The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 555: BIG·MOM Cadre Ship

At the same time, on the sailing boat where Reinhardt was on, Reinhardt had already arrived on the deck at this time, and his eyes looked at the fleet of sailing ships in front.

   A fleet of eight pirate ships is numbered separately, three of which are the most conspicuous, and the flags are slowly flying in the sea breeze.

The flagpole of the fleet is hung with the flag of the Pirates regiment. The pattern of the flag is a beckoning skeleton with a top hat and collar adorned with fluff and lipstick. A green tree is held in the left hand and a large sugarcandy behind the right shoulder. This Pirate Banner looks a bit cute.

   If you have seen it, then you will definitely not feel this way.

   But the first place is not the "Queen Mother Singing", but a boat made up of cakes. There is a huge cake in the center of the sailboat and the word "CANDY" is written on the sail.

   "That is... the cadre ship." Reinhardt finally saw clearly, "Mother Queen Singing Horn" did not appear. This is the only good news for now.

   "That's okay, that's okay... It's just a cadre ship, but fortunately not there." Mosel breathed a sigh of relief, and set his sights on the distant fleet again.

   Everyone knows what it means, no one wants to face that guy face to face.

   Reinhardt didn't know why the pirate group's cadre ship appeared here, so he gave the order to avoid it early, and the helmsman began to steer the sailboat to try to avoid the pirate group's fleet.

The three sailing ships began to turn, but at this time, a huge cannonball flew from a distance. This cannonball was five times larger than the naval cannonball. The giant pirate ship was destroyed in one blow. The sailboat that Reinhardt was riding in could be destroyed in a single blow.

Seeing the trajectory of the cannonball flying, Moselle quickly unloaded the spear and fired a shot at the sky. After a clear bang, a thunderous bang came from the sky, followed by a storm caused by a strong energy. Spread over.

   Mosel's gaze was suddenly taken aback. After smashing the pitch-black shell, two of the same shells rushed in from the air, and they were about to collide.

  Oops... There are actually two shells left.

   Mosel thought subconsciously, but the sniper rifle in his hand is a single shot. If it takes at least one second to change the bullet, the two bullets will inevitably hit the sailboat within one second.

Mosel did not consider whether Reinhardt would take action, because he was the first line of defense against the air, and any fire attack against the air was always solved by him. If this kind of matter had to be solved by the eldest brother himself , Then what face does he have a foothold in the family.

   I had committed a huge mistake on Sky Island a long time ago, but my eldest brother didn't blame myself. If he didn't fail to show value, even Reinhardt's cronies would gradually be marginalized in the future.

Especially in the last battle with the Evil Spirit Pirates, he did not show a very good battle. If the air threat can not be solved, what kind of way and value will he exist in Reinha in the future? Where is the special work agency?

   Are you loyal?

   Ha ha... That thing is very valuable, because for those who are strong, that thing is not valuable, for those who are weak.

   At three ten thousandths of breath, countless fragments flashed in Moser's mind, thinking like an accelerated machine spinning, and then the sniper rifle in his hand fell off, and the moment his right hand was vertical, a revolver slipped off.

   Seeing that the domineering color was running to the extreme, Moser held the revolver with one hand, raised his hand and fired two shots at the air.

   This was a complete blind shot. The eyes didn't see the two shells at all, but relying on the excellent experience and domineering, it still hit the shells smoothly.

   After two booms, a huge fire broke out in the sky. The endless fire light seemed to spread across the air as a net of energy, spreading directly towards the three sailing ships, and it was about to cover the sailing ships.

After seeing this thrilling scene, Blatt, who was standing next to Moselle, directly removed the giant axe from his shoulders, his body suddenly turned, and the giant axe in his hand swung toward the spreading fire energy. A powerful air stream sprayed out, directly canceling out the energy of the firelight.

"Big brother, it seems that those **** rushed towards us." Facing the pirate group, Blatter had recovered his calm, and after an angry glance at the distant fleet, he turned to look at Reinha. Special, hesitated, "Since I'm not here, do you want to... kill them first."

   "Hehe, it seems that the cadres of my Qiwuhai name are useless at all."

Reinhardt laughed suddenly. He just saw clearly the figure that appeared on the cadre ship. The tall man with red hair, black and white scarf, and trident in his hand, is he the one of the three generals of the Pirate Group? First, Kata Kuri.

  The two men and a woman beside him, Charlotte Dafuku, Charlotte Irving and Charlotte Bree.

   Reinhardt chuckled and said, "Since we are the first to shoot at, it means that the other party has provoked a war, and we never back down in the face of war."

   At this point, Reinhardt laughed: "Brothers, let's do it."

   Meester, Blatt, Mosel, Bender, and the empty-faced Ainilu were all immediately ready for battle.

   After Reinhardt gave the order, the sailor Weiss behind him yelled anxiously: "My lord, that's the pirate group, you really want to fight the other party?"

   "Hey, you coward, Weiss, don't raise other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige." Blatter screamed dissatisfied, swinging the giant axe in his hand with a bang.

"I'm not a coward." Weiss yelled. After following Reinhardt for many years, he has long been acquainted with the members of Reinhardt. Although his combat effectiveness is not good, his sailing skills are getting better and better. high.

"Weiss, pay attention to the channel and don't deviate from the direction." Reinhardt didn't answer directly, but instead asked, and then pulled out the long knife from his waist, facing Blatter, Meister and others. "This is our first battle in the new world. Everyone must perform well, but you must not lose the reputation of Qiwuhai."

   As soon as the words fell, Reinhardt immediately jumped off the deck, and then ran forward for more than ten meters with his feet on the sea, and his right hand holding the sword suddenly shook.

   The sword body was inserted into the sea, and the sword was vigorously raised, banging like a stream, the world's shaking like a tide fighting for its head, turned into a hundred-meter long dragon composed of sea water and rushed over.

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