The black light virus devourer starting from Naruto

Chapter 117 117: Disguised Collector

Kline Prison cannot hold Star-Lord and others. Soon they will escape from prison and temporarily form an alliance. Then they will take the power gems to the barren land to trade with collectors.

Wang Dian directly deleted Yondu's memory, then used Yondu's authority to tamper with the system, then took away a spaceship and set off towards the barren land.

The reason why Wang Dian deleted Yondu's memory was because he was afraid that Yondu would run to find Star-Lord in advance because of Wang Dian's incident, and wanted to prevent himself from contacting Star-Lord.

Bijing Yongdu is talkative and cruel to Star-Lord all day long, but in fact, he cares about Star-Lord more than anyone else, just like he is Star-Lord's biological father.

Back then, Yondu was hired by Star-Lord's father, Egg, to find his descendants on planets in various countries to see if any of them had inherited his celestial bloodline.

Yondu searched many planets and finally found Star-Lord, but for some reason Yondu was so kind-hearted that he did not hand Star-Lord over to Egg, but told him that he had no descendants.

In the end, Yondu took Star-Lord with him and followed him, an old ruffian. Star-Lord eventually became a little ruffian, and because Yondu protected him everywhere, Star-Lord was lawless.

Thinking of this, Wang Dian suddenly thought that it seems that Yi Ge has the blood of a god and has the power to control a planet. I don't know if it belongs to the category of power of rules?

Wait until you get the power gem to swallow this guy. I think you can get a huge improvement in physical fitness. After all, he has energy at the level of a planet.

Five hours later, Wang Dian's spaceship reached the barren land under automatic navigation. Wang Dian put the spacecraft into an independent space, and the space crossed to the barren land.

Then I read the memories of several aliens and found the collector's residence. This guy didn't hide his location and lived in the center of the illegal trading business district.

Wang Dian came to the door of the collector's house. The door opened automatically. The collector was playing with something inside: Take it out and see if you brought anything interesting.

If I think it's valuable, I'll give you a satisfactory price!

Wang Dian smiled and instantly activated his spiritual power to the maximum extent, and then instantly controlled the collector, and also controlled all the lives of other races in his collection.

Wang Dian felt like he was a little too nervous. The Collector in the anime was very powerful, had the ability to predict the future and time travel, and was immortal.

His immortality comes from a death gamble with the five original gods that exist in every Marvel universe. After losing to death, he was cursed to never die.

Even if his body is bombarded to the point where no molecules are left, his soul will continue to exist, and then the soul will automatically absorb molecules to reconstitute his body and he will never die.

This setting is like Deadpool, but the collector in front of Wang Dian just has a special long-lived alien with close to infinite vitality cells.

Wang Dian directly read the other party's memory: Good guy!

Your memory is too long!

It almost feels like a history book recording the history of the Marvel Universe!

It took Wang Dian a day to read all the collector's memories, and then imprisoned the collector and his servants in the basement.

Fortunately, the intelligent system used by the collector is not the kind with autonomous consciousness. Otherwise, if Wang Dian controlled the collector, the intelligent system would have already controlled the surrounding defense systems and started attacking.

Although those attacks have no effect on Wang Dian, it will be very troublesome if the collector's home is destroyed and he has to spend a lot of time to clean it up.

Looking at the dirty and messy environment around him, Wang Dian's mysophobia reached its limit once again. Direct and invisible power quickly controlled everything and started to tidy it up, placing everything neatly.

Then Wang Dian began to look at the collector's collection. Some of the collections were cultural relics left behind by some destroyed civilizations, although they were rare and precious.

But for Wang Dian, it has no effect, and it can be said to be worthless, because Wang Dian cannot understand the historical atmosphere of what he did.

As for the other part of the collection, there are living animals, special creatures from various galaxies and planets, and alien intelligent life from these planets?

Wang Dian looked at an alien who was still alive soaked in nutrient solution: This guy has quite weird hobbies!

I can understand collecting rare creatures, but I just want to create a zoo.

But what do you want to do by collecting aliens from other planets?

Do you want to follow Auntie's example and form the Ten Thousand Kingdoms?

But that's not right. Shouldn't we all collect girls? There are male aliens in your collection!

Wang Dian shook his head. Regarding these captured aliens, Wang Dian had no intention of rescuing them. After all, you are not from Earth, so I am too lazy to keep you alive.

Wang Dian came to the collector's secret room, where there were ether particles placed here by Asgard, which are the reality gems. Wang Dian took it as his own with a smile.

Then Wang Dian pretended to be a collector, and used the collector's character to spend the collector's money to help him buy several aliens who came to trade.

Three days passed quickly, and Wang Dian finally arrived at Star-Lord and his group. Star-Lord walked in with a smile on his face, holding a metal ball.

Behind him is the green-skinned Gamora, Rocket carrying a rocket launcher, a giant tree man looking around, and finally Drax with red lines on his body.

Wang Dian looked at Drax and felt it, he was really weak!

In the anime, this guy is a ruthless person who can challenge Thanos without the Infinity Stones, and has even killed Thanos in some multiverses.

But the Drax of this world is too weak. His physical fitness is only higher than that of ordinary people, and his physical fitness may be slightly stronger than Captain America.

Wang Dian pretended to be very happy and said: Look who is here, isn't it Gamora?

I'm very happy to see you. I think what I want should be in your hands, right? Let me see it quickly.

Star-Lord took out the metal ball from his pocket and was about to hand it over, but accidentally dropped it. Wang Dian raised his right hand and the metal ball flew directly into Wang Dian's hand.

Star-Lord looked at Gamora and said, Is this his ability?

Gamora whispered: I don't know.

Rocket shouted to Wang Dian: I've given you the stuff. Do you have our money?

The metal ball was suspended in front of Wang Dian. Wang Dian felt it carefully and found that it indeed contained an extremely huge power. As for the power of rules, he did not sense it.

Wang Dian smiled and snapped his fingers, the drawer behind him opened, and a metal card similar to a bank card floated in front of Star-Lord.

Wang Dian smiled and said, I'm very satisfied.

This is what you deserve. You have four billion star coins, and anyone can take the money inside anonymously.

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