According to my father's notes, there is a special metal in Wakanda called vibranium. Captain America's shield is made of vibranium mixed with other metals.

I have used Stark Industries satellites to scan Wakanda many times, but the core area cannot be scanned. Do you really think Wakanda is a remote place?

Roddy looked at Tony stupidly: Then why do they still apply for aid every year?

Tony began to quickly modify his armor: Who knows this?

Roddy looked at Tony's actions: Are you planning to go to outer space alone?

Tony pointed at Vision next to him: I'm not stupid enough to die alone.

Vision, please come with me later. You are a robot, and outer space does not have much impact on you.

Vision nodded: Okay.

Natasha said next to her: Then what should we do?

Stay to look after the house?

Tony opened his hands: Otherwise?

Rody also has experience operating the Patriot. I can transform the Patriot into outer space.

But this is not necessary at all. If Vision and I can't fight each other, he will die.

Rody rolled his eyes: Although what you said makes sense, I always feel that you are insulting me.

Tony smiled and continued to transform: I'm just stating a fact.

Natasha knew the seriousness of the matter: Do you want to tell the captain and them?

Tony looked at Black Widow: Can you contact Captain?

Natasha smiled: I have the captain's phone number.

Tony looked at the Black Widow with suspicion: Now I'm starting to wonder if you are a spy sent by Nick Fury!

Isn't Hawkeye also the spy sent by Nick Fury to Captain's side?

Natasha smiled and did not answer the question, but took out her mobile phone: Do you need me to contact the captain?

Tony hesitated for a moment: Call him. If Vision and I mess up, then the earth will only be yours.

Natasha quickly called Captain America. At this time, Captain America and others were taking a break in an abandoned building. The sudden ringing of the phone made Steve stunned for a moment.

Not many people knew his phone number. Steve took out the phone and saw that the number was from Natasha: Is there something wrong?

Tony said directly: I am Captain Tony Stark.

Steve was stunned again, but then Steve said in surprise: If you can call me, it means something big has happened.

Tell me what happened!

Tony smiled: What a surprise!

I didn't expect you to know me so well, captain. To make a long story short, there is a spaceship parked in the outer space of the earth.

I don't know whether this spaceship has anything to do with the Battle of New York three years ago, and I don't know whether the other party's intentions are good or evil.

I'm going to go to outer space with Vision to check it out. If anything happens to Vision and I, then the Earth will be up to you, Captain.

Steve instantly fell into entanglement mode. The Battle of New York three years ago was still vivid in his mind, and the entire earth was almost about to be invaded by an alien fleet and possibly ruled by aliens.

But now the matter at hand was very serious. Steve asked directly: Is this spaceship big?

How many people can it fit in?

Tony didn't expect Captain America to ask this: A small spaceship, based on its size, cannot have more than a hundred people at most.

After hearing this, Steve quickly made a decision: In that case, you should go investigate this spaceship first.

As much as possible, avoid conflict with opponents.

The Winter Soldier here told me that Hydra secretly trained a force, and the Winter Soldier was just one of them.

There are nine more powerful warriors than the Winter Soldiers. These people are the strongest agents selected by Hydra.

If they are released, they will launch attacks on the presidents of various countries.

The possible impact at that time will be no better than an alien invasion.

Tony sneered: You actually believe what he said?

He is from Hydra, and his words are not trustworthy. I think you were deceived by him, captain!

Steve said directly and decisively: Tony, he killed your father because he was controlled by Hydra people.

That's not his intention.

Tony interrupted Steve directly: He was controlled when he said he was controlled?

I won't believe everything he says anyway!

There is a saying in China that blood debts must be repaid with blood!

But I will put this matter aside for now. If I can come back from outer space alive, this matter is not over yet!

After speaking, Tony hung up the phone. Everyone around Steve heard what Tony said. Hawkeye Clint said: Captain, I think we have a round with Tony.

If the alien story is true, then the aliens dare to come in a small spaceship, which shows that the other party is absolutely confident in their own power to protect us.

Tony and the others are likely to get into trouble!

Steve glanced at Clint, then at Sam, Scott: There is a saying in China that we must first focus on internal affairs.

But the situation on Tony's side does require help, so Clint, Sam, and Scott, you three, go and assist Tony.

The Winter Soldier and I are going to solve the Hydra problem. Without Tony's obstruction, the two of us are enough to solve the problem.

After I solve the problem, I will go to you as soon as possible to make peace.

Clint thought for a moment: In that case, I know there is a place with supersonic fighters.

Steve smiled and said: Then what are you waiting for!

After Clint sent Steve and the Winter Soldier to a secret base of SHIELD, he quickly took control of the secret base and grabbed the supersonic fighter jet.

Steve said to Clint: I will solve this matter as quickly as possible.

Looking at Steve and the Winter Soldier leaving, Clint said to Scott and Sam: Let's go to the Avengers base.

Roddy looked at the modified suit that Tony had completed in ten minutes: Are you sure you can do it?

You are going to fight in outer space this time. If you are not careful, you may die of lack of oxygen.

Are you sure you don't want to give it a good makeover?

Tony smiled confidently, put on the armor and covered his face armor: I'm Tony Stark!

Don't worry, there is still a spare set of armor on the Stark Industries satellite.

I can replace it as quickly as I can at any time!

Let's go Vision!

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