Wang Dian estimates that the energy of ten suns can only set back the time of the entire earth for one day. If used on an individual, it can go back a long time, such as returning a person to a cellular state.

As for time travel, there are two types, one is traveling to the past, and this time travel is not a true travel to the past, but a travel to a parallel world in the past.

Because time cannot be reversed, forced reversal is like going backwards in time. Even if Wang Dian consumes ten suns, he can only go back one day on earth, let alone directly go back to the past.

Therefore, any act of traveling through time and returning to the past is returning to the past in a parallel world, not the real past. Changing the past cannot change the present.

It's a bit more interesting than traveling through the future. You enter the time stream. The time in the time stream is forbidden, but the time in the outside world is still lost.

You can come out of the time stream at any time and travel to the future, but each time you travel can only go forward, not backward, and consumes very little energy.

The next most interesting thing is the observation timeline. After this ability is activated, there are short-term observation and long-term observation. Short-term observation is to predict the future like prediction.

In an instant, you can predict the infinite possibilities in the next three seconds, but this prediction only knows most of the possibilities as much as possible, and cannot absolutely predict everything in the future.

You must know that if a person throws a coin heads and tails, there are two future possibilities. If he throws it again, it will be four future possibilities, and if he throws it again, it will be sixteen future possibilities.

To predict the future, any slight movement is equivalent to losing a coin. The probability will be doubled every second, so it can only be observed for a short period of time.

Because the longer the time, the more future you observe, so much that you can't determine whether the future is real or false, and the time it takes for you to make the observation only takes more than one second.

Then everything you observe based on this second will be invalid, and you need to re-observe countless futures based on the second after the transition.

Even the saints in myths would not be able to observe this kind of perverted timeline. Therefore, this kind of observation can only look at the general trend of the future and cannot be completely regarded as the future.

As for the long-term observation, it can only focus on an area or a person. After locking an area and a person, the conditions for future variables will be reduced a lot.

For example, Ancient One's observation of King Point's future and Stephen's observation of Thanos' future are all based on one person's observations. They can only observe the countless futures that emerge from this person's countless choices for the future.

And they are all related to this person, not the whole world, but even so, such observations are not 100%, and the longer such observations are made, the more variables there will be.

Unless the person you are observing will stay in one place for a long time and not make any changes for a long time, it will be variable for him to land with his left foot first and then his foot first when walking on the road.

After understanding the rules of the time gem, Wang Dian took out the space gem again and began to analyze it. Space and time are the most basic and core rules of the world, and they are also the most difficult rules.

Wang Dian also took almost a month to analyze, but compared to the power of time, Wang Dian did not gain much new power in space.

It's just that the mastery of the rules of space has become more profound. The space travel, space jump, space lifting, space confinement, space collapse, etc. that have been used before have all been improved.

Wang Dian used the rules of power to directly smash the three infinite gems, and then escaped underground to start practicing the rules, taking advantage of time and space to build a training ground.

Only one month has passed in the outside world, and Wang Dian has been cultivating there for ten years. In the past ten years, he has been mastering the rules of time and space. At this point, the power of the six infinite gems is combined into one.

Wang Dian felt that he was really like a god now. He stood up and moved around, then lay back, and a sofa appeared behind him to catch Wang Dian.

Wang Dian grabbed a bucket of popcorn with his left hand and appeared, and grabbed a bottle of Coke with his right hand. In front of his eyes, countless circular timelines appeared instantly.

Wang Dian held the popcorn, which automatically flew into his mouth, and then drank a few sips of Coke: Observing the timeline is just like watching a movie.

The picture formed by the timeline flows rapidly at a rate of several years per second, and the pictures in it almost all flash by. If you don't master the powerful power of time, you won't be able to see what is happening.

But Wang Dian naturally saw it. Wang Dian used Thor as the main observation timeline and saw Thor and Loki working together to fight against Hela, but they were still defeated by Hela.

However, Hela let Loki and Thor go under Frikka's persuasion, and in return Frikka persuaded everyone in Asgard to surrender to Hela.

As for Odin, Hela was sealed into the core of an unknown planet. Then Hela began to unify the nine realms, and Loki took the opportunity to pretend to surrender.

Then Loki brought the Asgardians to the Earth, pretending to attack the Earth, causing a melee between the Earth and the Asgardians, while Loki found the Avengers.

However, the Avengers didn't really believe in Loki, but thinking that Thor was still imprisoned in Asgard, they still chose to believe in Loki for the time being.

And now Asgard has attacked. Although it has not caused huge damage, if Hela is as powerful as Loki said, then using the earth as a battlefield is not a good idea.

The Avengers followed Loki to the Nine Realms. Loki continued to recruit people from the Nine Realms who were persecuted by Hela's army. In the process, Loki came up with a plan.

That is to send Surtur's skull to the treasure house of Asgard and combine it with the eternal fire, thus making Surtur immortal and allowing him to fight against the invincible Hela.

During the battle in the nine realms, the Avengers became stronger. Tony also created a magical rune armor, and then the decisive battle began!

The Avengers and the people of the Nine Realms went to fight and believe in Hela, Loki went to place Surtur's skull in the eternal fire, and then released Thor to take the Asgardians to evacuate.

The final ending is almost the same as Thor 3, although the process is different. Hela's power comes from Asgard, and Surtur has the eternal fire and immortality.

The two fought in darkness until the entire Asgard collapsed completely, forming a huge black hole that swallowed them all. As for the Avengers, they all returned to Earth.

The Asgardians dispersed to settle in the nine realms. Then Thor began to search for the sealed Odin in the universe, and Loki became the new king of Asgard.

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