The birth of the Hong Kong Island family

Chapter 546 [Foshan University]

November 27th.

According to the original plan, Foshan University held a comprehensive completion ceremony (official enrollment started in 1983). So far, Foshan University has formed a vivid situation of "ten spring breezes, peaches and plums are blooming".

On the same day, Lin Zhichao also came to participate with his two sons, Lin Ruihuan and Lin Ruijiang, as well as senior assistants from Changshi Group.

More than 3,000 guests participated in this celebration, including dignitaries such as ministers and feudal officials, overseas guests such as Yi Meihou and Qiao Zonghuai, Hong Kong patriotic businessmen Tang Zhongyuan, Lee Shau Kee, Zheng Yutong, He Tian, ​​He Shanheng, Li Gaofu, etc., as well as domestic and foreign guests. University deans, professors, political and business figures, etc.

It can be said that it is a great event for the whole country!

The Lin Zhichao Foundation has donated 1.25 billion Hong Kong dollars to Foshan University (double the donation of Shantou University in the same period in its previous life). The overall area of ​​the third phase of the project is as high as 2,000 acres.

He is also very concerned about the progress of Foshan University and visits Foshan University at least 2 to 3 times a year. Each time, he will communicate with Foshan University officials about the results of his inspections of well-known overseas universities.

Lin Zhichao is also a veteran in running schools. He supported the Hong Kong Polytechnic University back then, so he also has great experience in running universities.

Foshan University is located in Shunde County. It is a comprehensive university. It currently has 18 departments (colleges) with 26 majors and more than 6,000 students. Lin Zhichao can name all the deans and professors of these 18 departments. You can also become familiar with the teaching directions and general content of these 18 departments.

Precisely because Lin Zhichao attached so much importance to Foshan University, at the beginning of the ceremony, the minister, the feudal official, and the dean of the academy gave speeches. They first thanked Lin Zhichao for his patriotism, and then talked about other things.

"History has proven that the motherland will never forget those who have contributed to the country and the hometown, and neither will the folks in my hometown forget them."

"Mr. Lin Zhichao donated huge sums of money and devoted all his efforts to the construction of Foshan University, making great contributions to the development of education in the motherland. Mr. Lin Zhichao's foresight and lofty spirit of patriotism and love for his hometown are touching and admirable."

"In order to found Foshan University, Mr. Lin Zhichao generously donated more than 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars, and personally participated in the planning, and worked wholeheartedly to solve the problem of Foshan University. Mr. Lin Zhichao's righteous deeds of donating funds to build schools and educate talents to strengthen the country will have a profound impact on my country's higher education." Leave a glorious page in history.”

Rounds of applause on stage!

Lin Zhichao's donation to Foshan University is comparable to Tan Kah Kee's donation to Xiamen University. It is currently in the hearts of thousands of guests, teachers and students.

What’s important is that Foshan University implements a ‘free undergraduate’ system, which is paid by the ‘Foshan University Foundation’. In the previous life, Shantou University only exempted undergraduate tuition for four years, but in this life Lin Zhichao plans to make it free until 2020.

If the ‘Lin Zhichao Foundation’ is Lin Zhichao’s ‘eighth son’, then Foshan University can also be regarded as a direct descendant of Lin Zhichao.

When it was Lin Zhichao's turn to speak, he walked onto the podium like an elegant gentleman.

Looking at the thousands of guests, teachers and students in the audience, he felt slightly excited.

He has done a lot of charity work in the Mainland, with a total donation of more than HK$2 billion. He has never been as excited as he is today. To use a simple example, if he were asked to choose between 'earning 10 billion' and 'success at Foshan University', he would not hesitate to choose Foshan University to succeed.

"Today is a memorable day. It is not only an honor for Foshan University, but also something I will never forget for the rest of my life."

"When Foshan University was founded, it received top-level support and concern, support from provinces and cities, strong support from domestic colleges and foreign universities, and the joint efforts of many people, so it has the foundation it has today. Especially the long-term support of the Education Committee Guidance and assistance are closely related to Foshan University’s achievements.”

"Education is a century-old plan. Education should be developed in the long term. In the past, some clichés often used famous universities with long histories as examples, believing that it would take more than a hundred years to achieve results. This is unrealistic! Today In this great era, science and technology are changing with each passing day and society is advancing by leaps and bounds. This old routine should be broken. Especially when talents are urgently needed for national construction work, every college graduate must join the society and play an active role in appropriate positions. If higher education cannot adapt quickly, it will lose its significance.”

"In the years to come, Foshan University will not only take cultivating talents as its own responsibility, but also make every effort to race against time, keep pace with the great wheel of the times, and move forward at an accelerated pace. Try to maximize the effectiveness in the shortest time, so that in the short term It is a first-class university that provides training for key universities, master’s degrees, and even doctoral degrees.”

"From a historical perspective, an enterprising spirit is the decisive factor in success. The United States was founded only more than 200 years ago, which is shorter than the history of many countries in the world, but the development of the entire country has indeed come from behind. Japan has been behind since the Meiji Restoration. After that, it once surpassed countries with a richer history than it; after its failure in World War II, it soon made great economic achievements; and Germany experienced two world defeats, and its rapid recovery can be seen With human effort, goals can be accelerated.”

"Therefore, I believe that the establishment of Foshan University is not to create personal success; nor is it entirely for the benefit of the Foshan region, but a cause that belongs to the entire nation."

"To run education well with patriotism and thereby contribute to the country, for me personally, is the purpose and significance of the founding of Foshan University. For every Chinese person, including me, it is the key to the rise and fall of the nation. I hope that the flowers and fruits of education will bloom all over the land of China, so that the beautiful rivers and mountains will take on a new look, so that the future of the Chinese nation will be bright and glorious, and the grand goal of national rejuvenation will be achieved."

Listening to Lin Zhichao's sonorous and powerful speech, the audience burst into truly thunderous applause.

The next night, Lin Zhichao held a domestic and foreign press conference to answer reporters' questions.

A reporter asked: "Mr. Lin, what are the goals for Foshan University's future development?"

Lin Zhichao replied: "It all depends on people! Today's Foshan University has achieved a certain stage of success. The next step will be to work hard to become a key university. In the future, I hope it will become a world-renowned university."

A reporter asked again: "Mr. Lin, what are your views on welcoming overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao to donate money to run schools?"

Lin Zhichao said: "Any Chinese, no matter whether he has emigrated abroad or not, as far as Chinese Americans are concerned, they are originally Chinese. Whether it is today, 10 years from now, or until the last day of the world, they will still be Chinese." They are Chinese. Because their ancestors are Chinese, I believe that more than 90% of Chinese people want the country to be strong. Therefore, if a country is to be strong and prosperous, education is the best way. Therefore, if overseas Chinese and compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao are able to , it is appropriate to contribute to the education of the motherland."

A reporter asked again: "Mr. Lin, what is the secret to your success in your career?"

Lin Zhichao smiled and said: "There is no secret to this. In fact, it is a basic question - be diligent, willing to study, willing to make progress, willing to research, willing to innovate, and keep promises. These are my past mottos. Of course, we in China The ancients often said that small wealth depends on hard work, and big wealth lies in the sky, which also makes sense; after a career becomes big, luck is also a very important factor. But if a person cannot be diligent and frugal, he will not have small wealth, so lucky When opportunities come to you, can you seize them? The answer is no! There is another aspect of luck. Today, the world is changing with each passing day, science and technology are constantly innovating, and the economy is growing. This is a great era, and it is also lucky for everyone. So whether you can seize the opportunity is really important. Not every era has such credibility. Maybe 30 years from now, the world economy will hit a bottleneck, and it will be more difficult to make money by then."

It’s all work, it depends on who will believe ‘Brother Chao’!

A reporter asked: "Can Mr. Lin talk about investment issues and attitudes towards his hometown?"

Lin Zhichao said: "My investment in Foshan and Shunde is to promote local development, including industry, education, and medical care. 'Industry rejuvenates the country.' This is what my father-in-law, Mr. Tang Zhongyuan, said to me in his early years. Industry can bring benefits to the local area." We can see a lot of jobs, science and technology, and production value. Most of the garment factories, toy factories, electrical appliance industries, zipper factories, etc. that I invested in are exported overseas. This is what I have invested in. What I would like to see is pure investment in education and medical care, and I personally get no return.”

After finishing the press conference, Lin Zhichao stayed in his hometown for a day and then returned to Hong Kong.

As he gets older, he does many things without thinking about the future.

He has not made people appreciate him or admire his ideas. Even if he does not report any charity he has done, Lin Zhichao will not complain. Similarly, he will not care about how he is criticized in the future.

As long as he can live up to his conscience, everything will be fine!

In the future, his charity will be very big, not because of political insurance, but because of his true heart!

After all, if it was political insurance, Lin Zhichao felt that it would be better for his descendants to sprout more seeds and spread them around the world.

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