy on this boss. He checked the accounts very carefully and there was no room for a single dollar mistake.

But this is not stingy, but an attitude towards work; on the contrary, his boss is not stingy at all. Last year, the salary of the entire company was not inferior to that of Wall Street financial companies.

Lin Zhichao's results are detailed and he plans to read and review them today to make sure there are no problems. For others, it may be an hour or two, but for him, thirty minutes is enough.

"By the way, I have injected another 2 million US dollars, and I plan to give it to your investment team to play with. You can figure it out later! If the benefits are better than my investment plan, I will give you dividends."

Chris was overjoyed and said quickly: "Okay, thank you BOSS for trusting everyone!"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "What I trust in you is your loyalty, not necessarily your investment level. I invest in blue chip stocks, and I will not trade them for a long time, and I will receive fixed dividends from sales every year. Your investment plan may not be based on mine. , finally we can see who has the highest level of investment!”

Chris said: "Actually, we are still investing, thanks to the boss who gave us the best opportunity."

Lin Zhichao leaned on his seat and said: "I don't know if this is the best time, but we will find out this weekend. Look at the statements issued by the United States and the Soviet Union to see if the situation can develop. If the Soviet Union shows weakness, it will naturally If the market returns, the U.S. stock market will probably rebound quickly and regain a lot of ground by the end of the year. This is what I believe."

Chris nodded and said: "The boss's analysis makes sense! At the same time, many people analyzed the United States in the 1960s. All economic indicators were very good. The sharp decline in the first half of this year was beyond everyone's expectations. Unexpected. But if this incident subsides, I believe we will have a bull market for a long time."

With some perspective, this bull market will indeed last for more than five years. It was not until May 1968 that Buffett retired.

Follow Buffett in stock trading, you can't go wrong!

In June 1967, when the Suez Canal was closed, there would actually be a wave of adjustments. You could sell high and buy low to absorb some funds until the spring of 1968 when you retreated.

"Okay, as long as you have confidence! I will be happy to give you bonuses!"

“Thank you BOSS”

Chris is very satisfied with following such a Chinese boss because he is so rich. However, he also understood that Lin Zhichao was rich and generous, but he was very proficient in finance and paid attention to the safety of funds, and established a three-in-one supervision system of finance, accounting, and law.

Therefore, he did not dare to take a peek at his boss's shrewdness.

And I don’t know why, the longer he follows this boss, the more he feels that he needs to remain loyal to the boss. This is probably the charm of his personality!

It was already early November when Lin Zhichao returned to Hong Kong.

In the villa at No. 79 Deep Water Bay, Lin Zhichao was lying on the bed, chatting with Tang Caiyun and Xu Caiying beside him. Just now, he fed Tang Caiyun who had been empty for more than 20 days. At this moment, she was leaning softly in Lin Zhichao's arms.

"I finally understand why this girl Caiying doesn't care about the company anymore. That's why she can follow her husband around every day!" There was a trace of complaint in her words.

Indeed, every time Lin Zhi went on a business trip, if he could take a woman with him, it would almost always be Xu Caiying.

Because only Tang Caiyun is in Hong Kong, Lin Zhichao has enough peace of mind. She has the style of an ancient big woman in her work, steady, orderly, and even has enough majesty to make the group of subordinates submit.

On the contrary, Xu Caiying went to Global Shipping to report. She didn't understand professional matters and didn't want to learn. Over time, her subordinates also regarded him as a decoration; after all, you don't understand, so I'm reporting to you, is it useful?

Xu Caiying quickly flattered her and said: "Sister, good sister, it's not like you don't know that I am not a business person. My husband also entrusted Hong Kong affairs to you because you are capable and trustworthy! Also, I am going this time New York, but as a biological mother, I spent a weekend with Rui Huan. That kid is very adaptable. After a few months, I feel that he has made great progress in all aspects, and he has become more like me."

It was okay to talk about it before, but after talking about it later, it also aroused Tang Caiyun's motherly love. Her eldest son has been in the United States for almost three months. As she rarely leaves her for such a long time, she really misses him very much.

Moreover, I don’t know when we will be able to see it. There is a high probability that Lin Ruihuan will not return to Hong Kong during the winter vacation this year.

How could Lin Zhichao not know the truth? He said with a smile: "I will take you all to New York during the winter vacation. The whole family will be vacationing there. How can we have so many worries!"

It’s not like the family has never gone out together, it’s just that they need to take the flight in four batches.

Tang Caiyun was overjoyed at first, and then said: "You are always abroad, will it affect your career?"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "No! When I am abroad, most of my energy is spent on global shipping, meeting with dignitaries, gathering with customers, collecting shipping information, etc. However, Cheung Kong Industrial has actually entered a stable stage, and the management Just do the step-by-step work, and you will be in the company to stabilize the overall situation; as for the Yangtze River Industrial Group, if you do well, everyone will make money, if you don't do well, so be it. Anyway, it's just some primary industrial products."

In fact, if he works six days a week in Hong Kong, he will only spend one day at Cheung Kong Industries. The management has his contact information and can report any situation as soon as possible.

The management of Yangtze River Industrial Group are actually used to Lin Zhichao's "not paying attention", but they will not take it lightly, because the boss is too powerful and can easily seize everyone's "handle". Therefore, a "spiritual totem" model has actually been formed. As long as Lin Zhichao is alive, Yangtze River Industrial Group can develop stably.

Xu Caiying said with a smile: "Doesn't it mean that you can consider retiring?"

Three group companies were managed by her husband in an understatement. Isn't this a precursor to retirement?

Lin Zhichao squeezed Xu Caiying's penis, and the woman suddenly said softly.

Then he said:

"First of all, our family's business is just the beginning. The three major groups are far from developed. I don't know how many times the scale will be in the future and become a multinational enterprise. However, we must consider the limitations of the times. For example, in the future, Yangtze River Industrial will not only be It is a real estate group, but a comprehensive group, but it needs to be stable step by step."

"Secondly, the three major groups are not just owned by our family. In the future, they will develop into a comprehensive clothing group as 'UNIQLO Clothing Company', with more and more brands, and even expand to other industries, such as jewelry. Retail, etc. There is also the possibility of establishing a hotel group and media group, but these all need to wait for the best time."

"In the end, all companies want to develop overseas and become a multinational group. But for now, the first is that Hong Kong's local foundation is not solid, and the second is that the world is not yet more closely connected."

"In short, life is still very long, and your husband's career has just begun. To be honest, if you don't work hard for this little wealth, you won't even be able to rank well in Hong Kong, let alone the world."

Listening to Lin Zhichao's story about the grand goals of the family business, the two women were shocked.

"Husband, every time you talk about your career, you always look so confident and charming!"

"Yes, I feel that making money is easier for you than drinking water and eating!"

Upon hearing the compliment, Lin Zhichao said proudly: "The most important thing in life is to have confidence!"

"Then will Madam's position be increased?"

Suddenly, Tang Caiyun asked.

Lin Zhichao said calmly: "In a few years, the Hong Kong government will soon enact legislation. What's more, having three real wives like you is enough."

Xu Caiying immediately said: "Audrey doesn't count, you don't dare to get the certificate and make it public!"

Lin Zhichao said: "As long as I admit that it is, then that's it!"

The two sisters seemed to have a very tacit understanding today. Tang Caiyun immediately said: "That's it, then the Hong Kong government's legislation or not has nothing to do with you in this regard!"

Lin Zhichao was trapped by two women and was caught off guard.

Fortunately, he was sure that these two women would not fall out with Lin Zhichao in this regard, so he said: "Yes, it really doesn't matter! I can't guarantee whether we will 'make the same mistakes that all men make' in the future, but we can Say, you three are my most important family members, and your children are also the heirs I most hope to cultivate. This is impossible to change. I hope the family will be stable!"

"Second, if we talk about relationships, we have been married for more than ten years, and I also had a short-term lover outside, but I have never lost any investment in you. And I will never do that in the future, because I think couples should communicate more."

Seeing that Lin Zhichao spoke so sincerely, the two women quickly surrendered, not daring to go too far.

As women, why don't they want what Lin Zhichao said, as for those lovers, this man has energy, so let him play!

This is very common in Hong Kong!

Tang Caiyun was the first to express her stance and said: "Husband, we will not make the family unstable, don't worry! Keep the women outside who you like, keep them, dump them when you are tired of them, and then get new ones!"

When she said this, she was naturally based on reality, but she also had some careful thoughts, that is, as long as she was not prepared to enter the door, there was no threat! (End of chapter)

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