The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 326: Sony's calculations

Nakamura is more sincere and hopes to reach this cooperation.

Xiao Ming said thoughtfully: "Pangu Technology can grant exclusive use rights to the Prajna chip to your company. I wonder if we can get technical support for your company's ternary battery?"

Xiao Ming's question hit the nail on the head, and Nakamura got stuck there.

Subsequently, Nakamura laughed a few times and said, "Mr. Xiao laughed and said, Pangu Technology's industry does not involve the new energy battery industry. But since it is a cooperation, everyone has a discussion. Panasonic can put lithium batteries in Daxia Country The right of agency is given to Pangu Technology, which is also mutually beneficial. "

Xiao Ming smiled and didn't speak.

This is indeed Panasonic's best sincerity. The exchanges between the two parties are on a par with each other. They exchange their respective core industries' agency management rights in the other country.

Panasonic will not tell Pangu Technology all of its core technology, and at the same time, Pangu Technology will not tell Panasonic the core technology of its chips, for a reason.

However, from the test, Xiao Ming made clear the importance of new energy batteries in the Panasonic Group.

Xiao Ming is not very interested in chemical energy batteries, and is interested in opening the market of Toyo.

After half a day of detailed talks, the two parties signed a cooperation agreement.

Article 1 of the agreement: Panasonic will become Toyo's first company to purchase Prajna chip and Pangu operating system.

There is a ban in front of Rice. As an ally of Rice, whether Panasonic can successfully introduce Prajna chips is still a question mark.

But allies are allies, and allies are built on the premise of interests. Toyo must have its own ideas, so Pangu Technology opened the Toyo market.

Article 2 of the agreement: After Panasonic has successfully introduced the Prajna chip, Panasonic will use and sell the Prajna chip as a priority agent for the Prajna chip in Toyo.

Article 3 of the agreement: Pangu Technology acquired Panasonic's ownership of an ncm811 battery factory in Yangcheng, which is a supplier of Tesla.

Xiao Ming wanted this factory not to make batteries for Tesla to make money, but to need a whole set of raw material procurement, production, and sales chains for chemical batteries. This is to lay out the future development of micro-core batteries.

In order for Pangu Technology to bring micro-core batteries to the market, it must first enter the field of battery industry.

The fourth and the most important thing for Xiao Ming is to strengthen the communication and communication between the grass-roots scientific and technological personnel on both sides.

Pangu Technology will refer to Panasonic's basic discipline talent training model to establish its own talent training system.

There are many advanced technologies in Xiao Ming's hands, but people need to implement them.

For a simple example, if you don't count one plus one, then you can't do anything to get the design drawing of the aircraft carrier.

The landing of science and technology products can only be achieved by relying on Xiao Ming alone. More basic talents are needed. It is a problem that Pangu must solve to cultivate its own talents.

"Wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Hope you good news."

Xiao Ming and Nakamura shook hands to the next stop, Toyota and Sony.

Compared to Panasonic's hospitality, Toyota and Sony are much colder.

Toyota, the world's largest car company, has a revenue of 300 billion meters in 2018 and a profit of about 28 billion meters.It has no intersection with the industry of Pangu Technology, and there is no demand for Pangu Technology products. Fengtai Nan also Be alert.

After all, in the field of driverless cars, Toyota has its own chip and operating system, and it doesn't want Pangu Technology, a chip, to grab its market.

Toyota did not give special courtesy to Pangu Technology. Therefore, Xiao Ming and his party were just ordinary receptions. Every year Xia Guo visited and visited Toyota. There were not 100 companies and 90 companies. Each one received them seriously, and Toyota was exhausted.

In the face of the routine explanations and eyes of the Toyota interpreter, he showed contempt for Xia Guoren from the heart.

This sentiment is quite unpleasant to Pangu Technology employees who came to visit.

Arrogance and disdain, this is the attitude of the other side.

Gen Xiaoming knows that there are still many Toyo right-wing forces behind Toyota's consortium, just for the group's interest in Xia Kingdom is quite low-key.

"Each car is purchased at a premium. The quality of Xia Guo and the quality of Toyo and Europe are completely two grades. I really don't know why many people still want to buy."

"That's it! Some time ago I was going to pick up a Lexus. There are two ways, either to make a 200,000 deposit first, and to raise the car three months later depending on the situation. Many consumers love it! "

Watching employees voicing, Xiao Ming said: "Aside from national feelings, why does Toyota sell well in the world and its profit far exceeds bba? Because of their technological precipitation, their workmanship. The reason why a company can To be successful all over the world is definitely not something that can be represented simply by the word 'fuel saving'. "

"When will they get their respect?" Xiao Ming laughed. "When they surpass them."

Xiao Ming did not return to any Toyota executives and left here half an hour after visiting the Toyota Science Museum.

And the employee who was preparing for Lexus gave up the car with the suggestions and objections of everyone and was going to buy one of the BBA instead.

In the automotive industry, domestic cars do have a big gap with the world's famous manufacturers, and this gap cannot be filled with patriotic feelings.

Tokyo, Sony headquarters.

The last leg of Xiao Ming's trip to the East.

Today's Sony is not the Sony of the past. All of Sony's hardware products have fallen into the altar. Now it supports Sony's semiconductor business and network services (games, music, etc.).

Under strong pressure at home and abroad, Sony's life is not easy.

The road from hardware to services is not easy.

After the Pangu system was released ~ ~ Sony has been paying attention to it. Xia Guo is a huge market. If you can catch the Pangu technology express and deepen the Xia Guo market, this is an excellent for old Sony opportunity.

The talks between Sony and Pangu Technology were very enjoyable, and they even directly expressed their support for the Prajna chip and Pangu system to enter the Xia Kingdom market.

"We hope to develop better games based on the Pangu system," said the new ceo Iwata.

But compared to Panasonic's sincerity and chips, Sony has too few things to come up with.

"We hope to develop better games based on the Pangu system," said the new ceo Iwata.

But compared to Panasonic's sincerity and chips, Sony has too few things to come up with.

"We hope to develop better games based on the Pangu system," said the new ceo Iwata.

But compared to Panasonic's sincerity and chips, Sony has too few things to come up with.


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