The Black Card

Chapter 543

Near 12 o’clock, Shi Lei sent Song MiaoMiao back home.

While driving out of the car, Shi Lei saw a car coming in from the outside, and Shi Lei quickly took a direction and leaned against the roadside.

The opposite side of the car also slowly stopped, the window was slowly lowered, and a face was inside and said: “Shi Lei?”

Shi Lei didn’t dare to sit in the car, hurriedly got out of the car, went to the car and said respectfully: “It’s me, Song Shushu.”

This one in the car is the father of Song MiaoMiao, the Song secretary in the mouth of the people, the full name Song Ziyan.

Song Ziyan looked up and down Shi Lei and nodded. “You are good, send it back?”


“A little earlier.” After that, Song Ziyan lifted the window and the car slowly moved forward.

Shi Lei got on the bus and opened the yard of the Song family. While thinking about it, what does it mean to be a little earlier? Is it a bit late to come back today? However, if Song MiaoMiao goes out to play, it is basically going to go to the sky.

Does this Song Secretary completely unaware of what his daughter used to be like?

It was pondering, the phone rang, and Shi Lei took it and saw it, it was Zhang Yuyue.

I quickly parked my car on the roadside and Shi Lei answered the call.

“Hello, I am Shi Lei.”

“Mr.Shi Hello, I am Zhang Yuyue. The whereabouts of the big and the small have already existed.”

“Is he kidnapped?” Shi Lei calmly asked, Shi Lei knew that after the lucky draw of the damn gods card, Shi Lei knew that it was not so easy to solve, and that he had to fly to Africa.

Zhang Yuyue paused and said: “The situation is a bit complicated. We have compiled a document. The specific situation is inside. The phone is probably not clear. If you don’t want Mr. Shi, you should hurry to find a computer to see this document. I will send you the URL where the document is located. ”

Fine. Thanks

“Mr.Shi You are welcome. From now on, within 72 hours of the future, we will inform you in time if there is a change in the position of the big and small. But if it’s more than 72 hours, you’ll need to post the task again. ”

Good.Shi Lei hung up the phone and went to the hotel in the wetland.

There is a computer in the hotel’s house. Although it is public, Shi Lei is not worried about security. He believes that The Dark Night Eye will do a good job.

The computer was a bit old, and it took more than a minute to boot. Shi Lei immediately opened the browser and entered the URL sent by Zhang Yuyue on the phone WeChat.

After the URL is opened, the page is very clean until only one program icon is on the screen.

Double-click on the icon and the program will start up immediately, and an animated page will appear on the screen.

In this page, it tells in detail when Yu Banzhi left the Aegean Sea and when he entered the African country called Uganda.

Nominally, Yu Banzhi is playing along the Great Rift Valley. The actual purpose is not in this document. Shi Lei understands that this is the Dark Night Eye’s reluctance to intervene in any political event, so even if they investigate it, Will be written into this document for the sake of it.

Yu Banzhi’s time to enter Uganda was three days ago. He no longer traveled north to south like the previous itinerary, but stayed at Uganda.

In Uganda, Yu Banzhi obviously has an industry. It is a manor. It is located almost in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa. It is normal for him to stay in his own industry.

For two consecutive days, Yu Banzhi did not leave the manor until yesterday morning, Yu Banzhi came out and only took a driver.

He went to see a local warlord.

However, Uganda is a small country with wars all the year round. The so-called warlords are actually ridiculous. Often taking ten shots, getting two boxes of bombs, and then having a bundle of detonators, these people dare to pull out an amateur so-called army that can no longer be amateur for the survival of themselves and their men.

This warlord is also a bit famous in Uganda, but it is only a few hundred people, and the firearms equipment covers less than one-tenth. Even so, it is still one of the most difficult warlords of the local government.

This so-called army was hiding in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa. It was close to Lake Victoria. The government troops had been squashed several times and failed to kill the army. On the contrary, after several wars, the army grew stronger . The scale has grown from less than one hundred people at the beginning to the current size of three or five hundred people.

Yu Banzhi went to see the warlord as an arms dealer, with the aim of making an arms deal with him.

This is a normal thing in Uganda, and even in many countries in Africa.

Moreover, Yu Banzhi’s name is John Lee, and both the English name and the Chinese surname are the most common and most common words.

According to The Dark Night Eye, the warlord found a diamond mine in their entanglement. Although the mine production is very low, after nearly a year of mining and panning, they also have a large number of diamonds in their hands. The warlord was planning to use the diamonds in exchange for a batch of arms. He planned to do something.

Then Yu Banzhi fell into their control. It was not kidnapping. It was delicious and entertaining. At most, it was under house arrest.

I can’t walk, and just got in touch with the other party, the other party asked him to hand over all communication equipment, including Yu Banzhi and the driver.

Then, even let them change their clothes all over, in order to prevent them from hiding GPS positioning devices.

After a rigorous inspection, Yu Banzhi and the driver followed the connector and finally entered the Great Rift Valley of East Africa and saw the warlord. However, the negotiations between the two sides were very unsatisfactory. The warlord lion opened his mouth and the price was sensational. He almost sold the rough diamonds in his hand as finished jewelry.

This Yu Banzhi certainly can’t agree, but the result is under house arrest.

People will not be in danger for the time being. Although the other party is a violent and murderous person who does not blink, he will not be so anxious to start Yu Banzhi. They hope that in this way, Yu Banzhi will be forced to bring his arms and fires. Even the diamonds are not intended to be given. It is already a rush of thought.


After reading the general situation, Shi Lei closed the page, and there was no trace left on the desktop.

Shi Lei even checked the history of the browser. There is no such URL in the record. Shi Lei entered the URL again, but the URL has not been opened.

The Dark Night Eye handled things so delicately that that data appeared on this computer, but there was no trace left.

Without waiting for Shi Lei to think about it, his cell phone rang again, still Zhang Yuyue.

The Dark Night Eye Sure enough, Shi Lei soon closed the page and they knew that Shi Lei had finished reading the document.

“Mr.Shi, you have already read the entire document, and you must have some understanding of the situation. To be honest, this time it is involved in a small and insignificant country, and you are a member of Mr. X’s transfer. Otherwise, with this matter and political involvement, we will not accept The Dark Night Eye. Such a task. Fortunately, on the surface, this is just a matter of big and small and the other party has a transaction that failed to make a smooth transaction. However, let me tell you above, similar things, you should not entrust us to us in the future. This is a special case. ”

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