The Black Card

Chapter 507

I took a taxi to the nearest hospital, and Shi Lei rushed in with the hot Song MiaoMiao.

However, after asking the nurse on duty, Shi Lei knew that the so-called high welfare society in foreign countries did not spend money on medical treatment, which was in line with the challenge of patience.

I heard that Song MiaoMiao only had a fever. The nurse waited for Shi Lei to sit there waiting, throwing an ice bag for him and let him help Song MiaoMiao to physically cool down.

Shi Lei was completely paralyzed. He patiently asked the nurse why she didn’t arrange for her to register immediately. The nurse was very polite and told Shi Lei that the emergency doctor did not deal with this kind of small illness. The doctor on duty is busy now, waiting for the natural meeting. Come over and deal with him.

If you change to a person with a slightly worse temper, I am afraid that I will turn my face on the spot.

To put it bluntly, the nurse told him that the public hospital is like this. If you want to see a doctor quickly, go to those private clinics. Those private clinics are also open 24 hours a day, and they will receive them immediately.

Shi Lei had no choice but to take Song MiaoMiao and ran out. Fortunately, the taxi was familiar with these and quickly took him to a private clinic.

The efficiency is up, but the doctors in the private clinic told Shi Lei that Song MiaoMiao’s condition is due to fatigue and jet lag, resulting in decreased resistance and inflammation in the body. The end result was a few clear pieces of medicine for Song MiaoMiao , which allowed Shi Lei to return to the hotel with Song MiaoMiao for physical cooling.

Shi Lei is desperate. He doesn’t understand. It is also a hospital. It is also a cure. Why are these countries with high nominal welfare abroad not as good as domestic ones?

Looking at the few pills in his hand, Shi Lei couldn’t count on what these drugs could do.

Hesitantly, although it is already late at night, Shi Lei called Huo Chengdong.

No way, in Sydney, he also knows Huo Chengdong.

It was still Huo Chengdong’s assistant who answered the phone, but could not hear the feeling of being interrupted. This time, he did not refuse Shi Lei, but hesitated, after all, it was close to the morning. However, when I heard that Shi Lei’s friend had a high fever of 39 degrees, he immediately got up and went to find Huo Chengdong.

Huo Chengdong’s phone replied quickly, and he was concerned: “Mr.Shi, are you sick?”

“Not me, it is a friend of mine. Your hospital in Australia is too irresponsible. This is the hospital. It is simply the temple of the king. It is a human life…”

Huo Chengdong laughed. Although he is a three-generation immigrant, he has also heard from people who have just immigrated in China that Chinese hospitals and foreign hospitals are indeed quite different. The most direct difference is that especially for the cold and fever, domestic hospitals generally arrange to hang water, fight antibiotics, and soon recover. However, in Australia, antibiotics are strictly restricted, so whether it is a public hospital or a private clinic, they are basically anti-inflammatory drugs for these diseases, and then recommend that the patients physically cool down.

“Mr. Shi, don’t worry, so, come to my house. I have some Chinese medicine in my house. I am going to have a decoction. It is estimated that when you and your friends arrive, the medicine can be almost drunk. ”

Shi Lei was relieved, and with Song MiaoMiao rushed to Huo Chengdong’s home.

After that, Huo Chengdong was wearing a nightgown and waiting in the living room for a long time. After Shi Lei placed Song MiaoMiao on the sofa, he apologized to Huo Chengdong and said, “Mr. Huo, I am sorry, I am disturbing you so late. But I can’t do anything, she burns very badly, this is at home… Oh, don’t say it, I am really sorry, I have no other people in Sydney. ”

Huo Chengdong smiled and said, “It’s okay, the medicine has already been fried. You can drink it with a little cold.” In terms of medical treatment, the motherland and the place here are indeed very different. Like a cold and a fever , you can diagnose the cause of the disease. We usually solve it ourselves. We rarely go to the hospital. Because when I go to the hospital, the doctor will even be ignorant than you. They will even ask you what you think. What kind of illness should I be? Only in the case of serious illnesses, the medical means here will be better than the domestic ones. Especially in public hospitals, you are only waiting in the middle of the night. If you go during the day, it is very likely that you will have to wait a week for the queue. With this time, I will recover. ”

Shi Lei looked at Huo Chengdong with a stunned look and couldn’t understand what the hospital was doing.

When the maid came up with a bowl of Chinese medicine, Shi Lei couldn’t care much, and personally fed Song MiaoMiao and drank it.

“Since she is because of jet lag and fatigue, don’t go back and forth. You may wish to stay here for me tonight. I have already packed the room just now. You should take the lady to rest and then we will talk again. In fact, to be honest, I didn’t have enough to talk to you in the afternoon. ”

Shi Lei nodded and hugged Song MiaoMiao. Huo Chengdong arranged a maid to stay on top and used a cold towel to help Song MiaoMiao cool down physically.

Going back to the living room downstairs, Huo Chengdong has already poured the wine, smiled and said Shi Lei sat down and said, “Don’t worry too much, believe in human resistance. Furthermore, the Chinese medicine that I gave her is the recipe of my ancestral ancestors. It is cool and sleep, and there should be no serious obstacles in the morning. Why? That girl is your girlfriend? Seeing you look very nervous. ”

Shi Lei ran for so long, and it was dry, picking up the glass of whisky and drinking it. Huo Chengdong said with a smile: “Don’t worry, you should first pour you a glass of water.”

People fell, Huo Chengdong smiled and looked at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said: “She is not my girlfriend, just a good friend who has a good relationship. This time…” Shi Lei roughly said Song MiaoMiao’s intentions. Huo Chengdong smiled silently and then Shi Lei added: “Tense, first, because I am a good friend with her, after all, it comes out together. Although each has its own purpose, I can’t leave her alone. Who can think of Australia’s hospital as a patient attitude? Second, this Song MiaoMiao, identity is not ordinary. The wealth they have at home is estimated to be between two and three billion dollars. Her mother is at least a few billion dollars. And her father is a provincial party secretary, can you understand this? It is the province where Xixi City is located. It should also be in the top five provinces in the country. ”

Huo Chengdong was a little surprised, after all, the background of Song MiaoMiao was too unusual.

“The secretary of the provincial party committee, the party leads the government, this is the real number one of the provincial government.”

Shi Lei nodded and said, “This is not the case. Her grandfather is one of the people who have ever entered the top…”

In this case, Huo Chengdong was shocked and widened his eyes. He carefully recalled the Chinese leadership of the past and finally remembered one. His voice could not help but tremble slightly: “It is Song… Old gentleman? More than a decade ago, the Standing Committee on Publicity? ”

Shi Lei nodded. Huo Chengdong took a breath and said: “It seems that I have saved a big trouble for this country. If Mr. Old Song’s granddaughter is seriously ill here, although it will not rise to diplomacy. The incident is enough for the Sydney government to be busy. You just said that the Miss Song came to Sydney, which company was negotiated with? ”Shi Lei didn’t realize that Huo Chengdong looked at his eyes a little differently than before.

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