Just when Wang Dian was about to go down and join in the fun, Wang Dian suddenly felt the fluctuations in time and space. What's going on? Is there someone in this world who can travel through time?

Wang Dian stretched the space instantly, and two people suddenly fell in front of Wang Dian, an adult and a boy. Looking at the two Wang Dian, it felt a bit incredible!

Because the adult is obviously the grown-up Sasuke, and this boy looks almost like Naruto.

So this is adult Sasuke and Naruto's son traveling back in time together?

Adult Sasuke stood up and looked at this king point: Who are you?

Boruto touched his butt: Are we going back to the past?

Just when Wang Dian was about to question them, the bodies of the two of them instantly began to become void, and then the two of them disappeared directly in front of Wang Dian. What happened to Wang Dian who was so dumbfounded?

Why did these two people suddenly disappear?

I didn’t feel any energy fluctuations!

What's happening here?

Suddenly Wang Dian thought of a possibility. Was it because he had changed the past that the future had changed? Their future had disappeared, so they also disappeared?

Wang Dian carefully sensed the time and space fluctuations just now, and soon Wang Dian discovered that the frequency of the time and space fluctuations just existed in this world, and Wang Dian instantly came to the place where this frequency existed.

The surrounding area is like a museum, with various historical objects placed everywhere. These objects have a very long history, and they look like antiques at first glance.

In the center, a turtle lying on the mat saw Wang Dian and his first reaction was to tremble: Don't kill me!

I give you my power!

Wang Dian looked curiously at the ball of energy compressed into a ball in front of him. Wang Dian could feel a trace of the power of time rules contained in this ball of light: Can you see the future?

Turtle: This is the power I was born with.

I can observe all time during the period of my survival, whether it is the past or the future.

Wang Dian: It should be more than that!

Turtle: Yes!

“I can also travel through time by connecting with my past self and my future self.”

Wang Dian: So that's it.

So the son of adult Sasuke and possibly future Naruto traveled through time with your help?

Turtle: Yes.

Wang Dian raised his right hand to absorb the power of this time rule, and then quickly began to analyze this time rule. Soon Wang Dian understood the power of this time rule.

The power of this time rule brought Wang Dian a new understanding of time. It turns out that time is not really impenetrable!

Wang Dian has always believed that time can only go forward and not backward. Even if time is reversed, it can only go back the time of an area, such as a city, a planet, or a galaxy.

The larger the range and the longer the time, the more terrifying the energy consumed. Therefore, similar to traveling through the past in cartoons, movies, and novels, Wang Dian thought it was traveling to the past in a parallel world.

It's not really traveling through the past. This kind of traveling through the past changes the past, and it only changes the past of the parallel world. The future has already become a fact, so there will be no changes in the future.

But now it seems that time is not completely impenetrable. As long as it exists in the timeline, it will leave its own mark, and through these marks, one can travel through time.

If a person's time from birth to death is regarded as a timeline, then all the belongings on the same timeline as him will also have a timeline.

Countless timelines form a long river of time. To change time and travel back to the past, it is equivalent to cutting off all timelines, and the energy consumed must be terrifying.

But if you have a mark and a coordinate, you only need to find a timeline and follow this timeline to go back to the past where this timeline is located to interfere.

Then the impact you cause will only interfere with the timeline of everyone and things around this timeline, but will not interfere with the timeline of the entire world at all, so it will have little impact on the world.

It is true that you can travel through the past in this way, but because of your time travel, the moment you travel back to the past, the future has stopped evolving.

The future will produce a series of chain changes because of the changes you made in the past, but most people and things will not change much because of you.

This feels a bit similar to The Butterfly Effect, and a bit similar to the DC world's sacrifice of The Flash to restart the universe. For the universe, these don't matter and the world will still run.

Suddenly Wang Dian realized a serious problem!

If I now know that I can travel through time, does that mean my future self can travel through time and erase myself?

Or did your past self change something that caused your present self to disappear?

Damn, this is very dangerous!

Wang Dian's first reaction was to directly travel across the world, because after traveling through the world, his timeline in this world would be terminated directly, and a new timeline would begin in the new world!

Of course, the new timeline starts after I travel through time, and I am naturally the last person on the timeline in the future!

After Wang Dian traveled across the world, he came directly to the moon, and then began to seriously understand the rules of time. He must erase himself from the timeline!

Just like in mythical novels, you only exist in the present, and you do not exist in the past or future, because as long as you exist in the past and future, you may be killed by yourself!

Time passed day by day, and five years flew by. Wang Dian had been deducing in the spiritual field for nearly a hundred years, and finally made the rules of time clear and clear.

Then he erased the timeline on himself. From now on, time has no meaning to Wang Dian. Wang Dian will only exist for this minute and second of his existence!

Wang Dian breathed a sigh of relief: It's finally done!

It seems that I still don't really understand the power of rules!

The power of this time rule is obviously within the time rule that I have mastered, but I have not deduced it before.

It seems that I need to seriously study all the power of my rules!

It's best to study all the power of rules to the extreme!

Wang Dian once again began to retreat and study the power of rules seriously. With the power of rules obtained from the six infinite gems as the core, Wang Dian continued to deduce all the power of rules he now mastered.

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years, fifty years

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