The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 789: Identity exposure

Remember in one second【】

"It seems that for a person who is not afraid of death, other threats will obviously not have any effect."

Reinhardt shook his head, and the answer to Marco was also expected.

"Mosel, bring the Hailou stone handcuffs."

He turned to Moselle and said.

Mosel nodded, unfastened a handcuffs of sea tower stone from his waist, and then locked Marco's hands.

"Although we cannot avoid becoming enemies, but I respect you, Baibeard has a son like you, so he should be able to rest in peace below."

The handcuffs were fastened, Reinhardt patted Marco on the shoulder, and then used the command Heal Acceleration to treat his injury.

"Why, won't you kill me?"

Marco froze for a moment, looked at the Hailou stone handcuffs on his hand and asked.

"You have been defeated by me, and my purpose has been achieved. There is no point in killing you."

Speaking of this, Reinhardt paused slightly, "Although I won't kill you, I can't let you go. As an enemy, not killing you is my respect for you. If I let you go back, it would be my stupidity. "

"From now on, I will spend the rest of my life in Lei Ting. Although it is a pity to lock up a strong like you, this is the most compromised way."

Marco looked at Reinhardt with an angry face: "I will never be able to work for you. You should die early."

Of course he knew why Reinhardt didn't kill him but locked him up. It was because Reinhardt needed his own level of combat power.

"I always don't like to do things that are difficult for a strong man." Reinhardt smiled and shook his head, paused for a while, and then continued: "If one day, I start a world war, and at that time, our common enemy Will become the world government, how will you choose?"

"What world war?" Marco was stunned, he didn't understand what Reinhardt meant.

"I don't know what a world war is, but I have a hunch that this final battle will inevitably come in the near future. By then, no one in the world will be able to escape."

"Yes... is it?"

Marco said softly, looking at Reinhardt's starry gaze, there was an absurd feeling in his heart. This guy seemed to be certain that this war would happen in the future.

"The times have changed, and the waves of this sea in the future will only become more turbulent, and I will definitely become the person who leads the waves of the times."

"You are very arrogant!" Marco said and fell silent.

Reinhardt is also not interested in continuing to speak. In this situation, no matter what Marko's decision is said, there will be no change, but the future is not necessarily.

He does not kill Marco, but locks Marco. On the one hand, because Marco is a respectable strong man, on the other hand, he wants to hold Bao in the future and wait until a world war breaks out. When he was alone, he believed that Marco would make a choice.

"Take it down and lock it up."

As he said, Reinhardt waved his hand, and several subordinates in the distance came over and took Marko away.

After this, the Black Duke Pirate Group began to examine the losses caused by the war. …

When the Whitebeard Pirates group brought by Marco announced its retreat, no one in this sea could stop Reinhardt from marching towards the Four Emperors. The rest of Whitebeard’s territory, I believe It won't be long before they can be completely occupied, and at that time, the new four emperors will be born.

After half a day, the battlefield was finally cleaned.

The next day, news broke out that the Black Duke Pirates defeated the white beard group led by Marco. The newspapers issued by the World Economic News spread through the albatross birds in every corner of the world. For the Reinhardt reported in the newspapers As well as the deeds of the Black Duke Pirates, most people will not be surprised, because in the past few months, Reinhardt has always been able to make big news, and the succession of big news has made them numb.

After a night of carnival, the Black Duke Pirate Group regrouped and started sailing towards the next island, and the pace of the attack accelerated again.

Three months later, the Black Duke Pirates group led by Reinhardt finally completely occupied the territory of the White Beard Pirates. After occupying 70 islands under the White Beard Pirates group, the Black Duke Pirates Group His sphere of influence is completely formed, but he still sets his base camp in the Kingdom of Leiting, Music Island.

In the past three months, many major events have occurred worldwide. The first is the pirate camp. The black duke pirate group's frenzied expansion has taken all the territory of the white beard pirate group in one fell swoop.

Marco of the White Beard Pirates disappeared, and the remaining White Beard Remnants were defeated again by Edward Weibull, who claimed to be the White Beard II. They defeated all the remaining captains of the White Beard Remnants. After that, Edward Weibull was invited by the world government with great strength to become a member of the new Seven Martial Seas under Kings.

At the same time, Qiwuhai under the king also ushered in two other new members. Bucky, the clown who showed up in the war on the top, was invited by the world government to become the Qiwuhai under the king, codenamed "Qianliangdaohua", and Bucky used The strong prestige gained in the war on the top has recruited a group of powerful mercenaries, established the Bucky Express Company, and made a lot of waves in the new world.

The last member of the King Qiwuhai was Trafalgar Luo, a supernova from the Chambord Islands a year ago. He exchanged a hundred pirate hearts for the name Qiwuhai, code-named ‘Death Surgeon’.

After the war on the top, the world government cancelled many of the quotas of the seven princes, and at the same time added power.

^0^Remember in one second【】 Bucky, Luo and the three enter the Seven Martial Seas under the King.

The world government has completed the world conscription plan. In addition to adding two new generals, it also added a large number of troops. At the same time, the navy headquarters moved to the new world to deter pirates.

After the top war, a large number of new pirates appeared all over the world, and countless young people chose to go out to sea to become pirates. Therefore, pirates attacked and looted everywhere in the world, especially in the seas where the naval forces of the Four Seas were relatively weak .

During this period, the World Economic News reported an explosive news that more than a decade ago, the world government went to the North Sea to destroy an ancient kingdom on the seabed, and Reinhardt was the only survivor of the ancient kingdom.

This news caused an uproar around the world, especially those who are interested in the 100-year history of the blank, are more interested in this news, because they believe that the ancient kingdoms that were eliminated by the world government must have been established with the world government that year. And the one hundred years of strength that was actively destroyed has a huge relationship.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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