The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 467: Hand in fire

A few days later, the New World approached a certain part of the sea on the Star Islands of Orebel.

At this time, the five black giant sails on the sea are fast sailing. The leading black giant ship is like a huge manatee lurking in the water. The bow is in the shape of pitch black and huge horns, and the three black giant sails on the ship are flying in the wind. On the flagpole at the top, a hideous and domineering bull-head skull pattern flashed with black luster.

Two small black sailing boats were followed by the side and rear of the huge ship.

On the deck of the sailing ship at the rear of the black giant ship, a man over two meters tall was holding a telescope to observe the sea in front of him. After a while, the man was shocked and found a huge ship in the telescope. The thief ship, white sails, black flags, red gunwales, huge skull patterns on the sails, and bright red stripes.

this is……

The man with the binoculars paused, and finally he could see the entire outline of the other party's Pirate Banner.

"Red...Red-haired Pirates!!!"

He was a watchman. After spotting the Red-haired Pirates, he immediately sounded the emergency alert for the entire ship, and loudly reported to the pirate companions in the distance: "Found...the Red-haired Pirates trail was found ahead! "

The jingle bell sirens immediately sounded, and the entire pirate group also entered a state of alert.

"Hahahaha..." At this time, a man who looked ugly but was extremely tall laughed arrogantly, "Have you finally met them?"

He is a member of the four big beasts of Thaddeus in the ghost cow pirate group. He is a black bear man who eats the bear fruit of the animal family. He has explosive power and wrist strength enough to tear the mountain.

He is [Black Bear], a pirate with a bounty of 300 million Baileys, and the captain of the third fleet of the Ghost Cow Pirate Group.

"Boss Black Bear, what do you do now?" One of his men also yelled loudly. He snatched the binoculars from the watchman just now, and after looking at the sea in the distance, he immediately ran towards the black bear. .

"What do you do!" The black bear yelled dissatisfiedly, "Immediately prepare Lao Tzu for battle."

The pirates under him immediately became tense.

After speaking, he immediately picked up the phone worm handed by his subordinates, and then dialed the phone worm.

On the black main ship ahead, Thaddeus naturally heard the rapid sirens from the third fleet, and within a few seconds, he received a call bug message from the third fleet's captain, Black Bear.

"Boss Thaddeus, the red-haired pirates are not far ahead." A rough black bear's voice came from the phone bug, and he was obviously very excited.

Hearing this, [Ghost Cow] Thaddeus immediately laughed: "Then what are you waiting for, rush up with all your strength, and defeat the Red-haired Pirates for the labor and management."

"Captain Thaddeus, can't be so reckless."

After hearing Thaddeus' words, the men around him immediately stopped.

Sometimes the captain can be reckless and unscrupulous, but as the captain’s confidant think tank, he must be calm, especially in this situation. The three big pirates are united in the Pirate Alliance. Whoever meets the red-haired pirates first must be the first. Time shot to hold the red-haired pirate group, but if according to Thaddeus's intention, desperately rushed forward, it would be very dangerous.

"Captain Thaddeus, don’t forget that this time our ghost cow pirate group is not going to immediately decide the victory or defeat with the red-haired pirate group, since we are the first pirate group to meet the red-haired pirate group. , The task is just to hold down the other party."

As a navigator who has followed Thaddeus for more than ten years, he understands Thaddeus' combative character, but this is not the time to fight with all his strength.

"Labor and capital have not forgotten." The ghost cow Thaddeus yelled at the navigator beside him, but although the soundtrack in his voice was very loud, he was not angry with it.

"As a fighter, fighting is my nature. No one can kill it."

Hearing Thaddeus's roar, the navigator didn't mean to shrink and shut up at all. The more this time, the more he must play his role as the highest think tank in the ghost cow pirate group.

The navigator was sweaty and the emotions in his eyes were very impatient. However, in the past with Thaddeus as a pirate, I don’t know how many times he met him. Every time he was able to convince Thaddeus, and To stop Thaddeus's mischief, he is confident that this time is no exception, even if the opponent is the red-haired Shanks that Thaddeus has been expecting to play against.

The navigator continued: "This is a long war. The Red-haired Pirates cannot be quickly defeated. We must preserve our vitality. Otherwise, even if the pirate alliance formed by our three large-scale Pirates defeats the Red-haired Sea in the end. The thief group, there will be no extra power to fight against the combination of the evil spirit pirate group and the blood diamond pirate group."

"what did you say?"

After hearing this, Thaddeus was taken aback. He didn't think of this, but the navigator followed him for many years, and his position in the Ghost Niu Pirate Group was equal to the captain of the four major fleets. So he has to pay attention to the analysis of the navigator.

"Boss, why do you think the evil spirit guy put forward the idea of ​​the alliance, and also find an excuse to divide the soldiers into three ways."

Seeing that Thaddeus had gradually stabilized his irritability under his persuasion, the navigator was relieved, so he continued, "Although I can't guess that the evil spirits and the blood diamonds have won What kind of important information, but the teamwork this time can be said to be very strange. If my guess is good, after defeating the Redhead Pirates in the end, it is likely that the blood diamond and the evil spirits joined forces to deal with the ghost cow sea first. Thieves group."

"If the ghost cow pirate group's loss is not big at that time, even if it can't be beaten, you can run, but if we consume too much in the battle with the red-haired pirate group, then we will also be evil spirits and blood diamonds. They were completely wiped out together."

"Our power must not be consumed arbitrarily, especially the combat power of the four major captains. This is the basis for whether we can gain a foothold in this sea in the future."

After the navigator had finished speaking, Gui Niu seemed to have been convinced. He looked at the red-faced navigator beside him, so he stretched out his hand and scratched his head and asked, "Then what should I do now?"

"Immediately contact the evil spirits and the blood diamond pirate group, and let them rush to help as soon as possible."

"We hit all the artillery fire. For now, don't fight head-on with the Red-haired Pirates."

Now his words are equivalent to Thaddeus's words, so orders were given instead of the captain.

After a while, rumbling artillery fire resounded through the sea. On the five giant sails of the Guiniu Pirate Group, all the artillery began to fire. The sea surface was suddenly tumbling by the shells, and the sea water was continuously blown into splashes. .

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