The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 367 [Not at the same level]

A weekend in mid-September.

In the morning, Lin Zhichao enjoys the service of his two wives - dressing up and tidying up his image. Lin Zhichao has always given outsiders the impression that he is very clean and tidy, which is due to the fact that his wives will definitely do some image-related things for Lin Zhichao every morning.

The clothes should not be dirty or wrinkled, and every detail must be done well. The condition of the hair is also a regular reminder that Lin Zhichao should have a haircut. In short, Lin Zhichao's image is left to these women.

But one thing is Lin Zhichao's request, that is, he has deliberately asked to dress more maturely since he was thirty years old, because he does not want others to discover the fact that he is 'very young'.

For example, Lin Zhichao is 42 years old. If he dresses normally and youthfully, anyone would look at him as being in his twenties.

"Really not bringing a driver and bodyguard?" Tang Caiyun asked with concern.

Xu Caiying also said: "You should bring one driver and one bodyguard each!"

Lin Zhichao smiled. Today he was invited by Li Mingze to have tea at Li's house. He vaguely knew what was going on, because Li Mingze had been from the mainland since 1967, and he and Airship Tai were actually from the same group.

Li Mingze died early in his previous life, in the early 1980s. Otherwise, his status in the mainland would not be lower than that of Airship Tai. There are two reasons: first, he helped a high-level executive in his early years, had close relations with many high-level officials, and fought together in the war; second, in 1967, he opposed the Hong Kong government’s use of force and angrily resigned as chief member of the Executive Council, saying protest.

In fact, Li Mingze was more determined than Airship Tai. Airship Tai still went abroad to escape for half a year, while Li Mingze directly confronted the Hong Kong government. Of course, Li Mingze is a Freemason, an Asian mentor, and he once held the highest position among Chinese people after Zhou Xinian, so the Hong Kong government will not really deal with him directly.

At present, a certain company in Hong Kong is mainly arresting three important figures in Hong Kong - Li Mingze, Feiping Tai, and Huang Duxiu; as for Wang Kuancheng, he has no influence in the Hong Kong business community and cannot be said to be abandoned, but after all, Wang Kuancheng can no longer do too much. matter.

Li Mingze has high prestige among the Chinese members of the Legislative Council and the Executive Council;

Airship Tai, in the Hong Kong real estate and construction industry, has the prestige second only to Lin Zhichao;

Huang Duxiu is a descendant of the 'Tao Da' family and is the chairman of Hong Kong Taohua Datong Co., Ltd. In addition to taking care of the family business, Huang Duxiu is also active in social affairs and has served as the president of the Chinese Manufacturers Association for many times. .

"You don't need to bring anyone with you, you just need to bring some change, otherwise you won't have enough money to pay the toll when crossing the Hung Hom Tunnel!" Lin Zhichao said with a smile.

Tang Caiyun and Xu Caiying laughed immediately. Who would have thought that the famous "World Shipping King" once drove through the Hung Hom Tunnel alone without any money to pay, leaving an embarrassing situation. Fortunately, the management staff recognized me and saved me from being looked down upon by the toll collector.

After finishing dressing up, Lin Zhichao drove an ordinary Ford car towards Causeway Bay.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Lin Zhichao came to Li Mingze's house, and as expected, he found Feng Shengtai, He Shanheng, Run Run Shaw and others, as well as one who should be the mainland's top spokesperson in Hong Kong.

"Lin Sheng, this is President Liang, who was invited by me to have tea with me!"

"Sir Lin, I have admired you for a long time, but this is the first time we have met!"

"Just call me Lin Sheng. It's indeed our first time meeting you, but your name is very familiar to me."

Liang Linwei was a little happy. This person who 'rejected' the title of Sir Lin was obviously not firm.

"How dare you!"

Afterwards, Lin Zhichao greeted everyone, even Shao Laoliu was polite.

After everyone sat down, Li Mingze invited his family to serve tea for everyone, which was very enthusiastic.

As for chatting, everyone did not talk about politics, but chatted very casually, seemingly deliberately not talking about that aspect of work.

But after getting acquainted with each other, especially Liang Linwei, he saw that Lin Zhichao was not averse to meeting him, or that he was not as 'loyal' to the British Hong Kong government as shown outside. On the contrary, as the flying boat Tai said - Lin Sheng Definitely caring about the motherland.

So, Liang Linwei said: "Lin Sheng, when can I invite you to participate in the Canton Fair? I am willing to arrange everything for you?"

The Canton Fair has always been held, but I have never heard of it.

Lin Zhichao said with a smile: "I know something about this Canton Fair, mainly because Huo Sheng told me about it. After thinking about it carefully, there is no need for it. It is better not to cause trouble to the country."

It can be regarded as a tactful rejection, or it can be regarded as a flat refusal.

Liang Linwei immediately said: "Yes, the country is now poor and weak, and there are no decent hotels. It is indeed difficult to entertain guests well."

He said it very sincerely, not as if he meant anything.

Lin Zhichao said seriously: "I always believe that we Chinese people are definitely the smartest and most diligent race in the world. There is no reason to remain poor. One day, we will return to pragmatic thinking. Especially This world cannot lack the participation of a country with the largest population and the third largest area in terms of economic participation. Chairman Liang does not need to control me. When the time comes, I will naturally aspire to it and work hard to build it."

Simple and crude!

Liang Linwei choked. He didn't expect the Hong Kong Chinese leader and the world's shipping king to speak so straightforwardly. To put it simply, Lin Zhichao should not have too much contact with the current situation. When everyone returns to a pragmatic style in the future, the situation will naturally change.

Airship Tai immediately smoothed things over and said: "Don't talk about this, don't talk about this! You know that Lin Sheng can see far and clearly about world affairs, so why not talk about other things. Well, for example, the attitude of the United States towards the Vietnam War, It seems to be changing.”

Lizeming also said: "Lin Sheng is the world's shipping king, and he is very analytical about international events like this. Otherwise, how could ship owners develop so fast!"

Liang Linwei was a little depressed. He didn't propose political policy. He just invited Lin Zhichao to go back to the mainland.

As everyone knows, if Lin Zhichao really goes, the problem will be huge. After all, how influential he is, the British will take it seriously.

Li Fushu, the founder of the Far Eastern Society, went to the mainland for inspection in the 1970s; in the late 1980s, he was sent to prison by the British. Of course, the relationship between the two cannot be verified. It is said that Li Fushu accepted hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars in bribes.

In any case, the best time was after the country and the world normalized relations in the late 1970s. The important thing is that Lin Zhichao can seize this best opportunity, and more importantly, Lin Zhichao can definitely develop Thatcher and Reagan into his good friends.

By then, Lin Zhichao's friends will all be big names. As long as he does not forcefully participate in politics and only mediates, there will be no problem.

"The United States does have a strong anti-war sentiment, and may also consider withdrawing in the past few years. In fact, there are no eternal enemies in this world. The Soviet Union is becoming stronger now, and the United States is deeply mired in the Vietnam War. Under this international situation, the United States may be willing to improve Because of our relationship, one day I will be pragmatic!"

Everyone showed joy. In Lin Zhichao's description, everyone was surprised to find that the world situation could really change unpredictably. If China could really get out of the predicament, as Chinese people, everyone would naturally be very happy.

Next, everyone chatted all over the country, but they didn't talk about mainland politics anymore. Liang Linwei also understands that he must not do the same thing in the Mainland in Hong Kong, so he looks like a person from ZB society.

However, Lin Zhichao felt in his heart that there would not be much benefit in agreeing less to this kind of circle in the future.

In the future, even if he needs to open up a relationship immediately, it will definitely be through the Heaven and Earth Bridge, not a 'little character' like Liang Linwei.

When going home.

Lin Zhichao specially drove himself to the "Xinxing Newsstand" on Des Voeux Road in Central to chat with Huang Youcai.

After just a few words of conversation, Huang Youcai told Lin Zhichao: "Sheng Lin, I heard from my colleagues that the Asia Daily did not follow the rules and forced some newsstands to place the Asia Daily in conspicuous places, which made everyone angry. .”

Lin Zhichao was stunned, there was such a shameless thing.

This is much lower level than his method, but it also seems to be much simpler and cruder.

"There is such a thing. The boss of Asia Daily seems to be very powerful!"

Huang Youcai looked down on the other person and said: "What's so great? They are two brothers who are raking in side projects. They are selling fans and using Asia Daily to transmit information and launder money."

Lin Zhichao said with a smile: "Being able to go from selling fans to selling newspapers shows that they are also smart people among fans. By the way, other than being angry, do everyone follow the same instructions?"

Huang Youcai shook his head and said: "Asia Daily is far less easy to sell than Oriental Daily. Customers specify that they want to buy Oriental Daily. Can newsstands still buy and sell by force? So, some newsstand owners are also in front, But we will not promote it for them, and we even plan to join forces. If the two horses plan to force it, we will not sell Asia Daily. Then we will see who is better!"

Now think about the Ma brothers' move, there are some loopholes. There are so many people in major newsstands. Once they join forces, "Asia Daily" will be finished. As for the Ma brothers, do they really dare to cause trouble?

the answer is negative!

In his previous life, Lin Zhichao also watched many movies about associations in Hong Kong. In fact, movies are just movies, and they are not at all like reality. The most basic problem is that gunfights between Hong Kong associations are much less common than robbery of jewelry stores; as for murder, it is rare to happen a few times. After all, the nature will be different after killing people. People really die every day. The media As soon as the news was reported, people in Hong Kong were panicked, and chaos was more likely to occur.

To put it simply, Hong Kong's associations are generally involved in 'pornography, gambling and drugs', and there are also: Wenqiao (pickpockets, pickpocketing), Black Lacquer (rat robbers, climbing tall buildings, opening iron gates), Rat Husbands (acquisition of stolen goods), scalpers , toll fees (line fees and parking fees are levied on taxi and minibus drivers, and street vendors are levied protection fees), smugglers, and collecting bad debts.

To put it simply, these things are all done by Ma Chai, the big guys hide behind, and the thing that restricts all this is the rules of the hall.

The associations in Hong Kong are completely different from those in Italy, Japan, and Mexico. It is rare to find people in Hong Kong's associations who work as "professional killers". They usually "seek money" without harming their bodies or their lives.

Disputes in Hong Kong associations are not resorted to fighting, but to mediation through negotiation. If the disputes cannot be resolved, violence will be resorted to, and then fighting and murder will occur.

Why did the "Hong Kong Society" become so vivid in later generations?

The reason is very simple. Newspapers are keen on reporting criminal incidents. When they encounter a murder, they will exaggerate and sensationalize it. The result is that the sales of newspapers have increased. Of course, objectively, it has also played a role in warning citizens and putting pressure on the police. .

At the same time, the same is true for later society movies. If he didn't write better, who would buy a ticket to watch the movie?

The top leaders of Hong Kong's associations are all raising families and marrying several wives. If they really act wantonly, wouldn't he be afraid that it would harm their families?

Just like Lin Zhichao, if he joins the fight against the Ma brothers, he only needs to put pressure on the Hong Kong Governor, the police, and the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce. If not, he can find someone to issue a reward order.

It seems very easy, but he has to worry about his reputation and pay attention to the 'rules' in doing things, otherwise the price will not be worth it!

In his previous life, Zhang Ziqiang offended two major families in Hong Kong so severely that Li Jiacheng and the Kwok family did not pursue anything in Hong Kong, let alone interfere with the judiciary.

The real smart people are to create a sense of tension among Hong Kong's richest people and then communicate with the mainland - this won't work. If you don't improve public security, we're afraid we won't be able to belong.

Obviously, Zhang Ziqiang fell into the hands of others very quickly. He didn't even have much chance to defend himself and was shot directly.

Eighteen years after Zhang Ziqiang was reincarnated, others are still living well. The key is whether he has been reincarnated in this world or not is one thing!

"Brother Cai, there is actually no need to let newsstands compete with Asia Daily. You only need to tell the publishers of other newspapers about this situation. Do you think those newspaper publishers will be willing to do so?" Lin Zhichao said with a smile.

Huang Youcai is not stupid, he is just timid. Of course, because he has made friends with Lin Zhichao in recent years, his courage has become bigger.

"What Lin Sheng means is that when people from other newspapers know about it, they will definitely attack the Erma brothers because they are unbalanced. What's more, the people in the newspaper are not afraid of trouble, so they won't be afraid of anything."

"That's the reason! If it weren't for the inconvenience of my status, I might have to say a few words about this. My participation is somewhat like dealing with children."

Huang Youcai immediately cheered up and said: "With these two gangsters, how can I ask Sir Lin to take action? If you really take action, the Hong Kong Governor will have to listen to your opinion. It's not like they can't stay in Hong Kong any longer."

"Haha, why are you and I trying to flatter you?"

"This is not flattery! I know Lin Sheng looks down on such little people."

After chatting with Huang Youcai for a while, Lin Zhichao was in a good mood. As for Er Ma's behavior, he didn't take it to heart.

The current sales volume of "Oriental Daily" is over 150,000, firmly occupying the first place, and it is impossible to be affected by such a trivial matter. What's more, Lin Zhichao felt that Erma's approach would not have much effect.

On the other hand, Lin Zhichao also has a sense of accomplishment regarding Huang Youcai's current situation.

For the first time, he intuitively felt what it felt like to change the fate of others.

Huang Youcai bought a house and has almost paid off the loan. The annual income of his family of three is about 25,000, which is definitely a high-income group in Hong Kong.

In fact, Xinxing Books and Newsstand is located on Des Voeux Road in Central, and its profits are very high. With the development of Hong Kong's print media, the income of this newsstand will also increase sharply.

as expected.

Not long after, various newspapers in Hong Kong accused Asia Daily of engaging in unfair competition and insinuated that it was a pink paper.

For a time, in the face of mass attacks, Erma had to disappear again and became low-key in the media. However, "Asia Daily" was not affected and instead increased some sales.

Overall, Erma's strategy was correct. Although they lost character and reputation, they didn't have those things anyway.

The methods of "Asia Daily" are completely different from those of "Oriental Daily". One is a dishonorable means, and the other is business talk.

Therefore, some people claim that the two horses have once again offended the Chinese leaders in Hong Kong.

This rumor began to spread within a certain range, and Erma was warned by many people again and did not dare to come forward for the time being.

On this day, Audrey Hepburn came to Hong Kong. Lin Zhichao called her to his study, and Tang Caiyun and Xu Caiying also came in. The three sisters did not shy away from many things, and Lin Zhichao would not treat them deliberately.

As long as he lives one day, he will be the absolute emperor of his family, and no woman can resist him. Of course, unlike Airship Tai's handling of the three wives, Lin Zhichao gave the three women a lot of freedom.

On the contrary, the wives of Airship Tai have no "sense of existence" at all, even the most favored second wife Feng Jianli. Although Airship Tai often takes him out, Feng Jianli is more like a follower, either silently not far away, or listening quietly.

But Lin Zhichao is different. He has the elements of a new-age man in his bones, so if he takes her out, his wife must be his close companion. No matter how distinguished the guest is, Lin Zhichao will regard his wife as a couple.

"This seems to be the transforming robot that Bond Toys recently exported to North America. We, Audrey Toys, are also in the agency channel." Audrey Hepburn also saw two car transforming robots on Lin Zhichao's desk.

Lin Zhichao said: "For this pair of transforming robots, I plan to let Audrey Toys cooperate with our Yangtze River Toy Factory, and you will create toys, comics, animations, and even future movie story backgrounds. I have roughly written a few. Thousands of years ago, the five-faced monster in the universe invaded a planet in the universe - Cybertron. On this planet, the five-faced monster built a planet core computer magic ball that was convenient for itself. And on this planet There are two production lines manufactured on the planet - military and civilian, and the robots produced on these two production lines are the ancestors of the later Transformers."

Audrey Hepburn looked at the information and was already used to it. This man seemed to be able to do anything.

"Is this a product comparable to Barbie dolls?" She vaguely felt that it was not simple.

Lin Zhichao said with a smile: "It should be almost the same, but it needs very good promotion and marketing. In this regard, you have to come up with the outline of the story of elite soldiers and strong generals. It is just for reference. For details, you can ask Marvel to create it. Also, Transformers is a Groups can continue to develop new products, or they can purchase products from other companies for secondary creation. In short, we must use our experience in cultivating Barbie dolls and pay enough attention to 'Transformers'."

Audrey Hepburn nodded seriously and said: "No problem! I will definitely participate personally, and the management team led by Richie is also very powerful. Don't worry, don't worry too much about too many things." In the end, it was already Heartbroken tone.

The three women all know that Lin Zhichao has made too many efforts for this family (actually most of it depends on his previous life experience), so they always hope that Lin Zhichao will pay attention to rest, even if it is to enjoy life, it doesn't matter.

But for Lin Zhichao, it is time to play, but he is still young after all, and there is no reason not to work hard.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of energy! In the 1970s, the Audrey Group also wanted to develop in the United States, especially in toys. It needed to plan two or more cases. It completely surpassed Hasbro and became the world's toy leader. Of course. , our Yangtze Toy Factory can also make a lot of money through OEM."


Lin Zhichao has recently come up with a lot of 'ideas' for the Audrey Group, such as Transformers, My Little Pony, home consoles and video games, and Cabbage Patch Patch Dolls; these are what the Audrey Group needs to do in the next ten years.

By the early 1980s, this group will be strong enough and will then take advantage of the trend to develop even stronger through acquisitions and annexations.

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