The Black Card

Chapter 654

Shi Lei suddenly remembered the speed card and immediately transferred the hand speed card from the brain. After using it, Shi Lei’s right hand quickly left the girl’s body, took out the phone from his pocket, and hugged her in an instant.

Is the hand speed card still a bit useful?

Shi Lei silently thought about opening the flashlight function of the mobile phone.

“Hold my phone and try to let your boyfriend see us.” Shi Lei tried to hand out the phone from under the girl, and the girl touched it a few times, finally grabbing the phone.

“He is not my boyfriend!” The girl whispered a rebuttal.

Shi Lei didn’t even hear it. After all, what happened to the couples of other people’s families, he was not interested in it.

“Here, come over…” Shi Lei shouted loudly, and the girl also waved her cell phone.

Sun Yiyi passed along with the man’s voice, but Shi Lei obviously couldn’t understand what the man said.

“See you, stone brother, you are slower, it is not good to go here!”

Shi Lei said that I didn’t dare to go. I still have pain in this ankle. It is already my limit to take the water to come here. The master of martial arts does not work. The master of martial arts is also a human being.

Fortunately, with the guidance of the lights, Sun Yiyi and the man quickly ran to Shi Lei and the girl.

The man eagerly grabbed the girl’s hand and said a lot of words in Japanese.

The girl can understand Japanese, but she is impatient: “Okay, don’t ask so much.”

Sun Yiyi also rushed to say: “Hurry to send her to the hospital, now is not the time to ask East to ask West.”

Several Chinese tourists also ran over and lifted the girls up and down.

When I saw the Shi lei walking limp, the people knew that the Shi Lei’s foot sprained, they certainly did not know that Shi Lei save the process is actually very thrilling, Shi Lei almost all put small life here.

With the help of tourists, Shi Lei and the girls quickly arrived at the nearby hospital, Shi Lei’s ankle is not big, but still in the doctor’s request to take a film, after reading, the doctor said there is no big deal, is a common sprain just.

The result of the girl’s examination has already come out. It is a blessing in the unfortunate. The branch is almost attached to the kidney and penetrates her subcutaneous tissue. It goes in from the rear and comes out from the front, a hole that is worn.

Still doing a minor operation, Shi Lei had already been exhausted, and found the driver of the chartered car and took them back to the hotel.

Sleeping all night, when I woke up, it was close to noon. Shi Lei was sore and sore, which is considered to be the sequela of excessive use of ancient martial arts cards.

Sun Yiyi was not in the room, Shi Lei shouted twice and did not hear any response. Pick up the phone and call Sun Yiyi, but the phone ringing sounds in the living room.

“This silly girl, without a mobile phone.” Shi Lei muttered, and when he got out of bed, he found that his ankle was still hurting. He could only jump to the bathroom.

After washing, I waited for a while, Sun Yiyi still didn’t come back, Shi Lei was helpless, took the room card, and went out on the wall to find something to eat.

When the elevator reached the downstairs, Shi Lei saw an ATM at the corner next to the elevator. It looked like it was very deserted, and no one was there. Shi Lei limped over and inserted The Black. Card, entered a password.

After the scepter appeared, Shi Lei looked around with vigilance, for fear that someone would see something unusual.

The scepter opened his mouth: “You don’t have to look at it. If you can appear as honorable, there must be interference in the vicinity. Those people will not come here for the time being, and they will never see the situation here. “But what do you have, long story short, the time of interference should not be set too long.”

Shi Lei also understands this truth. He shook his voice and snarled: “Is that Japanese man related to Miyamoto? Looking at his age, is the grandson of Miyamoto Hyunichi? You are too angry! This can involve a human life! I almost can ‘t save it. Is it our life, especially worthless in your eyes? ”

The scepter said that he was innocent. It said: “The three-level commissioner, you should not blame everything that happened on you for the honor, such as me. If you want to create a data that is so confusing, the result is uncontrollable, at least Do the energy of the entire planet. Honor, if I have a very powerful ability, but you don’t think that I am the god of your imagination. I can’t make such an accident between raising my hand. “

“Do you dare say this is not what you made?”

Of course not. Moreover, the Japanese man has nothing to do with Miyamoto Hyunichi, you think too much. ”

Shi Lei stunned.

Is it really not the ghost of The Black Card?

“I admit, I did add some chaos algorithms to your trip to Japan. This algorithm will increase your chances of dealing with Miyamoto as soon as possible, but that will only give you more possibilities. Miyamoto Hyunichi has nothing to do with the chaotic algorithm I add to the possible events. “

Shi Lei will be suspicious. He thought about it and asked: “In the critical moment yesterday, the 3D pattern of the tree suddenly appeared in my mind, which was extremely accurate, and my reaction speed also increased significantly. Just a little bit, I died under the tree. At that time, if the reaction was a little slower by 0.10 seconds, my chest would probably be pierced by a branch… “

The scepter screamed twice and said, “Fortunately, the white mouse, you should thank the Supreme Black Card and the kindness of honor like me. If we didn’t help you make The Black Card virtualization, it increased your percentage. The brain development of the fifth, you really will be stabbed in the heart by the tree yesterday. “

Shi Lei sighed and said: “You mean, my mind has become particularly clear in times of crisis. Both memory and reaction speed have been greatly enhanced because 5 percent is working?”

“Stupid groundhog, or do you think that the god is saving you? It takes a while for your memory card to fuse, but in that case, your physical instinct is such that five percent of the brain space that was originally used to store the virtualized The Black Card is activated, completing the memory ahead of time. The fusion of the cards, this makes you think of all the details of the tree in all directions. At the same time, this is stimulated by 5 percent, so that your brain has been developed to the strongest rank on the planet, your eyesight, reaction speed, etc. have been greatly increased, so you can perfectly avoid All the dangers on that tree. ”

Shi Lei took a sigh of relief and had a lingering sigh of relief. The back spine felt chills even because of yesterday’s events.

“But I don’t think my brain is clearer than ever…”

“That is because yesterday your brain is only stress-inducing that 5 percent is in its role. When the situation stabilizes, your brain returns to its former state. That 5 percent of the space is still only used to store virtual The Black Card after the change. However, the integration of the memory card has been solved in advance, and you still have a cheap price. So, now that you’re such a stupid groundhog, you should finally be able to believe that, as I said, the Black Card virtualization benefits you a lot more than your one or two-time prize. ”

Shi Lei patted the chest and said that it really seems to be a good thank you to the award of The Black Card virtualization.

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