The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 308: Circle of friends in the industry

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Yanjing International Exhibition Center is the most advanced display platform in Xiaguo's technology field.

In addition to the place where Xia Guo Computer Conference is held, it is also the place where many technology companies' new products and technologies are held.

Last year, Xiaomi Technology released a new phone here. The previous year, Baidu launched an artificial intelligence program here and announced the development process of driverless cars.

Today, it will undoubtedly once again attract the attention of the global media.

Pangu Technology is located in the front row. On the left is the white ceo Li Hongfeng, and on the right is the ceo tension of Ali.

Ali's boss, Feng Yuan, has not come. He is participating in a small and micro enterprise development conference at the United Nations, but next month's Wuzhen Internet Conference, Feng Yuan will definitely attend.

There are big guys on the left and right, which is enough to show that the organizer attaches great importance to Pangu technology.

In the back of Pangu Technology, there are companies such as Lianxiang Group and 360, followed by ceos of various short videos, live broadcasts and news apps that have made a hit in the past two or three years.

This is a computer conference, not an Internet conference. The reason why they were invited to participate is because they have a good experience in the application of computer big data algorithms.

What is a big data algorithm? This word is tall, but it is actually a bit rogue. For example, if you search for some keywords on the webpage, then these short videos or advertisements of live software will push products related to keywords. If you keep clicking on short videos like beauties or funny, then these apps will always push short videos like beauties or funny.

This is the big data algorithm, which seems convenient, but the realization of artificial intelligence is not the case. Xiao Ming has reservations about this semi-intelligent, unwieldy and rogue approach.

This kind of big data can be considered not to serve users, but to serve soft coins. Company owners sitting here because of this technology do not know whether the word "user" is installed in their hearts.

People came one after another, and everyone's voice box opened.

The people in charge of the short video and the live app are talking about traffic, fans, monetization and other issues.

For example, the person in charge of the fast dance app proudly revealed that last year their annual revenue was 23 billion soft sister coins. The person in charge shaking hands said that his daily active number reached 2.3 billion. The two touted each other, and the topic was full of money.

Few people chat with Xiao Ming. Even though Pangu Technology has been very hot in the past two years, Xiao Ming is still an epidemic on this occasion. It was then that Warwick ceo Yu Zhendong greeted Xiao Ming eagerly after seeing Xiao Ming from a distance.

Xiao Ming originally planned to sit down, but found that there were only two places left for himself, and this time Xiao Ming, Lin Li and Zheng Xuanyu all came to the meeting.

Everyone saw the situation, but no one got up to make a seat.

Xia Guo's computing and Internet business environment is really strange. Xiao Ming actually met these people for the first time, but some companies have already regarded Pangu Technology as an enemy and an adversary, even if the two sides have no actual interests.

Zheng Xuanyu was very sensible and said, "I'll go back and sit."

Xiao Ming said, "Let's go to the back together."

The main reason is that Xiao Ming is really unwilling to listen to the bosses behind touting each other.

Xiao Ming nodded to Li Hongfeng and others, and then went to the regular guest seat in the back row.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the Xia Guo 2020 Computer Conference officially started.

Du Yongtao, the president of Xia Guo Computer Society, delivered an opening speech, summarized the basic situation of the development of Xia Guo computer industry in the past year, and thought about the future.

Among them, Du Yongtao mentioned Pangu Science and Technology many times in his speech. From system to chip, he gave Pangu Technology a high degree of affirmation, and he has passed through the rise of big data algorithms and new video media. This has made short video websites such as Kuaiwu. The person in charge is not very good.

While Du Yongtao was speaking, looking at the front seats, how did he find that there was no one in Pangu Technology? Didn't Xiao Ming come? Du Yongtao's face was not good, but the meeting still had to continue.

An hour and a half later, Du Yongtao summarized the most important part of the conference and announced the 2019 computer industry awards.

Du Yongtao said: "In recognition of the innovative achievements of our research institutes, scientific research institutions and technology companies in the computer field, we set up an innovation award. After deliberations and democratic resolutions by the organizing committee, we decided to award the ccf innovation award to Pangu Technology the company."

Although everyone knew the result beforehand, the scene was still full of applause.

Some people agree with this decision, after all, a technological innovation of Pangu Technology has indeed changed the international position of Xia Guo's computer industry.

Some people applaud on the surface, and their inner emotions are complicated. They are jealous of Pangu Technology. It is not the technological innovation of Pangu Technology but the market and monetization ability behind it.

The profit of a monopoly industry can be much higher than any short video or live broadcast website ~ ~ Everyone searches for the location of Pangu Technology, but finds no one.

"Pangu Technology is too arrogant, such an important conference does not even send people!"

"Some people are gone! Alli, Baidu and Penguin are here. Pangu Technology is not here."

There was a loud noise at the scene.

Du Yongtao said: "Although Pangu Technology did not send people to the scene, their contributions to the computer industry in Xiaguo cannot be ignored. Pangu System, Tiangong System, Prajna Chip and other series of scientific research innovations and achievements have been broken. Western tech companies have a monopoly on us. So please be quiet. "

Finally, reminded by the on-site staff, Du Yongtao and the staff at the meeting only discovered that Pangu Technology was not only here, but also owner Xiao Ming and the executive director and rotating CEO who were in charge of the computer Internet business came to the scene.

Everyone stood up and set their sights on Xiao Ming, and spontaneously gave warm applause.

Du Yongtao was embarrassed and blamed the staff at the scene, saying, "How do you let Mr. Xiao Ming and Mr. Lin sit in the back!"

This was a major mistake in the work, and the staff quickly pleaded, "It's Mr. Xiao Ming. They have one more person, and they don't have enough space in front."

These words should not have been said at the conference. It seems that the staff is really anxious. After all, such a big occasion and such a major mistake must be punished.

Lin Li immediately relieved the staff and said, "It's the same everywhere we sit. We do have one more person than the reported list."

Du Yongtao hurriedly invited Xiao Ming to sit down, but only after being rejected by Xiao Mingwan.

Du Yongtao lamented: "It is well known that our country and the West have a major technological gap in the computer industry. This gap is not only a gap in applications, but also a gap in basic technology and hardware."

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