The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 139: 10 second short sale

All members of the Gao Siqi agitation swallowing 1 experimental group have joined the Pangu Science and Technology Division, and are also preparing to put new ideas and experiments on gene expression regulation in the Pangu Science and Technology Division.

Apart from the experiments, Gao Siqi organized the experimental team members to set up a conventional laboratory in a square outside Jiangcheng University. Some experiments on phagocytosis of 1 colony can no longer be carried out in the school laboratory.

Xiao Xiaoming looked at the blank space on the west side of the Gaode Map Jiangcheng University, which is 15 kilometers away from the back door of Jiangcheng University. It was originally a vast farmland. Later, the nature of the land was changed for real estate development.

However, after 2016, Jiangcheng's finances were tight, and roads and supporting facilities for sewage pipelines were required. Jiangcheng abandoned its plan to continue to expand westward from the high-tech zone. This land has been barren there.

Developers are not very interested in this site, and they are not located far away from the main streets. The main reason is that there is no infrastructure.

In 2018, Jiangcheng City once again restricted purchases, and the developer completely abandoned the land, and the funds went to chase the better land.

Qijiang City is not a first-tier city or a popular second-tier city. The most important thing is land. Unless better land is developed, developers will not consider such a remote location.

Developers despise, but Xiao Ming deserves attention.

Pangu Technology currently has three divisions, Pangu, Tiangong System Division, Translation Dog Division, and Life Science Division. In addition to the construction of servers and biological experiments, the 14th floor of Guangyao Building and Xiaopingfangyuan outside Jiangbei City University Far from meeting Xiao Ming's requirements.

Xiao Ming began to think about the future development of Pangu Technology. Pangu needed an office building with comprehensive and integrated functions of experiment, scientific research and administration.

It is a good idea to buy this place to build the headquarters.

Xue Hai saw Xiao Ming staring at Gao De's map in a daze, and said, "Staring at an open field, what are you talking about? Hey, what are they doing now? Would you like to make an appointment this semester, last time I was just working and forgetting Leave Gong Xuejie's WeChat. Will you help me make an appointment this time? "

Looking at Xue Hai who was smirking, Xiao Ming returned to God and said, "You won't really be interested in your five-year-old school sister now."

Xue Hai smiled.

Xiao Xiaoming: "I k! Your kid is too lonely, don't even think about it while you go!"

Xiao Xiaoming ignored Xue Hai and continued to look at the map. There is a total of more than 3,000 acres of open land in this city, but everything is inseparable from money. Pangu Technology is still in a state of lack of money.

But this state won't last long. When the negotiations between Warwick and Pangu Technology were deadlocked, Liu Xingye made a special trip to Pangu Technology Headquarters to send Xiao Ming a hundred top-matched x1 and s1 series phones.

"Slightly express my heart." Liu Xingye and Xiao Ming were sitting in the conference room, he said very sincerely: "I came here today to see you just to report to you. The first series of mobile phones will be officially released on the entire network in three days. Currently, Three million people are fully booked, and three million people have paid for the appointment. "

上次 Liu Xingye did not meet Xiao Ming during the negotiation with Lin Li. This time he came to meet Xiao Ming.

Although Xiao Ming is two rounds younger than Liu Xingye, EO Liu Xingye, who adds three mobile phones, pays respect to Xiao Ming.

You Zhi is not in the high age. In the technology industry, the highlands of status are not ranked by age, but by your achievements.

兴 Liu Xingye knows the ecological chain of the mobile phone industry very well.

Hardware such as chip memory is absolutely upstream. Every time Qualcomm, Samsung, Hynix and other prices increase, Liu Xingye's heart also tightens.

The system is next, plus three mobile phones mainly do business in Europe, but also Google is out of breath.

It is equipped with Google Chrome, Google App Market, Google Maps, etc.

Although the Jiajia three mobile phone was born for playing games, it must meet Google's requirements on many desktop technical guidelines. Otherwise, Google will embarrass you in the end.

With such a clear mobile phone ecological chain, Liu Xingye has 100 respect for Xiao Ming.

Xiao Xiaoming took over a beautifully packaged X1 mobile phone and said, "General Liu is polite, and the success of the three mobile phones is also the success of Tiangong system. I think three days later, the two of us will definitely deepen cooperation."

Pangu Technology is also waiting for Pangu Technology to pay back after the sale of three mobile phones. After deducting the original 10 million deposit, 3 million mobile phones Pangu Technology will have a profit of 8.9 billion soft sister coins. Even after deducting the company's daily expenses, it has a net profit of no less than 8.5 billion.

This will be the first barrel of gold in the true sense of Pangu Technology.

After having a friendly and enthusiastic talk with Liu Ming, Liu Xingye returned to the headquarters of G3 Mobile, preparing to launch the mobile phone on the entire network three days later.

This time the Jiasan mobile phone uses a pure online model. In addition to the official website of the Jiasan mobile phone, tb, jd and other third-party official malls also sell it.

Twenty-three days later, on April 15th, the Jiasan mobile phone officially started selling, and the big test of Tiangong system and Jiasan mobile phone officially started.

Pre-sale and sales are two completely different concepts.

The user paid a deposit of 99 yuan during the pre-sale stage to the sales day and can automatically return it if not purchased, so how much of the three million predetermined amount will be converted into effective purchasing power, which still needs market inspection.

晚上 On the evening of April 14th, on Weibo's hot search ~ ~ plus three mobile phones tomorrow 0 will be released to become the fastest rising hot search.

On this day, EOs from mobile phone manufacturers such as Warwick Terminal Headquarters, Xiaomi, o, v stayed up all night to pay attention to the situation of G3 mobile phones.

On this day, at Google headquarters, Apple, Warwick and other headquarters, the boss and market technical analysts are also staring at the data from Xia Guo.

Google Android Division and Apple even sent someone to make an appointment early.

Laoshen City, plus three mobile phone headquarters.

兴 Liu Xingye stared at the big screen with his hips folded, feeling nervous, and today is also the time to decide the future fate of the plus three mobile phone.

He was agitated and at a loss.

0On April 15th at 00:00, sales will start.

Liu Xingye saw that the data on the big screen did not move!

兴 Liu Xingye determined that the data on the big screen was absolutely unchanged. Thirty seconds have now passed.

He anxiously asked the technician: "What's the situation? The users who made the appointment are just jokes, not even one?"

The technician looked at the data in the background and then stupidly looked at the boss.

"What the **** is going on! Is it a technical issue, or is there no one to buy? Speak!" Liu Xingye's heartbeat accelerated, and the last time he was so nervous was when the first plus three mobile phone was introduced to the market.

"Old ... Boss ..." The technician said with a trembling body: "10 seconds ... 10 seconds ... All channels within 10 seconds, all orders were completed and paid. One million mobile phones were sold!"

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