The Black Duke of Pirates

Chapter 795: 1 life general

   finally can't help but shoot?

Reinhardt, who was far above the clock tower, chuckled lightly after seeing this scene. The comet energy formed by the fusion of these nine clock towers is not something ordinary people can resist. Even if the five lieutenants block together, they can only Stop part of the comet energy attack.

   It was the horror of this energy that felt the horror of this energy, so the admiral was prepared to take action to block this blow all his life.

   Thinking of this, Reinhardt turned his head and smiled at Fiona beside him: "You wait here, I will block the admiral."

   As he said, a rotating blue planet appeared in the palm of his right palm. The planet instantly expanded, enclosing the entire clock port, and the range of [Planet] also covered the warship where Fujitora was located.

   The next second, before Fiona could answer, Reinhardt's body turned into a blue star and disappeared in place.

Fujitor, who was about to slash his sword towards the crushed starlight torrent, moved his ears slightly and felt a horrible aura appearing around him, so he whispered to himself: "Here... Reinhardt. "

   huh...The stick knife in Fujitora's hand was pulled out, and it was severely cut towards the starlight torrent that was crushed in the sky.

  Gravity Knife·Big Tiger!

   The terrifying gravity accumulated on the knife spread around the body, and this space seemed to be distorted strangely. The moment Fujitora held the stick and swung the knife away, gravity sprayed out.

   But at this moment...Boom!

A pitch-black straight-bladed knife pierced through the air and directly collided with Fujitora’s stick knife. The force of the metal impact erupted, and the entire warship sank suddenly. The surrounding waves were crazily ups and downs. After the formation of a hurricane, As if turned into a sharp thin blade.

"Admiral for life." At this time, countless navies screamed in shock after seeing the attack of the admiral for life were resisted, but after they screamed, they discovered that the man who blocked the general for life was the Black Duke Reinha. special.

   "It's the Black Duke Reinhardt!"

   "Why did the Black Duke suddenly appear in the North Sea? Didn't the Black Duke Pirates take over the White Beard Pirates in the New World?"

"How can it be?"

   "Has the news of the slaughter of magic orders been leaked in advance?"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible, this time the news of the Demon Slaying Order cannot even be known in advance by the lieutenant general of the headquarters, how could Reinhardt know?"

   "But why did he suddenly return to Beihai?"

   "At the speed of the Black Duke, even with the galaxy stars, it would take at least seven days to return to the North Sea from the new world, but the Kingdom of Polkalia clearly showed that it was prepared in advance."

   Lieutenant General, Major General, and other marines were all astonished at this. They thought of a lot for a while, but they couldn't believe it.

   "Don't worry about that, block the comet in the sky first."

   The five lieutenant generals withdrew their shocked gazes, and rushed towards the torrent of stars crushed in the sky without hesitation.


"Ah... how can it be so terrifying!" One of the lieutenants couldn't help but screamed. The weapon in his hand was shaken by the torrent. The torrent ran over the body of the lieutenant and directly hit one of the warships. To destroy the warship directly.

   "Be careful, the attack of this starlight energy is very powerful."

   After seeing the Lieutenant Admiral's companion directly knocked out by this energy, the other lieutenants reminded them loudly.

   The torrent of starlight smashed down one after another, booming... and destroyed two naval warships, but after that, the huge torrent slowed down, and what followed were relatively weaker beams.

   The Navy’s Demon Slaying Order had just been in contact with it, and three warships were instantly destroyed. This was a great loss to the Navy.

It can be said that the attack of this torrent of starlight caught the navy by surprise. The navy did not expect Reinhardt to return to the North Sea ahead of time for arrangement. It did not even expect that the energy jetted from the clock tower was so terrifying. Attack power.

The specific information of Reinhardt’s fruit ability is well known all over the world. It’s impossible for the Navy to know that those tall towers can emit comet energy, but if the clock tower is to be effective, Reinhardt must be within the radiation range of the clock tower. can.

   In the final analysis, it was because the Navy did not expect Reinhardt to appear suddenly.

   The starlight continued to shuttle, and within the range covered by [Planet], there was also a large amount of comet energy shuttled back and forth.

   Fujitora held the rod and knife with his right hand, and resisted Reinhardt's [Nightmare], both of them erupted with a powerful aura, driving the air currents.

   "Long time no see, the blind man will live..." Reinhardt also held the straight blade in his left hand, and chuckled the rattan knife horizontally, and said with a chuckle, "No, it should be called the general of life now."

   "It's been six years," Fujitora replied in a deep voice, "The scene in Guran Tezolo's casino that day, the old man has not forgotten it."

   "It's rare that you remember, no one thought that six years later, you would lead someone to attack my site." Reinhardt chuckled.

" The world is unpredictable, and the old man did not expect you to become a pirate one day." Fujitor replied, and continued, "As an admiral, it is the old man's duty to destroy the pirate. "

   "Since it is an opposing faction, then it must be true."

   "The old man thinks so too."

   said, the two arms exerted force at the same time, and the vibration formed by the force extrusion caused the surrounding space to be greatly distorted. Under this terrifying force, the layers of space burst.


   The two blades continued to vibrate, and Reinhardt felt the terrifying gravity coverage, and his body was like a million tons of boulders added out of thin air, and his feet made a crackling sound on the deck.

   Although this warship was extremely strong, it still couldn't hold it under this strong gravity, and dozens of tiny cracks began to appear.

   "If this goes on, this ship will be destroyed, do you want to see so many colleagues buried on the bottom of the sea?" Feeling the soles of feet shaking and fragile, Reinhardt couldn't help laughing.

   "Every navy is a good swimmer, and it's okay to fall."

   Fujitora laughed, and then his right hand suddenly increased his strength, and the huge pressure went down from above. With a bang, the navy warship immediately shattered, and there was a pit more than 20 meters on the deck, and a large amount of sea water poured into the warship.

   Even if this warship has not been completely destroyed, after the deck is destroyed, the warship can no longer be used anymore. Seeing that the sea is getting more and more water, it will sink soon.

   "General in life, the warship is destroyed."

   The navy's call came from the warship.


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