However, most of the rules can be integrated into the rules that one currently masters. Except for the very special rule [Rule of Life], other rules can be integrated directly.

Wangdian tore apart time and entered the time domain. After searching, he did not find Dialga, the Lord of Time. However, this world can actually form a long river of time. Here, we can better understand the [Rules of Time].

Wang Dian was suspended cross-legged in the air and entered a deep level of understanding. A year later, Wang Dian opened his eyes. He had mastered all the [time rules] in this time domain!

Then the next step is the space realm. Wangdian tears the space apart again and enters the space realm. This place is similar to the long river of time, a place composed of countless [space rules].

It was more than a year of enlightenment, and then the energy space. After Wang Dian entered, he continued to understand. Another year passed in a hurry, and Wang Dian had mastered all the rules of this world.

If he has enough energy points, he can instantly create his own Pokémon world!

Wang Dian came to the new world instantly without thinking or hesitating, and instantly read all the information on the entire planet: Interesting!

It turned out to be Xingyue World.

Xingyue World is the world of Fate/Apocrypha, the world of the famous Holy Grail Legend, which summons heroic spirits to fight with each other to snatch the Holy Grail that can realize all wishes.

It also includes the world of Magician Night and the three worlds of Sky Realm and Tsukihime, but the current timeline is during the Fourth Holy Grail War of the Holy Grail Legend.

Suddenly, Wang Dian felt a weak [space rule] pulling on him, trying to take him somewhere. Wang Dian was stunned: Who wants to die like this!

Wang Dian didn't resist and just let the opponent pull him. The next second Wang Dian was dumbfounded. He was standing in the center of a magic circle. Oh my god, I seemed to be summoned as a heroic spirit.

The one who summoned him was Kenneth. In the original story, he should have summoned the Lance Knight Diarmait. Why did he summon himself instead?

Depend on!

It really makes people speechless!

The power I have is no better than that damn Holy Grail cowhide. If I directly use the power of rules to cover the entire earth, I can modify all the parameter settings of the earth and even load the rules at will.

But Wang Dian soon changed his mind and realized that the Fourth Holy Grail War was still very interesting, especially when the three summoned kings from different eras collided with each other's ideas.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so join the wave of heroic spirits and participate in this war between heroic spirits!

The heroic spirits in this world are not the strongest. The power in this world can be divided into four levels.

The first step is conceptual existence, such as earth consciousness Gaia and human consciousness Alaya. These two existences do not belong to energy bodies or life bodies. They are thinking lives that have mastered the power of rules.

There is no death in their existence. As long as the earth still exists, Gaia will not die, and as long as humans still exist, Alaya will not die. The power possessed by both of them is very powerful.

They should have mastered the power of rules, but they cannot use their power casually, because there is restraint in this world, and the restraint will limit their power.

It's like there is a way of heaven in this world that is constantly balancing the world. You can learn and use the power of rules, but you absolutely cannot master them, let alone be able to override them.

The second step, the supreme life, is to put it bluntly, the life of the vocational high school is still a living body, but it has reached the strongest limit of its own planet, and can already use certain rules and even attach the rules to itself.

The third step is the heroic spirits, and they are the strongest among the heroic spirits, such as the King of Heroes. Of course, in addition to the heroic spirits, there are also magicians, undead, servants and other powerful ones.

The fourth step is ordinary heroic spirits and creatures that have mastered certain powerful powers. These people are only stronger than ordinary humans and may not even be able to deal with the national army.

Wang Dian sat down on the sofa next to him, looking at Kenneth who was entangled and confused. This guy was talking to himself and spraying himself at the same time. He had great potential to be a cross talk actor.

Kenneth: Damn!

How can it be!

How could I build the wrong summoning array!

How come there is a wrong summons?


I clearly summoned Diarmuid, the unparalleled chief warrior of the Irish Knights in Celtic mythology.

But there's no way this guy is Diarmait!

Who are you!

Tell me your real name!

Wang Dian completely ignored Kenneth: You want to know my name?

I'm sorry you don't deserve it!

If you really want to know.

Would you like to try the command spell?

Maybe I'll give in to the Command Seal and tell you my name.

Kenneth said decisively: Impossible!

You were summoned by the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail should have told you all the relevant information.

We will participate in the Holy Grail War later!

The command spell can more than double your strength.

This command spell can only be used three times. How can it be used in such a place!

Wang Dian smiled slightly, looking leisurely and contented. He held his left hand in the air, and a crystal cup appeared in his hand. In the crystal cup in his hand, wine as red as blood continued to ripple.

Wang Dian: Then you don't deserve to know my name.

Kenneth looked at Wang Dian stupidly: I've said so much, don't you understand?

We are in the same boat now!

If you die then I'll be eliminated.

If I die you will return to the Hall of Valor.

And if you don't tell me who you are, how can I use your strength to let you deal with the enemy?

I don't care if you are the heroic spirit I summoned, you must obey my orders!

Wang Dian glared at Kenneth: Are you following your orders?

I'm afraid you haven't woken up yet!

Do you know who I am?

I am the king of the world who controls countless worlds!

And I'm very disappointed to tell you that whether you die or not has no impact on me at all.

If you dare to talk to me with this shitty attitude again.

I will kill you now.

Kenneth looked at Wang Dian stupidly. He didn't know if what Wang Dian said was true. If it was true, then how powerful should Wang Dian be?

Then I may not be able to control the king point at all, except for three opportunities to use the command spell, nor can I ask the king point to do anything.

Suddenly, Kenneth thought that he could find out some basic information about his heroic spirit from the command spell, and thus see the basic strength and weakness of his heroic spirit.

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