The Black Card

Chapter 679

Shi Lei did not think that his own heart attack would have such a big effect.

His purpose is simple, just to express his determination, and to respond to all doubts, and to help Flash get a better angel round of financing.

But the current developments are clearly beyond his expectations.

If the other party is also an entrepreneur, or the head of a large enterprise, Shi Lei’s response will stop at the heat of yesterday and will not be further fermented.

However, since the other party is a money son, the property of the entertainment industry of Qian Gongzi makes the matter continually refurbished.

Seeing that the hot topic of Weibo last night, there has been a flash, and this morning, the flash has already fallen out of the top ten hot topics, but with Wei Xingyue’s own microblogging, Flash quietly captured the top five of the hot topic list.

After the topic of Qian Gongzi’s eating is pushed into the hot topic list, the topic of flashing, once again climbing up, actually came to the second.

Later, there was another new topic that entered the top ten list. This topic is called # 霸道 CEO 石 哥 #.

The three topics clearly show a mutual promotion, and the rankings continue to move forward.

By four o’clock in the afternoon, the three topics were ranked in the top three of today’s hot topics, even on the weekly list, they also reached the top ten.

Shi Lei was amazed at this. He called Wei Xingyue and asked Wei Xingyue if he had customized the topic with Weibo. The answer is no.

Asked Yao Er, Yao Er also said that he did always pay attention, but did not do anything.

Yao Er said: “Mr. You know me. If it is me, the hot topic in the first place should be Kaixuan. I will definitely emphasize the attributes of your boss.”

Shi Lei thought of Wei Qing again, and this guy might also secretly push the waves.

However, the call to Wei Qing, Wei Qing just expressed inexplicable feelings, he said that he has not yet got up, has been brushing Weibo after waking up, it is fun.

Wei Qing told Shi Lei that now they have been spread in these two generations of circles, and Qian Gongzi has definitely become a joke. In any case, he is a shame to be thrown home.

Shi Lei silently hangs up the phone, but he is not worried about the possible attack from Qian Gongzi. He just said that he does not understand the world.

It was just a simple business practice, but now it has an entertainment tag.

However, in this regard, Wei Xingyue and Yao Er both expressed their willingness to see it, which will make the flash brand further strengthened in the hearts of the people. Even if competitors of similar products appear on the market, the flash is already ahead of them. The distance is gone.

By the way, Yao Er has also started to contact Weibo, saying that he wants to stir up the topic of Qiqiu bicycle.

This is not very difficult. After all, Shi Lei is also the owner of the bicycle.

Ever since, when the night was slowly pulled down, Qi Xuan bicycles also fell into the top ten of today’s hot topics.

It can be said that Shi Lei is completely ignited. In the hot topic list of Weibo, the top three are related to him, and among the top ten, four are related to him.

Zhang Fei, Luo Ming, and Tu Yi, who have already worked, sent WeChat and asked if the stone brother on Weibo was him. Shi Lei did not reply with a smile.

This is absolutely good for others, but in Shi Lei’s opinion, it may not be a good thing.

It seems that there will be some low-key in the future. Shi Lei has a secret. He must not live in the spotlight like a star. Otherwise, one day, it will cause trouble.

The phone rang, and Shi Lei saw it as a strange number.

After hesitating, Shi Lei chose to answer.

“Is it Shi Lei Mr. Shi?”

Shi Lei replied: “I am, are you?”

“Oh, Mr. Shi Hello, I am the CEO of Weibo, my name is…”

Shi Lei’s head, a burst of pain, he should have expected such a paragraph.

After patiently waiting for the other party to finish, it is not the case that Shi Lei wants to open an account on Weibo. In fact, Shi Lei has a Weibo account, just like his WeChat, it is called four stones. However, he generally does not easily send Weibo, and even the comments are rarely forwarded. It is only used for browsing, so Weibo cannot determine whether this account is his or not.

Shi Lei stunned his eyebrows and said, “Well, I will consider it.”

“Mr.Shi, now is the best time. With our full cooperation, your attention will definitely grow rapidly. Of course, if you can post something about you and Qian Gongzi, the number of fans will increase even faster. It’s not impossible to break a few days in a few days. ”

Shi Lei said with politeness: “Okay, I will consider it.”

“Mr.Shi, you can’t miss it. I missed the heat of the present. It is not easy to think about it later.”

“I will seriously consider it, sorry, I still have something to deal with here, I will not talk to you more.” Shi Lei hurriedly hung up the phone and pulled the Weibo CEO into the blacklist.

He didn’t want to open any certification account, and who wants fans to have more than ten million.

Looking outside the office, the employees are basically off work, only a few employees, there may be some things to deal with, still stay in the company to work overtime.

Shi Lei walked out of the office and nodded with the employees who were still working, asking if they had dinner, and the employees said they had ordered a meal, and Shi Lei left the company.

And soon after he left the office, WeChat received a message.

It was sent by Wei Xingyue. She told Shi Lei that she was flashing in the Shanghai area and installed more than 250,000.

Before the flash was announced to land in Shanghai, the Shanghai area had more than 10,000 installations due to the heat in the Didi area. After the second city where Wei Xingyue released the flash landing would be Shanghai, the installation volume would have climbed to 50,000 . In the latter half of the month, the installed capacity in the Shanghai area has remained close to 50,000.

But now, it has actually broken through 250,000. This means that in yesterday, today, in less than two days, the installation volume in the Shanghai area has reached 200,000. This is even more crazy than the flash.

The last flash was noticed because of a microblogging in the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. This time, it was because Shi Lei had a hard money.

Speaking of it, I really want to thank Qian Gongzi’s big mouth. If he wants to say something like Xiang Xiang, Shi Lei may not be so clear, and more likely to respond to a large number of doubts.

Qian Gongzi gave Shi Lei an excellent material, and Shi Lei used it well, even beyond expectations.

The rapid flash of the flash, even to some extent beyond the achievements of Qi Xuan.

Three days later, in the two cities where the flash has landed, the number of users of Didi has climbed to the 500,000 mark, and Shanghai has quietly passed 400,000.

The heat of the topic has finally subsided, and the rapid growth of the user volume is not so exaggerated.

Even so, after four days, the number of users in the Shanghai area has exceeded 500,000.

However, Shi Lei has been away from Shanghai for a few days at this time. He was still in the office and looked at the data on the third day after flashing the Shanghai market. On a phone call, Shi Lei changed his face and immediately left Shanghai.

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