The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 793: The pace of the navy's offensive

   After hearing this, everyone was slightly surprised, and then Meester asked Weiss, "Weiss, when can I get to Music Island?"

  Wes took the chart and looked at it for a while, then he pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "About two hours."

   is not necessarily accurate, but it is in this time frame.

   "Okay." Meester nodded, and solemnly said to Reinhardt, "Boss, we will disembark in two hours, and Music Island will be handed over to us. I promise that we will keep Music Island."

   Reinha characteristically nodded: "Just do your best. If things are really impossible, then give up Music Island. Although these sites are important, you are the foundation of the Black Duke Pirates."

   Of course, this is just a later story. If things really get to that point, he will give up Lei Ting Kingdom without hesitation. Even the entire Music Island is not as valuable as any member of the [Three Aces].

   "I understand." Meester nodded, and then took a deep breath, turned his head and continued to ask, "Can the North Sea catch up?"

   "Yes, with the current configuration of the Milky Way Stars, we can go directly into the North Sea in the windless zone, and we will be able to reach it in a few days."

  Weiss nodded and said.

   "It should not be too late, we will work separately, and we must ensure that this operation is not leaked in advance."

   Reinhardt said in a deep voice, the news of the Galaxy Stars returning from the new world must be kept secret, otherwise the world government will know about it and other actions will be taken.

In other words, when the world government launched two demon-killing orders at the same time this time, it was aware of the great threat of the Black Duke Pirates. If the two demon-killing orders were successfully resisted, it would be for him to develop his power in the world. Has a greater promotion effect.

   Two hours later, the Galaxy Stars successfully returned to Music Island. After disembarking from the [Three Aces] [Seven Armed Forces], the Galaxy Stars headed towards the North Sea.

   Five days later, in the sea area of ​​New World Music Island, the sea was calm and there was no sign of sailing. The waterway in this area seemed to be blocked artificially.

At this moment, the sea was undulating, the waves were surging, and then a large number of warships appeared. On the warships, black navy flags were fluttering, and the white sails were also the symbols of the navy. On the bow of the warships were three-barreled artillery. There are also a large number of barrels hidden around.

There are a total of ten battleships, each with 1,000 soldiers. In addition, on the deck of the battleship, there are also five lieutenants and a tall man with black curly hair. This man became the navy. The general is no more than two months of Green Bull.

   This is a naval battleship, which came to carry out the order of killing demons, and the target was the Kingdom of Leiting, the island of music.

  The fleet of slaughter the magic order was very fast, but it was close to the port of Music Island in twenty minutes.


   The soldiers on duty in the harbor immediately roared, everyone was shocked and saw ten huge warships rushing towards the harbor.

   "The Navy's Demon Slayer Order is here!"

   "Immediately organize fortifications to prevent the navy from rushing into the port."

   The soldiers shouted immediately.

   "King Mestre ordered everyone to go into battle, start the port defense fortress, and shoot with ammunition."

   Someone started to direct.

   However, the Kingdom of Lei Ting was obviously prepared for a long time. Facing the sudden demonic killing order, he did not panic, and entered into a state of battle in an orderly manner.

Bang, bang, bang... the artillery in the port of Music Island started firing, and the naval warships rushing over also fired at the same time, but the five lieutenants flew over from the warship with moon steps and landed directly on the port’s fortress. And destroyed a large number of artillery.

   "Boss Mestre, just let the navy come in like this?"

   Koselops, standing behind Mestre, asked, if they don’t stop now, the navy will break through the fortress’s fire blockade.

   "Navy and air combat are not our advantages. We must let the navy come in and let them land." Meester nodded and continued, "But we won't let them rush in so easily."

"After the Navy has landed in the port, we [Three Aces] will join forces with the Chief of Staff Saab to block the admiral. You seven will eliminate five lieutenants and ten rear admirals. The four chiefs of the Revolutionary Army will be mixed among the soldiers. Resist the ten thousand navy."

   Meester said to the seven people including Koselops standing behind him.

   As the [Seven Armed Forces] of the Black Duke Pirate Group, their immediate leader is Meister.

   "Understood." Vlad grinned eagerly, with infinite hatred for the navy that put him in the underwater prison.

   "We will entertain these navies from afar."

   "Boss Mestre, why don't Koserops and I attack the navy ship from the bottom of the sea?"

   Minotaurs said.

   "Yes, we are murlocs, and the bottom of the sea is our home ground. We are confident that we can create a huge current to overturn two naval ships."

   Koselops also said in a deep voice.

   "No!" Meester immediately shook his head, "This time the opponent has the power of an admiral. Once you are discovered by him, there is a high probability that you will not be able to come back."

As Meister, who has played against the Admiral himself, he knows the great strength of the Admiral very well. Even if the admiral codenamed "Green Bull" is only recruited by the world government, he must be a monster to become an Admiral. General strength, this is also one of the reasons why Meister wants to [Three Aces] plus the Revolutionary Army Chief of Staff Sabo to join forces to resist the admiral’s You have not fought against the admiral, never I know how terrifying the admiral is. "

   At this point, Minotaurs and Koselops died.

   After a while, the harbor fortress was destroyed, ten naval warships rushed in, and countless artillery was flying towards the island.

   At that moment, lightning flashed in the sky, and a stout thunder fell down.

  God’s sanction!

Aini Road on the shore wielded a golden rod, and a white thunder pillar pierced down from one of the battleships. With a bang, a powerful electric current spread, directly piercing the battleship through, and a large number of navies were buried under the electric current. All of them fell into the sea.

   "Yehahaha...I'm standing here, the navy is a living target!"

   Ainilu laughed arrogantly.

   After seeing this scene, Meester also smiled.

   "Saab Chief of Staff, I'm sorry to trouble you."

   "You are welcome, our Revolutionary Army and your Black Duke Pirates themselves are partners, and Uncle Reinhardt is kind to me. I haven't thanked him personally yet."

   Sabo smiled indifferently. After more than a year, he has recovered from the sadness of Ace's death.

   "Everyone, it's going to be on."

   Seeing the navy start to land, Meister said, then combined the baton into one and rushed over.

  The sky full of artillery was flying in the sky, but most of them were destroyed in the flying path, and only a small part fell on the island.



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