The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 380: First in medical history

(Correct the typo immediately)

In the operating room of the life science laboratory, Li Hongyan was lying on the operating table with the help of a nursing staff.

The doctor who is Li Hongyan's surgeon this time is the team of Professor Yang of the Department of Breast Surgery of the Affiliated Hospital of Jiangda University.

The team will perform the surgery exactly according to Pangu's plan.

Gao Siqi looked at Li Hongyan, who was in a good state of mind, and said, "Mr. Li, just take a nap. It shouldn't take too long."

Li Hongyan's psychological quality is indeed very strong. She smiled and said, "This time I am lying on the operating table for the fourth time, don't worry about me."

Gao Siqi nodded, "I still want to tell you the procedure of the operation. The operation is divided into three steps. The first step is to remove your lesion again. You know it has recurred again."

Li Hongyan is still very optimistic, "It is my luck that there is no proliferation."

"In the second step, we will take some measures to suppress the cancerous expression of your glands. This process will take a long time, about two hours."

Gao Siqi went on to say: "In the third step, we got your healthy breast cell samples from Union Hospital a week ago. After the laboratory's matching culture, the genes of these gland cells have completely lost the expression of cancer. Glands. These high-quality glands will be re-implanted into your breasts, because these gland genes are consistent with your body, so there will be no rejection. You will be healthy in three to six months. "

"The role of good-quality glands is not only to restore your **** to normal, but also to ensure that you will never have a recurrence of breast cancer."

Gao Siqi added: "Remove healthy gland cells from patients, regulate gene expression at the molecular level, make them into high-quality gland cells, and finally implant them into patients. This is our main research on gene expression regulation at the medical level direction."

Li Hongyan closed her eyes and said, "If the operation can be successful, I want to visit my parents at Yanjing's Siqinyuan."

"It will succeed."

After Gao Siqi told Professor Yang, she left the operating room.

Professional things like surgery are left to a professional team.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the meeting room in Pranjo Village simply could not hold hundreds of journalists and self-media.

Most reporters gathered in Prajna's square, waiting for the latest news.

The river in winter is cold and windy. After night, the outdoors can be uncomfortable.

The reporter of Litchi Video was all shrunk in his coat, and his voice was a little trembling, saying, "Dear netizens who are still standing in the live broadcast room, good evening everyone. It's eight o'clock in the evening, and the operation has lasted three hours. At present we We don't know what's going on inside. "

The reporter stood up with the camera of the mobile phone facing the square and said: "As you can see, the scene was very cold, but there were still many reporters waiting at the scene. We wish the operation all the best."

CNN reporters in Shanghai also came to join in the excitement, saying: "Xia Guo's Pangu Technology announced that they can completely treat breast cancer, and they are currently undergoing surgery on a patient. We hope that Pangu Technology will announce the details of this clinical operation. Information. As far as we know, Pangu Technology is an Internet company. "

CNN reporter apparently

They expressed their willingness to Pangu Technology's medical technology. They also selectively ignored a year ago when Pangu Technology successfully treated patients with liver cancer.

At eleven o'clock in the night, the operation was completed.

Professor Yang and Gao Qiqi came out of the laboratory.

Gao Siqi announced: "Successful surgery, we can announce that Mr. Li was completely cured, but there will be a three-month recovery period after the operation. After three months, Mr. Li can return to work. After six months, she will be like a normal person. And never worry about breast cancer recurring! "

Gao Siqi's announcement signifies a major advance in the history of human medicine, meaning that humans have finally successfully crossed the mountain of breast cancer clinically.

The reporters were of course cheering and applauding, and then there were some doubts.

"Mr. Gao, how can we guarantee that Li's breast cancer will not recur? Many people will not have cancer cells in their bodies after surgical removal of tumors, but they will recur after a while."

"Mr. Gao, will Mr. Li have chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the future? Or what are the follow-up treatments?"

"What is your life expectancy for Teacher Li?"

One by one the problems have been thrown up, especially the issue of life expectancy is quite acute.

Gao Siqi looked at the reporter who asked the question, her eyes were sharp and her aura was full. She said: "This treatment is targeted at Mr. Li's breast cancer and other cancers induced by breast cancer. Three Yanjing Xiehe Hospitals will conduct evaluations, and we will publish the evaluation report tomorrow morning. "

Finally, Gao Siqi said, "Thank you for your concern for Teacher Li. It's getting late, journalists are working hard. I hope everyone will go back to rest early."

After the reporter dispersed, Prajna Village is still the quiet and pleasant Prajna Village, but on the Internet, in the history of human medicine, tonight is bound to be inevitable.

In addition to Xia Guo's medical profession, the medical profession of Mi Guo is also paying attention to this incident.

Well-known medical institutions such as the Anderson Cancer Treatment Center, Mayo Clinic, etc. are assessing the revolutionary changes that Pangu's clinical trials have brought to the medical community.

By means of gene expression regulation, the cells of organs, glands and tissues become high-quality cells that never become cancerous ~ ~ This is indeed a treatment plan never in the history of human medicine.

If this plan was proposed by a hospital or research institute in Xia Guo, the Anderson Cancer Treatment Center and Mayo Clinic would both ignore it, thinking that it was Xia Guo people bragging about their great country feelings.

However, it is Pangu Technology that puts forward this treatment plan and puts it into practice. It is Pangu Technology that has never said it can be done without any discount.

In addition, the core computers of the Anderson Cancer Treatment Center and Mayo Clinic use smuggled Prajna chips and Pangu operating systems. Their medical analysis and experimental software are based on the Pangu ecological chain.

In the face of the powerful Pangu Technology, they chose to believe that the information released by Pangu Technology was absolutely correct.

In the Mayo Clinic, Professor Fordson, a breast expert, commented on this clinical trial of Pangu Technology in an interview with CNN. "If there is clear evidence that the Xia Guo breast cancer patient was completely cured, then this This new treatment technology is fully eligible for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, and I look forward to their evaluation report tomorrow. "

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