Xia Guo's public opinion circles have been exploded.

Xinlang: "Being on the control list of the Mi country, Warwick and Xiaomi have been going through the years. At present, Xiaomi's sales of low-end and mid-range mobile phones are nearing a halt."

Yehu.com: "Rejected, refused to refuse, Liankefa refused Xiaomi. Xiaomi's self-rescue failed. Xiaomi issued a statement more like a dying struggle."

Yihuang.com: "With one stroke, Warwick and Xiaomi faced shock death, and the low-end and mid-range phones almost collapsed across the board."

Netwing News: "Xiaomi sold a total of 2,000 mid- and low-end mobile phones last week, and Warwick sold 10,000 mid- and low-end mobile phones. In addition to the quasi-release of mobile phones, consumers are most worried about the future of Android Locked up. "

Xiaguo News Daily: Miguo's arrogant approach to Xiaguo technology companies just shows that our technology companies are on the right path, no matter when and where they are, we must maintain the ability of independent innovation! We believe that Xia Guo Technology Co., Ltd. will be able to overcome difficulties and create glory belonging to this era.

Xiaguo News Daily said that, but in fact, it can only help the two companies in spirit, which will not help.

The war in science and technology depends on who has more technology cards, not who has a thick voice.

Netizens are filled with indignation.

"Since Warwick and Xiaomi are on the list, why is it that Qualcomm is banned from exporting to Xia Guo and is treated differently? What does this mean?"

"Have you seen the history of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period? It is clear that you killed the puppets one by one, left them obedient, and eliminated the resistance."

"Fortunately, Warwick also has its own chip. The operating system can be used with Pangu Technology to talk about using Tiangong system. Xiaomi is really miserable. Even without the chip, you can use Tiangong system."

"Resolutely resist all hegemonism!"

"Ask, why don't Pangu Technology come to help Warwick and Xiaomi. Doesn't Pangu Technology have their own chips? Warwick and Xiaomi are not strategic partners of Pan Technology?"

"Answering upstairs, Pangu Technology has helped, let Warwick and Xiaomi use Tiangong system in low-end and mid-range mobile phones, and get rid of dependence on Android. As for the chip, Pangu Technology has opened two companies to use Prajna chips to produce mobile phones. But if the chip is a high-end chip, there is a cost. This time, the country is targeting two low-end and middle-end phones. "

"Don't worry about Xiaomi. Many low-end and mid-range mobile phones on the official website have been discontinued due to the chip. I'm afraid Xiaomi's sales will fall to others in January and February."

"Why doesn't Xiaomi use Warwick's Hisilicon chip?"

"Is Warwick inadequate? How can I help Xiaomi?"

On February 7, one month after the two-way ban was enforced in the country, Xiaomi's mid- and low-end mobile phones crashed across the board. The entire Xiaomi series only has two Prajna chips with small screens and Tiangong system phones for sale.

Rebus sighed at the headquarter of Yanjing. A few years ago, Xiaomi also had ambitions and hoped to be listed in the rice country, where it is expected to be today.

Shenzhen City, Warwick Headquarters.

Yu Zhendong's life was also difficult. The market in January has come out. The share of low-end and mid-range mobile phones was taken away by O, V, Apple, Samsung, etc., and Warwick's export of communications equipment to the rice market has also been suspended.

Yu Zhendong lamented: "Although Warwick had expected this day in the early years, it was not as desperate as the Congress."

"The competition in science and technology represents the competition of the National Games. Win-win cooperation is of course important, but the main theme is whether you live or die."

Rice, Washington.

The strategy experts congratulated each other on the success of the first step in the strategy of Xiaguo's science and technology company. Warwick and Xiaomi, who had never been able to succeed, had already experienced the pain.

"Have you found evidence of Pangu's infringement of intellectual property rights?"

At the meeting, a strategic expert asked.

"Not yet."

After learning this answer, the lively meeting scene fell into silence again.

"Is there any action during Pangu Technology?"


The meeting scene was silent.

The strategy experts of Miguo knew that their opponents this time were not the original Stars, not Warwick, who had been entangled with each other, but the technology giant, Pangu Technology, which independently innovated all technologies.

Even if it suppressed Warwick and Xiaomi, it didn't seem to hurt Pangu Technology, and Pangu Technology kept silent, which is the most terrible thing.

Inside Pangu Technology, a high-level meeting is being held.

Xu Limin said: "I didn't expect Xiaomi to be very stiff, and I wouldn't bow my head."

Qian Yi said: "Consumers have no way to help Xiaomi. Mid-to-low-end mobile phones are almost off the shelves. Some people will simply buy ten Xiaomi charging treasures."

This is not a joke, but the simplest Xia Guo consumer's biggest support for technology companies.

Lin Li said: "The plan has come out, look at it."

Lin Li handed the final plan to Xiao Ming and posted it on the big screen.

First, Tiangong system will be free for use by major enterprises; second, Lin Li's team and Xu Limin's team will centralize all chip production lines in a cost-saving manner and mass produce S1 chips.

In general, if the S1 chip is a weakened version of the ordinary chip, although it cannot fully utilize the capabilities of the man-machine exchange assistant Xiaochu, it can free Xiaomi and other manufacturers from relying on Qualcomm and MediaTek, and the price and cost of the chip can also let manufacturers Accepted for low-end and mid-range phones.

Lin Li gave the output and said: "We will temporarily suspend the production of Prajna chips, and all production lines will focus on the full production of Prajna S1. It is estimated that the monthly production will be 150,000!"

"150,000 pcs ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ can temporarily meet the production of Xiaomi and Warwick's mid- and low-end mobile phones."

Xiao Ming nodded and said, "I want to add two points.

In the future, if the S1 chip will be publicly available to the world, whether it is Xia Guo or foreign companies, important and willing to use can be purchased, we will guarantee the output of the chip. "

Xiao Ming said: "One more thing, all terminal application companies in the Pangu technology ecosystem will face a choice of two. If they develop Android or IOS versions of the program, they will not be allowed to participate in the construction of Pangu technology."

Lin Li opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something. Xiao Ming shook his finger and said, "Choose one of two, this is a required question, not an optional one! They are willing to build the Pangu ecosystem, we welcome it. If they want Pangu, Android, IOS It ’s bad for business if it ’s all rain and dew! ”

Xiao Ming said: "The terminal application companies I am talking about include all companies including Penguin and overseas application companies. Now that it has reached the point where it is today, Pangu Technology has only one attitude."

"Android will die, IOS will die."

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