Tian Linger: Yes, yes, Sixth Senior Brother, the food you cook is terrible.

Du Bishu looked shocked: I was hit, and I need Ling'er to be stable.

Tian Linger made a face at Du Bishu: I won't comfort you anymore.

Suru said with a smile: Boss, be careful when you go down the mountain.

The Demon Cult has been making moves recently. I don't know what they are going to do. If you have a chance, check it out.

Song Daren nodded quickly: It's Master's Wife.

Don't worry, I'm not young anymore, and I don't go down the mountain once or twice.

Besides, we will have brothers from other peaks with us this time, so it will be fine.

Suru: Come down to my room and I'll give you some elixirs in case you need them.

Wang Dian remained silent throughout the whole process, because this is Zhang Xiaofan's character, placing himself inferior to others and minimizing his presence as much as possible, for fear of being noticed.

Naturally, Wang Dian couldn't become active all of a sudden, so it was obvious that something was wrong with him. After everyone had finished eating and left, Wang Dian cleaned up the kitchen bitterly.

After finishing it, Wang Dian returned to the room and began to sit cross-legged and meditate. Wang Dian began to practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao and used the ability of [Energy Control] to accelerate the absorption of energy.

Through comparison of Zhang Xiaofan's memory, he found that his energy absorption speed was more than a hundred times faster than Zhang Xiaofan's. At this speed, he would be able to reach the ninth level of Taiqing in just over a year. It was as if he had turned on a plug-in accelerator.

Zhang Xiaofan's life is a tragedy. Ever since his village was massacred, he has been treated as a pawn. He not only practiced Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, but also practiced Great Brahma Prajna.

Brahma Prajna focuses on laying the foundation, so the speed of cultivation will be very slow in the early stage. Once the foundation is stabilized, it will help people speed up on the path of cultivation.

There are two reasons for Puzhi to teach Zhang Xiaofan Brahma Prajna. The first is that Zhang Xiaofan's qualifications are very poor, so he needs this effort to improve his qualifications.

The second is that Puzhi hopes that Zhang Xiaofan will not be taken seriously due to his poor qualifications, so that no one will notice that Zhang Xiaofan practices both Buddhist and Taoist techniques at the same time.

So from the very beginning Pu Zhi had already used Zhang Xiaofan as a pawn, and Zhang Xiaofan didn't know this until he showed off his Buddhist skills in order to save Baguio.

Only then was the Buddhist forced to confess. In the end, he discovered that Master Puzhi, whom he had been protecting, was the murderer who massacred their village. In addition, Baguio died for him, and the righteous people wanted his life, so he immediately turned black. Became cold-blooded and ruthless.

Only then did he realize that there is no absolute right or wrong in the world, nor is there absolute right or wrong.

This world is full of sinister human nature!

Are all righteous people good people and never do evil?

Are all those who practice evil ways bad and never do good things?

If so, what is universal wisdom as the right path?

What did Baguio, as an evil person, do wrong?

Zhang Xiaofan's life is really a tragedy!

When he was a child, his village was massacred. When he grew up, his childhood sweetheart ran away with others. When he grew up, the girl he liked died for him.

The secret that he had guarded for five or six years, and the promise that he was even prepared to keep with his life, was actually helping to cover up the murderer who massacred his own village!



Wang Dian shook his head, why are you thinking so much? Anyway, I am not Zhang Xiaofan, and I have no plans to go down the mountain. As for picking up girls, I'm sorry, I, Wang Dian, have a black light virus, have no gender, and don't like girls!

The energy from one night's training was used by Wang Dian to strengthen the strength of his cells. The strength of his cells was significantly improved, but overall it was still explosively weaker than his peak self!

Wang Dian found that if he just practiced cultivation, it might take him more than a hundred years to get back to the top. This was completely unacceptable. He had to think of some other way!

Early in the morning, I made breakfast at noon, called all the senior brothers and masters to eat, and then went to the black bamboo forest to start chopping bamboo.

Naturally, Tian Linger, who was supervising the bamboo cutting at Wangdian, also came with him. Moreover, there was no one of the same age in Dazhu Peak who could play with Tian Linger, so Tian Linger liked to play with Zhang Xiaofan.

But Wang Dian doesn’t like it!

Wang Dian thought for a long time and decided to get a toy to send Tian Linger away. Wang Dian used unstable molecular control and took more than half an hour to secretly create a Rubik's Cube.

Then Wang Dian took out the Rubik's Cube: Sister, this is a toy I thought of. This toy is super interesting.

You see it's like this

Tian Linger ran over after hearing the introduction: Play with me, play with me.

Soon Wang Dian was dumbfounded. Wang Dian underestimated Tian Linger's brain power. As a genius in cultivation, his physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people, and his brain power was naturally far beyond that of ordinary people.

Although Tian Linger didn't understand how to play the Rubik's Cube, with his extraordinary mental calculations, Tian Linger completed the six-sided puzzle in less than an hour.

Tian Linger held up the Rubik's Cube: It's not that bad!

It's very simple!

Is there anything more fun?

Wang Dian's balls hurt, so I wiped them. It seemed like I couldn't get rid of him unless I got something he could play with for a long time. Wang Dian thought about it and quickly came up with a good idea.

In a fight with the dead, with Tian Linger's brain power, no intellectual toy can stump her, but what if this thing relies on luck instead of brain power?

Plus what if her opponent is a human?

Youdao has endless fun when you fight with others!

Wang Dian quickly created a game Monopoly, so he should be able to play it for a long, long time!

Wang Dian gave Tian Linger a thumbs up: As expected of my senior sister, she solved the Rubik's Cube so quickly.

I also have a fun game, but this game requires several people to play.

And I still have to do my homework. Let me tell you, you go and play with your senior brothers.

When Tian Linger heard this: Okay!

Wang Dian: The game is like this, first there must be a chessboard.

After Wang Dian introduced the rules of the Monopoly game and what is needed, Tian Linger's eyes lit up: This is fun, this is fun!

How about you play with me first?

Wang Dian said righteously: If that doesn't work, I'll have to chop down the bamboo.

Tian Linger snorted: It's boring.

After saying that, Tian Linger left. Wang Dian was so happy that he finally let this naughty kid leave!

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